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必修一 练习题 11.docx

1、必修一 练习题 11课后强化演练Unit 1 Part Warming Up, Prereading,Reading & Comprehending.单词拼写1The farmer wored on the farm from dawn (黎明) till d_.答案:dusk2The mother tried to c_ down her angry son.答案:calm3Never tell him a secret, because hes got a l_ tongue.答案:loose4The bad news he gave us really u_all of us.答案:up

2、set5Children should spend more time taking exercise o_ and less time watching TV at home.答案:outdoors6He i_ the doctors advice and goes on smoking.答案:ignores7Life is made up of a s_ of choices when you choose a different choice, you will have a different way.答案:series8All the people are c_ about the

3、growth of younger generation.答案:concerned9After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e_.答案:entirely10People often see lightning before t_ in the stormy evening.答案:thunder.短语填空add up, calm down, have got to, be concerned about, go through, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order

4、to, face to face1.He wanted to _ all these important thoughts in his diary.答案:set down2Rowling has written _ books about Harry Potter.答案:a series of3I upset my drink _I needed an excuse to leave the room.答案:on purpose4If you have any problems, youd better talk with him_.答案:face to face5Their sister

5、is in hospital and they _ her very much.答案:are concerned about6_ catch the first train, he got up very early this morning.答案:In order to7The country has _ too many wars.答案:gone through8The nurse tried her best to _ the crying baby.答案:calm down9He wrote down the weight of each stone and then _ all th

6、e weights.答案:added up10If you cant finish the work today, you may _ work on the weekend.答案:have got to.单项填空1Study hard _ youll get good mark next examination.Abut BandCor Dso解析:题意:如果努力学习,你将在下次的考试中取得好的成绩。“祈使句and简单句”相当于含有if引导的状语从句的复合句,故B项符合题意。答案:B2I didnt manage to do it _ you had explained how.Auntil

7、 BunlessCwhen Dafter解析:题意:直到你解释如何做后我才能做好。not . until .意为“直到才”,符合题意。答案:A3Ill never get all this work _, no matter how hard I try on it.Afinished Bto finishCfinish Dfinishing解析:题意:这么多的工作,我无论怎么努力也完不成。get sth. done“使某事被”,因为句中this work与动词finish构成被动关系,故应选用过去分词。答案:A4Because he was seen smoking at work and

8、was fired by the company, he was _ about it.Aworried BgladCupset Dnervous解析:题意:因上班时抽烟被发现而被公司开除,为此他心烦意乱。upset“(由于某事发生而)心烦意乱”,符合题意。worried“担忧的”;glad“高兴的;乐意的”;nervous“紧张不安的”。答案:C5Jim is always saying Im ugly, Mom.Just _ him. You are the most beautiful in my eyes.Aignore BleaveCrefuse Dmiss解析:题意:“吉姆总是说我

9、丑,妈妈。”“别理睬他。在我眼中你是最美丽的。”ignore“不理睬;忽视”,符合题意。leave“让保持某种状态”;refuse“拒绝”;miss“错过”。答案:A6In time of great danger, its important to keep _.Aquiet BcalmCstill Dsilent解析:题意:在极度危险之际,重要的是保持镇静。calm“平静的;镇静的;沉着的”,符合题意。quiet“安静的”;still“静止的,不动的”;silent“寂静的;沉默的”。答案:B7His parents will be _ him if he doesnt come home

10、 as usual.Aconcerned about Binterested inCtired of Dused to解析:题意:如果他没有像平时一样回家,他的父母就会为他担心。be concerned about“为担心;挂念”,符合题意。be interested in“对感兴趣”;be tired of“对厌倦”;be used to“习惯于”。答案:A8Can you tell me the name of the boy for _ youve bought the Ipad?Awhich BwhomCwhose Dwho解析:题意:你能告诉我你给他买Ipad的那个男孩的名字吗?wh

11、om引导定语从句,并在从句中作介词for的宾语,符合题意。which不指人;who不能作for的宾语;whose“谁的”。答案:B9The police asked her to _ the facts just as she remembered them.Aset up Bset offCset out Dset down解析:题意:警察要求她根据记忆把事实写下来。set down“记下;登记”,符合题意。set up“开设;竖起”;set off“动身;出发”;set out (to do)“出发;着手做”。答案:D10Thinking _ you know _ in fact you

12、dont know is a terrible mistake.Athat; that Bwhat; whatCthat; what Dwhat; that解析:题意:不懂装懂是个很严重的错误。第一个空是由that引导的宾语从句,作think的宾语;第二个空是由what引导的宾语从句,what在从句中作第二个know的宾语。答案:C11_ get a better score, Li Lei has been studying hard all day.ASo as to BIn order toCSo that DIn order that解析:题意:为了取得更好的成绩,李雷一直努力学习。i

13、n order to“为了”,符合题意。so as to“为了”,不能置于句首;so that和in order that都有“为了”的意思,但其后应该跟从句。答案:B12The old couple like going out for a walk _ dusk.Aat BforCin Dwith解析:题意:这对老夫妇喜欢在黄昏时出去散步。at dusk “在黄昏时”,为固定搭配,符合题意。答案:A13Do you know our city at all?No, it is the first time that I _ here.Awas Bam comingCcame Dhave c

14、ome解析:题意:“你了解我们的城市吗?”“不了解,这是我第一次来这里。”it is the first time that .结构中的从句部分要用现在完成时态,故D项符合题意。答案:D14They had a wonderful party last Saturday. First, they danced _ and then they had a _ talk.Aface to face; face to faceBface to face; facetofaceCfacetoface; facetofaceDfacetoface; face to face解析:题意:上周六他们举行了一

15、个别开生面的晚会。首先他们面对面地跳舞,然后,他们进行了面对面的交谈。face to face“面对面地”,相当于副词;facetoface“面对面的”,形容词,只能修饰名词,不能修饰动词。答案:B15All my pockets have been _, but I cant find my keys.Agot through Bgiven outCgone through Dgone down解析:句意为:我仔细找了所有的口袋,但还是找不到我的钥匙。get through“完成,通过;接通”;give out“分发;用完,发出”;go down“倒下,下沉,(物价)下跌”;go throu

16、gh“仔细检查”。答案:C16Two _ of textbooks will have been tried out in these two cities in the next three years.Aseries BpiecesCcopy Dset解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:在未来的三年,两套教科书将在这两个城市进行试行。“两套”应用two series of, series单复数同形,故B错误,C、D两项应为复数形式。答案:A17Have you finished your experiment report, Jane?Oh, my God, Ive _ forgotten all

17、 about that.Astrongly BextremelyCentirely Dfreely解析:句意为:珍妮,你完成实验报告了吗?噢,天哪!我完全把这回事给忘了。strongly强烈地;extremely极端地;entirely完全地;freely自由地,任意地。答案:C18You are always full of _. Can you tell me the secret?Taking plenty of exercise every day.Apower BstrengthCforce Denergy解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意为:你总是精力充沛,能告诉我秘诀吗?每天进行大量的

18、锻炼。A项“权力,势力;能力”;B项“力量,力气”;C项“武力,暴力”;D项“精力,活力;能量”。be full of energy“精力充沛”。答案:D19My brother doesnt have to be made _. He always works hard.Alearn BlearnedCto learn Dlearning解析:句意为:我哥哥不需要被督促学习,他一直学习很刻苦。make sb. do sth.使某人做某事,在被动语态中不定式要加上to。答案:C20When we got there we couldnt find Mr.Yang in his office b

19、ecause he _ worked there.Anot now Bno moreCnot still Dno longer解析:本题重点考查了no longer与no more的区别。由句中的worked可知应用no longer。答案:D.完形填空The friendship between us lasts forever. Mary Allen was my best friend 1 a sister. We did 2 together, piano lessons, movies, swimming, horseback riding, and 3 . When I was 1

20、3, my family moved.Mary and I kept in 4 through letters, and we saw 5 on special occasionslike my wedding and 6 . Soon we were busy 7 children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less 8 . One day a card that I 9 came back stamped “Address Unknown”. I had no 10 how to find Mary. Over the years, I t

21、hought of Mary often. I wanted to 11 stories of my children and then grandchildren. I needed to share my sorrow when my brother and then my mother died.There was an 12 place in my heart that only a friend like Mary 13 fill.One day I was reading a newspaper 14 I noticed a picture of a young woman 15

22、looked a lot like Mary and whose last name was WagmanMarys married name. “There must be thousands of Wagmans,” I thought, but I wrote to her 16 .She called as soon as she got my letter. “Mrs Tobin!” she said 17 , “Mary Allen Wagmans is my mother.” Minutes later I heard a voice that I 18 at once, eve

23、n after 40 years. We laughed and cried and asked about each others lives.Now the empty place in my heart is 19 , and theres one thing that Mary and I know 20 : we wont lose each other again! Bso Cnamely Dlike解析:Mary Allen是我最好的朋友,就“像”是我的姐妹。like“像”;as“作为”。答案:D2A.everything Bnothing Cnowhere Dever

24、ywhere解析:做“任何事”我们都在一起。答案:A3A.such Bmuch Cso on Dmany解析:and so on“诸如此类,等等”,表示列举。答案:C 4.A.secret Btouch Cfriend Dpace解析:我们通过书信联系。keep in touch“保持联系”。答案:B 5.A.other Bothers Canother Deach other解析:在一些特殊场合,我们会“相互见面”。each other“相互”。答案:D 6.A.Marys Bhis CMary Dtheir解析:像我的婚礼和“她的”婚礼。此处横线后省略了wedding,所以填Marys,与

25、前面的my对等。答案:A7.A.for Bin Cat Dwith解析:很快,我们“忙于”照顾小孩,搬了新家,联系“越来越少了”。be busy with . “忙于”。答案:D8.A.often Bpossibly Cprobably Dhardly解析:less often“不经常”。答案:A9.A.gave Btook Csent Dmissed解析:一天,我“发出”的卡片被退回。答案:C10.A.doubt Bidea Cquestion Dwonder解析:我“不知道”怎么找她。have no idea“不知道”。答案 Bshare Cfind Ddiscove

26、r解析:我想和她“分享”我的孩子的故事。share“分享,共享”。答案:B12.A.eager Bequal Cempty Denough解析:我的心中有处“空间”,需要Mary这样的朋友“才能”填满。由后面的fill可知,此处是empty“空的”。此处也与后文相照应。答案:C13.A.could Bcan Cwill Dmust解析:见上题解释。答案:A14.A.while Bsince Conce Dwhen解析:一天,我正在读报“这时”我看到了一副年轻妇女的照片。was doing . when .“正在这时”。答案:D15.A.whom Bwho Cwhich Dwhose解析:这名妇

27、女看上去很像Mary。who在此引导定语从句,指代woman。答案:B16.A.anyway Bhowever Cmeanwhile Dtherefore解析:我想可能有成千上万个Wagman,但“不管怎样”我还是给她写了信。anyway“不管怎样”。答案:A17.A.disappointedly Brudely Cexcitedly Dcoldly解析:多年失去联系的好友再次联系当然是“激动地”。答案:C 18.A.realized Baccepted Creceived Drecognized解析:recognize“认出,听出”。我立刻“听出”了她的声音。答案:D19.A.cleared

28、 Bfilled Cfixed Dremoved解析:此处与13空后的fill照应。fill“填充,塞满”。答案:B20.A.for sure Bon purpose Cby chance Din a way解析:我们两人“确信”我们再也不会失去联系了。for sure“确信地”,on purpose“故意地”;by chance“偶然地”;in a way“在某种程度上”。答案:A.阅读理解Have you ever heard of the saying “If_you_want_a_friend,_be_one”?Here is how one newcomer made friends

29、 with the girls and boys in her class on the first day of school. As the bell rang, the newcomer smiled at each girl and boy. Then she said in a quiet voice, “Good morning. How nice it is to have all of you in my class this year. Id like to know each of you. Im sure we will enjoy working together. ” Everyone felt that she meant what she said because of her sweet voice and her friendly look.She told the girls and boys her name

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