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1、学年高一英语上学期阶段测试试题一新人教版新版2019学年上学期阶段测试(一)高一英语试卷考试时间 120分钟 试卷满分 150分 第卷(共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10钞钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。:1. What does the woman get from the man? A. A book. B. Some flowers. C. Some photos.2. Wh

2、at do we know about the Caribbean Star?A. It has three tennis courts(网球场). B. It has a basketball court. C. People can go swimming on the ship.3. What is the woman doing?A. Having breakfast. B. Reading a magazine. C. Sweeping(打扫) the floor.4. How is the man probably feeling now? A.Tired. B. Sorry. C

3、. Worried.5. What did the woman do on Sunday morning?A. She went hiking. B. She saw a movie. C. She visited a relative(亲戚).第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. How does the bo

4、y go to school every day?A. By bus. B. By bicycle. C. On foot.7. What is the reason that the girl doesnt go to school by school?A. She is worried about her safety due to(因为)heavy traffic(交通).B. She doesnt have a bike.C. She doesnt like to ride a bike.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What does the woman want to do

5、tonight? A. Go out to dinner. B. Go to the movies. C. Stay at home.9.Who will the woman ask to watch the kids?A. Liz. B. Betsy. C. Her mother.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What is the woman s latest hobby?A. Skating(滑冰). B. Running. C. Swimming.11.Who makes the woman start this hobby?A. Her brother. B. Her m

6、other. C. Her friend.12. How often does the man go swimming?A. Once every weekend. B. Several times a month. C Twice every week.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What do we know about Jeff?A. He works in a telephone company. B. Hes an expert(专家) at computers. C. Hes in a foreign country.14. What is Skype?A. Its

7、a substance(物品) for cleaning toilets.B. Its a machine for summing up(计算) phone bills.C. Its a computer programme for making phone calls.15. Why does the woman think instant message services frustrating(令人沮丧的)?A. They re expensive. B. Jeff is a slow typist. C. They re nothing different from phones.16

8、. What does the woman think of Skype?A. Its unbelievably good. B. Its difficult to use. C. Its inconvenient.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. How does the speaker always deal with stress? A. She does a lot of exercise. B. She talks a lot with her parents. C. She writes down the cause for the stress.18. What ben

9、efit does the speaker get from exercising?A. Good sleep. B. Health. C. Happiness.19. What does the speaker think of overeating cookies?A. It helps people relieve(减轻) stress.B. It does harm to peoples health.C. It makes people feel more depressed(沮丧的).20. What does the speaker do to make herself cry

10、?A. She listens to sorrowful(悲伤的) music. B. She sits for a half day alone. C. She thinks of unhappy things.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A Bullets(子弹) to Bandages: Life Inside the Israel Defense Forces Mark Terris, M.D $34.99 hardcover| $23.99 softcove

11、r | $3.99 e-book The book explores the daily life inside the Israel Defense Forces. These are true stories that center on the experiences of four Israeli soldiers(士兵) and provide readers with a personal view of life in the Israeli army, the meaning of friendships and the soldiers coming-of-ageThe On

12、e Who Shows the Way: Evolving Humanity From Psycho-logical To Psycho-spiritual LivingBilly Grant$39.92 hardcover | $23.28 softcover | $4.99 e-bookThis book tells my 12-year journey through midlife crisis(危机). Seen as a microcosm(缩影)of what is going on in religion, society

13、 and humanity. It shows what we need to do to develop.” -Bill GrantBless(祝福) Your Little Cotton Socks: Beyond the Quirky Saying of My Eccentric Scottish MumDiane$27.99 hardcover | $16.95 softcover | $9.99 e-bookIn this delightful essay(散文) collection, readers enter the pleasant

14、 world of Diane Radford s parents and share in laugh-out-loud-funny, at times moving, events that show how Diane is altogether blessed-not just her cotton socks. The readers will be too.Ni a CubetadasAngelica GonzalezS26.99 hardcover| $19.99 softcover | $3.99 e-bookNi a Cubetadas is the second book

15、of Lorenzas amazing adventures. This book guides readers through several extreme and funny situations to deal with the boring bath time. This story promotes environment preservation and animal welfare.21 Who wrote stories about the life of Israeli soldiers?A. Angelica Gonzalez. B. Mark Terris, MD. C

16、. Diane Radford. D. Billy Grant.22. How much should you pay for a hardcover book describing middle-aged stress?A. $39.92 B. $34.99 C. $27.99 D.$26.9923. Which of the following books contains some interesting essays?A. Ni a Cubetadas B. Bullets to BandagesC. The One Who Shows the Way D. Bless Your Li

17、ttle Cotton SocksBA new study shows that having depression may nearly double your risk of developing dementia(痴呆) later in life. For the study, researchers examined research data on 949 people with an average age of 79 from the Framingham Heart Study. At the start of the study, participants(参与者) wer

18、e free of dementia and were tested for depressive(沮丧的) symptoms based on questions about general depression, sleep complaints, social relationships and other factors. A total of 125 people, or 13 percent, were classified as having depression at the start of the study.The participants were followed f

19、or up to 17 years. At the end of the study, 164 people had developed dementia with 136 specifically diagnosed(诊断) with Alzheimer s disease. Nearly 22 percent of people who were depressed at the start of the study developed dementia compared to about 17 percent of those who were not depressed. The 10

20、-year absolute risk for dementia was 0.21 in people without depressive symptoms and 0.34 in people with depressive symptoms. The results were the same regardless of a person s age, sex, education and whether they had the APOE gene(基因) that increases a persons risk of Alzheimers disease.“ While its u

21、nclear if depression causes dementia, there are a number of ways depression might have an effect on the risk of dementia. ”said study author Jane Saczynski. “Inflammation(炎症)of brain tissue that occurs when a person is depressed might contribute to dementia. Certain proteins found in the brain that

22、increase with depression may also increase the risk of developing dementia. In addition, several lifestyle factors related to long-term depression, such as diet and the amount of exercise and social time a person engages in, could also affect whether they develop dementia.” Saczynski hopes the study

23、, which is one of the largest and longest population based studies to date, helps clear up confusion over earlier studies that reported inconsistent(不一致的,矛盾的)results about the link between depression and dementia.24. According to the passage, Alzheimers disease .A. is related to a persons age, sex a

24、nd educationB. is the most common form of dementiaC. has nothing to do with the APOE geneD. takes 17 years to develop25. In Paragraph 3, how many ways are mentioned that depression might affect the risk of dementia?A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.26. Whats Saczynskis purpose in researching dementia and depre

25、ssion?A. To ask people to deal with depression seriously.B. To draw peoples attention to the unsolved problem.C. To explain her long process of doing the researchD. To clarify(澄清) the confusion(迷惑)over earlier research results27. The author develops the passage mainly by_. A. analyzing the research

26、data and its causes B. comparing opinions of different researchersC. presenting a cause and analyzing its effectsD. putting forward his personal opinionsC Emily Crabtrees clock woke her earlier every day. But the 10-year-old from Washougal, Washington didnt mind. She knew she would have to get up ea

27、rly every morning to care for her new pet. Emily would soon have her very own small donkey(驴) she named Clover.“ I didnt want an animal that was too small, like a pony(矮种马). And I didn t want one thats too big, like a horse. So I decided a donkey would be the best. When I met Clover, everything just

28、 fit!”Clover was a wild donkey who was being trained to live as a pet through a program called: the Platero Project. Clover was learning to be comfortable around people, led by a piece of rope, and have her hooves(蹄) taken care of.While Clover was busy learning, Emily was preparing for the donkeys a

29、rrival. A neighbor agreed to let Emily use his old, unused barn(马厩). But there was just one problem. The barn looked like it had never been cleaned. The rubbish was about two feet high,“ Emily says. ”You couldnt even open the door! “Armed with tools, Emily and her best friend spent weeks cleaning ou

30、t the barn. “Its really a nice barn now,“ says Emily s mom.Clover seems to agree. She now shares it with two sheep she loves to run after. Sometimes Emily sits in the barn and reads or sings to the donkey. Clover puts her whole head in your arms, closes her eyes and just stands there. like you re ro

31、cking a baby,” Emily s mom says.“ Shes really got us wrapped(环抱) around her big old, long ears.”28. Why did Emily choose Clover as her pet?A. She is clever. B. She runs wild.C. She looks healthy. D. She is middle-sized.29. What can we learn about Clover?A. She is a lovely horse B. She needed to be t

32、rained firstC. She was born to be a good pet D. She will be kept by the Platero Project30. How does Clover look at her new home?A. Nervously. B. Amazedly. C. Pleasantly. D. Uninterestedly31. Which of the following words can best describe Emily?A. Smart and active. B. Patient and braveC. Kind and thoughtful D. Cute and knowledgeable

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