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1、英语介词透析英语介词英语介词虽是小词,数量也不多,但它灵活多变,随处可见,功能强大而且难于掌握。在现代英语中,介词的地位非常重要。我们切不可小看这个小角色,不可忽视它的作用。如果你能在英语介词上下一番功夫,那么你的英语水平会有一个飞跃的提高。1、介词的分类与语法功能介词分类(1)按结构可分为:简单介词,如at、in、for等;(约有70个)合成介词,如within、inside、onto、througout等;双重介词,如from behind/above/under、until after等;短语介词,如according to、out of、because of、by means of、i

2、n spite of等; (约有500个)分词介词,如considering、including、judging(from / by)、following、speaking等.(约15个)(2)按意义可分为:时间介词,如:at, on, in, during, over, from, for, until等。地点介词,如:at, on, in, to,across, over, between, inside, outside等。其它介词,如:by, with, about, except, instead of, due to, apart from等。介词短语介词是虚词(从不独立行动的精灵

3、),不能单独作句子成分,必须与名词、代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句等)构成介词短语,在句中充当一个成分。常用的五种介词短语:介词+名词:at the door, into the bag;介词+代词: for me, of others;介词+动名词: in doing so, to my saying that;介词+连接副词/连接代词/what从句: over what he had better do;介词+连接副词/连接代词+不定式:on how to do this;其他类型的介词短语介词+介词短语:from across the street, until after d

4、inner介词+副词:from below介词+复合结构:with the light on介词+不定式:did nothing but watch TV/ had no choice except to lie down to sleep常见的介词宾语:名词、代词、动名词、从句、不定式等。如:It is going to rain this afternoon according to the weather forecast.He quarrelled with her yesterday.He succeeded in passing the final exam.Im still th

5、inking of how I can fulfil the task ahead of time.The professor will give us a talk on how to study English well.介词短语在句中可作表语、定语、状语和宾补等。如:This machine is in good condition.(表语)Where is the key to my bike?(定语)Nothing in the world could live without air or water.(状语)She always thinks herself above othe

6、rs.(宾补)介词是短语动词中的关键角色,其结构有: v.+ prep.: agree with/to/on/in, answer for, ask for, come across, go after, live on, run into, head for, look for/after/at 等。 v.+ adv. + prep.: come up to, go in for, run out of, do away with, keep up with, make up for, put up with等。介词短语的词性:(1)介词短语的词性-形容词 常用于做定语的介词短语的介词: o

7、f: a child of six with: a man with a suitcase in: a girl in red to: the key to the door for: a war for money about: an agreement about trade 常用于做表语的介词短语的介词: at: She was at a loss.beyond:The road is beyond the Hes still in danger.of: Its of no value.on: He is on guard.out of: Im out of job.u

8、nder: Hes under forty. 用于做宾语补足语: I saw George at work. A cold kept him in bed for 7 days.(2) 介词短语的词性副词 做状语,主要用于修饰谓语: He has been here since Monday. Bake it for two hours! 用于be+adj.结构: She is afraid of snakes. Im sorry about that. 修饰非谓语动词: I asked to speak to the headmaster. Thank you for doing this

9、for me.2、介词搭配介词搭配类型:(1)“动词+介词”搭配(注意特定搭配与同一介词与多个动词搭配意义不同的情况):rob sb. of sth. / clear the road of snow(“夺去、除去”意义的动词与of连用)supply us with food / fill the glass with wine(“供给”意义的动词与with连用)make a desk of wood / make bread from flour / make the material into a coat (“制作、制造” 意义与of、from、into连用)同一动词与不同介词搭配意义不

10、同。介词+ the +部位与动词的关系(=动词+ sb.s +部位,可换用) strike him on the head(“击,拍,碰,摸”意义与on连用) catch him by the arm(“抓,拉,拿,扯”意义与by连用) hit the boy in the face(“肚,胸,眼,脸”等人体前部与in连用)prevent(stop, keep)sb. from doing sth.(“阻止,禁止”意义与from连用)persuade(advise, warn)sb. into doing sth.(“说服,建议”意义与into连用)buy sb. for sth.(leave

11、、get、win、gain、lose等“得失”意义与for连用)tell sb.(show、teach、sing、write、read等“告知”意义与to连用)give sth. to sb.(give、allow、promise、pass、hand等“授予”意义与to连用) 注意:可换成buy sb.sth.双宾结构。say sth. to sb.(suggest、explain、apologize、murmur、whisper与“对象”连用必须用to,不可说suggest sb.sth.。) 同一介词与不同动词搭配,意义各异:reply to the letter回信,sin

12、g(dance) to the music和唱(跳),amount to达到,加起来有,devote to把贡献给,drink to为干杯,object to反对,look forward to渴望,come to苏醒,belong to属于,turn to求助(救)于,help oneself to随意,agree to同意,compareto把比作;search for搜,askfor 寻找,usefor用作,leave for前往,takefor误以为,call for倡导,wait for等待,care for喜欢,make up for弥补损失, send for派人去请(拿),sa

13、il for驶向,航向,set out for动身去,go in for爱好。(2)常见“形容词+介词”搭配。worthy of值得的,glad about sth. for sb.为某人某事高兴,far from离远,grateful for sth. to sb.为某事感激某人,free from没有(免除),proud of(take pride in)自豪,satisfied with (by)满意,sure of / about确信,fond of喜欢,fit for适合,busy with sth.(in doing sth.)忙着干某事,full of充满,ready for准备

14、,similar to相似,wrong with不对;有毛病(3)“名词+介词”要注意习惯搭配和意义区分。基本介词搭配: 介词to的常见用法动词+to (a)动词+ to adjust to适应, attend to处理/照料, agree to赞同, amount to加起来达,belong to属于, come to达到, drink to为干杯,get to到达, happen to发生在某人身上, hold to紧握, lead to通向, listen to听, occur to想起, object to反对, point to指向, respond to回答, refer to参考

15、/指的是/涉及, reply to回答, see to负责, stick to坚持, turn to求助, write to给某人写信。 (b)动词(+sth.)+to+sb. announce to通知某人, describe to向某人描述, explain to向某人解释, express to对某人表达, mention to提及, nod to向某人点头, report to报告, say to告知, shout to对某人大叫, suggest to对某人提建议, speak to与某人交谈, talk to跟某人谈话, whisper to和某人低声耳语。 (c)动词+sth./sb.+ to +sth./sb

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