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1、世界的奥运世界的奥运When Im sitting in the Multi-faith Centre at the Athletes Village I can look around at the diverse representation of humanity I am with. We are men and women, younger and older from almost every continent. Some are very fit world class athletes and others of us, me included, are slightly o

2、ver-weight middle-aged has-beens. Some believe in God as one distinct person, others believe in multiple deities, while others consider divinity to be experienced within us all. In this context I have the honour of serving Canadian athletes and team officials as well as the broader Village community

3、. They are real people, many of whom are youth and young adults, addressing real life. Life doesnt take a holiday just because you are at the Olympics. Injuries, disappointment, relational issues and bereavement are all part of the mix over these 17 days. I had the sobering privilege, in a previous

4、Games, to be invited into a grieving athletes life as they wrestled with the decision of whether to stay and compete or to go home after their fathers sudden death. As they were in a pairs competition, it also affected the competitive opportunity for their partner. Having this memory of supporting t

5、hese two athletes through their entire competition is a meaningful reminder even today of why I do what I do. These real life challenges are no respecter of ones faith community or ethnicity. As a chaplain serving a diverse Olympic team I am deeply committed to honouring and showing respect to each

6、persons choices regarding their journey of faith. Within a multi-faith environment I seek to serve others and to learn about the meaning of their faith to their daily life. Here in London my friends in the Faith Centre have helped me grow in my knowledge and appreciation of everything from Ramadan t

7、o kosher food. You never stop learning.And yet I am convinced that knowing rootedness in my own faith life is critical to my ability to serve effectively in the Village. As a follower of Christ in the Faith Centre and in my daily life I have an obligation to be an authentic, consistent representativ

8、e of him. But the second conviction does not dilute the strength of the first. In fact I am honestly convinced that if all believers shared these two commitments, to show genuine honour and service of persons of other faiths and to live as authentic representatives of their own faith that the qualit

9、y of life locally and globally would be radically altered for the good. It is crucial that within our individual contexts we learn to do the hard work of engaging our diversity with both respect for others and a passionate commitment to who we are.我坐在运动员村的宗教多元中心,环顾四周,看见了形形色色、各具代表的人。这里有男女老少、各种各样的运动员,



12、务于其他宗教的信仰者们,真正地作为自己的信仰代表而活着,那么全球各地的生活质量将会极大地提高。对于个人而言,我们每个人都要学会在尊重他人,尊重对我们热心奉献的人的同时,把自己多样性的一面融入其中。这项工作任重而道远,而且至关重要。 一人饰演地球村内多个角色 because they cant accumulate enough patients to generate the research, to find new breakthroughs, and get them to patients.因为他们没有足够的患者去开展临床研究,找到新的突破口,并且为患者提供出治疗方案。But now

13、thanks to the work of the Presidential Innovation Fellows但现在多亏了总统创新团队的工作some of the top technology minds who left Silicon Valley to work at the White House - you can now go to Trials.Cancer.Gov,一些顶级技术大拿离开硅谷,来到白宫工作-任何人可以访问Trials.Cancer.Gov,type in real words like breast cancer, a zip code, your age,输

14、入实际的单词,比如乳腺癌,邮编或者年龄,and you can more easily be able to find a list of all the clinical trials that are being conducted in your area to become part of them.就能很方便地找到附近的正在实施的临床研究项目列表,并加入进去。And another thing thats happening that didnt happen before is that the private sector is also reimagining what it

15、can do and what it should do.另一个当下正在但之前没有发生的事情是,私营部门也在重新规划能做和应该做的事情。In just the last few months, more than 70 new public-private sector commitments have been made by companies like Microsoft and Amazon.就在过去的几个月里,70多个新的公共和私营部门,比如像微软和亚马逊这样的企业,做出承诺。IBM, for example, IBM came to us and offered their sup

16、ercomputer Watson,拿IBM来说,他们来到我们中间,提供了超级计算机沃森,to partner with the Department of Defense, and the largest hospital in the world VA.与国防部和世界上最大的退伍军人医院合作。中国正在强暴美国On this episode of China Uncensored, Donald Trump blames China. Again.本集中国解密:唐纳川普再次怪罪中国。Hi, welcome to China Uncensored. Im your host Chris Cha

17、ppell.你好,欢迎收看中国解密。我是主持人 Chris Chappell。Presidential candidate Donald Trump is no stranger to controversy, whether its making sexual innuendos about other politicians or saying China is raping the United States.总统候选人唐纳川普向来饱受争议,不论是他影射其他政治人物的性事或是声称中国正在强暴美国。We cant continue to allow China to rape our co

18、untry, and thats what theyre doing.“我们不能再让中国“强暴”我们的国家了,他们就是在做这样的事情。”And whos to blame? The victim of course!那这要怪谁呢?当然是受害者啊!“Chinas great. No problem.中国很强,这毫无疑义。Im not angry with China Im angry at our leaders, because they are grossly incompetent and they shouldnt have ever been elected to do this jo

19、b.”我气的不是中国,我气的是我们的领导人,因为他们实在太平庸无能而且他们不该获选来做这些职位。Now if youre like me, your reaction to this was probably the same as your reaction to, really, this entire election cycle如果你跟我一样,你对这席话的反应也许就跟你对这次总统大选一样。“Jane, stop this crazy thing! Jane!”“珍,快停掉这疯狂的机器!珍!”Sorry George, theres no stopping this crazy, out

20、-of-control ride.乔治,抱歉啦!我也无法阻止这疯狂又失控的机器。So is Trump correct that China is raping the United States?那么川普说中国正在“强暴”美国到底对不对呢?Well, some are pointing out that perhaps Trump is being a tad insensitive in his use of descriptors.有些人指出,也许川普的用字遣词是有点粗鲁。But the United States does have a huge trade deficit with

21、China.但美国对中国的确有巨额的贸易赤字。川普与中国.jpgIn 2015, the US bought $480 billion worth of Chinese goods.2015 年,美国向中国买进了价值4800亿美元的财货。Thats about one-fifth of all US imports.这相当于全美五分之一的进口量。But the US only sold about $115 billion of goods to China last year.但去年美国只卖给中国大约1150亿美元的财货。And that marked the biggest annual

22、trade deficit with China eOn this episode of China Uncensored, Donald Trump blames China. Again.本集中国解密:唐纳川普再次怪罪中国。Hi, welcome to China Uncensored. Im your host Chris Chappell.你好,欢迎收看中国解密。我是主持人 Chris Chappell。Presidential candidate Donald Trump is no stranger to controversy, whether its making sexual

23、 innuendos about other politicians or saying China is raping the United States.总统候选人唐纳川普向来饱受争议,不论是他影射其他政治人物的性事或是声称中国正在强暴美国。We cant continue to allow China to rape our country, and thats what theyre doing.“我们不能再让中国“强暴”我们的国家了,他们就是在做这样的事情。”And whos to blame? The victim of course!那这要怪谁呢?当然是受害者啊!“Chinas

24、great. No problem.中国很强,这毫无疑义。Im not angry with China Im angry at our leaders, because they are grossly incompetent and they shouldnt have ever been elected to do this job.”我气的不是中国,我气的是我们的领导人,因为他们实在太平庸无能而且他们不该获选来做这些职位。Now if youre like me, your reaction to this was probably the same as your reaction

25、to, really, this entire election cycle如果你跟我一样,你对这席话的反应也许就跟你对这次总统大选一样。“Jane, stop this crazy thing! Jane!”“珍,快停掉这疯狂的机器!珍!”Sorry George, theres no stopping this crazy, out-of-control ride.乔治,抱歉啦!我也无法阻止这疯狂又失控的机器。So is Trump correct that China is raping the United States?那么川普说中国正在“强暴”美国到底对不对呢?Well, some

26、 are pointing out that perhaps Trump is being a tad insensitive in his use of descriptors.有些人指出,也许川普的用字遣词是有点粗鲁。But the United States does have a huge trade deficit with China.但美国对中国的确有巨额的贸易赤字。=In 2015, the US bought $480 billion worth of Chinese goods.2015 年,美国向中国买进了价值4800亿美元的财货。Thats about one-fift

27、h of all US imports.这相当于全美五分之一的进口量。But the US only sold about $115 billion of goods to China last year.但去年美国只卖给中国大约1150亿美元的财货。And that marked the biggest annual trade deficit with China ever.In this American English pronunciation video, youre going to come on vacation with me and my family, where we

28、 play games, water ski, and go to the beach. Well also study some American English pronunciation by taking a look at various reductions, and linking consonant to vowel.This is my uncle FrankHey!Uncle Frank brings his boat every year so that we can try skiing.Did you notice the reductions of the word

29、 that and can? These two function words will often reduce. That becomes thut, with either a flap or a stop T, depending on the next sound. And can, when not the main verb in the sentence, becomes kn, kn. So that we can. So that we can. So that we can try skiing. Try and skiing, the two content words

30、 in this sentence, are clearly much longer than so that we can. These four function words are low in pitch and very fast. Listen again.So that we can try skiing.Sure appreciate that uncle Frank.Well, Im glad to bring it.Glad to bring it. Here, Frank reduced the word to to the flap T and the schwa so

31、und: de, de, de, glad de, Glad to bring it. Listen again.Well, Im glad to bring it. This boat is 17 years old, and I was beginning to wonder earlier in the week if I was going to bring it back again.Here Frank reduced the phrase going to to gonna.A very common reduction in American English. If I was

32、 going to bring it back, gonna, gonna. If I was going to bring it back. Listen again.I was beginning to wonder earlier in the week if I was going to bring it back again, but it seems like people are still kind of interested in skiing, so.We love it.Love it. Did you hear how I connected the V sound to the word it? One of the easiest ways to link in American English pronunciation, is the case

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