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1、连云港市中考英语阅读综合练习附答案解析共16组连云港市2019中考英语阅读综合练习附答案解析(共16组)第一组.语法填空Henry Bond was about ten years old when his father died. His mother found it difficult to support a large family, but still everything _1_ (leave) in her care. By good management, she managed _2_ (send) Henry to school and supply him, for t

2、he most part, _3_ books he needed.At one time, however, Henry wanted a grammar book, and his mother couldnt afford it. He became very _4_ (worry), and went to bed with a heavy heart. On waking in the morning, he found that a deep snow had fallen, and the cold wind was blowing _5_ (fierce). Then an i

3、dea struck him.He rose and ran to the house of _6_ neighbor, offering his service to clear a path around his house. The offer was accepted. _7_ (complete) this work and received his pay, he went to another place for the same purpose, and then to another, _8_ he earned enough to buy a grammar book.Wh

4、en school began, Henry was ready to begin the lesson in his new book. From that time, Henry was always the first in all his _9_ (class). He knew no such word as “fail”, and always _10_ (succeed) in all he had tried. Having the will, he always found the way.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。Henry Bond家境贫寒,一次,在母亲没钱为他买语法书

5、的情况下,他通过自己的劳动赚钱买语法书来继续自己的学业。1was left考查动词时态和语态。根据语境可知,此处指一切都留给她打理。此处描述发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时;又因为everything与leave之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故填was left。2to send考查非谓语动词。manage to do sth.是固定用法,意为“努力完成某事,成功做某事”。故填to send。3with考查介词。此处指Henry的母亲给他提供大部分他需要的书。supply sb. with sth. to sb.“给某人提供某物”,是固定搭配。4worried考查形容词。

6、他很发愁,心情沉重地去睡觉了。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作表语,应用形容词,故填worried“担忧的,发愁的”。5fiercely考查副词。应用副词修饰谓语动词was blowing。fiercely“猛烈地”。6a考查冠词。他起床,然后跑到一户邻居家,提出要帮他在房子周围清理出一条路。neighbor在文中第一次提到,此处表示泛指,且因neighbour的发音以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a。7Having completed考查非谓语动词。完成这项工作并得到应有的报酬后,Henry为同样的目的去了另一个地方。he与complete之间存在逻辑上的主动关系,且complete的动作发生在w

7、ent之前,故用现在分词的完成式在句中作状语。8until考查状语从句。此处指直到他赚到足够的钱来买语法书。until“直到”,在此引导时间状语从句。9classes考查名词复数。从那时起,Henry在他所有的课程里都是第一名。根据句中的“all”可知此处应用名词复数形式。10succeeded考查动词时态。空处与knew在句中并列作谓语,应用一般过去时。故填succeeded。.短文改错When a student told Katie that he wanted bike but couldnt afford it, she decided to make his dream come

8、true. And she even took the whole school under consideration. At the school that she worked, a lot of students were poor. But Katie thought own their own bikes would make wonderfully memories for every child. To earn money for hundreds of new bike, Katie launched an online page, and finally raise en

9、ough money to pay for them. Katie was surprised the kids by announcing a gift over a loudspeaker at school. “Joy is the basic childhood right,” she said. “A bike is one of the top things that represents that.”答案:第一句:wanted后加a; itone第二句:underinto第三句:thatwhere第四句:第一个ownowning; wonderfullywonderful第五句:

10、bikebikes; raiseraised第六句:去掉was第八句:representsrepresent第二组.语法填空According to the UK Parliament, Big Ben, which is considered as _1_ landmark building in London, will keep silent for four years as major conservation works are carried out on the tower that houses the bell. Visitors to London may feel _2

11、_ a pity that they wont hear the chimes (钟声) in the next few years.The chimes from the bell, one of Londons most famous _3_ (attract), have kept time in the British capital for 157 years. At noon on August 21, 2017, Big Ben sounded for the last time until 2021. The repairs _4_ (assess) at around 29

12、million. Big Ben _5_ (fall) silent is a significant milestone in this _6_ (extreme) important conservation project. This important program of works will safeguard the clock _7_ a longterm basis, as well as protecting and preserving its home.Big Ben is the name of the bell inside the tower (St. Steph

13、ens Tower, renamed Elizabeth Tower in 2012), and not the building or the clock simply _8_ (know) as the Great Clock itself.The chimes were last silent in 2007 during conservation and before that from 1983 to 1985 during a period of refurbishment (翻新). Londoners, however, neednt worry _9_ Big Ben wil

14、l continue to strike for important _10_ (nation) events such as New Years Eve and Remembrance Sunday.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。大本钟是英国伦敦的地标性建筑,因要对其进行保护性修缮,自2017年8月21日起大本钟将不再敲响。但像除夕之夜和阵亡将士纪念日这种重要的全国性活动,它将仍然会为伦敦市民报时。1a考查冠词。大本钟被认为是伦敦的一个地标性建筑。此处表示泛指,故填不定冠词a。2it考查代词。去伦敦旅游的游客可能会感到遗憾,他们在之后的几年里听不到钟声了。分析句子结构可知,空处在此作形式宾语,

15、真正的宾语是后?that引导的从句。故填it。3attractions考查名词复数。大本钟的钟声是伦敦最有名的魅力之一。根据语境及句中的“one of”可知此处应填attractions。4are assessed考查动词时态和语态。此处描述客观情况,应用一般现在时;又因assess与The repairs之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。故填are assessed。5falling考查非谓语动词。fall与Big Ben之间是逻辑上的主动关系,应用现在分词作后置定语。故填falling。6extremely考查副词。空处修饰形容词important,故用副词extremely“非常”。7on考

16、查介词。basis在此意为“基准,准则,方式”,常用于“on a . basis”结构中。故填on。8known考查非谓语动词。know与the clock之间是逻辑上的被动关系,应用过去分词作后置定语。故填known。9because考查状语从句。但是伦敦人不用担心,因为大本钟会继续为像除夕之夜和阵亡将士纪念日这样重要的全国性活动报时。分析句子结构可知,空处?诖艘 荚 蜃从锎泳洌 懊媸枪 竺媸且颍 侍?because。10national考查形容词。空处修饰名词“events”,应用形容词。故填national“国家的,全国的”。.短文改错The other day I as well as

17、 my parents were eating in a restaurant when we noticed a foreigner coming in. He seats himself at a table by the window. Soon a waitress came and wanted to take her order. However, the foreigner couldnt got his needs across. Seeing this, I went up immediate to offer some helps. We communicated with

18、 simple English for a while but I later knew why the waitress couldnt understand him. The foreigner actually wanted roast Beijing duck, but he had a wrong Chinese pronunciation. Hearing my explanation, the waitress couldnt help to laughing. The foreigner himself also laughed.答案:第一句:werewas第二句:seatss

19、eated第三句:herhis第四句:gotget第五句:immediateimmediately; helpshelp第六句:within; butand第七句:roast前加a第八句:去掉to第三组.语法填空(2018重庆调研)Now, Id like to share what I _1_ (learn) through Travelling Guide a few weeks ago.Thousands of visitors each year enjoy Haleakala National Park, one of the _2_ (unusual) national parks

20、 in the United States, on the island of Maui. Ships stop at the island and buses take _3_ (group) of visitors to see the huge volcano there. Visitors also may take a walk in the rain forest _4_ (create) by the volcano thousands of years ago.The park offers visitors a sight of nature at _5_ majoritie

21、s of people never have the chance to take a look. At the top of Haleakala, _6_ (look) down inside what is the most active part of the volcano, we can see that the volcano has left thousands of different shapes of lava (熔岩) stone ever since. Hundreds of years _7_ rain and bright sun have cut long pat

22、hs in the stone. There are mainly 3 stone areas. One big area seems _8_ (be) deep and dark red. _9_ two areas seem almost yellow and green. It looks as if someone spilled (泼洒) many colors of paint over the huge areas. The lava stone areas are _10_ (color) because the lava is rich in many kinds of mi

23、nerals.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了哈雷阿卡拉国家公园。1learned/learnt考查动词时态。根据本句中的时间状语“a few weeks ago”可知,该空应用一般过去时。2most unusual考查形容词最高级。此处表示“美国最不同寻常的国家公园之一”,这里应用形容词的最高级修饰national parks,故该空填most unusual。3groups考查名词复数。根据上文中的“Thousands of visitors”可知游客很多,又因group是可数名词,这里表示“成群的游客”,故用group的复数形式。4created考查非谓语动词。分析该句结构可知,for

24、est后面的部分作定语修饰rain forest,且rain forest与动词create之间在逻辑上是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。5which考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,该句中的“The park offers visitors a sight of nature”是主句,“at _ majorities . a look”是定语从句,空处在定语从句中作at的宾语,代指a sight of nature,故填which。6looking考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,该句中第二个逗号后面的部分是主句,空处为非谓语动词作状语,look与主句的主语we之间构成逻辑上的主动关系,故此处用

25、现在分词形式。7of考查介词。of用于month, year等名词后以表示某状态或活动持续的时长。8to be 考查非谓语动词。seem to do sth.为固定用法。9Another考查代词。根据上文中的3 stone areas 和One big area可知,这里用Another。Another two areas表示“另外两个地区”。10colorful考查形容词。该空作表语,说明主语的性质、状态,故用形容词。colorful表示“色彩丰富的”。.短文改错(2018重庆调研)Will our parents check our homework? Not really. Since

26、having already growing up, we cant act like little baby and rely on our parents all the time.When I was in Grade Three, my parents asked us to check my homework by myself. I dont know what to do in that time, so I cried. After that, I got used to correct my own homework and became more independent.C

27、heck homework by ourselves is very good habit. It can not only help us find mistakes in exams more easy but also let our parents worry less about our studies. Because parents will leave us some day, so we should learn to do everything by ourselves.答案:第三句:growinggrown; babybabies第四句:usme第五句:dontdidnt

28、; inat第六句:correctcorrecting第七句:CheckChecking; very前加a第八句:easyeasily第九句:去掉so第四组.语法填空(2018郑州质检)I lost my last debate in the recent National High School Academic Debate & Speech Tournament held in Shanghai.But instead of focusing on my _1_ (fail), I stopped to reflect on my experiences in the past few

29、years _2_ a debater.In general, preparing for new debate topics usually _3_ (include) brainstorming arguments, researching a resolution (解决), and doing debate practice.So if you spot a debating group, you might see us sitting together after school, or even all day at weekends, discussing arguments a

30、nd researching evidence.You might also notice us arguing _4_ (fierce) anywhere we can.Not only are they supportive, but my debate friends also have similar passions and interests to mine. As we discuss debate topics, my fellow debaters and I can talk about anything, from _5_ best way of rehabilitati

31、ng (改造) criminals to the negative points of free immigration policies.However, our discussions are more than just a way _6_ (practice) our debating skills.In my mind, they help us to become calm and consider _7_ (win) and solving real problems as well.To me, the debating community is a great place _

32、8_ people help each other not only because theyre interested in a higher cause, but because they care about how people from different _9_ (background) can lead better lives.Im grateful to each of my debate friends and every single minute we got to spend together.Indeed, my high school life would be incomplete

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