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1、宾定状语从句的单选doc2010、2012、2013年各省状语从句、定语从句、宾语从句、并列句单项选择状语从句( )1.(河北卷) Peter likes reading a newspaper he is having breakfast. A. until B while C. because D. though( )2.(江苏盐城)Many students didnt realize the importance of study_they left school. A.when B until D.after( )3.(内江)I dont know if it_tomorr

2、ow.If it_,we wont go on a picnic. A.rains;rains B will rain;rains C.will rain;will rain( )4.(山东潍坊)You have to leave now_you can catch the early bus. . A so that soon as C.because D.if( )5.(浙江衢州) You should go over your test paper _ you hand it in . A before B. though C. because D. as soon as( )

3、6.(江苏无锡)Scientists say it may be a few years _it is possible to test the new medicine on patients. A.because B.after C before D.since( )7.(上海)We will have no water to drink _we dont protect the earth. A.until B.before C.though D if( )8.(江苏扬州)-Could we play football in your playground,Sir? -No,_you h

4、ave the principals note. A.if B unless C.because D.since( )9.(四川成都)I wont be able to understand what you say,_you speak too quickly. A.if B.though C because( )10.(浙江湖州)-Is everyone here today? -No.Tom is at home_he has got a bad cold. A because B.if C.until D.unless( )11.(山西省)In summer , food goes b

5、ad easily _ it is put in the refrigerator. A. until B. if C unless( )12.(河南省 ) its difficult to make her dream come true she never gives up. A Though B Unless C Because D If( )13.(山东莱芜市)-I hear Jack Chan will come to Laiwu next week. -Really? _ he comes, my younger sister will be very happy. A If BU

6、ntil CUnless DBefore( )14.(贵州铜仁)- May I go to the concert with you? - Im afraid not _ you have a ticket, because I have only one. A. since B. if C unless D. though( )15.(山东菏泽)Mary spends a lot of money on clothes _ her family is not rich. A. because B though C. if D. so( )16.(黑龙江鸡西)Usually, we dont

7、know how important something is we lose it. A. or B. until C. as soon as( )17.(广西定西市)She had a stomachache she ate something bad. A. so B. because C. or D. although( )18.(福建三明)Many children like fried chicken _it is unhealthy food. A.if B.because C although( )19.广西南宁Mr.Brown knew nothing about the g

8、ood news _his wife told it to him. A.before B after C.since D.if( )20.(四川达州) I dont know if Jack . If he , call me, please. A. will come; will comes B. comes; come C. comes; will come D. will come; comes ( )21.(天津)We wont start the meeting _our teacher arrives. A.though B.until C.while D.or( )22.(青海

9、宁夏)-Did you catch what the teacher said? -No. She spoke so fast _ I couldnt hear her very clearly. A. which B. that C. when D. since( )23.(沈阳) it snowed heavily yesterday, nobody in our class missed the lesson AThough BBecause CUnless DSince( )24.(江苏镇江市) A tourist will easily lose his way in Beijing

10、 _ he has a map or a guide. A. if B. because C. unless D. when( )25.(2010广东省)The teacher speaks very loudly all the students can hear her. A. so that B. because C. since D. when定语从句( )1.(河北省卷) There are lots of things I need to prepare before the trip. A. who B. that C. whom D. whose( )2.(四川自贡市)Jim

11、dislikes people _talk much but never do anything . A.who B.whom C.whose( )3.(2010年江苏南京市)-I hear Sam has gone to Qiandiao for his holiday. -Oh,how nice!Do you know when he_? A.left B.was leaving C.has left D.had left( )4.(浙江衢州)We are trying to help those children lost their parents in Yushu , Qinghai

12、 Province . A. which B. when C. who D. whose( )5.(湖南长沙)Do you know the girl _is singing in the classroom? A.who B.which C.when( )6.(吉林通化)Jim dislikes people _talk much but never do anything. A.whom B.when C.whose D.who( )7.(江苏扬州)-The volunteers are doing a great job in Yushu. -Yes.They are helping t

13、he people _are suffering from the earthquake. A.which B.what C./ D.who( )8.(四川成都)Have you found the answer to the question _I asked you this morning? A.when B.what C.that( )9.(河南省) Friends are those make you smile,always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed . A which B what C whom D

14、 who( )10.(湖北十堰市)I began to work in Shanghai in the year _HongKong was returned to China. A.that B.which C.where D.when( )11.(山东菏泽市)This is the school _ I studied three years ago. A. where B. when C. that D. which( )12.(黑龙江哈尔滨)-What do you usually do in your leisure time(业余时间)? -I enjoy reading in t

15、he library _ I lose myself in a world of good books. A. which B. that C. where( )13.(福建福州)-The village _I visited last year has changed a lot. -Really?I hope to go there one day. A.that B.who C.when( )14.(广西桂林)This is my beautiful school _ is near the famous library. A. where B. which C. who D. when

16、( )15.(湖北黄石)- Which girl is your sister? - The girl _ is wearing dark glasses. A. which B. whose C. who D. whom( )16.(黑龙江鸡西)The old woman _is wearing a pair of glasses _Mrs. Black. A. which, are B. who, are C. who, is( )17.(广西定西)Do you like music makes you relaxed? A. it B. what C. who D. that( )18.

17、(湖北荆门市)The girl _you talked with at the school gate is our new math teacher. A. whose B. which C. whom D. what ( )19.(天津市)Jamie is a young cook_wants to improve school dinners. A.who B.whose C.whom D.which( )20.(山东泰安市)-I cant decide_. -You mean the purple sweater or the blue one? to go there B

18、.who to go with C.where to visit D.which to choose( )21.(青海省宁夏) I cant forget the time _ the earthquake happened in Yushu. A. when B. which C. that D. where( )22.(江苏镇江市)The girl _ won the gold medal comes from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. A. who B. which C. what D. whom( )23.(浙江省杭州市)You cant w

19、ake a person _ is pretending to be asleep. A. who B. which C. he D. 不填( )24.(甘肃省兰州市)-Have you found the information about the famous people _ you can use for the report? -Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet. A. who B. what C. whom D. which( )25.(四川省眉山市)- Do you know the boy_ is sitting next to

20、Peter? - Yes. He is Peters friend. They are celebrating his _ birthday. A. who; ninth B. that; nineth C. /; nineth D. which; ninth( )26.(四川省卷)The TV play is about a true story happened in Mianyang in 1998. A. it B. what C. that D. when( )27.(浙江省东阳市) -I dont know your brother. -Oh. The man _came to s

21、ee me yesterday is my brother. A. who B. whose C. where D. whom( )28.(广东省)I still remember the park we first met. A. that B. which C. where D. when( )1.【2011广西百色】 The policeman caught the thief _ has stolen Mr. Lis computer. A. which B. whose C. whom D who( )2.(2011桂林) The basketball _ I bought yest

22、erday cost me 80 yuan. A that B. where C. who D. when( )3.【河北省】 The teachers came for a visit are foreigners. A who B. whom C. whose D. which( )4.【2011河南省】 Tony, tell me the result of the discussion_ you had with your dad yesterday. A.what B which C. when D. who( )5.【2011黑龙江绥化市】 This is the camera_m

23、y uncle gave me for my birthday. A which B. who C. what( )6.【2011广西南宁市】 My grandparents like to live in a house _ is not very big but bright and comfortable. A that B. who C. what D. whose( )7.【2011贵州贵阳】 Mary Smith says she likes to have friends_ are different from her. A. whose B. which C who( )8.【

24、2011湖南湘西】 Do you know the girl _ is singing in the classroom? A. when B who C. which( )9. (2011湖南岳阳中考)I cant forget the time the earthquake happened in Yushu. A when B. which C. where ( )10.【山东滨州】 I hate people _dont help others when they are in trouble. A who B. which C. whose D. where( )11.【浙江湖州】

25、What kind of movies do you like? I like the movies _ are about Chinese history. A. who B. whom C. whose D that( )12.【2011浙江衢州】 The photos successfully show the rich culture _makes Beijing so famous. A. what B which C. who D. why ( )13.【2011四川成都】 The old man asked the girl to take another seat he wan

26、ted to sit next to his wife. A. because B so that C. so( )14.【2011四川成都】 Kate was so glad she received a Christmas gift from his grandparents away in Thailand. A. that B when C. if( )15.【2011四川绵阳】The girl catches the flowers on a wedding will be the next to get married. A.whom B. which C who D. whose

27、 ( )16.【2011扬州】One of the most interesting places in Yangzhou _ are often visited by foreigners is the West Slender Lake.A. what B. who C that D. /( )17.【2011湖北黄冈】 Who is your new head teacher this semester? The woman _ is wearing a red skirt. A. whom B who C. whose D. which( )18.【2011铜仁】 Li Mei is

28、the student _ handwriting is the best in our class. A whose B. whom C. who D. that( )19.【2011呼和浩特】 - Is there anyone here name isBetty? - Sorry, I dont know. A. who B. which C.whom D whose( )20.【2011四川达州】Where did you go last week? I went to Zhang Aipings hometown and visited the house he was born i

29、n. A that B. there C. who D. whose( )21.【2011四川南充】 Is that the man_ helped us a lot after the earthquake? A. which B who C. whom( )23.(2011四川资阳)I hear that Lilys brother is a worker here. Look, the man _ is working over there is her brother. A who B. whom C. what D. which( )24.【2011天津】John is the bo

30、y_ legs were badly hurt in the accident. A whose B. that C. who D. which( )25.【2011清远】Have you read the book _ is about the moon? A. what B. it C. / D which( )26.【2011宁夏】Do you know the girl _is talking to our English teacher?Yes. Shes my sister. A who B. whom C. which D. Whose( )27.【2011河源】I hate those _ dont help others when they are in trouble. A who B.which C.what D.where( )28.【2011哈尔滨】Get new knowledge by reviewing the old is a famous saying by Confucius(孔子). He was a great thinker words still have a g

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