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1、ishow高级班文本Advanced 1-1M:Do you have a date for the party yetW:Actually,I dont. Do you think you could help me find oneM:Hmm, what kind of guys do you likeW:Oh,I like guys who arent too serious and who have a good sense of humor,you know,like you!M:Ok,what elseW:Well,Id prefer someone that have somet

2、hingin common with who I can talk to easily.M:I think I know just the guy for you,Bob Branson,do you know himW:No,I dont think so.M:Let me arrange for you to meet him,and youcan tell me what you think.Advanced 1-2M:So,whats the verdictWhat do you think of BobW:Well,I was worried at first,especially

3、when I saw that he wears not one,but two thought he might turn out to be one of those guys who are into heavy rock music and stuff like know what I meanM:But,hes just regular kind of guy,rightW:Yeah,we get along really well.M:I just know you like him.W:Yeah,I s really had me laughing hysterically du

4、ring think the people sitting next to us in the restaurant thought we were crazy.M:So,are you two going to get together againW:Definitely,in fact,were going to a concert tomorrow night.M:Thats great.Advanced 2-1M:So,have you seen Andrea latelyW:Yeah,I see her pretty work together at a coffee latte.M

5、:Hows she doingIve been meaning to call her.W:Well,to be honest,Ive always thought she was a little these days,I find her impossible.M:What do you meanW:Oh,you know how she has such strong idea about if you dont agree with her,she lets you know what she thinks of you.M:Yes,thats ,thats why we love h

6、er,rightW:Yeah,I guess shes changed a lot since she started talked about herself all the she always manages to mention how good she is at everything she does.M:Hmm,maybe I wont call her after all.Advanced 2-2W:Are you going to Jamess party on SaturdayM:Of course,James always gives the best there are

7、 always lots of interesting new people to meet.W:Thats dont know where he manages to find them all.M:Well,you know what he s makes friends really really likes talking to he loves inviting people over.W:Uh-huh,he invited me for dinner last Saturday,what a feast!M:Yeah,hes a great cook,too.W:After din

8、ner,I offered to help clean up and he told me not to worry about said hed take care of it in the was like,“its nothing,no big deal.”M:Yup,thats sound like James.Advanced 2-3W1:Have you met the new appartment managerW2:Mr JohnsonHmm,yeah,I met him last s a little strange.W1:Yeah,he m not sure I like

9、s hard to he is pretty cheerful and talktive and the next day he doesnt even say think he must have personal problems or something.W2:I think youre have you noticed that half the time when he said he was gonna do something,he never actually does told me three times that hed come to fix the light in

10、my kitchen,and he still hasnt done it.Advanced 3-1M1:Hello!M2:Hi,my name is Jim m calling about the ad for a roomate.M1:All right.M2:Are you still looking for someoneM1:Yes,were.M2:Oh,good,Im really interesred.M1:Well,there are four of its a fairly small we want someone who is easy to get along with

11、.M2:Im pretty easygoing.M1_Great!So,can I ask you a few fairly straitforward questions about yourselfM2:No problem!I like it when people are direct.Advanced 3-2M1:What do you do,JimM2:Oh,well,I had a lot of diffierent Im not working right now.M1:OhM2:Yeah,I got fired from my last job about six month

12、es Ive been looking for something havent been very lucky so far.M1:,the rent here is $1200 a s $300 a month for eavh person.M2: ,oh.M1:Will you have enough money to pay the rent every monthM2:Yeah,I probably I can find a job.M1:Yeah, look,where are you living nowM2:Well,Ive been staying with a the p

13、ast couple of weeks.M1:Uh-huh.M2:Yeah,but hes asked me to leave by I really need to find a place to ve had moved 4 times in the past year and wellM1:Listen,Jim,I appreciate your telling me about like it when people are honest with ,I have to talk to my other roomates about Ill give you a call tomorr

14、ow to let you know what we dont you give me your numberM2:Sure,its 2235Advanced 4-1W:Good news!I find a summer job!M:Thats great!Anything interestingW:Yes, working at an amusement t that sound fantasticM:Sure,it does.W:So,have you found anythingM:Nothing yet,but Ive got a couple of is working as an

15、intern for a record company-mostly answering I can get a landscaping job again.W:Being an intern sounds more interesting than its probably not as hard.M:Yeah,but a landscaper earns more money than an you get a great tan!Advanced 4-2M:So,what will you be doing at the amusement park,exactlyW:Actually,

16、Ill have two ,Ill be working at a place called Childrens have all kinds of interesting games and educational activities for young kids. I have to go to a training program before I start to find out how everything works.M:Three daysWow,the equipment must be pretty high-tech.W:Oh,it is-a lot of comput

17、ers and interesting s just the kind of stuff that kids love.M:Well,it sounds like the perfect job for know how much you love whats the other jobW:Well,Ill also be one of the people who works around the park greeting people.M:Do you mean youll have to dress up in a costumeW:Yes,as a cartoon character

18、!I know,I know,it sounds its certainly not as rewarding asworking in Childrens World,but its part of the job.Advanced. 5-1W: So where are you working in this summer,Carlos M: I m working as a tutor in a learning center for kids. W:Interesting! What kind of M: I work on subjects they need helping, uh

19、, maining math and English. W: Is your job hard M: Not at all. The kids work on computer most of time. We have to help get started and when they are into problems. W: Do you enjoy itM: Oh, yes, working with kids is so much more fun than working with adults. And I can choose my own hours. As long as

20、work 8 hours a day. I can call me at any time from 8 . to .Advanced 5-2W: Paul, did you find a summer job yet M: Yeah, I m working in a restraut. W: Oh, how s it going M: Oh, the money is not bad. W: What are you doing Are you waiting tables M: I wish. No, Im working in a kitchen. I cut up the stuff

21、 for the chef, vegetables, meat and things. I ll also wash the dishes. W: Yuck! M: Yeah, that s. pretty hard work. I didnt realize how hot it is in a restraut kitchen until I took this job. W: So why dont you quit M: I d love to. But I need money.Advanced 5-3M: So what kind of job did you find for t

22、he summer W: Im working for a marketing company. Im going to marketing. M: So you re one of those people who drives me crazy by calling me up and trying to persuade me to buy something that I have absolutely no need for. W: Exactly! M: Do you like it W: Believe it or not I do. Its also a bunch of st

23、udents working there, and we have a lot of fun when we not making calls. Its really easy too since we just have to read them from script. M: Are you doing this full time W: Yes, but I work from 2 in the afternoon to 9 at night .So I get to sleep as late as I want to in the morning.Advanced 6-1M: Hel

24、lo! W: Hi, Robert. This is Tina. M: Hi, Tina, whats up W: Well, actually, I was wondering if you d mind lending me your camera for a few days. I want to take some photos of my new appartment to send to my folks. M: Sure, you can borrow it. W: Oh, thanks a million !Advanced 6-2M: Hi, is Mike. W: Oh,

25、hi, how are things with you M: Pretty good. Listen, I was wondering if I could use your video games system over the weekend. W: You mean my Sony Play Station M: Yeah, my sister asked me to take care of my niece and nephew over the weekend. They are six and eight. And I thought it would be a great wa

26、y to keep them busy. W: Thats a great idea! But kids that age love video games. I have bad news, my machines isnt working. I ve been meaning to take it into get fixed. But I havent gonna gotten around to it.M: Oh, too bad. W: But do you know, you can always rent one. Most video stores have machines

27、to rent. You just have to leave the deposit. M: Oh, perfect ,I ll do that, thanks, Sandy. W: No problem.Advanced 6-3M1: Hi.,Grey, Its Phil. M2: Hi, whats up M1: Not much. But I was wondering if I can ask you for a favor M2: Hmm, maybe, trying me. M1: Well, I have to go out of towns for a few days ne

28、xt week. Could I leave Pully with you Im gone M2: Pully Who s Pully M1: You know, Pully is my bird. M2: Oh, yeah, I forget, your bird. I dont know, Phil,I really dont like birds very much. They re messy and they make a lot of noise and M1: No, not Pully. She is really clean and very quite. She wont

29、bother you, I promise. M2: Oh, right, I ll do it. M1: Thanks, Im really appreciate it. I ll bring her over on Tuesday night. M2: Ok, but you own me one.Advanced 7-1W:Hello!M:Hello,may I speak to Sophia pleaseW:Im sorry. She is not in right now. Would you like to leave a messageM:Yes,please. This is

30、Jeff. Could you tell her that Tony is having a party on SaturdayW:Un-huh.M:And would you ask her if she likes to go to with meW:All right, Peter ,Ill give her the message.M:No, this is Jeff, not Peter.W:Oh,Im sorry.M:By the way, whos PeterAdvanced 7-2W1:Hi, Im home.W2:Oh, hi.W1:Did anyone callW2:Un-

31、huh. You old friend Peter called a few hours ago. He is going to be in town on Saturday, and wants to get together with you Saturday night. He said to call him.W1:Oh,super! I havent seen Peter in almost a year. Any other callsW2:Uh, yeah, Jeff called. He wants to know if you want to go to Tonys party with him.W1: Oh, when is Tonys partyW2:On Saturday.W1:Oh, perfect. Thats the same night Im going to get together with Peter. So I have an excuse not to go. Even if I werent going out with Pe

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