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同步译林英语必修四新突破讲义Unit 1 Section Ⅵ Language pointsⅢProject.docx

1、同步译林英语必修四新突破讲义Unit 1 Section Language pointsProjectSection Language points()(Project).单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词。1The role of the news media (媒体)informing public opinion is very important.2Cars without security devices are an easy target(目标)for the thief.3He let me buy a packet (小包)of gum for him.4We mad

2、e an appeal (恳求)to the villagers for money to build the bridge.5If you urge (力劝)someone to do something,you try hard to persuade him to do it.6Im determined to finish the work on time.7There is a poster advertising the new film.8People may react badly to certain food.9An analysis of sales figures(销售

3、额)shows clear regional variations.10My parents want me to be a businessman.Personally speaking,I would like to be a teacher.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示写出下列单词。1determine vt.确定,查明;决定;裁决determined adj.坚决的,有决心的determination n决心2react vi.做出反应,回应reaction n反应,回应3person n人personally adv.个别地;就本人而言;本人,亲自personal adj.个人的,私人

4、的4poison n有毒物;毒药poisonous adj.有毒的5shock vt.使震惊,使惊愕n.震惊,惊愕shocking adj.令人震惊的shocked adj.(人)感到震惊的adj.envt.A(原形)B(过去式)C(过去分词)brighten使变亮deepen加深thicken使变厚arisearosearisenbearborebornbeginbeganbegun.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语。1figure out 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出2appeal to 吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁3get something across 把表达清楚4depend on 依赖,依靠5due

5、 to 因为,由于6result in 导致结果7die from 死于.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空。1I cant figure out why he quit his job.2What message are you trying to get across to the consumers?3The crash resulted in the death of 14 passengers.4Bright colours appeal to small children.5Some of the passengers are reported to have died from

6、serious动词短语beadj.about动词短语participate in sth.参与某事join in参加,加入result in导致,造成be careful about 当心be mad about 对入迷be particular about 对讲究背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.重要的是,你得确切弄清楚想要告诉

7、受众什么、想让他们做什么。 do sth.In many families it is necessary to put a limit on the time the children can watch TV.大多数家庭对孩子看电视的时间加以限制是必要的。2.After you have decided who your audience is,it is time to decide what you want the audience to know or think about.在确定了受众后,就该决定你想让他们知道什么或思考什么了。It is time(for

8、sb.)to do sth.Its time for us to follow his tips.是我们该听他的建议的时候了。3.When planning a public welfare campaign,you may want to ask yourself.在设计公益广告宣传活动时,你可能想要问自己when 引导的状语从句的省略。When very young,she began to learn to play the piano.她很小的时候就开始学习弹钢琴。 figure out 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出(教材P18)It is important to figure out ex

9、actly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.重要的是,你得确切弄清楚想要告诉受众什么、想让他们做什么。(1)figure on sth./doing sth. 计划、打算、预料到某事/做某事figure up 合计,把加起来;计算出(2)figure n. 数字;人物;身材keep/lose ones figure 保持身材/身材走样College is when we should focus on a specific major,but high school is

10、when we have to figure it out.大学时期我们应该集中于具体专业学习的阶段,而在高中时我们必须弄明白什么是我们爱好的具体专业。He said he hadnt figured on getting(get)home so late.他说他没有预料到那么晚才回到家。Several leading figures(figure)resigned from the party.数位重要人物退出了该党。 determine vt.确定,查明;决定;裁决(教材P18)In order to determine your audience,you will need to do

11、a little research and analysis in advance.为了确定你的目标观众,你需要事先做一些调研和分析。(1)determine to do sth. 决定做某事(瞬间动词,表示动作)determine do sth. 使某人决定做某事(2)determined adj. 有决心的,决意的,坚定的be determined to do sth. 决心做某事(系表结构,表示状态)(3)determination n. 决心;果断;坚定Our deeds determine us,much as we determine our deeds.什么样的人便决

12、定了干什么样的事;同样,干什么样的事也决定了是什么样的人。Now that I have determined to leave(leave),nothing can change it.既然我已经决定要离开,什么也不会改变这一决定。Where he once felt like giving up,he now has the determination(determine)to push further and keep on going.在他曾经想放弃的地方,现在他有决心前行,并继续走下去。I was determined to succeed(succeed)and be proud

13、of my daily progress.我下定决心要成功并对自己每日的进步感到骄傲。 (教材P18)It is important to always try to appeal to the audience in order to get them to react in a certain way.为了让受众做出预期的反应,努力去吸引他们是很重要的。(1)appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁,恳请n吸引力,呼吁,恳求(1)appeal to 吸引;引起兴趣;呼吁appeal(to sb.)for sth. 为某事(向某人)呼吁appeal to do sth. 恳请/呼吁某人

14、做某事(2)make an appeal to do sth. 恳求某人做某事make an appeal to sb.for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁/恳求(3)appealing adj. 有吸引力的,恳求的Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you?你对出国工作的想法感兴趣吗?He appealed to the public for support.他向公众呼吁以获得支持。The government is appealing to everyone to save(save)water.政府呼吁每个人节约用水。The po

15、lice made an appeal to the public to remain calm.警方呼吁公众保持镇静。(2)react vi.做出反应,回应(1)react to 对做出反应react by 以方式做出反应react against 反对,反抗react with 与起化学反应react on/upon 对产生影响(2)reaction n. 反应How did she react to the news?她对这个消息反应如何?She reacted to the insult by turning her back on him.她受辱之后就不再理睬他了。Iron reac

16、ts with water and air to produce rust.铁和水及空气发生反应产生铁锈。He was a little afraid of his fathers reaction(react)他有点害怕父亲的反应。 get something across把表达清楚(教材P18)There are lots of different ways to get your message across when you are putting together an ad campaign.当组织一场广告宣传活动时,有许多不同的方式可用来传递讯息。get along/on wit

17、h 进展;与相处get down to/doing sth. 开始认真对待某事,开始认真做某事get in 进入;上车;收割get over 从(疾病、失望等)中恢复过来;克 服(困难)get through 完成;顺利通过(考试等);(电话)接 通,打通This is a clever way of getting his meaning across.这个办法很巧妙,能够让人理解他的意思。He told us not to waste any time again and to get down to our business.他叫我们不要再浪费时间了,赶紧干正事。How did he e

18、ver get through his driving test?他到底是怎么通过驾驶考试的?I dont think that your lecture got across to the audience,for they appeared quite puzzled.我认为你的演讲并没有被公众理解,因为他们看上去很困惑。名师点津get across还可用作不及物动词短语,意为“被理解”,常和介词to连用。 urge vt.敦促,力劝;竭力主张n强烈的欲望,冲动(教材P19)If we can convince young people not to start,they might th

19、en urge their parents and other people to give up smoking,too.如果我们能够说服年轻人不开始吸烟,那么也许他们也能敦促他们的家长和其他人戒烟。(1)urge do sth. 敦促/力劝某人做某事urge sth.on/upon sb. 向某人大力推荐某物;竭力主张urge that. 主张(2)have an urge to do sth. 渴望做某事(3)urgent adj. 紧急的,急切的(4)urgency n. 紧急,催促On the other hand,does the possibility of freq

20、uent communication today mean that the urge to do so wasnt present a generation ago?另一方面,今天频繁交流的可能性是否意味着上一代人不存在这样的欲望?My friends urged that I (should)apply (apply)for the job.朋友们力劝我申请那份工作。Suddenly I have an urge to see (see)my best friend Ann.突然我急切想见到我最好的朋友安。语境助记An urgent telegram urged him to go hom

21、e at once.He realized something of urgency had happened.一封紧急电报催他马上回家。他意识到某种紧急情况发生了。名师点津urge后跟从句时,从句常用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“should动词原形”,should可以省略。 (教材P19)We want to shock people into realizing that many smokers die all too soon from illnesses and diseases related to smoking.我们希望警醒人们,让他们认识到许多吸烟者过早地死于与吸烟有关的疾病。(1

22、)shock vt.使震惊,使惊愕 n震惊,惊愕(1)shock sb.into (doing) sth.某人受震惊而(做)某事(2)to ones shock 令某人震惊的是(3)shocked adj. 震惊的 对感到震惊be shocked to do sth. 对做某事感到震惊(4)shocking adj. 令人震惊的His examination failure shocked him into working harder.考试不及格使他感到震惊,这促使他更加努力地学习。He said he and his team were shocked(shock) by the find

23、ings.他说,他和他的团队都对这一发现感到震惊。To my shock,he lost his passport on his visit to America.使我震惊的是,他去美国旅游时丢了护照。(2)die from死于;因而死(原因多来自外部)die of 因而死(原因多来自内部)die away 逐渐减弱;逐渐消失die down 逐渐减弱/降低;逐渐平息;逐渐暗淡die off 一一死去;先后死去die out 灭绝,绝迹;(指习俗、做法等)消失;过时The chances are that one smoker in four will die from smoking.机率是

24、每四个烟民中就有一个会因吸烟而死去。Before modern medicine changed the laws of nature,many children died of common childhood diseases.在现代医学改变自然法则之前,很多孩子死于一些常见的小儿期疾病。This kind of bird is dying out这种鸟正濒临灭绝。 (教材P18)It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get th

25、em to do.重要的是,你得确切弄清楚想要告诉受众什么、想让他们做什么。【要点提炼】句中It is important to figure out.为It beadj.(for sb.)to do sth.句型。(1)在这一句型中,形容词只能说明不定式所表示的行为的性质或特点,不能说明不定式动作的执行者。能用于该结构的形容词有:difficult,easy,hard,important,impossible,necessary,possible等。(2)在It isadj.(of sb.)to do sth.句型中,形容词说明不定式动作执行者的品行、性格等,该句型通常可改为:sb.bead

26、 do sth.。能用于该结构的形容词有:nice,good,stupid,silly,careful,careless等。Its important for us to master a foreign language.对我们来说掌握一门外语非常重要。Its necessary for you to consult(consult)your teacher about the learning method.对你来说,请教一下老师有关学习的方法是有必要的。Its careless of you to make so many mistakes in this exam.你在这次考试

27、中出了这么多错真是太粗心了。 (教材P18)When planning a public welfare campaign,you may want to ask yourself.在设计公益广告宣传活动时,你可能想要问自己【要点提炼】本句是when引导的时间状语从句的省略句,补充完整应是When you are planning a public welfare campaign。当时间、条件、方式、比较状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致或从句的主语是it,谓语动词中又含有be动词时,可以把主语或it和be动词一起省略。Be careful while crossing the road.过马路

28、时,一定要当心。When asked(ask),he gave pieces of good advice.当问他的时候,他提出了一些好的建议。Unless necessary,youd better not refer to the dictionary.如果没有必要,你最好不要查字典。.单句语法填空1I am determined to find (find) out who is responsible for this.2It is urged by school students that the library (should) be kept (keep) open during

29、 the vacation.3Neighbours were shocked (shock) that such an attack could happen in this area.4When reading (read) in the classroom, we heard a terrible noise.5I should get my bicycle repaired (repair) at once.6How did the students react to the monitors suggestion?7Thanks to the determined (determine

30、) efforts of the workers,we finished the task ahead of time.8This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.9It is very important for us students to read English every morning.10How can you get your meaning across to your audience?.单句改错1. There was great excitement in the streets and the shouting was died away after midnight.去掉第二个was2All of us were shocking at the bad news the other day.shockingshocked3I am sorry to say that the music is too oldfashioned

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