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高考英语复习专题21 读后续写真题演练.docx

1、高考英语复习专题21 读后续写真题演练专题21 读后续写:真题演练(2016-2022.1)(解析版)研读读后续写往年的真题,可以帮助我们快速弄清出题的思路,帮助我们提升备考的效率!2022.1浙江卷 “我和拍档做项目研究”第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。WhenDr. Gullicksonwas assigningprojectmates for his introduction to experimental psychology class, I secretly hoped he would pair me with my

2、best friend or at least a classmate I could have some fun with. Above all, I hoped he wouldnt assign me to work with the intense, fiercely competitive, singularlyseriousfellow who always wore dark clothes and apparently had a personality to match. As fate would have it, Dr. Gullickson very deliberat

3、ely matched everyone in class and announced that I would be working with the one person in class I wanted to avoid.I went up to my new lab mate and introduced myself. He looked at me as though I werent there. I felt he treated me as though I would hold him back and probably cause his grade-point ave

4、rage to take a nosedive. He wasnt outright mean or abusive. He just gave me the impression he could do whatever project we dreamed up better if he did italone.Needless to say, I didnt look forward to an entire term of being brushed off, but I tried to make the best of it and didnt say anything, lest

5、 I make things worse.The project required each lab team to develop a hypothesis,set up an experiment to test the hypothesis,run the tests,do the statistical analysis and present thefindings. Whatevergradethe team received would besharedby both students. When myteammateand I met todiscussour project,

6、 I was uneasy. Here was this challenging student who had a reputation for single-mindedness and good grades the exact opposite of me. I was outmatched. I actually wanted to drop the class at one point,but stopped short because I didnt want to give him thesatisfactionof my chickening out.After length

7、y discussions,we somehow agreed to do a study on the tactile-kinesthetic perception of space. I wasnt sure what it meant,but at least we had a topic.注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:We started to meet regularly to draw up our

8、 plans.Paragraph 2:One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.优秀范文1We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans.As wediscussedhypotheses, designed tests and found tools to collect and analyze our data, I found this guy both agile and sharp-minded. I, by contrast,

9、was always slow in understanding the concepts and functions he raised. However, he seemed to have adapted to my nerdiness and took on more tasks, which should have fallen in my range of responsibility. Gradually, my impression of him started to reverse and I even fondly hoped we could become friends

10、 after theproject. 我们开始定期开会,制定我们的计划。当我们讨论假设、设计测试并找到收集和分析我们的数据的工具时,我发现这个家伙既敏捷又头脑敏锐。相比之下,我对他提出的概念和功能的理解总是很慢。然而,他似乎已经适应了我的书呆子气,承担了更多的任务,这些任务应该属于我的责任范围。渐渐地,我对他的印象开始逆转,我甚至深情地希望我们能在这个项目结束后成为朋友。One day, I got the word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.As it turned out, myteammatewas bo

11、rn to suffer a frail heart and the demandingprojectinvited his relapse. Now that the formidable project was falling on my shoulder, I stayed up innumerable nights to run tests and analyze statistics. My effort eventually paid off asDr. Gullicksonawardedus an A, to which my partner grinned insatisfac

12、tion. It was then that I realized not only did my tenacity and perseverance live up to his expectation, but also won the impossible friendship from this demanding guy / this previously inaccessible guy.有一天,我听说他因为一种严重的疾病而入院治疗了。结果,我的队友生来就有一颗脆弱的心,这个苛刻的项目让他复发。现在这个可怕的项目落在我肩上,我熬夜了无数个晚上进行测试和分析统计数据。我的努力最终得到

13、了回报,古利克森博士给了我们一个A,我的搭档满意地咧嘴一笑。就在那时,我意识到,我的坚韧和毅力不仅达到了他的期望,而且从这个苛刻的人/这个以前难以接近的人那里赢得了“不可能”的友谊。优秀范文2We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans.At first, we onlydiscussedtheproject. But slowly, we shifted our subject to daily life stories and studies.To my surprise, he was talkative when mentionin

14、g studies.Seriousas he was, he showed enough patience to explain hishypothesis. As time progressed, I was attracted by his single-mindedness and intelligence.More importantly,busying himselftesting the hypothesis, he always forgot the meal time. That inspired me a lot. Unwilling to fall behind, I tr

15、ied my best to help with the experiment.我们开始定期开会,制定我们的计划。首先,我们只讨论了这个项目。但慢慢地,我们将主题转向了日常生活中的故事和研究。令我惊讶的是,他在提到研究时很健谈。尽管他很严肃,但他还是表现出了足够的耐心来解释他的假设。随着时间的推移,我被他的思维和智慧所吸引。更重要的是,他自己努力测试假设,总是忘记用餐时间。这激发了我很多人的灵感。我不愿落后,我尽力帮助这个实验。One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.His going

16、to stay in hospital for three months urged me to visit him immediately. In the hospital,his pale face reminded me of his competitive personality.Determination to gift him an excellent grade was made. Back in the lab, I recalled his words and continued the project day and night. Two months effort was

17、 eventually replaced by agradeA. As Isharedhim with the good news, he beamed withsatisfaction.“Actually, I believed in you whatever the result would be!” Receiving his approval, I grinned.一天我得到消息说他因为严重的疾病入院了。他要住院住三个月,他劝我马上去看他。在医院里,他苍白的脸让我想起了他的竞争个性。他决定给他一个优异的成绩。回到实验室,我想起了他的话,日夜继续这个项目。两个月的努力最终被a级考试所取代

18、。当我告诉他这个好消息时,他感到很满意。“事实上,不管结果如何,我都相信你!”得到了他的同意后,我咧嘴一笑。优秀范文3Paragraph 1 We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans.Companion as I was in the project , I still had no sense of participating in the project. Myteammatekept his brain occupied in developing the hypothesis, setting up an experiment

19、to test it, and running the tests alone , leaving me just standing beside him as if I were a fool.“What a dull projectitis!”I murmured to myself. However, something changed gradually, as I became aware what the tactile-kinesthetic perceptionof spacemeant. Thanks to the intense,fiercely competitive,

20、singularlyseriousfellow, the whole procedure went smoothly ,close to the final stage.我们开始定期开会,制定我们的计划。当我在这个项目中时,我仍然没有参与这个项目的感觉。我的队友让他的大脑忙于发展假设,建立一个实验来测试它,独自进行测试,让我在他身边像傻瓜一样站在他身边。“这是一个多么无聊的项目啊!”我自言自语道。然而,随着我意识到对空间的触觉-动觉感知意味着什么,一些东西逐渐改变了。由于竞争激烈、竞争激烈、特别严肃的人,整个过程进展顺利,接近最后阶段。Paragraph 2 One day I got wor

21、d that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.Without any delay, I packed up my school bag , took all the experiment statistics and rushed to the hospital. Seeing the pale fellow wearing pure white clothes instead of the annoying dark clothes , I felt a sense of sympathy and mercy welling

22、 up in my heart. With his guidance , I finished the statistical analysis and presentedthefindings. It turned out to be such an amazing and persuasive study that myteammateand I didwin the bestgrade.Now , we have been most reliable cooperative partnersever since! 一天我得到消息说他因病情严重入院。我毫不犹豫地收拾好书包,拿出了所有的实验


24、从语言特点上来讲,虽有一定生词与研究项目相关的专业术语,但学生可以根据上下文猜测词义,基本不妨碍理清文章大体脉络,了解大体内容;从情节上来讲,故事从开始到发展阶段,还未到达矛盾冲突与高潮部分,给学生极大的描述与想象空间,而文章的主题也可从“友情”,“逆境激发潜力”,“助我成长的另类英雄”等多角度探索挖掘。2021.6浙江卷 “我”的工资Mydad, George, only had an eighth grade education. A quiet man, he didnt understand my world of school activities. From age 14, hew

25、orked. And his dad, Albert, took the money my dad earned and used it to payfamilyexpenses.I didnt really understand his world either: He was a livestock trucker, and l thought that I would surpass(超过) anything he had accomplished by the time l walked across the stage at high school graduation.Summer

26、s in the mid, 70s were spent at home shooting baskets, hitting a baseball, or throwing a football, preparing for myfutureas a quarterback on a football team. In poor weather, I read about sports or practiced my trombone(长号).The summer before my eighth grade I was one of a group of boys that a neighb

27、oringfarmerhired to work in his field. He explained our basic task, the tractor fired up and we were off, riding down the field looking for weeds to spray with chemicals. After a short way, the farmer stopped and painted at a weed which we missed. Then we began again. This happened over and over, bu

28、t we soonlearnedto identify different grasses like cockleburs, lambs-quarters, foxtails, and the king of weeds, the pretty purple thistle. It wastiringwork, but I looked forward to the pay, even though I wasnt sure how much it would amount to.At home, my dad said, A jobs a big step togrowing up.Im g

29、lad you will be contributing to the household.My dads words made merealizethat my earning might not be mine to do with as wished.My labors lasted about two weeks, and the farmer said there might be more work, but I wasnt interested. I decided it was notfairthat l had to contribute my money.Paragraph

30、 1:The pay day arrived at last. I was glad that I finally got the payment after working hard for two weeks. While walking back home with an excited mind. I conceived many plans about how to dispose of it. I needed a new football because the old one we played had already worn out. I intended to purch

31、ase my favorite chocolates. Upon approaching the house, I noticed my dad and mom standing beside the old truck, looking sadly. It seemed as if something unpleasant happened. “How much do we still need to pay for a new truck?. asked my mother. Three hundred dollars, but we just had two hundred left.”

32、Paragraph 2:I understood immediately what my parents were worried about. Really, the truck my dad drove often broke down on the way, which made my dad in trouble. My parents had intended to buy a new truck but couldnt afford it. Suddenly, I realized what I should do. Stepping forward, I said, “Dad, here is what Ireceived for my work. I think it would help you a little.” A little surprised at what Isaid, my mom hugged me tightly. That night, before I went to bed, l thought I would

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