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1、成人高考英语考试精讲辅导全国成人高考英语考试精讲辅导Unit One: 语音要求:熟悉字母,字母组合的读音,注意特殊的读音,名词复数-s 的不同的读音、动词词尾-ed 的不同读音。例如:1. A) century B) citizen C) percent D) ancient (D)2. A) honest B) handsome C) however D) harmful (A)3. A) hear B) heart C) fear D) clear (B)4. A) character B) technical C) machine D) chemical (C)5. A) dollar

2、s B) students C) vegetables D) witnesses (B)6. A) received B) ignored C) wondered D) impressed (D)Unit Two: 名词1 可数名词与不可数名词区分实例:1. The nurse added some sugars to the medicine to make it easy for the child to take.2. The sitting room would be much improved if you put a furniture in that corner.3. ”Hav

3、e you heard the news about Tom ?” “No, what _?” (本句考代词 the news 不可数名词,用it ) A) was it B) were they C) are they D) is it (D)4. Jim was upset last night because he had to too many homeworks. (本句改为much homework)5. I am afraid that there isnt _ left for you two in my car. There are already five people i

4、n it. (当room 为“空间” 是不可数名词) A) many room B) any rooms C) any room D) many rooms (C) 注:time 时间(不可数);倍数,次数(可数);paper 纸(不可数)、论文、卷子(可数)2 名词做主语时的主谓一致实例:1.The number of the people applying for the job _ increasing. A) are B) is C) are being D) is being (B)2.A number of students have failed in the chemistry

5、 examination. 分数、百分数做主语由后面的名词来决定3.Two thirds of the area are covered by water. ( 改为 is covered )4.About 40% of marriages in the United States end in divorce. 非谓语动词和词句做主语用动词单形5.Reading English newspapers _ a good way of _ your English. A) isimprove B) areimproving C) isimproving D) areimprove (C)6.Wh

6、at we will do next is still under discussion. 表示时间、距离、价值的复数名词做主语用单形动词7.Three times seven is twenty-one.8.Ten days _ long enough for Mr. Carter to finish his design. He doesnt need any more. A) is B) has been C) was D) had been (A)9.Twenty miles _ a long way to cover. A) have been B) is C) are D) wer

7、e (B)neither , either 引导的主语动词用单形 neither (either)nor (or) 和 not only but also引导的主语,根据后一个主语数来确定动词的形式10.Neither road out of town is good, but this one is better than the other.11.Neither they nor their father were able to wake up early to catch the morning train.(改为was)12.Not only you but also I _ mis

8、taken. A) am B) had C) were D) have (A)13.Neither Tom nor Jack and I _ his students. A) are B) am C) is D) was (A)注解:主语neither nor 和 and 连用, and 连接两个主语动词用复型,而且表语 students是复数名词,故选A) 正确。本句不适合“就近原则”。主语后跟 (together) with; except/but; like; as well as 等,动词形式由主语来支配13. Tom, together with his family, _ to s

9、ee us tonight. A) is coming B) are coming C) comes D) come (A)14. The teacher, as well as a number of his students, was asked to attend the party.Unit Three: 冠词 a + 辅音读音开头的词:a holiday; a universityan +元音读音开头的词:an umbrella ; an honest man the 用于特指的可数单、复数名词和不可数名词1. The film includes some recently disc

10、overed news-creels (新闻记录) of the Second World War.2. As we know, _ most dangerous enemies are those who pretend to be _ friends.A) / B) thethe C) the/ D) /the (C)( the most dangerous 为最高级用定冠词;friends 为泛指复数名词不用冠词)3. Can you play _ ?A) piano B) pianos C) a piano D) the piano (D) (固定搭配词组 play the piano

11、)4. They left for work immediately after the breakfast. ( work 为抽象名词不用冠词;after the breakfast 改为 after breakfast 惯用法)5. Without any news from Tom for long time, his father flew 10,000 miles to see him. ( for long time 改为 for a long time )Unit Four: 代词人称代词 I 和 me 与其他人称代词连用放在最后1. Mary has just called a

12、nd asked _ to have lunch with her tomorrow.A) you and I B) You and me C) I and you D) me and you (). Last Sunday _ had a picnic in Beihai Park. A) John, Mary and me B) John , I and Mary C) John, Mary and I D) I, John and Mary (C)区分名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词2. Lets clean their room first and _ later.A) our B)

13、us C) we D) ours (= our room)3. My car is not so fashionable as _.A) hes B) he C) his ( = his car ) D) his 不定代词1. some , any, 及其复合词some 用于肯定句中;any 用于否定句和疑问句中1. Youre wasting good food. Youve hardly eaten _ of it.A) some B) part C) little D) any (D)2. She always buy _ my birthday.A) anything nice to

14、B) something nice toC) anything nice for D) something nice for (D)3. “Are my books on the table?”“No, there arent something on it” ( 改为 isnt anything )4. “Has anyone seen my dictionary _ ?A) everywhere B) somewhere C) nowhere D) anywhere (D)5. I have get some new records. If you like, you can take _

15、 of them for the weekend.A) none B) both C) any D) either (C) ( any 表示“任何一个(些)可用于肯定句中)2. many, much, (a) few, (a) littlemany, a few, few + 可数名词的复数much, a little, little + 不可数名词1. He felt bad because he had drunk too many the night before. ( 本句中drunk 含有酒的意义, wine 为不可数名词,many 改为 much )2. This book is

16、very difficult, but _ people understand it.A) few B) a few C) little D) a little (A)3. Usually there is _ traffic in the streets on weekdays than on Sundays.A) little B) less C) few D) fewer (B) 3both, either, neither ( 两个范围内 )none ( 三个以上, 绝对否定 )1. “ Which of these two ties will you take ?”“ Ill tak

17、e _ to give me a change sometimes.”A) either B) both C) neither D) all (B)2. Young babies can use _ hand equally well.A) either B) each C) both D) every (A)3. I asked two people to help me start my car, but _ of them knew what to do.A) either B) none C) both D) neither (D)4. _ of them knew about the

18、 plan because it was secret.A) Some B) Any C) No one D) None (D)( no one 只指人,不能加 of; none 可指人或物,可加 of )4.other, the other, others, the others 用定冠词 the 特指; 无 the 泛指 作名词的形容词;others 和 the others 指前面的名词1. The World Trade Center is higher than _ I have ever seen during my visit.A) any building B) any oth

19、er buildingC) all the buildings D) all of the buildings (B)2. Some people hope to be more successful while _ simple want to feel more comfortable.A) the other B) others C) the other D) another (B)3. It was terrible. One passenger was killed, and _ was badly hurt.A) the others B) rest C) the other D)

20、 the rest (C)4. Mary and John have returned, but the others in the class havent.注意: every other day ( month ) 每隔一天(月) 5.It 普通代词1. A chemist prepares his experiment carefully before trying to carry it out in his lab.2. “The phone is ringing.”“ Who could _ be ? It is already midnight.”A) he B) there C

21、) this D) it (D) (会是谁呢?it 可指不知性别的人或婴儿) 6.It 做形式主语和形式宾语1. It is not easy to learn a language well.2. It doesnt matter what you do at this point.3. It is no use counting your chickens before they are hatched.( 不要把如意算盘打得太早了。V-ing 动名词做主语 )(句型:It is no good + V-ing; Its useless + V-ing; It is worthwhile

22、+ V-ing 等等 )4. I dont think it possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.5. He made it plain (明显得) that he was annoyed with me. (他对我很生气是明显的)7。It 构成强调句 句型:It is/was + 强调成分 that + 其他部分1. It was John and Kate that/who helped me the other day.2. It was me that (不能用whom) he blamed.3.

23、 It was between 1920 and 1930 _ television was invented in America.A) which B) that C) then D) when (B)4. It was not until he got a map that he started on his way.原句:He didnt start on his way until he got a map.(对until 的从句或介词短语强调原句必须是一个否定句)5. It was not until last month that the leaves turned yellow

24、.原句:The leaves didnt turn yellow until the last month. Unit 数词 dozen, hundred , thousand, million 等 前面由一个具体的数字用单数形式 若无确定数字用复数形式of +可数名词复数形式1. The United States of America has a population of over than two hundred million.2. It is reported that _ people have entered for the competition.A) hundreds B)

25、 hundred C) hundreds of D) several hundreds (C)3. Mary is a _ girl.A) seven years old B) seven-years-oldC) seven-year-old D) seven-year old (C)4. We can go there on foot. It is only _ walk.A) twenty minute B) twenty-minutesC) twenty-minute D) twenty minutes of (C)5. The hero of the film is a profess

26、or in his _. A) thirties B) thirtieth C) thirty D) thirtys (A) ( 表示大致年龄或年代, 用介词 in + 数词的复数形式 )5. This happened in the 1840s/1840s. (均可) 表示序号:用基数词或序数词方法1. I got to the theatre just before the end of _. A) the act two B) Act Two ( the second act ) C) act second D) the act second (B)3. The world popula

27、tion will pass six billion by the end of twenty-one century.(改为 the twentieth century ) 注解:1。表示钟点用基数词,2。表示日期用序数词, 3。分数构成:分子用基数词, 分母用序数词, 当分子大于1 时,当分母大于1时,分母要用复数形式。 two thirds (2/3) a half (1/2) a quarter (1/4) three quarters (3/4)4. About _ of the energy is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth.A)

28、 nine-ten B) nine tenth C) nine-tenths D) nineth-ten (C)Unit: 形容词与副词弄清楚它们在句中的语法作用:形容词主要用作:定语、表语、补语副词主要用作:状语1.I dont trust him at all. His smiles always make me _. A) feeling sick B) be sick C) being sick D) sick (D)2.The car he bought in Japan looks similarly to the one he has been driving for sever

29、al years. (改为 similar to 形容词短语作表语)比较级和比较等级1. Spanish people usually speak _ than English people.A) quicklier B) more quicklier C) more quickly D) more quicker (C)2. This room is bigger than any other one in the building.3. Her English is very good. She can speak English better than one else in her g

30、rade.4. “I think that red dress would suit me, wouldnt it ?”“ Yes, but I think blue is a _ color for you.”A) well B) good C) better D) best (C)( 比较级有时候句中不出现than, 上下文隐含比较 )5. walked faster and faster until I could no longer keep up with him. (比较级的逐步增长: more and more 连用)6. He became more and more inte

31、rested in classical music.7. The more your brain is used, the more work it is able to do. (本句为同步增长:the + 比较级。,the + 比较 。)8. The more he tried to please her, _ she seemed to appreciate it.A) less B) lesser C) the less D) the lesser (C)最高级:指三个以上比较,句中有一个比较范围状语 of , in, among 等短语,有时句中隐含。9. Of the colors, blue, red and orange, which do you like _

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