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高中英语 Module 1 Life in the future单元综合技能测试 外研版必修4.docx

1、高中英语 Module 1 Life in the future单元综合技能测试 外研版必修4Module 1综合技能测试时间90分钟满分100分.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1He is the person who is concerned_this accident.Awith BofCin Dfor答案:Cbe concerned in sth.意为“和某事有牵连;与某事有关系”。题意:他是和这起事故有关的人。2By the Jane gets home, her aunt_for London to attend a meet

2、ing.Awill leave BleavesCwill have left Dleft答案:Cby the time引起状语从句,从句为一般现在时表将来意义,则主句的谓语动词应发生在将来并用完成时。题意:当简到家时,她姑姑就将已经动身去伦敦参加一个会议了。3Have you read this book?Yes. But that one is_worth reading. I suggest you read it if you have time.Abest BwellCbetter Dmore答案:C这是be well worth doing结构,且that book与this boo

3、k进行对比,应用比较级。题意:“你看过这本书吗?”“是的,但那本更值得一看,我建议你有时间看一下”。4Compared to_in the office, Kate found it more exciting to work as a teacher.Awork Bhaving workedCworking Dbe working答案:Ccompared to中的to为介词,故应使用doing作宾语。题意:相比在办公室工作,凯特发现当一个老师更令人兴奋。5According to the rules of the factory, you mustnt ask for leave_you h

4、ave a doctors note.Aunless Bon condition thatCthough Duntil答案:A本题选择的连词应由句子的意思决定。题意:按照厂里的规定,除非有医生的证明,否则不能请假。6How did you_the movie last night?Oh, both interesting and instructive.Afind BconsiderCthink Dregard答案:A根据答语可知问句应是:“你认为昨天晚上的电影如何?”How do you find/like sth.?“你认为如何?”可表达此意。7The nurse treated the

5、naughty boy very kindly, but her patience_at last.Agave out Bused upCgot away Dset off答案:Agive out“用光;耗尽”符合题意。use up也表达“用完;耗尽”;但它是及物动词短语,应用被动结构C、D项无此意。8My money_. I must go to the bank and draw some of my savings out before Ive none in hand.Ahas run out Bis running outChas been run out Din being run

6、 out答案:B此题考查时态。据后文可知钱还没有用完,故用进行时态表示将来,“钱就要用光了”。A项表示“已经用光”;C、D项用于被动是错误的。9There are lots of places of interest_in our city.Arequires repairingBneeds to be repairedCrequiring repairingDneeding being repaired答案:C“某物需要修理”可写作:(sth.)need/require repairing/to be repaired,不可写作(sth.)needs/requires being repai

7、red,排除D项。空缺处在句中作后置定语,应用分词形式,故选C项。10He moved away from his parents and missed them_enjoy the exciting life in New York.Amuch so as to Bvery much toCtoo much to Denough to答案“太而不能”。题意:“他离开了父母亲,太想念他们而无法享受纽约那令人兴奋的生活。”11_, we must do the work with a good plan.ATo start with BTo startCStarting DSta

8、rting with答案:Ato start with(first)“首先;第一”,用作状语。12It was in the village_he once lived_he got his junior education.Athat; where Bwhich; whereCwhere; that Dwhere; which答案:C这是一个复杂的复合句,It was.that是强调句结构,where引导定语从句,修饰village。题意:他是在曾经住过的村子里接受的中学教育。13I wouldnt think it_to ask him to_the clubhell only refus

9、e.Aworthwhile; joinBworthwhile; join inCworthy; joinDworthy; join in答案:Ajoin表示“加入组织或团体并成为其中一员”,join in表示“跟某人一起干某事”,因此可排除B、D;而worthwhile用于it is worthwhile doing/to do sth.结构,worthy结构为be worthy to do sth.或be worthy of doing sth.题意:我认为让他加入俱乐部不值得他只会拒绝。14We still remember the_speech he gave us and that w

10、e were greatly_.Ainspired; inspiredBinspiring; inspiringCinspiring; inspiredDinspired; inspiring答案:Cinspiring“(事物)令人欢欣鼓舞的”;inspired“(人)受到鼓舞的”。题意:我们仍然记得他向我们发表的鼓舞人心的演说,我们被深深地鼓舞了。15What does PO. _?Postal Order, I guess.Acall for Bwait forCprepare for Dstand for答案:Dcall for“需要”;wait for“等候”;prepare for“

11、为.作准备”,stand for“代表”。题意:“P.O.代表什么?”“(代表)汇票,我猜。”.完形填空(每题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D),选出最佳选项。Many times my friend June would say, “If I ever get_16_, Im moving into a bigger apartment and getting a completely new_17_.” I would listen and think, “dream on, my friend.” But to everyone

12、s_18_, a few years ago June did come into a huge inheritance.June is a great believer in making_19_, so I wasnt surprised to find her writing down all the ways she would_20_her new wealth. After hearing these changes for some time, I said to her, “It isnt necessary to spend all your_21_at once.”“I k

13、now, I know,”she answered with a little of_22_.A few days later, June called. “Ive decided_23_I want to use my inheritance,”she said. “Can you_24_? I want to see what you think.”This wasnt something I25looked forward to, but we had been26for a long time. So I would go and keep my27shut, no matter ho

14、w the list read.As we sat drinking coffee, June spread a sheet of28on the table. There was only one word:CHARITIES.She said, “It was a little hard to29on the charities. But since Ive always wanted to help children, Im giving to those that I feel will carry out my30.”I 31, “But what about that big apartment you always hoped to have?”“It doesnt seem as32anymore,” she answered with a smile.Then June33her hand, and I could see a few words written at the very bottom of the page. Pointing with my34, I asked, “Whats this?”“Oh!”she said, blushin

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