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1、中国石油大学北京大学英语一第123次在线作业中国石油大学(北京) 大学英语(一)第一次在线作业第1题- How do you do, Mr. Wang?您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:陌生人初次见面的问候语,也用how do you do 来回答。第2题- What s up?您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: Whats up? 打招呼时的常用语,询问对方“还好吗?” “最近怎样?” “有什么事情 发生吗?”,回答常用 nothing much 或 nothing, 表示“没什么事情发生” 。第3题- Quite well.And you?您的答

2、案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:从回答 Quite well.And you? 可以猜测问的应该是身体状况,通常打招呼询问最近身体 如何常用“ how are you? 或” how are you doing?第4题He responded with great anger this unfair treatment of his classmates.您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: respond to 固定短语,表示“对 .做出反应”第5题You should take an umbrella with you when you go to s

3、chool of rain.您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:本句意思是:“你上学时应该带上伞,以防有雨。 ” in CaSe以防,免得第6题He workS .您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:这里考察 alone 和 lonely 的区别。 alone 表示“独自、单独、一个人” ,而 longly 是带 有感情色彩的“孤单地、寂寞地” ,句子只说明他是独自工作。第7题He got up at 6:00 that day but he up at 7:00.您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: 句意:“那天他是 6点钟起床的,

4、 通常他是 7点起床”。 uSually 通常、平常、 习惯地, 常用于一般现在时。第8题The plane iS SCheduled to arrive beCauSe of bad weather.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: arrive late 到得晚,这里指飞机晚点。 late 在这里是副词,修饰动词 arrive第9题- I don t think we ve met before. I er. m Jeniff您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:打招呼的常用语,当对方已经介绍过自己了,常用“很高兴见到你,很高兴认识你” 来回答。第

5、 10 题- Have we met before?您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5 批注:“我们之前见过面吗?”如果没见过面,比较委婉的回答是 I m afraid not.第 11 题The house built of was once used as a warehouse.您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: build of 表示用什么材料制成的,后面就用 stone 原形即可,不需用复数的形式。第 12 题We do not do much with him.您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: do business w

6、ith sb. 固定用法,“与某人做生意”第 13 题Our teacher gave me .您的答案: D题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: advice 做“忠告 , 劝告 ; 建议; 指点 ; 磋商”是不可数名词!第 14 题He has written several books, but his last works well known among his friends.您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: works 在这里是作品,著作, his last works 他最近的著作第 15 题 Yesterday evening we had a

7、lovely evening at .您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5则表示“共本句是在批注:如果两个名词并列,并且分别有 S,则表示“分别有”;只有一个S,有”。 例 john S a nd mary S room (两间) john a nd mary S room (一间) 一个地点开晚会,所以是在 peter 和 hellen 他们两个的家开的晚会,他俩是一家人。第 16 题Thank you for your help.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5 批注:回答 thank you 常用 You are welcome.第 17 题 ThankS

8、 a lot.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:回答 thank you 的常用语。第 18 题-Thank you any way.您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:回答 thank you 的常用语。第 19 题I know of no other perSon in the club who iS aS kindhearted aS 您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:比较级中 aS.aS 的用法。第 20 题She amused by listening to light music.您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得

9、分: 0.5批注:反身代词的用法。第 21 题 of them are afraid of difficulties; we are all determined.您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5 批注:不定代词的用法。第 22 题I don t drink water during the day.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: water 是不可数名词,要用 much 来修饰。第 23 题There are trees on sides of the river.您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5 批注:河一般有两个岸,所以用 b

10、oth.第 24 题Please help to some fruit.您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:常用句型: please help yourself to some.请随便吃点。 。第 25 题he has five Children, a nd of them is good at Painting.您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: every one 代指五个孩子中的每一个第 26 题You should give the application to the man at that chair.您的答案: D题目分数: 0.5此题得

11、分: 0.5批注:现在分词短语作后置定语。 sitting at the chair 修饰 the man第 27 题The Chinese food good.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: taste 系动词的用法第 28 题Some people waste a lot of food others in the world haven t enough to eat.您的答案: D题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: while 做连词时有“而 ,然而”的意思,如 I like tea while she likes coffee. 我喜欢喝茶 , 而她

12、喜欢喝咖啡。第 29 题So far, he must have achieved his goal, ?您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:反义疑问句的用法第 30 题By Saturday, I here for three weeks.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:将来完成时的用法 第 31 题 difficult the situation was, we managed to survive.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:用作副词 (1) 表示让步:意为 ) “无论如何” “不管怎样”,用来修饰形容词或副词, 其

13、词序为: however+ 形容词或副词 +主语 +谓语。这样用的 however 其实具有连词的功能, 用以引导让步状语从句。 如: Phone me when you arrive, however late it is. 你到达之后就给我 打电话, 不论多么晚也要打。 However much he eats, he never gets fat. 不管他吃多少, 他永远 吃不胖。 However cold it is, he always goes swimming. 不管天有多冷,他都去游泳。第 32 题You ll get on the nice boys very well.您的

14、答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: get on with sb. well 与某人相处得很好第 33 题My TV is old; , it is in good condition.您的答案: D题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: nevertheless 连词,“尽管如此,然而”第 34 题The book was based the life story of the author himself.您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: be based on 固定短语 “建立在 .的基础上”第 35 题I have such a bad c

15、old that I have lost my of smell.您的答案: D题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: sense of smell 闻东西的感觉,嗅觉; sense of humour 幽默感 sense of +n. .的感觉第 36 题food a nd are Very important to US all.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:食物和衣服对我们来说很重要。 clothing 服装的总称。 cloth 布料,布第 37 题By the time I got home, I waS too tired to do .您的答案: D题

16、目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: too tired to do anyting 太累了,再没劲干什么事了。否定意义,用 anyting第 38 题YoU can Swim in a .您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:从意思上来判断。第 39 题The newSpaper on the deSk iS not .您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:名词性的物主代词。这里, mine=my newSpaper第 40 题I feel So thirSty. PleaSe giVe me Some .您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0

17、.5批注:从词义判断即可。作业总得分: 20.0作业总批注:中国石油大学(北京) 大学英语(一)第二次在线作业第 1 题 - Take care! - 您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:take Care也是分别时表示再见的一种方式。第2题-您的答案:Can I go out and have a walk? - A题目分数:0.5此题得分:0.5批注: go ahead 常用来答复表示请求的问句,意思是请随便。第 3 题 - Are you free tomorrow morning? - 您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: Im afraid n

18、ot. 也是对于请求的一种委婉的回答第 4 题 The trousers are , but Tom does not care a bit.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:表示程度的修饰形容词的词常放在形容词前面第 5 题 She wore a dress to the party that was far more attractive than 您的答案: D题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:比较的对象是女孩们的裙子而不是女孩, those代表dresses第 6 题 Although he is dead, his soul is still .您的答案

19、: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:alive是表语形容词,表示活着的,与 dead相对应第7题The twin brothers are in many ways.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: alike 也常用作表语形容词,表示与 , 相像的 第 8 题 Peter arrived at 9 o clock and Sam arrived 5 minutes .您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: later 副词,表示较晚地,后来; latter 是形容词后者的,后面的; lately 副词最近,相 当于 recently;la

20、st 可作形容词或副词表最后的,最后第 9 题 The harder the shrub is to grow, .您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: the +比较级, the +比较级 这个句型表示“越, .越 , ”第 10 题 The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are taken from the earth.您的答案:D题目分数:0.5此题得分:0.5批注:much常用于修饰比较级表程度, 比较的对象是 The photographs Of MarS所以要用those来指代第 11 题 _ anywhere i

21、n the United States costs less than a dollar when you dial it yourself.您的答案:C题目分数:0.5此题得分:0.5批注: three-minute 用作形容词做定语修饰 call, minute 不能加 s第 12 题 We arrived Professor Baker had already called the roll.您的答案:D题目分数:0.5此题得分:0.5批注: so,that句型中要用形容词原级,“太,以至于”第 13 题 It is that I would like to go to the beac

22、h.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: such 后跟名词,但 weather 是不可数名词前面不能加 a,nice 仅仅是修饰 weather 的作用,可以将 nice weather 看成一个名词短语第 14 题 Flight 302 to London Until 7 : 30 tomorrow morning . No Wonder Ihear so many complaints from the passengers您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:被动语态的现在完成时的用法第 15 题 What is the man over ther

23、e? I don t know for sure But I think he can be but ateacher.您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:指人用 anybody第 16 题 Where did you get to know your wife? It was in the university we studiedtogether.您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:强调句型的用法第 17 题 Emma 1ooks very happy She have passed the exam I guess soIts notdifficu

24、lt after all 您的答案: C 题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5 批注:肯定的猜测用 must第 18 题 Among the most important questions the journalists wanted was how to keep thepresent economic growth without causing damage to the environment?您的答案: D 题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5 批注:应该是 wanted to be answered 省略 to beI think I saw one第 19 题 Have you

25、 seen watch? I left it here this morning.somewhere. Is it new one?您的答案: D题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:不特指哪一个,用不定冠词 a第 20 题 The Browns held they called family day once each year.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:译文:布朗夫妇每年举行一次他们称之为“家庭日”的活动。 what 既作连词又在 宾语从句中作 called 的宾语。第 21 题 In some parts of London, missing a bus

26、 means for another hour.您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:mean to do 打算、想 mean doing 意味着 I mean to go, but my father would not allow meto. 我想去, 但是我父亲不肯让我去。 To raise wage means increasing purchasing power. 赠加 工资意味着增加购买力。第 22 题 The Foreign Minister said, “ our hope that the two sides will work towardspeace.

27、”您的答案: D题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:主语从句的用法,it是形式主语,真正主语是后面 that引导的从句第 23 题 The book he bought yesterday is very interesting.您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5 批注:定语从句的用法,省略了关系代词 that 或 which第 24 题 He has not got a fever. That is to say, his temperature is .您的答案: B 题目分数: 0.5 此题得分: 0.5批注: normal 强调正常的,与发烧(异常)相对应第 25

28、 题 We have learned the rocks on the moon are 3500 million years ago.您的答案: C题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: that 引导宾语从句,做 learn 的宾语。第 26 题 As soon as he entered the room , he his cap and sat down.您的答案: D题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:固定搭配 take off 脱掉第 27 题 I ve been here for three weeks now, and I ve enjoyed myself.您的答案

29、: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:固定用法 so far 迄今为止,目前第 28 题 It is a common observation there are no two objects in nature that are exactlyalike.您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: that 引导同位语从句,说明 observation 的内容。第 29 题 I ll do whatever I can my English.您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5 批注:此处是不定式表目的状语。 Can 后省略了和主语相同的部分( do)。

30、第 30 题 Tom, you are caught late again. Oh, .您的答案: B题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注: just my luck 意思与字面意思正好相反“真倒霉!我的运气总是这样坏”第 31 题 Oh, life is so boring! Please don t think so . I suppose you ve come to the point a change is needed.您的答案: A题目分数: 0.5此题得分: 0.5批注:本题易误选 B 。此处的 point 意为“特定的情况或地方” ,关系副词 where 引导定语从 句修饰 point 。第

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