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1、仁爱版九年级上册英语短语词组总结汇编仁爱版九年级上册英语短语词组总结汇编Unit 1 Topic 1短语1.take place (有计划)发生2.sth happen to sb 某人意外发生某事3.have gone to 去了某地人未回来4.have been to 去了某地人已回来5.places of interest 名胜古迹6.long time no see 好久不见 the way 顺便问一下8.there goes the bell.铃声响了9.take photos 照相10.must be 一定是11.take part in=join in=be in 参加(

2、活动)12.volunteer activities 志愿者活动13.learn sth. from sb/sth 向某人学习;从中学习14.make sb/sth adj 使某人怎么样15.make sb do sth 使某人做某事16.make friends with sb 与某人交朋友17.put on 上演;穿上18.put up 挂起来;19.put off 推迟20.put away把收起来21.put down放下22.put into把放进去23.put out 伸出;熄灭24.bothand两者都25.see sth/sb oneself=see sth/sb with o

3、nes eyes=see sth/sb in person某人亲眼所见 crowded into 挤入,挤进27.have a/the good chance to do sth 有机会做某事28.receive/get a good education 获得良好教育29.keep/get in touch with sb与某人保持/取得联系30.lose touch with sb 与某人失去联系31.relatives and friends 亲朋好友32.far away 遥远33.ring roads 环形公路34.satisfy ones needs 满足某人的需求35.r

4、eform and opening-up 改革开放36.not onlybut (also)不仅而且37.medical care医疗保健38.whats more 而且,另外39.make progress (in)在取得进步40.succeed in doing sth 成功做了某事41.dream about/of doing sth梦想做某事42.leisure activities 休闲活动43.all kinds/sorts of各种各样的44.enjoy oneself =have fun=have a good time 玩得愉快 an important par

5、t/role in 在起重要作用 chess/cards 下棋/牌 ones spare/free time在某人空闲时间48.make a tour abroad 国外旅游 present 现在;目前 order to 为了 the open air 在户外52.thanks to 多亏 the past 在过去 and night 日日夜夜55.more than 超过 the future 在将来Unit 1 Topic 2短语1.developing countries 发展中国家2.develope

6、d countries发达国家3.with the development of 随着的发展4.notany more=no more 不再5.notany longer=no longer 不再6.get/be lost=lose ones way 迷路=be missing 7.each other =one another 互相 sb up=make a telephone call to sb 打电话给某人9.go shopping=do some shopping 购物情态动词+主语 也是这样的11.neither+do/be/

7、have/情态动词+主语 也不是这样的主语+do/be/have/情态动词 确实如此 the way 顺便说一下14.have a population of+基数 有多少人口15.large/small population 人口多/人口少16.carry out 执行 least 至少18.increase by 增加了19.increase to 增加到20.because of 因为;由于21.solve the problem 解决问题22.two thirds 2/3 (分子:子基母序,分子大于1,分母+S)

8、b+to do sth 对做是怎么样的 the same time 同时25.worse and worse 越来越糟糕26.take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事 famous/known as 作为而出名 famous/known for因为而出名29.sth/sb be known to sb某事/人为人所熟知 well in 在有成效31.thanks to 多亏32.(what)do with 处理33.(how)deal with 处理 born 出生 of+adj最高级+pl+n+单谓 之一

9、36.provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth 向某人提供某物 sb with sth=supply sth to sb 向某人提供某物38.offer sb sth=offer sth to sb向某人提供某物 surrounded by/with 被环绕40.discourage/stop/prevent/ keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 short of 缺少42.keep up with 赶上 sports 做运动Unit 1 Topic 3短语 do

10、you like doing sth=what do you think of doing sth 你认为怎么样2.get/be used to doing sth 习惯于3.used to do sth 过去常常做某事 a matter of fact=in fact 事实上5.stand for 代表6.millions of 上百万的7.billions of 上亿的8.hundreds of 上百的9.thousands of 上千的10.return to+地点 回到11.manage to do sth 设法做成某事 in need 处于困境中13.break o

11、ut 爆发14.decide on sth 选定15.feel good about oneself 自我感觉良好 a normal life 过正常的生活17.for the better向好的方向发展18.according to 根据 away from 远离 that 为了;以便 home and abroad 国内外22.get into trouble 陷入麻烦23.pick up 拣起;开车去接 sb out 帮某人脱离困境 able to do sth 有能力做某事26.earn/make money 赚钱27

12、.on purpose 故意28.think of as 把当作 for 付款30.make a contribution to doing sth 做贡献31.encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 a result 结果 another 互相34.with ones help=with the help of sb在某人的帮助下35.Project Hope 希望工程36.and so on 等等 ones best to do sth 尽某人最大努力做某事38.A friend in need is a frien

13、d indeed.患难见真情。39.control the population 控制人口40.plenty of 大量 well as 也,和,和一样好42.get/be close to 靠近43.share sth with sb 与某人分享某物44.indoor/outdoor activities 室内/外运动 the Internet 上网 with sb 与某人聊天Unit 2 Topic 1短语1.cause sb/sth to do sth 导致某人做某事2.see sb/sth do 看见某人做过某事3.see sb/sth doing

14、 sth 看见某人在做某事4.have gone=be missing =be lost消失5.there +be +sb/sth doing sth 有某人/某物做某事6.pour into 倒进7.adj/adv+enough to do sth足够做某事 in trees 外来物住树上9.because of 因为10.get a pain in+部位 痛11.whats worse 更糟糕的是12.too much+U太多13.too many+pl 太多14.much too+adj/adv 太 in a +adj+ mood心情16.cant bear/sta

15、nd doing sth 受不了做某事17.write to sb 向某人写信18.hear from sb=receive/get ones letter from sb 收到某人的来信19.had better (not) do sth最好(不)做某事20.make noise制造噪音 for=look after=take care of照顾22.soil/water/noise/air/light pollution 土地/水/噪音/空气/光污染23.breathing problem 呼吸问题24.make a mess of 使脏乱 harmful to=be bad for=do harm to 对有害26.throwaround=throwhere and the

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