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1、高考必备单词及词组第一册 Unit 1-21.向道歉make an apology to sbapologize to sb1.对感兴趣, 爱好 be into2.寻找,搜寻hunt for3.为了in order to doSo as to do4.把当成treat / regard as5.同甘共苦share happiness and sorrow6.关心care about7.与交朋友make friends with8.给某人写信drop sb a line9.记住,牢记keep in mind10.保密keep secret11.遇见run into12.逃课skip classe

2、s13.照看keep an eye on14.对感到好奇 be curious about15.第一次 for the first tome16.从直飞到fly all the way direct from to 17.大多数the majority of18.总计in total19.除了以外except for20.发生come about21.以告终end up with22.引进,产生bring in23.许多的,大量的 a great / good many24.发展成为develop into25.闭嘴shut up26.去世pass away27.与保持联系 stay / ke

3、ep in touchwith28.熬夜stay up29.一直,始终all the time30.意味着做 mean doing31.决定,打算做 mean to do32.把与做比较 compare with33.把比作compare to 34.与相比较compared to / with35.过去本来应该做 should have done必背单词honestargue matchsurvivedesertedshare sorrow lieadventurescared pronouncerepeat majoritytotal equalsituation communicatio

4、n exchange signalindependent expression compare replaceUnit 3-4必背单词consider meansexperience basicnormal similarity particularseparate combine responsibilityhostdisasterrescue advanceseize struggleshake strikedestroy opportunity必背词组1.体验生活 / 大自然 experience life / nature2.逃离 / 原理get away from3.进行体育锻炼ta

5、ke exercise4.贴近,靠近get close to5.去远足go for a hike6.当心,警惕watch out for7.保护,防卫某人 protect sb. from 8.几天后in a few days time9.为某人送行see sb off10.向某人问候say “ hi ” to sb11.对 有坏处be bad for12.另一方面on the other hand13.也 as well as14.追上,追赶catch up with15.伸出手去reach out for16.注意pay attention to17.遇上,赶上be caught in18

6、.三思think twice19.把某人往上拽pull sb up20.抓住,坚持住hold on to21.站立起来get on one s feet22.面显惧色with a look of fright23.经受,通过go through24.在度假on holiday25.进行两天的旅行 go on a two-day holiday26.把握机会seize an opportunity27.信不信由你believe it or not28.切断cut off29.把 和 结合起来 combine withUnit5-6必背单词Scene career award prize Crea

7、ture industry primary determine Comment interrupt apologise introduce Forgive manner impression behave Custom course disabled必背短语1.扮演角色play roles2.获奥斯卡最佳女演员奖win Oscar as the Best Actress3.脱掉,起飞take off4.把剁掉cut into pieces5.在海边by the sea6.出错,出问题 go wrong7.总共,总计in all8.赢得,获胜win over9.以开始start with10.追

8、赶,追逐run after11.逃学 run away from school12.从事 work on13.离开,请假stay away14.把锁起来look up15.惹麻烦cause trouble16.对高度评价 think highly of17.对评价make comments on18.愚弄,戏弄make a fool of19.结果是,证明是 turn out20.全速 at full speed21.一封感谢信a thank-you letter22.给某人留下好印象make a good impression on sb23.为干杯drink to24.赶时髦follow

9、the fashion25.忙于be busy with26.敬酒的习惯the custom of toasting27.有礼貌have good manners28.招待某人吃饭 serve sb with a meal29.省去,遗漏,不考虑 leave out30.保持沉默keep silent31.在做得好do well in32.在国内外at home and abroad33.与匹配match withUnit 7-8必背单词culturalrepresentruinrestorerebuildrecreateunitedamageprojectofficial sincerely

10、 continentathletemedalfinalfurtherrankpreparationeffectcompetepositionweighprofessional必背短语1.看起来像神话里的东西look like sth out of a fairy tale2.受到攻击be under attack3.成为废墟be in ruins4.尽力去做某事do everything sb can todo sth5.投降,让步give in6.在帮助下with the help of7.把复原put back together8.面朝向,俯瞰 look out over9.使人听见自己的

11、声音 make one s voiceheard10.定居 settle down11.终年,全年all through the year12.由于的结果as a result of13.始于,属于date from / back14.一块一块地stone by stone15.总共 in all16.参加 take part in / join in17.每四年every four years18.位居第三rank the third19.划时代的成就history-making success20.进行大的变化make big changes21.为做准备in preparation fo

12、r22.实现梦想live one s dream23.体重增加put on weight24.至多几秒钟in a matter of seconds25.关心,惦念care about26.使恢复生气bring back to lifeUnit 9-10必背单词agreement throughout function addadd to remind appointment behaviourwhatever unexpected particular interviewwonder defeat succeed skipmeasure adapt devote commonreduce r

13、espond amountmaterial attractive organize brief必背词组1.忙碌的,活跃的 on the go2.把放进,把译成 put into3.接添,追加,附加 add to4.使某人想起 remind sb of / about sth5.需要,要求 call for6.若,如果,万一 in case of7.增加销量 increase the sales8.为募捐 collect money for9.接管,接收 take over10.毁掉,坏掉,身体受损 break down11.赶上,提出,提供 come up with12.依靠武力 by for

14、ce13.查字典 look up in the dictionary14.和某人定下约会时间make an appointment with15.强迫某人做某事 force sb to do16.把基于 base on / upon17.拆开 take sth apart18.灭绝,逐渐消失 die out19.对付,处理 , 涉及,论述 deal with20.依次,轮流 take turns (at) doing sth21.制止做某事 keep from doing sth22.处理,负责,照料 take care of23.采取措施 take measures24.适应,改编 adap

15、t to25.获知,找出,查明 find out26.造表,造册,列于表上 make a list of27.拾起,好转,接(某人) pick up28.选出,分辨出 pick out29.献身于,专心于 devote to30.的总数 the amount of31.在自然环境下 in the wild32.扔掉 throw away33.向学习 learn from34.告终,结束 end up35.大量,许多 a large amount of36. 一直到,适于,胜任,从事 up to37. 砍倒,减少 cut downUnit 11-12必背单词Suggestion perform

16、contain traditionalspread varietyrecord satisfydesire emotionprocess entertainliterature powerseries treatannouncementcharacter必背短语1.心里想着某事have sth in mind心里想着某事2.无数的,大量的, a world of3.在节日期间during festivals4.有许多共同之处 have much in common5.闻名于世be known throughout theworld6.各种各样的a wide variety of7.另一方面on

17、 the other hand8.满足某人内心的欲望satisfy one s innerworld9.以不同的方式in different ways10.为制定计划make a plan for11.引进,引入bring in12.转向,翻转turn to13.对愤怒be angry with14.树敌make enemies15.被高度赞扬be well thought of16.带走take away17.有一个愉快的结局 have a happy ending18.魔法magic tricks19.一系列的a series of20.偶然遇见come across21.意志坚强,头脑聪

18、明be strong in heart and mind22.虐待某人treat sb badly23.与作斗争fight against24.转到一边move to one side25.开启open up26.与相似be similar to27.换句话说in other words28.生动鲜活起来come to life29.沉浸其中lose oneself in30.思维方式a way of thinking31.在某种意义上in a way32.急于做某事be eager to doUnit 13-14必背单词ought examineenergy nutritiousfuncti

19、on chemical balance fitdigest gainmixture themesymbol conflictmajor probablyhonour principlecommercial respect必背短语1.当心,小心be careful with2.许多,大量的 plenty of3.跟上,赶上keep up with4.做出选择make a choice5.对有害be harmful to6.增加体重lose weight7.为做好准备 be prepared for8.应用于,适用于 go for9.建议某人做某事 advise sb to do10.太多,过分t

20、oo much11.缺乏be short of12.时而,偶尔now and then13.富含be rich in14.盛装,打扮dress up15.按照某人的看法 on one s opinion16.因向某人表示感谢give thanks to sb for17.为我们自己考虑 think for ourselves18.比较与compare with 19.开某人玩笑,欺骗某人 play a trick on sb20.请某人吃饭treat sb to dinner21.生命的轮回the cycle of life22.欺骗,摄取,吸收 take in23.祭祀祖先honour on

21、e s ancestor24.表示尊敬show one s respectUnit 15-16必背单词recognise surelyexplain continueprecious positiveattend besidesoutlinequality applicationcomfort conductcharge shocktearcontrol sharp fastensense doubt view conclusion必背短语1.毕竟after all2.访问 / 拜访某人 call on sb at place3.把拿出来take out4.拿出来,取回来 bring sth

22、out5.日日夜夜地bring back6.为付钱pay for7.还清,付清pay off8.至多at least9.把表演出来,把付诸行动 act out10.找到,提出come up with11.增加,增强build up12.属于belong to13.按照我的看法,在我看来 in my opinion14.将来,未来in the future15.利用make use of16.若干,一些a number of17.很多的,大量的 a grat deal of18.把绑在tie to19.增添add to20.在身上做试验 test onUnit 17-18必背单词Inspire

23、admiregenerous meanTense champion somehow extremelyValue botherpromise bearScholarship graduation settlePossession secretary conferenceRelation agriculture export必背词组1.给某人留下印象 make a impression on sb2.在对面的尽头 at the opposite end of3.就要发生,在拐角处 around the corner4.自救self rescue5.搭起,建起put up6.感谢be thankf

24、ul for7.挣扎着站起来 struggle to one s knees8.把撞翻knock sb over9.从事take up10.在吝啬be mean with11.对乐观be optimistic about12.躲避take shelter from13.赢得了一等奖 win the first prize14.甘心忍受come to terms with15.毫无希望hold no promise16.导致,通向lead to17.某人发生情况,怎么啦 become of sb18.对某人来说可以得到 within reach for sb19.把当作看待 think of s

25、b as20.出名rise to fame21.和有关in relation to22.在东北海岸上 on the northeastern coast23.占有,占领take possession of24.和某人签合同 sign an agreement with sb25.占make up26.高质量be of high quality27.在有技能be skilled at28.办公司run business29.使经济发展keep economy going30.因而尊敬某人 honour sb for31.在之间建立牢固的友谊桥梁 build strongbridges of friendship betweenUnit 19-20必背单词 protection technical import method Tie gardening wisdom practical guide condition remove humorous Bitter intend nationality certain amuse actually typical appreciate exist operate confuse confused必背短语1.对有影响have effects on2.违背 , 与相反 go a

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