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1、必修四M2课时讲义必修四M2课时讲义 教材复现在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。1_ (simple) raise your hand, and a taxi appears _ no time.答案:Simply; in2You should check the cab has a business permit, and make sure you ask _ a receipt.答案:for3Public transport provides a cheap way _ (get) around in Beijing.答案:to get4Therere 20,00

2、0 buses and trolleybuses in Beijing, but they can get very _ (crowd)答案:crowded5Buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited _ travel within the city centre.答案:to6Tourists shouldnt miss the 103 bus _ offers one of the most impressive routes, past the Forbidden City and the White Pagoda in Beihai Park.答案:which

3、7However, there is also a night bus service, _(provide) by buses with a number in the 200s.答案:provided8Minibuses with seats for 12 passengers offer an alternative _ expensive taxis and crowded public transport in some areas.答案:to9They run regular services and follow the same routes _ large public bu

4、ses.答案:as10A oneway trip costs 3 yuan. Station names are marked _ Pinyin.答案:in 1permitn执照;许可证v许可;允许;准许You should check the cab has a business permit, and make sure you ask for a receipt.(P12)你得确保出租车有营运执照,并且一定要索要发票。 (1)permitn./pron./doing 允许 permit sb.to_do sth. 允许某人做某事天气/时间允许的话(2)permission n. 许可,允

5、许ask for permission 请求允许without permission 未经允许with sb.s permission 在某人许可的情况下2013湖北高考People complain that decisions to approve or deny a_permit are often arbitrary rather than based on fixed criteria.人们抱怨做出的支持或反对一个许可证的决定经常是随意的,而不是基于固定的标准。2013天津高考Mobile phone conversations are_not_permitted anywhere

6、in the library.在图书馆的任何地方都不允许使用手机通话。牛津辞典Visitors are_not_permitted_to_take photographs.参观者请勿拍照。2014江西高考There is a wild road leading through the park, but nobody is_permitted_to_walk on the road.有一条未开垦的路通向公园,但没有人被允许在上面走过。2012全国卷The party will be held in the garden, weather_permitting.天气允许的话,聚会将在花园举行。2

7、limitvt.限制n限制;界限;边界;限度;极限Buses numbered 1 to 100 are limited to travel within the city centre.(P12)公交1到100路都是仅限于市中心行驶的。(1) 把限制在之内(to为介词)be limited to 局限于(2)beyond the limit 超过限度within the limit of 在范围内put/set a limit to sth. 对规定限度without limit 无限制地(3)limited adj.有限的2014湖南高考The neutral water

8、 pen is widely used in the process of study but we often have trouble using them because of its limited ink and other inconvenience.中性笔常在学习中被广泛使用,但用起来也很麻烦,因为墨水有限还有其他的不便之处。2011福建高考Even below the drinking limit,_driving will be affected.即使低于饮酒限度,开车也会受到影响。牛津辞典Ive limited myself to 1,000 calories a day

9、to try and lose weight.我为了减肥,限定自己每天摄入1000卡的热量。3providevi.抚养vt.提供;供应;供给;规定However, there is also a night bus service, provided by buses with a number in the 200s.(P12)当然,也有夜间公交车服务,编号在200到300之间。provide sth. for sb.provide sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物provided (that)providing (that)on condition thatso/as long

10、as 倘若,在情况下/条件下provide for 赡养;养活provide against 预防;防备2014山东高考Buses could be provided to take them into the centre.可以提供巴士带他们进入中心。人教3My goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.我的目标是为人类提供高质量的生活。北师大19I will play tennis provided_that were finished by 5 pm.要是5点结束,我就去打网球。朗文高级辞典Health insurance

11、 will provide_against loss of income if you become ill.生病的时候,健康保险可以避免收入损失。易混辨析provide常用结构:provide sth. for sb.或provide sb. with sth.提供(事先准备好的必需品)supply常用结构:supply sb. with sth.或supply sth. to sb.补给;供给(不足的人员或设备)offer常用结构:offer sb. sth.或offer sth. to sb.主动提供,出价选词填空(provide/supply/offer)aShe _ to carry

12、 the box for her mother.bIts hard to _ the demand for more and better houses.cThe school _ the students with delicious food.答案:a.offeredbsupplycprovides4convenientadj.方便的;便利的Trains are fast and convenient, but rush hours can be terrible.(P12)地铁快捷便利,但高峰期时段情况就可能十分糟糕。 (1)It is/was convenient for sb. to

13、_do sth.对某人来说做方便sth. be convenient to/for sb. 对某人来说是方便的when it_is convenient for you.当你方便的时候(2)convenience n. 方便at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候for convenience 为方便起见(3)inconvenience n不方便2013辽宁高考Bicycles are still popular in China today, because they are convenient and inexpensive.如今自行车在中国依旧很流行,因为它们方便且价格

14、低廉。2014天津高考The car is a convenient means of transport, but we have made it our way of life.汽车是很方便的交通方式,但是我们已经把它变成了生活方式。2010大纲全国卷We hope that you will accept our invitation if it_is convenient for you.如果你方便的话,我们希望你接受我们的邀请。特别提示convenient作表语时,不可用人作主语,而要用物作主语或用it作形式主语。“当你方便的时候”应翻译成when it is convenient

15、for you,而不是when you are convenient。过关演练在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1Passengers are permitted _ (carry) only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.答案:to carry2I dont mind Guy coming with us _ condition that he pays for his own meals.答案:on32015重庆高考If you could _ (provide) more specific information,

16、 I would be well grateful.答案:provide4We are doing our best with the _ (limit) resources available.答案:limited52015陕西高考If you are interested, please send an application email at your earliest _ (convenient) to Ms Chen.答案:convenience6Many exhibits with characteristics of the Chinese art are _ display.答

17、案:on7They believe that youll go _ the limit, and go beyond yourselves.答案:beyond8It is necessary that a person should provide _ a raining day.答案:against9He says youre under a lot of stress. You have been _ (mood) lately.答案:moody10Can you come and give me a hand _ your convenience?答案:at 1be/get stuck

18、in 被困在You can get stuck in a traffic jam anywhere in the world.(P19)世界任何地方都可能堵车。(1)be stuck with 被缠住无法摆脱stick around 逗留,停留stick out 伸出,突出stick to 坚持,信守(2)“get过去分词”与“be过去分词”用法相近。“get过去分词”强调动作,表示的常是意想不到的,突然的或偶然的情况,或谈论自身做的动作。常见的有:be/get caught inbe/get trapped in被困在get hurt/burnt 受伤/被烧伤;被烫着get dressed/

19、separated 穿衣/被分散get lost/drunk 迷路/喝醉get changed/married 换衣服/结婚get paid/damaged 领取报酬/受损get washed/killed 洗脸/被杀死2014辽宁高考,完形填空Youre stuck in your own way of thinking.你受困于自己的思维方式。2013江苏高考,完形填空They dropped off blankets,candles, and tools, and began sticking around to chat.他们放下毯子、蜡烛和工具,然后开始在此逗留聊天。2014浙江高考

20、I didnt become a serious climber until the fifth grade, when I went up to rescue a kite that was_stuck_in the branches of a tree.我直到五年级才真心成为一个严格的攀登者,那时我爬到树上去拿一个被挂在树枝上的风筝。牛津词典He promised to help us and he stuck_to his word.他答应过帮助我们,他没有失信。朗文高级辞典You might get_hurt if you stand there.你站在那里可能会被伤到。 2in no

21、 time 马上;一会儿Simply raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time. (P12)只要你招招手,马上就会有出租车开过来。 2014四川高考,阅读理解BWe arrived in the summer, just in_time to enjoy the midnight sun.我们在夏天到达,正好能及时享受到午夜的太阳。2014天津高考,完形填空A phone call, however, could never replace her presence and it was difficult not to feel lonel

22、y at_times.然而一个电话永远不能代替她的在场,有时不感到孤独是很难的。2014广东高考,完形填空Parents should talk to their children but at_the_same_time they should lend an ear to what they have to say.家长应该与他们的孩子交流,但是同时他们应该聆听他们所说的。特别提示at no time位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。类似的“prep.non.”表示“决不”的短语有:in no case, in no way, in no sense, by no means, on no co

23、ndition, under/in no circumstance等。2013辽宁高考At no time did_they_break the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.在任何时候他们都不会违背游戏规则。惩罚他们是不公平的。 3under construction 正在建设之中There are four underground lines in Beijing, and several lines are under construction.(P12)北京有四条地铁线,还有几条线正在建设之中。牛津词典The count

24、ry is now under_martial_law.这个国家目前在戒严中。朗文高级辞典The possibility of employing more staff is still under_discussion.关于是否可以招聘更多员工的问题仍在讨论之中。2014湖南高考The education programme is under_discussion.教育纲要正在讨论之中。1Its a good idea to have_your_destination_written in Chinese.(P13)把你的目的地用汉语写出来是一个不错的办法。本句中含有“have sth. d

25、one”结构,结构中的宾语与宾语补足语之间是动宾关系,即write your destination。(1)have sth. Done(2)have sb. do sth.让某人做某事(have可替换为let, make, 此句中do为省略了to的不定式,make sb. do be made to do sth.)(3)have sb. doing sth. 朗文高级辞典Where do you normally have your hair cut?你通常在哪里理发?朗文高级辞典Wed only just had a new engine put_in.我们刚请人换了一台

26、新的引擎。牛津词典She had all her jewellery stolen.她所有的首饰都被偷了。特别提示have sth. to do有某事要做(to do作定语), have sth. to be done有某事要让别人做(to be done作定语)。I cant go with you, because I have much homework to_do.我不能和你们一起去,因为我有很多家庭作业。Lucy will go shopping, would you like something to_be_bought?露西要去购物,你有什么要买的东西吗?过关演练完成句子1She

27、 told me she had _.她告诉我,她的房屋修好了。答案:had her house repaired2He wants to _ tomorrow.他明天想去检查眼睛。答案:have his eyes examined3I cant _ to your mother in a rude manner. You must apologize to her immediately.我不允许你用那种粗鲁的方式跟你的妈妈说话。你必须立刻向她道歉。答案:have you speaking42014北京高考_ carefully if any change occurs when doing

28、 experiments in the lab.在实验室做实验时要仔细观察是否发生了什么变化。答案:Observe5_ you will be happy every day.和快乐的人在一起,你就会每天都快乐。答案:Stay with happy people and祈使句定义用于表达命令,请求,劝告,禁止等的句子叫作祈使句。结构Do型Stand up!起立!Be型Be careful!小心!Let型Let me help you!让我帮助你!否定结构一般以Dont开头,有时也可用no开头。Dont smoke here, please!请不要在这儿吸烟!No parking!禁止停车!使用

29、“Let”型祈使句注意事项用“Lets”时,把谈话的对象包括在内;用“Let us”时,并不包括对方。如:Let us do it by ourselves, will you?Lets do it by ourselves, shall we?过关演练在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)1Find ways to praise your children often,_youll find they will open their hearts to you.答案:and2You have to move out of the way _ the truck can not get past you.答案:or3Kate, run a bit faster, _ you can catch up with all of your classmates.答案:and

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