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1、英语四六级考试译文笔记 第43篇英语作文写作及翻译老师笔记(四六级考试)1.因为禁食和使用减肥药物会带来低卡路里摄入量,因此他们容易导致疲劳过度以及耐力不足。对于学生来说,这会对他们的学术表现带来不利影响。Since skipping meals and taking diet pills are associated witha low caloric intake(1.低卡路里摄入量), they are likely to result inincreased fatigue(2.疲劳过度)andlowered stamina(3.耐力不足). For students, this ca

2、n be detrimental to their academic performance. 1- a low caloric intake词典释义:caloric1.ADJ形容词 热量的Caloricmeans relating to calories.【搭配模式】:ADJ n.a dailycaloricintake of from 400 to 1200 calories.日摄取400至1200卡路里的热量intaken.teknounAMOUNT数量uncountablethe amount of a particular substance which is eaten or dr

3、unk during a particular time摄入量It says on the packet that four slices of this bread contains one half of your recommendeddailyintakeof fibre.包装上写着四片这种面包就包含了建议的每天纤维摄取量的一半。外刊例句:By recent government order, municipal rations will be expanded further because of rising incidence of children fainting at sc

4、hool due tolow calorie intake.()政府近日下令进一步增加城市粮食配给,因为越来越多儿童犹如能量摄入不足而晕倒。替换表达:a low calorie/energy intake2- increased fatigue词典释义:increasedadjective:subjected to augmentation:made or become greaterfatigue1.N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词疲惫;疲劳;疲倦Fatigueis a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness.She continued

5、to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, and depression.她仍然患有严重的胃痉挛,感觉疼痛、疲乏、抑郁。Clarke says his team could have lasted another 15 days beforefatiguewould have begun to take a toll.克拉克说,他的团队本来还可以再坚持 15 天,只是疲劳可能会造成严重后果,只好作罢。外刊例句:But the worst of it has faded, thanks to warfatigueand a remarkably

6、effective intervention by UN peacekeepers.()然而,由于战争双方都感到疲倦,而且联合国调停极其有效,其最糟糕的局面已经告一段落了。替换表达:excessive fatigue3- lowered stamina词典释义:staminastm.nnoununcountablethe physical and/or mental strength to do something which might be difficult and which will take a long time耐力;耐性;持久力The triathlon is a great

7、test ofstamina.三项全能运动是对耐力的极大考验。外刊例句:Yet few animals have an elephantsstaminaor can travel as far in a dayprovided its way is not blocked.()但几乎没有什么动物能像大象那么好耐力,或者说像它们一样一整天都在奔跑迁移(只要没有东西阻住它们)。替换表达:lack of endurance / staying powerQ:Intake作名词时不可数,为什么前面要加a?A:intake可以作为单数名词,因此前面可以加a,例如朗文词典例句:a high intake

8、of carbohydrates碳水化合物的大量摄入2.经常选择禁食,而不是与他们的同学在学生食堂吃饭的大学生可能会被视为不合群,而且他们可能会变得与同龄人格格不入。College students who frequently skip meals, rather than dining with their classmates in thecafeteria(1.学生食堂), may be viewed asantisocial(2.不合群)andbecome alienated from(3.与格格不入)their peers.1- cafeteria词典释义:cafeteriaUKk

9、f.t.ri.US-tr.i-nouncountablea restaurant (often in a factory, a college or an office building) where people collect food and drink from a serving area and take it to a table themselves after paying for it(常指工厂、大学或办公大楼内的)自助餐厅,自助食堂外刊例句:On Friday, the couple were among about 500 Facebookcafeteriaworker

10、s who elected to join a union, Unite Here Local 19.()在周五,这对夫妇将与约500多名Facebook的饭堂工作人员一同入选为“Unite Here Local 19”工会的一员。替换表达:canteen / dining hall2- antisocial词典释义:anti-social UKn.tis.lUS-tiso-adjectiveADVANCEDharmful to society反社会的;对社会有害的;危害公共利益的anti-socialbehaviour反社会举动Increasingly, smoking is regarde

11、d as ananti-social habit.越来越多的人把吸烟视为危害公共利益的恶习。ADVANCEDoften avoiding spending time with other people不爱交际的;厌恶社交的;不合群的I hope they wont think Imanti-socialif I dont join them in the bar.我希望他们不要因为我不跟他们一起去酒吧,就认为我不合群。外刊例句:There has been a heated debate on Twitter about such arguablyantisocial networks, us

12、ing a new hashtag, #JerkTech.()对于像这种反社会网络,推特上存在着激烈讨论,(人们)可以使用符号#JerkTech参与讨论。替换表达:unsociable学生错误表达:(1)dissociable点评:dissociable是指“可分离的;可分开的”,例如:Language and cognition are not dissociable.语言和认知是不可分的。Dissociable用在语境中不合适。(2)unsocial点评:unsocial常见于词组work unsocial hours,含义是“在非正常时间上班(夜班或早班)”,unsocial用在这里不合

13、适。3- alienated from词典释义:verbtransitiveLOSE SUPPORT失去支持to cause someone or a group of people to stop supporting and agreeing with you离间;使背离;使不友好All these changes to the newspaper havealienated its traditional readers.报纸改头换面疏远了老读者。verbtransitiveNOT WELCOME不受欢迎to make someone feel that they are differe

14、nt and do not belong to a group使格格不入;使疏远Disagreements canalienateteenagersfromtheir families.家庭争吵会使青少年跟家人产生感情裂痕。外刊例句:Nottingham is home to two excellent universities, so why are pupils in some parts of the cityalienated fromhigher education?()诺丁汉有着两所优秀大学,但为何该城市内某些地区的孩子却与高等教育渐行渐远呢?替换表达:become a socia

15、l misfit学生错误表达:become incompatible with点评:incompatible是指因个人性格、品质等原因而与其他人格格不入,例如:I dont know why they ever got married. Theyre totally incompatible.我不知道他们为什么结婚,他们根本合不来。而在语境中是指减肥的学生因为不去参加社交活动而与同学疏远,用incompatible不太合适。3.一些学生可能会整天惦念着他们每天的减肥效果,这会转移他们在学术工作上的注意力,让他们对学习愈发冷淡。Some students maydevelop an obsess

16、ion with(1.整天惦记着)their day-to-day weight loss results,diverting the focus of their attention away from(2.转移他们在上的注意力)their academic work and making them increasinglyapathetic(3.冷淡的,无兴趣的)towards their studies.1- develop an obsession with词典释义:obsessionbse.nnouncountableoruncountableADVANCEDsomething or

17、 someone that you think about all the time困扰;无法摆脱的念头;念念不忘的事(或人)an unhealthyobsessionwithdeath总是想到死的不健康念头her chocolateobsession她对巧克力的痴迷Hes always wanted to find his natural mother but recently itsbecome anobsession.他一直想找到自己的生母,但最近这成了他的一块心病。外刊例句:Increasing numbers of young people are being admitted to

18、 hospital because of eating disorders, figures show, with the blame in part being put on the rise of social media that has helpeddevelop an obsession withimage.()数据显示,越来越多年轻人因为饮食不规律而住院,而矛头则指向了社交网络,责备它令孩子整天沉迷于(社交网络上的)图片之中。学生错误表达:Think about点评:think about没有表达出“整天惦记”那一层含义,可以改为develop an obsession with2

19、- divert the focus of their attention away from词典释义:TAKE ATTENTION AWAY转移注意力to take someones attention away from something分散,转移(注意力)The war hasdivertedattention(away)fromthe countrys economic problems.战争转移了人们对国家经济问题的关注。外刊例句:As for Russia, association with some of the most dynamic economies in the wo

20、rld may perhapsdivert some attention away fromits own decline.()对于俄罗斯而言,与某些世界上最活跃的经济体为伍或许能分散人们对其经济下滑的关注。替换表达:distract them from3- apathetic词典释义 no interest or energy; unwilling to take action, especially over something important无兴趣的;懈怠的;(尤指对重要事情)不关心的,无动于衷的Youn

21、g people today are soapatheticabout politics.现在的年轻人太不关心政治。Dont be soapathetic- how are you going to get a job if you dont even write a letter?别那么吊儿郎当的,连求职信都不写,你怎么能找到工作?外刊例句:Even where a primary is closed to Republican voters, theapatheticfar outstripped the enthusiastic.()即便党内初选与共和党员息息相关,对此无动于衷的人仍远比

22、感兴趣的人多。替换表达:uninterested / indifferentQ:请问老师indifferent和apathetic的区别?A:indifferent和apathetic两者是近义词,但indifferent除了“不关心,不在乎”这一层含义外,还有一个意思是“一般的,平庸的”,例如:We didnt like the restaurant much - the food was indifferent and the service rather slow. 我们不怎么喜欢这家餐馆饭菜一般,上菜也相当慢。4.禁食会导致体重增加,而不是减少;身体不摄取食物会导致新陈代谢减缓,进而减

23、弱了身体燃烧脂肪的能力。此外,白天一整天的禁食会导致深夜无可抑制的饥饿感,扰乱人们的睡眠。Skipping meals can contribute to weight gain rather than loss; depriving the body of food causes themetabolism(1.新陈代谢)to slow down, thus reducing ones ability toburn off fat(2.燃烧脂肪). Moreover, skipping meals throughout the day can lead to uncontrollablehu

24、nger pangs(3.饥饿感) late at night, disrupting peoples sleep.1- metabolism词典释义:metabolism mtb.l.zmnouncountablespecializedall the chemical processes in your body, especially those that cause food to be used for energy and growth新陈代谢Exercise is supposed to speed up yourmetabolism.人们认为运动可加速新陈代谢。外刊例句:Arou

25、nd 25-30% of the calories derived from protein are used up in itsmetabolism,()大约25%-30%来自于蛋白质的卡路里用于新陈代谢。2- burn off fat词典释义:burn off1.PHRASAL VERB短语动词消耗;耗费If someoneburns offenergy, they use it.【语法信息】:V P n (not pron)【语法信息】:Also V n PThis will improve your performance and help youburn offcalories.这将

26、会改善你的表现,并帮你消耗卡路里。2.PHRASAL VERB短语动词烧掉;烧除Toburn offsomething unwanted means to get rid of it by burning it.【语法信息】:V P n (not pron)【语法信息】:Also V n PThe bushfire actually helped toburn offa lot of dead undergrowth.林区大火实际上有助于清除很多枯死的矮灌木。外刊例句:For years weve been told the only way toburn off fatis endless

27、hours of aerobic exercise. But now researchers say the secret lies in resistance training.()我们一直以来都听闻,减肥的唯一途径就是无休止的有氧运动。然而,研究者现在发现,减肥的诀窍在于“抗阻力训练”。替换表达:burn/lose fat3- hunger pangs词典释义:pang1.N-COUNT 可数名词一阵剧痛;突然而强烈的情感Apangis a sudden strong feeling or emotion, for example of sadness or pain.For a mome

28、nt she felt apangof guilt about the way she was treating him.有一阵子,她为自己那样对他感到内疚。.hungerpangs.阵阵饥饿感外刊例句:It turned out that the milkshakes were being “hired” by commuters facing a long drive to work and mid-morninghunger pangs: slowly slurping milkshakes with their free hand relieved the monotony.()原来,“雇佣”奶昔的顾客大多得长途驾驶上班,在上午10点来时就会感到受饥饿感来袭,这时他们就得腾出手来慢慢喝着奶昔,以求缓和饥饿感。替换表达:an attack of hunger / a sense of hungerQ:pang词典解释表示剧痛,饥饿感用pang是固定搭配么?A:hunger pangs是一个固定说法,可以参加下面剑桥词典的解释:pangpnouncountable a sudden sharp

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