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1、科技英语中介词IN的解析1. IntroductionThe preposition “In” is one of the prepositions that English learners have studied since primary school and also one of the most commonly used English words. There are almost 14 different meaning listed in Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary. However studen

2、ts have different understandings for it,For example:1) We were fortunate in our opponent.我们侥幸得胜。(Totally misunderstood)我们为我们的对手感到幸运。(Uncomfortable word order)我们感到很荣幸,因为我们有一个强大的对手。(Word-for-word translation)有这样的一个对手,倒是我们的幸运。(The Correct one)2) He stood there in a threatening attitude.他气势汹汹的站在那里。(Misu

3、nderstanding)他站在那里,样子很凶。(No mistake, but improper)他站在那里,摆出一副吓人的样子。(Correct one)As some English learners have had an ambiguous understanding of the word “in” since their preliminary stage of learning, whether could they make more mistakes when translating other literal styles? EST is a kind of langua

4、ge that is responsible for conveying, scientific thoughts, pursuing the accurate words, and using close and logical sentence structures. Unlike other kinds of translation, the translation of EST has the most stringent demand on the correct understanding of every word. “Skopos theory”, simplified as

5、“the end justifies the means” (Nord,2001:124), was first put forward by Hans J. Vermeer. It tries to liberate the translation from the confinement of the source text. The aim is to explain the translation activity from the point of view of the target language. Therefore the translation of EST must b

6、e accurate, concise and criterion, but students still feel confused when they are facing the word “in” in EST.For example:Forging and press-production methods of shaping metal are of tremendous importance in machine-building in general, and in automobile and tractor industry in particular.在一般的机械制造业,

7、汽车制造业和特殊拖拉机制造业中,金属成形的锻压加工方法意义重大。There are two mistakes in this translation the first one is failing to recognize the phrases “in general” and “in particular” are just parenthesizes and are parallel constructions because of the second “and” in this sentence, and the second is “in general” is an adver

8、b rather than an attributive phrase in Chinese which means“一般的”.金属成形的锻压加工方法在一般在机械制造业中意义重大,特别是汽车和拖拉机制造业。The latter translation is better compared with the former, but it doesnt highlight the phrase “in particular” and discorded with a native Chinese expression.金属成形的锻压加工方法,在一般的机械制造业,特别是汽车和拖拉机制造工业中具有重大

9、意义。This is the correct one. Obviously the whole sentence stresses on the “in automobile and tractor industry in particular”.In this case,the misunderstanding of words in EST often generates a falsehood in translation. Due to the special target, purpose and language feature of EST, one can not trump

10、up a meaning in his or her own mind and take it for granted. Therefore, this paper starts with the preposition “in”, analyzing its misunderstanding and ambiguity in EST from three aspects which are cognition level, semantics level, and syntax level, and trying to find out the defects of Chinese stud

11、ents when they understand the IN. Finally this paper concludes with suggestions and recommendations for Chinese students.2. Discrepancy of IN between Chinese and English2.1 Discrepancy in Cognition levelWhen we started to learn English, the first step must be remembering the vocabulary, and then rec

12、ited sentences and articles where these words were belong to. Thus it is clear that our comprehension on one word is based on two levels, semantics level and syntax level. However at the beginning of English study, we have our Chinese as mother tone, and then use it to transfer from two kinds of lan

13、guages and understanding the different. So below the two levels, semantics and syntax, there are another levelcognition levelas the bottom in our mind. In this part we discuss them from low to high.2.1.1 Space cognition人类在生理、心理特征及赖以生存的客观外在环境方面的共性与个性决定了各语言社团在空间认知上存在着异同(文旭&匡芳涛,2004: 81)The cognition s

14、tructures vitally affect the understanding of “in”. According this theory, cognition in different languages has similarities as well as individualities. Because of the cognitive results on space, the similarities are that the “in” in English should be corresponding to “在里/内/中” in Chinese. They all b

15、e used to expression a 3-dimension space condition, for example “in the box (在盒子里)”. But sometimes “in” also could be translated “在上”,which should be equal to “on” in English and describe a condition of 2-dimension surface, in Chinese. Look at the sentence in the following:A filter bag in the supply

16、 tank is installed to catch large pieces of unwanted material in the used tube oil.给供油箱装上一只过滤袋,以便挡住用过的管路润滑油中那些大颗粒无用物质。Used tubeFilter bagSupply tankPlease pay attention to the two “in” in this sentence. The first “in” is processed into “在上”, but second is “在中”. “IN” represent: containing, surroundin

17、g, and embedding. “在上” is used in a 2-dimension space condition and represents: touching, attaching and supporting. But due to the different habit and viewing angle, sometimes we use “在上” to replace “in”. Chinese prefer to use microscopic viewing angle, and consider the tank as a 3-dimension box whi

18、ch is attached by a filter bag, but English use macroscopic viewing angle to consider that the filter bag is attaching on the surface of the supply tank. While the second “in” represent the same meaning: the used tube oil contains unwanted material.2.1.2 View of Grammar英语各类介词含动态或动作之意, 而汉语只能用动词表示(范忠英

19、,1994:156) Although we always translate “in” as “在里/内/中”, actually we dont obey this rule. There are 3 other ways: “在.,.里,” or dont use “里”, “在”.For example:1) In the future, robots will acts as our carers.未来,机器人将充当我们的护工。在未来,机器人将充当我们的护工。在未来里,机器人将充当我们的护工。未来里,机器人将充当我们的护工。In this sentence, “in the futu

20、re” is an adverbial of time, which should be “在未来里” as the same function in Chinese. But in Chinese the single noun of time could be the time adverbial at the beginning of sentence. So we only use “未来” concisely and clearly.2) Heat causes the chemical bonds in cells to break down.热会导致细胞内化学键的断裂。热会导致在

21、细胞内化学键的断裂。热会导致在细胞化学键的断裂。热会导致细胞化学键的断裂。In this sentence, “in cells” is putted after verb “导致”. Using “在”, it will conflict to the predicate verb because of its verb meaning “exist”. But if we give up “内”, it will not conform to its adverbial function. So we use “细胞内” without “在”.3) Most call-boxes in

22、London are on the STD system.伦敦的大部分电话间都与用户的直拨长途系统联机。在伦敦,大部分电话间都与用户的直拨长途系统联机。伦敦里大部分电话间都与用户的直拨长途系统联机。在伦敦里大部分电话间都与用户的直拨长途系统联机。As the attribute of call-boxes, the phrase “in London” should be translated as the structure of “的”, which is the same as the structure of “of” in English.4) Heat sets these par

23、ticles in random motion.热量使这些粒子做随机运动。English is a static language, which means has abundant connective words. Instead Chinese is a dynamic language preferring to use lots of verbs. “英语是静态性语言,汉语是动态性语言。”(张学毅,2008:254) So the static of Chinese give the phrase “in random motion” a active meaning. This “

24、in” means “在做”.“汉语介词大多是从动词借来的,严格的说中国语根本就没有真正的介词。”(连淑能,2002:18)In Chinese, there are not specialized prepositions. Most prepositions both have the functions of verb and preposition, especially “在”. These four sentences separately list four conditions of “in”s grammar functions, first one as time adve

25、rbial, second one as adverbial after verb, third one as nouns attribute and the last one as a verb. Obviously, every one has the best way to translate and follow the Chinese habits. Therefore the conclusion is as the following form.Time adverbialNouns attributeAs verbAdverbial after verbOnly key wor

26、ds未来Add “的”伦敦的在(prep)在未来在(verb)在做里,内细胞内All in all, the preposition “in” is very flexible in form, and easy to mix up with other preposition when be translated. So analyze it attentively, and try to use different types, and then make it.2.2 Discrepancy in semantics levelThere are 14 meanings of “in”

27、in Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, including 8 specific meaning, 5 abstract meaning (expression categories meaning), and 1 special meaning for wearing. Usually we could easily understand its basic meaning, but IN always have a large quantity of combinations with all kinds of wor

28、ds. The main ambiguities are from its combinations and different contexts. So this part will discuss the semantics level from the combination as well as the background of EST.2.2.1 Combinations of “in”“In” is one of the most active words in English. It has strong ability to combine with other words,

29、 flexible usage and rich meaning. Its phrase can not only represent adverbials of time and location, but also in EST to represent area, volume, length, height, as well as lots of collocations. The translation of prepositional phrase in EST must follow the ways: concise, clear and profession.For exam

30、ple:1) We usually think of light energy in terms of waves and of matter in terms of particles. right 我们通常用波来表示光能,用离子表示物质。wrong 我们通常在波方面考虑光能,在离子方面考虑物质。In dictionary, “in term of ” means “依据,按照,在方面”. While the preposition in English contains the meaning of action, and especially when explains how we d

31、o it, what the way is, and what the state is in.2) The boiler had a working pressure of 200ib. per Sq in. and was 15 feet in length and 3 feet in diameter. right 锅炉长15 尺, 直径3尺, 工作压力每平方寸200磅。wrong锅炉工作压力每平方寸200磅,长为15尺,直径为3尺。When we describe one thing, Chinese is used to introduce the length, breadth,

32、height firstly, which is basic information, then leads to the further details. So we could not translate this sentence as the original word order. Whats more “in” in this sentence represents the length and diameter.3) Not only those satellites perform a variety of tasks, but they come in numerous shapes, sizes and nationalities. right 这些卫星不但执行的任务多种多样,而且形状有别,大小不等,国籍迥异。wrong那些卫星不仅执行各种各样的任务,它们还来自不同国家,形状大小不一。In this sent

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