1、烟花作文之英语作文烟花利弊烟花作文之英语作文烟花利弊英语作文烟花利弊【篇一:燃放烟花爆竹的利与弊】 燃放烟花爆竹的利与弊 发布时间: 2012-01-29 春节燃放烟花爆竹,是中国几千年的民俗,爆竹声声,给新春佳节带来了喜庆的气氛,古语就有“爆竹声声辞旧岁”一说,人们在爆竹声中送走了过去的一年,在焰火斑斓之时憧憬新的一年。不过在喜庆之后,人们是否为空气中弥漫的硫磺味发愁呢?是否为满地的爆竹碎片发过愁呢?让我们用理智去分析一下燃放烟花爆竹的利与弊吧! 一、燃放烟花爆竹的“利”: 1、作为中华民族的传统风俗,燃放烟花爆竹可以增添喜庆气氛(也有人认为没爆竹缺了年味)。 2、对于一些利益集团,烟花爆竹
2、的生产,运输,销售,管理,有着相当大的利益空间。 十多年来,出于环境、安全等因素,中国共有北京、上海、广州、武汉、西安、深圳、福州、南京、长沙、苏州等282个城市禁放烟花爆竹。但是,对于许多中国人来说,没有鞭炮的新年如同烧菜没放盐寡淡乏味。 在北京做生意的李先生今年买了几千元钱的烟花爆竹,和好几家朋友到位于通县的家中小院里放了个够。看着孩子们放炮时兴奋的脸,他说,放花是为了过年喜庆,放炮仗则是崩崩“晦气”,祈求来年生意兴旺。再说,将来女儿长大了,想不起有鞭炮声的新年,该是多么遗憾的事啊。 “燃放烟花爆竹表面上很简单,其实内涵很丰富。它是千余年来中华民族庆贺新年的传统,反映的是一个民族积极向上的
3、心理期待,在某种程度上也是中华民族传统文化的具体体现。”中国民俗学会副理事长张振犁说。 二、燃放烟花爆竹的“弊”: 1、燃放烟花爆竹,特别是针对于城市这种高密度居住空间来说,是绝对污染环境的; 2、烟花爆竹的燃放,销售,保存,存在着很大的危险性,严重的会危害到公共安全和人身安全。 有一年新年前两天的晚上,北京市丰台区长辛店乡一村民在燃放超大的“二踢脚”时被鞭炮炸得面目全非,当场身亡。据现场目击者介绍,这一“二踢脚”直径足有10厘米大。春节长假中,由于燃放鞭炮不小心和不得当,被烟花爆竹炸伤、烧灼伤的大有人在。“除夕那天,从晚饭时间到20时前后,我们医院就来了16个烟花爆竹伤患者,做了3台手外伤手
5、天和堂兄放了两个多小时烟花后耳朵就不对劲了,尤其是左耳,听不见一点声音。父母急了,把他送到医院后才发现阿林的左耳鼓膜已经穿孔。? 三、为什么一种弊大于利的“恶习”我们还要延续呢? 早在九十年代中期,沈阳有几年曾禁止燃放烟花爆竹,市民们反响很大,有赞成的,也有反对的,但市政府力排众议,果断地作出禁放的决定,整个春节期间,沈阳很宁静,人们在欢度春节的时候,因为没有爆竹声来衬托,确实是少了一些节日的气氛,但是,换回来的是什么呢:春节期间,沈阳没有一起因燃放烟花爆竹而导致的火灾事故!各大医院没有一起因燃放烟花爆竹而造成人身伤亡的病例。没有火灾的的春节,没有伤亡的春节,虽然少了热闹的气氛,但却是真正的合
6、家欢聚。 后来燃放烟花爆竹又开禁了,据官方的说法,此举是让大家更能感受到春节的气氛,事实也确实如此,每年的初八,各大机关,企事业单位的门口,都会摆上长长的鞭炮,放上半个多小时,如果您细心,会发现,每年的年三十晚上,鞭炮声并不那么热烈,而最热烈的是初八上午,整个城市就象被空袭过一样,城市的上空烟雾弥漫,鞭炮声此起彼伏,持续之久,声音之大,是年三十无可比及的。 不知道有没有人统计过,鞭炮这东西,到底是市民消费得多还是政府机关,企事业单位消费得多,而开禁之后,隆隆的鞭炮声中,总会听到一丝丝微弱的警笛声,那些万家灯火之中,总会有几个家庭会因为这鞭炮声而悲悲切切,每年,各大医院都会收治一些因燃放烟花爆竹
7、不当而导致的伤亡病例。每年的春节,沈阳的环卫工人都要放弃合家欢聚的机会,走上街头,清扫那些大量的鞭炮垃圾,消防指战员们也在这个时候四处出警,忙到很晚才能收队。他们这些人,有权力与大家一样欢度春节,而他们却为了鞭炮而放弃了这个机会,我想,他们也会不情愿,但工作性质,只能让他们如此。 谁不想过一个安全的春节呢?当对面楼放的二踢脚崩碎了你家的阳台玻璃,当午夜的鞭炮声惊醒了你家刚刚降生在这个世界的孩子,当四散的焰火熏黑了你的那辆爱车,当你走在街头,被突如其来的鞭炮声吓得心惊肉跳时?你还赞成燃放烟花爆竹吗? 近年来,保留春节燃放烟花爆竹以增加节日气氛的呼声越来越高,有专家建言:单纯地“禁”或单纯地“放”
8、,都行不通,政府应该加强引导和管理,规范燃放烟花爆竹,把造成的危害降到最低点,而不是一禁了事,解决之道在于在“禁”与“放”之间找到一个结合点有组织限放。河南大学民俗与文化研究所所长高有鹏建议说,“单纯地禁放,势必造成节日文化符号的单调,进而危及传统文化的延续。政府应选择为多数民众所接受的、社会安全有保障的地方,在特定时间内有组织地燃放烟花爆竹,强化民俗的正面功能。” “执行了这么多年的禁放规定,把警察放在了管与不管的两难境地。对原有的民俗,我们既没有加以正确引导,又没有进一步改进管理措施,把政府放在了与百姓的对立面上,导致群众与政府捉迷藏,损害和扭曲了法律的功能。”朱小光律师分析说。 目前,哈
9、尔滨、成都、杭州、济南等城市市区内禁放烟花爆竹的政策有所松动,由原来的全面禁止调整为指定地点、指定时间的限制燃放。现全国已有106个城市在实施禁放后重新有限开禁。张振犁指出,“禁放”的话题让我们认识到:立法者在制定规则时,除考虑别的因素外,还要认真对待传统文化。如果法律规则和传统文化冲突过于强烈,不仅规则不能得到遵守,反而可能引起逆反心理,影响法律法规的严肃性。【篇二:英语作文练习】 英语作文练习 dear martin: im writing to apologize about my lately handing in assignment. i am terribly sorry abo
10、ut that , for i hurt my rihgt hand when i play basketball. anyway, i recover now. during these days i couldnot do anything with my right hand hand. i really do apologize because i didnt speak to you , and i hope you can understand me your student allen 烟花 there has long been a heated discussion by t
11、he public over the setting off of firecrackers and fireworks. some people, especially the middle-aged and elderly, argue that playing with firecrackers during the spring festival is a traditional ritual. others, usually younger people, claim that it brings about too much noise, air pollution and eve
12、n danger to haman bodies. for example, a primary-school pupil was badly injured by fireworks in shanghai last spring festival.in my opinion, although the deafening sound and strong smell of firecrackers and fireworks give us a festive atmosphere, the negative effects on our environment and health ar
13、e too great. with the increasing awareness of the chinese people on the importance of environmental protection and with our central and local governments efforts, i believe this tradition will be replaced by some new way of celebration soon. 五一出游 im a 19-year-old male sophomore named allen.i am writ
14、ing to inquire about the coming travelling . i want to know your schedule .for instant .when it sets off and how many days will it lasts? it is important for me ,because my plan is to set off next weekend, when the summer vacation officially begins.please respond me as fast as you can ,so i can adju
15、st my schedule .then during these days ,how many places of great interesting we will visit? as every body knows, shanghai is the busiest and fastest developing city in china. id like to have a look at its prosperity, do we visit the city? finally please tell the total expense we will spend and the t
16、race you assign i only expect that my tour can release my mind ,and make some good friends who can split the expenses with me . please contact me either through email (allen) or phone call (52222221重大节日调整 it is a common phenomenon that we shall have days of rest when an important festival is coming.
17、many people welcome weeklong holidays and are busy planning where and how to spend the seven days;some people think that they can have a lot of leisure ,they can do what they want to ,staying at home ,travelling ,shopping .during these days,they no longer face the pressure that his work bring about
18、.meanwhile they believe weeklong holidays help activate economy whereas many other people do not applaud. as to them, weeklong holidays mean a span of dullness, boredom, melancholy and helplessness, there were traffic jams almost everywhere, people waited in long queues at bus-stops:and taxi-stands.
19、and the railway station was congested with travelers who rushed to the platform like a swarm of bees and then squeezed their way into the train for seats as if there would be no tomorrow . everywhere was chaos and chaos everywhere its not funny at all true,weeklong holidays help activate economy, bu
20、t what about after-holiday depression? no doubt, people can have a lot of leisure, but leisure does not always bring a lot of pleasure. 网上对韩寒与苏轼的对比 recently,a survey report that youth favor han hans work when they respond the question do you perfer han hans work orsushiwork? will the traditional cul
21、ture be gradually lost? many people believe so. they may put right in front of you all the evidences they can dig out. they may argue that people are rushing to restaurants instead of cooking at home, listening to pop music but not traditional, wearing in a way people couldnt imagine ten years ago.
22、modern people like the air of freedom, not to be restrained by traditions. they offer this long list, only trying to confirm that this world is full of fashion,competition and temptation and the traditional culture is fading and will be lost at last. though we are now living in a world in which unde
23、clared aggression, war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy are part of our daily life. though this is a skeptical age, and our faith has weakened, our confidence in some aspects of the traditional culture should and would never be lost. wouldnt you agree that our traditional culture is always credited wi
24、th modesty, politeness and respectfulness, which have always been treasured for more than five thousand years?even in this modern world, people still admire those with good manners, those who are polite to others or respectful to old people. the traditional culture will never be lost, i believe.表格 t
25、he above line chart reveals a rising percentage of young criminals from 1996 to 2000 .the whole five years witnessed a steady increase in young criminals until in 2000 the percentages grows to 50 percent from 10 percent in 1996 there are three main reasons for this increase.as we all know ,family is
26、 the most importent class for a youth .there form his world-view and lift-view if a youth live in a terrible life ,how can we demand him to be a successful one? to the society, after setting up opening up and reform policy. the west unbenifit culture spur into fastly as our ecomonic develop.the yout
27、h imitate the character who act a terror living in bad background.they thought he was his idol .however oue geverment seldom take any measure to control it .finally the youth didnt have a mature liftstyle that cause him cant realize things clearly but just follow others all of this arise today situa
28、tion . as i thought .we had better solve it at three steps .firstly the family should cultivate his childrens right view about lift secondly the geverment should pay more attition to keep unheathly culture away youth. thirdly the youth should know where he or she stands ,why he or she choose this wa
29、y【篇三:春节英语作文 春节放鞭炮的作文】 春节英语作文 春节放鞭炮的作文 我的名字是大明。我去叔叔家过春节。今天早晨,我和我的朋友玩游戏。我想要放鞭炮,但是晓玲组织了我。我说:“过节了,怎么还不让放鞭炮?”晓玲说:“你看看宣传画就知道了。”宣传画上描绘了放鞭炮灰带来的危害,例如会引起火灾、造成环境污染、炸伤人。看完宣传画后,我想:是应该禁止放鞭炮。 my name is daming.i go to my uncles to enjoy the spring festival.this morning,my friend and i played games.i wanted to set
30、off fireworks,but xiaoling stopped me.i wondered why cant i set off fireworks when festivals.xiaoling asked me to have a look at the picture posters.the picture descrided that setting off fireworks will cause dameges,such as causing fires,making environment pollution and injuring others.after readin
31、g the picture posters i think:it is nesserary to be forbidden setting off fireworks. 春节英语作文 欢度春节 spring festival the spring festival is very important to chinese people. in the past, people could not often have meat, rice or other delicious food. they could only eat these during the spring festival.
32、 so every year they hoped that the spring festival would come soon. now, although peoples life is much better, and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. people still like the festival. because most people can have a long holiday, and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family. in the evenings, we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the tv programmes. i like the spring festival very much. how wonderful the spring festival is! 春节到了 chinase new year is coming so
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