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1、四川省成都市高考英语二模试题及答案解析2014年四川省成都市高考英语二模试题及答案解析英语试题 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。第I卷(选择题),第卷(非选择题);满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1答题前,务必将自己的姓名、考籍号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。 2答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。 3答非选择题时,必须使用05毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。 4所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上答题无效。 5考试结束后,只将答题卡交回。第I卷(选择题,共90分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两

2、节,满分40分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1MrWaltz, do you have a minute?I need to ask you a question Yeah_? AWho cares BWhat isit CFor what DHow dare you2_ you ,re on good terms with your classmates will affect your mood AWhether BWhat CHow DIf3MrMat _ to give

3、up smoking in the office by the time he started his new job Ahas persuaded Bhad persuaded C had been persuaded Dhas been persuaded4Mum, is the pair of gloves _ mine? Yes You have to wear another pair Awashing Bhaving washed Cbeing washed Dhaving been washed5The school library is a resource _ you can

4、 take advantage to make progress Ain which Bon which Cfrom which Dof which 6Passengers _ remain seated with the seat belt fastened when the plane is taking off Acan Bneed Cshall Dmay7In spite of the tight schedule of study, the activities for students to achieve theirpotential have never been _ Acal

5、led in Bcalled off C, called out Dcalled up8It will not be long _ you get accustomed to driving on the left side of the road in Britain Asince Bafter Cbefore Dwhen9At break, MrConnery got down to dealing with the matters _ from his class Aarising Barose Carisen Dto arise10Nowadays, the approaches to

6、 language teaching are more advanced than in the 1960s Athese B, them Cones Dthose第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Jennifer was halfway down the stairs when she turned and took one last look at her room_11_ high school and going away to college w

7、as like the 12 pause at the ending of a chapter in a good hook, and she was 13 to turn the pageJennifer went down the stairs to where her mother and father 14 quiet, were waitingShe even fell a sense of guilt deep 15 her when she admitted to herself how longingly she had 16 getting away from IKT hom

8、e and starting a new life in the college,They went out through the front doorDad put the suitcases in the back of the 17 and then came forward to hold the front door openSit in the 18 , dear, her mother suggested, touching her arm gentlyand Jennifer noticed that her mother was 19 one of those sadloo

9、king smilesIn factshe was afraid her mother might even 20 at the train station,Her father pulled out of their driveway and Jennifer turned for one last look at the houseThey pulled up at the station thenThe train was comingThere were last-minute questions, words of advice, and then 21 WellIm on my w

10、ayDont worry about m?everything will be OK Jennifer said 22 When her father took the picture, she noticed her mother wasnt weepy at all the smile on her face wasnt 23 sad-lookingThrough the window, Jennifer held 24 with her eyes as the train moved away slowlyThey were standing close together, and so

11、mehow it 25 the memory of that day when she was seven梬hen she had persuaded them to let her 26 the big Ferris wheel (摩天轮)all by herselfShe had sat still in the 27 middle of the seat as she did just now in the car, fueling 28 that even if she fell, even if the Ferris wheel itself fell; she had known

12、they would catch herSuddenly she felt tears 29 her eyesShe wiped her eyes one last time and found her parents out of 30 w-hen she looked back again11 AFinishing BAttending CEntering DContinuing12Afrequent Bsudden Cbrief Dcomplicated13Asad Bslow Ceager Dquiet14Astrangely Bbadly Cnormally Ddefinitely1

13、5Afrom Bwithin Cinto Dof16Alooked up to Bgot used to Cgot bored with Dlooked forward to17Aseat Bwheel Ccar Ddriveway18A, middle Bback Cfront Dseat19Aflashing Bwearing Cforcing Dshaping20Aarrive Bescape Cfaint Dcry21Adecisions Bhugs Cchanges Drushes22Aloudly Bsadly Cimpatiently Dheartily23Aall Beven

14、Conly Donce24Ait Bher Chim Dthem25Akept away Bstuck to Cwiped off Dbrought back26Aride Bcatch Cplay Ddrive27Asame Bright Cexact Dsimilar28Aafraid Bcertain Csorry Dpeaceful29Acontrolled Brolled Cemptied Dflooded30Asight Bmind Cstation Dmemory第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) 第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,

15、并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A CHINAPremier Li meets Paulson Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday met with former US treasury secretary Henry PaulsonLi said both sides are facing new opportunities for development in light of an upcoming meeting between President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama

16、China would like to work with the United States to deepen cooperation in all fields, and create a beneficial environment for both countries, Li saidlSYRIAGovernment forces retake crossingSyrian government forces on Thursday retook the only crossing along the Israel Syria ceasefire line(停车线) in the G

17、olan Heights after it was seized earlier by rebels, an Israeli (以色列) security source saidThe Syrian army has recovered control of the crossingThere are sounds of explosions from time to time but far less than in tile morning/ the source told AFPUNITED KINGDOM- Compensation (补偿金) for colonial actsBri

18、tain expressed regret on Thursday about tin? abuse of Kenyans by colonial forces in the 1950s and announced a compensation package for more than 5,200 elderly survivors worth a total of 20 million pounds ( $ 31 million)The deal could encourage people in other former colonies to press claims over com

19、plaints dating back to the days of the EmpireEGYPTError caused balloon crashA hot air balloon accident that killed 19 tourists in Egypt was caused by grave pilot error that caused a gas leakage (漏出), a police report has foundThe government report blamed the manager of the hot air balloon port and th

20、e pilot for the Feb26 accident that killed Asian andEuropean Tourists31We know from the brief news that _ Athe UK is regretful for the abuse of Kenyans Ba fighting is going on between Israel and Syria Ctotally 19 tourists from Asia were killed in the crash DPresident Xi has had a satisfactory meetin

21、g with Obama32How many countries arc covered in the above news reports? AFour BFive CSix DSeven33The direct cause of (lie balloon crash in Egypt was _A- the pilot Ba gas leakage Cthe managers error Dthe grave34We can read the above brief news in the section of _ in a newspaper ANations BViews CEcono

22、my DWorldBBARBARA KLEIN Our VGA listener question this week comes from BandladeshMurnna asks if Hawaii is an American stateExperts believe that Polynesian people discovered the Hawaiian islands about two thousand years agoA king ruled the islands when British sea captain James Cook arrived in 1775In

23、 1818, the Hawaiian King Kamehameha said the group should be called the islands of the Kingdom of HawaiiBritain gave the islands their independence in 1343The king was ousted fifty years later by a group of American businessmenHawaii became the fiftieth state of the United States in 1959The state of

24、 Hawaii includes eight major islands in the middle of the North Pacific OceanThe main islands are Kauai, OahuMolokai, Maui, Lanai and Hawaii, also called the Rig islandThe island of Niihau is privately ownedKahootawe has no people,Hawaii is far from other populated areasIt is more than three thousan

25、d kilometers from the slate of CaliforniaIt is more than six thousand kilometers from JapanHot liquid rock called lava formed the Hawaiian Islands millions of years agoThe lava flowed up from the sea through openings in the sea floorVisitors today can watch this process continue on the Big Island wh

26、ere the worlds most active volcano still produces lavaEach of the Hawaiian Islands has a wet side and a dry sideIt rains much more on the northeast sides of the Islands and much more in winter than in summerThis gives each island two separate climate areasOne area is dry and desert-likeThe other are

27、a has green plants, rivers and waterfallsMore than six million people visit Hawaii each yearThey enjoy the beautiful land and the warm weatherThey swim watch the whales and oilier marine life and visit beautiful gardensHawaii has some of the most beautiful, interesting and unusual places on Earth-35

28、Who discovered Hawaii first according to the passage? AMunna from Bandladesh BTile Polynesian CJames Cook DSome American Businessmen36What is mainly talked about in the passage? AThe historical backgrounds of Hawaii, BHow Hawaii became a state of America CThe history and geography of Hawaii DHawaii

29、was once part of the UK,37Which of the following is true about Hawaii? AThe climate of Hawaii is always rainy BTourism brings in a lot of money for Hawaii CPeople live happily on the 8 islands of Hawaii DVisitors enjoy watching lava flowing up on Hawaii38The underlined word ousted m Paragraph 3 is s

30、imilar in meaning to _ Avisited Bsupported Cremoved DwelcomedCThere are few things hi life more annoying you are in the middle of a conversation with a friend T and suddenly she bursts out laughing, making you think youve made a brilliant jokeBut then she saysSorry, 1 wasnt laughing at youI just saw something really fun on a micro blog , The Guardian(卫报) described the scene of a friends face buried in a screen as a distinctly 21century problemA new word has been created to describe thisphubbingIt is the act of looking at your mobile phone instead of

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