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1、高中英语作文详解技巧一掌握简单句的转换方法1. Xiaoming is a middle school student. He is a student of Beijing No: 80 High School. He is good at English and other subjects. He likes basketball and badminton. He often helps me with my English. He is often praised by our teachers. He makes progress every day.2. Xiaoming is

2、a middle school student. He studies in Beijing No. 80 High School. His English is very good and hes good at other subjects. His favorite sports are basketball and badminton. He often helps us learn English. The teachers often praise him. He makes progress every day.3. Xiaoming is a middle school stu

3、dent, who studies in Beijing No. 80 High School. He does well in English as well as in other subjects. Whats more, he likes basketball and badminton. In his spare time he often does us a favor to learn English, so our teachers often praise him一、 转换句子结构例1: 李东住在南方。他的家乡经常下雨。一般:Li Dong lives in the sout

4、h. It often rains in his hometown.较好:Li Dong is from the south. There is a lot of rain in his hometown.例2:你每天帮我学英语。你太好了!一般:You help me study English every day. You are very kind.较好:Its very kind of you to help me learn English every day.较好:How nice of you to help me learn English every day!二、 转换句型例:

5、你女儿的数学成绩很好。你不必为她担忧。一般:Your daughter is good at math. You neednt worry about her.较好:Your daughter does well in math. There is no need for you to, worry about her.较好:How well your daughter does in math!Its unnecessary for you to worry about her.写作中常用于转换的三个重点句型:1. therebe句型 therebe句型也是简单句中的一种常用句型,在作文中经

6、常使用。在therebe句型中,谓语部分还可以换用there seems/seemed to be(似乎有),there happened to be(碰巧有),there may/might be(也许有),there must be(肯定有),there cant be(不可能有),there ought to/should be(应该有)等。例如:(1)我的家乡经常下雨。 There is a lot of rain in my hometown.It often rains in my hometown.(2)今天是星期天。学校不可能有学生。 Its Sunday today. The

7、re cant be any students in school.(3)操场上碰巧有很多人。 There happened to be a lot of people on the playground.2.感叹句 感叹句是作文中很有用的一种句型,常见的感叹句有两种。感叹句型1:How形容词或副词十主谓结构感叹号感叹句型2:What(冠词)形容词名词主谓结构感叹号例如:(1)How beautiful the park is!(2)How fast the player runs!(3)What an interesting film(it is)!How interesting a fil

8、m(it is)!(4)What cold weather(it is)!3.强调句型 强调句型也是作文中常用的一种句型,强调句型的结构是:It is/was被强调部分十that/who原句其他部分句号。例如:The boy cleaned the classroom yesterday.(1)It was the classroom that the boy cleaned yesterday.(强调宾语)(2) It-was the boy who/that cleaned the classroom yesterday.(强调主语)(3) It was yesterday that th

9、e boy cleaned the classroom.(强调状语) 三、转换词语 例1:杰克是我们学校的学生。他学习特别努力。 一般:Jack studies in our school. He studies very hard.(重复studies) 较好:Jack studies in our school. He works hard at his lessons. 例2:妈妈匆匆忙忙去上班,连早餐都没吃。 一般:Mother went to work. She didnt have breakfast. 较好:Mother went to work without having b

10、reakfast.(内部结构紧凑,有一气呵成之感) 例3:汤姆努力学习中文。他想在中国找份工作。一般:Tom studies Chinese very hard. He wants to find a job in China.较好:Tom studies Chinese very hard in order to/so as to find a job in China.较好:Tom studies Chinese very hard with the purpose of finding a job in China.段落练笔1 小朋一家有五个人。他们都有自己的爱好。他的父母喜欢打羽毛球。

11、爷爷奶奶喜欢晚饭后散步。小朋喜欢集邮。几乎每天晚上,小朋的爷爷奶奶都给他讲故事。他们过着幸福的生活。 一般表达 Xiaopengs family has five people. They all have their hobbies. His parents like badminton. His grandparents like to have a walk after supper. Xiaopeng likes collecting stamps. His grandparents tell him a story almost every evening. They live a

12、happy life.高级表达There are five people in Xiaopengs family,including him. All of them have their own hobbies. For example,his parents like badminton and his grandparents enjoy walking after supperCollecting stamps is Xiaopengs hobby and to his great joy,his grandparents tell him a story almost every d

13、ay in the evening. What a happy life they lead!三大亮点1.主语的表达要多样化。如:All of them 还可用both of them, both his father and mother, they each like, each of them2.谓语的表达灵活。如:like, enjoy还可用 be fond of, go in for等表达。3简单句的句型变换多样。如:there be句型,动名词做主语,感叹句。还可用倒装句,强调句。段落练笔2 我们学校是一所新建的寄宿制高中,又大又漂亮,非常现代化。我以前从未见过如此好的学校。学校有

14、2 000多名学生,150余名老师。老师待我们既严格又友好。我们的课堂生动有趣,我们的校园生活丰富多彩。我爱我们的学校。一般表达 Our school is a newly built boarding high school. It is large and beautiful. It is quite modern. I have never seen such a nice school before. Our school has more than 2 000 students and more than 150 teachers. Our teachers are strict a

15、nd friendly to us. Our classes are lively and interesting. Our school life is rich and colourful. I really like our new school.高级表达 Our school is a newly built boarding high school. It is large and beautiful. Of course it is quite modern. To tell you the truth,never have I seen such a nice school be

16、fore. There are more than 2 000 students in our school. And our teachers,over 150,are strict but friendly to all ofus. To our great joy,not only our classes are lively and interesting,but also our school life is rich and colourful. How I like our school!亮点:1. 句型多样。感叹句和倒装句的使用,“从未见过”和“多末热爱”采用感叹句和倒装句的表

17、达三、 运用非谓语动词转换简单句例1:这儿的人都喜欢汤姆写的那本小说。原句:All the people here like the novel. It is written by Tom.转换:All the people here like the novel written by Tom.(过去分词做定语)例2:这是一家工厂。月产成千上万辆小汽车。原句:This is a factory. It produces thousands of cars a month.转换:This is a factory,producing thousands of cars a month.(现在分词

18、做状语)例3:消防队员及时赶到。他们对我们帮助很大。原句:The firefighters came here in time. They helped us a lot.转换:The firefighters coming here in time helped us a lot.(动名词做主语)例4:我们应该多讲英语。我们认为这是很重要的。原句:We should speak more English. We think it is very important.转换:We think it very important to speak more English.(不定式做真正宾语)例5

19、:我们应该如何提高我们的英语口语水平?这是个问题。原句:How should we improve our spoken English? It is a question.转换:(1)How to improve our spoken English is a question.(不定式短语做主语)(2) The question is how to improve our spoken English.(不定式短语做表语)二、运用非谓语动词转换复合句例1:这里曾有一家化肥厂,位于城市的南边。它每夭释放出大量有毒气体,污染环境。原句:There was a large factory, wh

20、ich produced fertilizer. Every day it gave out a lot of poisonous gas,which polluted the environment.转换:There was a large factory, which produced fertilizer. Every day it gave out a lot of poisonous gas,polluting the environment.(现在分词做状语)例2:当我们赶到校门口时,已经8点了。我们见到老师时,不得不为迟到而向她道歉。原句:When we got to the s

21、chool gate it was eight. When we saw our teacher,we had to say sorry for our being late.转换:When we got to the school gate it was eight. Seeing our teacher, we had to say sorry for our being late.(现在分词做状语) 例3:我们认为中学生学习一门外语是必要的。同时我们也认为,中学生掌握一门外语是可能的。原句:We think it is necessary that middle school stude

22、nts should learn a foreign language and we also think that it is possible that they can master one.转换:We think it is necessary that middle school students should learn a foreign language and we also think it possible for them to master one.(不定式做真正宾语)例4:由于老师的帮助,我英语进步了。因为我英语进步了,我相信我能考上更好的大学。原句:Because

23、 my teacher helps me, my English has greatly improved. Because my English has greatly improved,Im sure I will go to a better university.转换:With my teacher helping me,my English has greatly improved. Because my English has greatly improved,Im sure I will go to a better university.例5:为了赶上同班同学,李东不遗余力地学

24、习。为了好好学习,他从不玩电脑游戏。原句:Li Dong spares no effort to study so that he can catch up with his classmates. He never plays computer games so that he can learn better.转换:Li Dong spares no effort to study so that he can catch up with his classmates. He never plays computer games so as to learn better.(不定式做状语)

25、There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing. They serve passengers heart and soul. They play an important part in the traffic of Beijing. They make some money. They work from dawn till night. One day,I left my cellphone in the taxi I took. I got in touch with the driver.He drove to my home a

26、nd gave it back to me. I was very excited. There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing,serving passengers heart and soul and playing an important part in the traffic of Beijing. In order to make some money to support their families,they work from dawn till night. One day,I got out of the tax

27、i in a hurry with my cellphone left in the taxi I took. On hearing what had happened,the taxi driver drove to my home as fast as possible and gave the cellphone back to me. Seeing my cellphone again,I was too excited to say a word. There are more and more tall buildings in big cities. Their prices a

28、re going up day by day.On one hand,there are still lots of people. They have no houses to live in. On the other hand,many apartments are hard to be sold out. Even if you buy an apartment,Im afraid you have topay off the money you borrow from the bank. You will work hard day and night all your life.

29、Ihope our government take strong measures to solve the housing problem and take care of thepeople. Their incomes are low. There are more and more tall buildings in big cities,with their prices going up day by day.On one hand,there are still lots of people having no houses to live in. On the other ha

30、nd,manyapartments are hard to be sold out. Even if you have bought an apartment,Im afraid you haveto try to pay off the money you borrow from the bank,working hard day and night all your life.I do hope our government can take strong measures to solve the housing problem, showing great concern for th

31、e people whose incomes are not high enough.参照模式1There was a discussion on/about(某方面)last week. Some of us think(注意时态)that. because. But others hold(注意时态)quite different opinions. In their opinion, The discussion lasted over two hours,but we didnt come to an agreement.2. We had a discussion on(某方面)la

32、st Wednesday, but the opinions are(注意时态)divided on the questions. Some think that ifsth will happen. Whats more,Others insist thatbecause they believe that. Besides, The discussion ended without any result. But in my opinion,范文 Recently,our class have had a heated discussion about whether the Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city.(引言,提出中心论点)Some of my classmates are in favour of the move.(

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