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1、版高考英语全国通用抢分押题完形填空提能试题12页2021版高考英语全国通用抢分押题完形填空提能试题完形填空提能试题(限时15分钟/篇)AIn a clean, clinical room, my best friend was dying in my arms. His eyes, dark brown and trusting, would soon 1 forever. Heartbroken, I said, “Flash, you 2 so much happiness to me. I will do something good as a 3. ”Flash came into m

2、y world when I was nine. From the moment my parents brought this cute dog home, he 4 my family with joy. Then, 5 happened. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 11. Then my grandma, who was my 6, passed away. My sister developed Crohns Disease and while being tested, suffered a heart at

3、tack. I was being bullied at school and started to 7 classes and avoid seeing people. Flash soon gave me all the 8 he could offer. There were times when I felt there was no 9, but a pair of brown eyes and loving face would somehow ease me. I knew he was 10 there for me. I knew he understood. Now aft

4、er 15 years, Flash was gone. I thought doing charity work was the best reward for him. I 11 in a non-profit organization in Southampton and contributed about 3, 500 hours to 12 children with special needs, which completely changed my life. I learned to love the 13 I had been on, and even accept the

5、hard bits. I still miss Flash. It was he who had somehow 14 me to help others. Flashs death was one of the saddest moments of my life. But it was also an inspiring moment that 15 who I wasin the best possible wayforever. 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了小狗Flash进入作者的世界, 给作者带来了快乐, 也陪伴作者渡过最艰难的时光, 并引导作者去帮助别人。1. A.

6、 open B. close C. shine D. fade【解析】选B。open打开; close关闭; shine照耀; fade褪色。它那深褐色的眼睛充满了信任, 很快就会永远闭上了。故选B。2. A. brought B. told C. saved D. owed【解析】选A。bring带来; tell告诉; save节省; owe欠。你给我带来了那么多的快乐。故选A。3. A. relief B. chance C. bonus D. reward【解析】选D。relief欣慰; chance机会; bonus红利; reward报答。根据I said, “Flash, you

7、so much happiness to me. 可知, 我会做些好事作为回报。故选D。4. A. helped B. filledC. protected D. decorated【解析】选B。help帮助; fill充满; protect保护; decorate装饰。从我父母把这只可爱的狗带回家的那一刻起, 它就让我的家人充满了快乐。故选B。5. A. disasters B. storiesC. wonders D. mistakes【解析】选A。disasters灾难; stories故事; wonders奇迹; mistakes错误。根据后句My mum was diagnosed

8、with breast cancer when I was 11. 可知, 然后, 灾难发生了。故选A。6. A. burden B. troubleC. strength D. challenge【解析】选C。burden负担; trouble麻烦; strength力量; challenge挑战。然后, 给予我力量的奶奶, 去世了。故选C。7. A. skip B. give C. take D. enjoy【解析】选A。skip略过, 逃离; give给予; take带走; enjoy喜欢。根据and avoid seeing people. 可知, 我在学校被欺负, 开始逃课, 不愿见

9、人。故选A。8. A. comment B. comfortC. expectation D. relaxation【解析】选B。comment评论; comfort安慰; expectation期望; relaxation放松。Flash很快就给了我所有它能给我的安慰。故选B。9. A. hope B. time C. money D. use【解析】选A。hope希望; time时间; money金钱; use使用。根据but a pair of brown eyes and loving face would somehow ease me. 可知, 有时候我觉得没有希望了, 但是一双棕

10、色的眼睛和一张充满爱意的脸会让我放松下来。故选A。10. A. frequently B. sometimesC. hardly D. always【解析】选D。frequently频繁地; sometimes有时; hardly几乎不; always总是。我知道它总是在我身边。故选D。11. A. searched B. competedC. volunteered D. performed【解析】选C。search寻找; compete竞争; volunteer自愿; perform表现。根据I thought doing charity work was the best reward

11、for him. 可知, 我在南安普顿的一个非营利组织做志愿者。故选C。12. A. attending to B. meeting withC. talking about D. bringing up【解析】选A。attend to照料; meet with碰见; talk about谈论; bring up养育。为照顾有特殊需要的儿童贡献了大约3500个小时, 这完全改变了我的生活。故选A。13. A. earth B. journey C. holiday D. street【解析】选B。earth地球; journey旅程; holiday假日; street大街。我学会了热爱我所经

12、历的旅程。故选B。14. A. led B. forcedC. trained D. persuaded【解析】选A。lead引导; force强迫; train训练; persuade劝服。正是它, 某种程度上引导了我去帮助别人。故选A。15. A. explained B. transformedC. admitted D. described【解析】选B。explain解释; transform改变; admit承认; describe描绘。但这也是一个鼓舞人心的时刻, 它以最好的方式永远改变了我。故选B。BI had stopped to get gas at a place wher

13、e I almost never go. I had 1 about cleaning my windshield (挡风玻璃). But then when the gas 2 was almost finished, I decided for some reason to 3 and clean it. Thats what I was doing when a woman approached me and asked for 4. There were two women, one middle-aged, the other twenty-something, 5 a young

14、child in the back seat. On a day when the temperature was well past 100, they were 6 in an old car with no air conditioning, driving from a town about an hour away. “Can you tell us how to get to Mopac, sir? ” She had a folded-up printout of directions from Google maps. “Sure. Where on Mopac are you

15、 7? ” I asked. She unfolded the printout and showed me the address. I knew it well, and started to get the feeling that this moment was meant to happen. “I know 8 where that is. ” I told her. “I used to have a(n) office in that building to work in. ”I 9 giving directions to the older lady, and then again to her companion, who was the driver. It took a while, because I 10 each instruction to make sure they understood. In a sincere moment of 11, the older lady thanked me. The whole 12 helped me much more

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