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1、乐观的英语名言乐观的英语名言导读:本文是关于乐观的英语名言的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、谁能以深刻的内容充实每个瞬间,谁就是在无限地延长自己的生命。Who can enrich every moment with profound content, who is prolonging his life indefinitely.2、苦难是人生的老师,通过苦难,走向欢乐。Suffering is the teacher of life, through suffering, to joy.3、真诚和理解是人与人交往中最珍贵的赠品。Sincerity and understandin

2、g are the most precious gifts in the interaction between people.4、一个人拥有的朋友越多,拥有的敌人越少,他就越容易成功。The more friends a person has, the fewer enemies he has, the easier he is to succeed.5、在人生的旅途中,一定要学会自己拯救自己,这样才能在逆境中奋勇前行。In the journey of life, we must learn to save ourselves, so that we can go forward in a

3、dversity.6、真正的乐观主义的人是用积极的精神向前奋斗的人,是战胜愁虑穷苦的人。True optimists are those who struggle forward in a positive spirit, and those who overcome worries and poverty.7、最惨的破产就是丧失自己的热情。The worst bankrupt is the loss of ones enthusiasm.8、不要把悲观作为保护你失望情绪的缓冲器。乐观是希望之花,能赐人以力量。Dont take pessimism as a buffer to protect

4、 your disappointment. Optimism is the flower of hope and strength for man.9、太乐观的人没有脑子,太悲观的人则是没有理智。Too optimistic people have no brains. Too pessimistic people are irrational.10、怕吃苦的人苦一辈子,不怕吃苦的人苦一阵子。Those who are afraid of suffering will suffer for a long time without fear of hardship.11、乐观主义的情人也不能交,

5、因为她会跟你结婚,然后把你变成悲观主义者。An optimist cant give in because she will marry you and turn you into a pessimist.12、真正的快乐,来自于内心的平静。True happiness comes from inner peace.13、如果说身体不健康失去的是躯体,那么心理不健康失去的将是灵魂。If the body is not healthy, lose the body, then the mental health will lose the soul.14、人类的一切努力的目的在于获得幸福。All

6、 human efforts aim at happiness.15、默认自己无能,无疑是给失败制造机会!By default, we are incapable of creating opportunities for failure.16、悲伤能够自行料理;而欢乐的味道如果要充分体会,你就务必有人分享才行。Sorrow can take care of itself; and if you want to fully appreciate the taste of joy, you must have someone to share it.17、年少当及时,蹉跎日就走。若不信侬语,但看

7、霜下草。When young is in time, away from it. If you dont believe in Nong, look at the grass under the frost.18、只要你有一件合理的事去做,你的生活就会显得特别美好。As long as you have a reasonable thing to do, your life will be particularly beautiful.19、如果乐观态度使你成功了,那末你就应该相信这样的结论:乐观是成功之源。If optimism makes you successful, then you

8、should believe in the conclusion that optimism is the source of success.20、寿命的缩短与思想的虚耗成正比。The shortening of life is directly proportional to the cost of thought.21、乐观主义的谎言有着如此巨大的治。Optimistic lies have such a great rule.22、今天多一滴汗水,明天多几分欢笑。More sweat today, more laughter tomorrow.23、悲观的人虽生犹死,乐观的人永生不老。

9、A pessimist is a man who lives, but an optimist never dies.24、每个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。Everyone has at least one dream and has a reason to be strong.25、失去了昨日的繁星并不可怕,可怕的是你又错过了今天的朝阳。The loss of yesterdays stars is not terrible. Whats terrible is that you have missed the sunrise today.26、人的问题比人还多,世界上最大的敌人是

10、自己。People have more problems than human beings, and the biggest enemy in the world is themselves.27、能证明你身份的人通常不是你自己,而是你的朋友。A person who can prove your identity is usually not yourself, but your friend.28、眼泪不是答案,拼搏才是选择。只有回不了的过去,没有到不了的明天。Tears are not the answer. Fighting is the choice. Only the past

11、cannot be returned to the future.29、朋友也是分冠亚军的,不好意思,你在我这不是重在参与就是谢谢回顾。My friend is also a runner up. I am sorry, but you are not here for me. Thank you for your review.30、我一方面持谨慎的乐观态度;另一方面又常常有危机感。On the one hand, I am cautiously optimistic; on the other hand, I often have a sense of crisis.31、努力学习,勤奋工

12、作,让青春更加光彩。Study hard and work hard to make youth more brilliant.32、进门前,请脱去烦恼;回家时,请带快乐进屋。Please remove your worries before entering the door. Please bring happiness into the house when you go home.33、内心的欢乐是一个人过着健全的、正常的、和谐的生活所感到的喜悦。Inner joy is the joy that a person lives in a healthy, normal and harm

13、onious life.34、志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。The climber who is at the top of the mountain will not be intoxicated with some footprints along the way.35、快乐是一种心境,跟财富、年龄与环境无关。Happiness is a state of mind. It has nothing to do with wealth, age and environment.36、我发现生活是令人激动的事情,尤其是为别人活着时。I find life exciting,

14、especially for others.37、一切的狡辩都源于我们内心的虚伪。All the sophistry comes from the hypocrisy in our hearts.38、若是美好,叫做精彩。若是糟糕,叫做经历。If it is beautiful, it is called wonderful. If its bad, its called experience.39、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。Those who dare to declare war on the dark must be filled with light.40、所谓内心的快乐,

15、是一个人过着健全的正常的和谐的生活所感到的快乐。The so-called inner happiness is the joy that a person lives in a healthy and normal and harmonious life.41、读书的脸不仅仅是汲取知识,更重要的是了解人生懂得如何做人。The face of reading is not only a matter of knowledge, but also of life.42、在最悲伤的时候,不能失去信念;在最幸福的时候,不能忘记挫折。In the most sad time, we must not

16、lose faith; when we are happiest, we must not forget the setbacks.43、先淡后浓,先疏后亲,先远后近,交友之道也。First, thin and strong, first, after the first kiss, first far and then close, the way to make friends.44、不要向诱惑屈服,而浪费时间去阅读别人悲惨的详细新闻。Do not yield to temptation and waste time reading others miserable details.45、

17、使你自己有更多更多工作,使你习惯于工作。这是人生快乐的第一个条件。Make yourself more and more accustomed to work. This is the first condition for happiness in life.46、感谢那些曾让我伤心难过的日子,我知道快乐已经离我不远了。Thanks to those days that made me sad, I know that happiness is not far away from me.47、什么是失败?无非是迈向更好境界的第一步。What is failure? It is nothing

18、 but a first step towards a better realm.48、想要打倒别人,首先要有抗打击的能力。If you want to overthrow others, you must first have the ability to fight against it.49、许多潜意识觉得做不来而没去做的事情,都是我们对自己未知潜能的放弃。Many subconscious minds do not feel that they can not do anything, they are our abandonment of their unknown potentia

19、l.50、有些人到了老年才第一次体验自己的青春。Some people experience their youth for the first time in their old age.51、逆境有一种科学价值。一个好的学者是不会放下这种机会来领悟的。Adversity has a scientific value. A good scholar will not put aside this opportunity to comprehend.52、五官刺激,不是真正的享受。内在安祥,才是下手之处。Facial stimulation is not real enjoyment. Inn

20、er peace is the starting point.53、我相信过,如果怀着愉快的心情谈起悲伤的事情,悲伤就会烟消云散。I believe that if we talk about sadness in a happy mood, sorrow will vanish.54、世界如一面镜子:皱眉视之,它也皱眉看你;笑着对它,它也笑着看你。The world is like a mirror: it frowns at you, frowns at you, smiles and smiles at you.55、乐观者在灾祸中看到机会;悲观者在机会中看到灾祸。An optimist

21、 sees an opportunity in a calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in an opportunity.56、成功离你很近,只要再多一点点坚持,你就会尝到胜利的果实。Success is close to you. If you persist a little more, you will taste the fruit of victory.57、不应该迫求一切种类的快乐,应该只追求高尚的快乐。We should not strive for all kinds of happiness, we should only pursu

22、e noble happiness.58、山路不象坦途那样匍匐在人们足下。Mountain roads do not crawl under peoples feet like a smooth road.59、只要能收获甜蜜,荆棘丛中也会有蜜蜂忙碌的身影。As long as we can harvest sweet, there will be busy bees in the thorn bush.60、如果你的面前有阴影,那是因为你的背后有阳光。If you have a shadow in front of you, it is because there is sunshine b

23、ehind you.61、生活只有在平淡无味的人看来才是空虚而平淡无味的。Life is only empty and tasteless when it is plain and tasteless.62、许多赛跑者失败,都是失败在最后几步。Many runners fail in the last few steps.63、乐观,是达到成功之路的信心;不怀希望,不论什么事情都做不出来。Optimism is the confidence to achieve success. Nothing can be done without hope.64、青春是一个短暂的美梦,当你醒来时,它早已消

24、失无踪。Youth is a short dream. When you wake up, it has disappeared forever.65、这天应做的事没有做,明天再早也是耽误了。What should be done on that day is not done. It will also be delayed tomorrow.66、平凡朴实的梦想,我们就是要用那唯一的坚持信念去支撑那梦想。Ordinary and simple dream is to support that dream with the only persistence.67、请你别悄悄松开你的梦想迟早有

25、一天它会在你手里发光。Please dont quietly let go of your dream. Sooner or later, it will shine in your hands.68、笑是一种没有副作用的镇静剂。Laughter is a sedative without side effects.69、正因真正的快乐就是:成为完全客观,从而体现自我的抱负。The real joy is to become a completely objective person and thus embody his ambition.70、再没有什么能比人的母亲更为伟大。Nothing is greater than a human mother.71、捧着一颗心,不带半根草去。Holding a heart, without a half root grass.

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