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1、学生作业手册必修66Module 6War and Peace.单词拼写1To the doctors surprise,the cancer cells have _(入侵)other parts of the old mans body besides his stomach.2The medical group had to _(放弃)their research on cloning for lack of funds and support.3The fire fighter lost his life when trying to _(营救)a child from the big

2、 fire.4We are not only _(震惊的)at the terrible working conditions,but also moved by the workers spirit.5Some soldiers were killed and some got seriously _(受伤)in the battle.6Driving again after his accident must have taken a lot of _(勇气)7Parents often make _(牺牲)for their children.8She knew that society

3、 would _(谴责)her for leaving her children.9The striking office workers have _(占据)the whole building.10He _(最终)escaped and made his way back to England.答案:1.invaded2.abandon3.rescue4.shocked5.wounded6.courage7.sacrifice8.condemn9.occupied10eventually.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空despite, worthwhile, view, oper

4、ation, pick up, astonishment, company, disagree, last, hungry and tired1I _ a magazine and looked through it.2The water supply should _ another 48 hours.3Ask the _ to put you through.4Just because weve had a few _, it doesnt mean we arent still friends.5His _ on the subject were wellknown.6He is com

5、ing with me for _.7Its _ to discuss the problem again.8To my _, he started to cry.9He arrived home after a days work, _.10_ the traffic jam, he arrived here on time.答案:1.picked up2.last3.operator4.disagreements5.viewspany7.worthwhile8.astonishment9.hungry and tired10.Despite.单项填空1The plan was _ when

6、 it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost.Areleased BdesertedCresigned Dabandoned答案:Dabandon指因外界压力和影响而放弃自己负有责任或感兴趣的东西;desert常指通过离开的方式放弃,意为“抛弃”,“废弃”;release“解除,免除”;resign“辞职”。故选D。2Mary is _ the translation of a French novel.Aengaged with Bbusy inCabsorbed to Doccupied with答案:D表示忙于某事可用:be

7、 engaged in, be busy with sth./be busy in doing, be absorbed in (doing) sth.,be occupied with sth.,根据句意及选项的结构可知,答案为D。3The lifeboats were sent to _the sailors _ the sinking ship.Arescue; from Bthrow; onCtreat; as Dcarry; into答案:Arescue.from.“把从中营救出来”。句意:这些救生船被派去营救正在下沉的船上的船员。4The evening news comes on

8、 at seven oclock and _ only thirty minutes.Akeeps BcontinuesCfinishes Dlasts答案:D动词辨析题。keep“保持”;continue“继续”;finish“完成(不接时间段)”;last“持续”。句意:晚间新闻七点开始并且仅持续半小时。所以答案为D。5There was nothing _ view on the desert.Ain BonCin the Don the答案:Ain view“在视野中”; on view“在展览/陈列”,属固定短语,据句意应选A,表示在视野中。6Sorry, I didnt reali

9、ze you had _ in your house with you.Aa company BcompanyCcompanies Dthe company答案:B句意:不好意思,我原不知道你家里有客人。company表示“客人”为不可数名词,此处不属特指,故答案为B。7_ being busy, I am still working hard on my writing and I am pleased to announce that I will have a new book published soon.ADespite BBesidesCBut for DDue to答案:Ades

10、pite“尽管”,是介词,由busy与still working hard可知前后为转折关系。besides“除外还有”;but for“要不是”;due to“由于,因为”,均不合句意。8Have you received Jacks plan?Yes, but I dont think _.Ait is worth being consideredBit is worthy be consideredCit is worth consideredDit is worthwhile to consider it答案:DIt is worthwhile to do/doing.固定句型,“是值

11、得做的”;A项应用主动式considering,B项be前应加to;C项considered应为considering。所以答案为D。9The teachers words were a great _ to him. And he decided to work hard.Aencouragement BencouragingCdiscouragement Dbravery答案:A前句的句意:老师的话对他来说是个很大的鼓励。encouragement n. “鼓励”。在这里为抽象名词具体化,“起激励作用的事物”。10She gave him the overcoat, _ to be of

12、service.Aanxiously BanxiousCanxiety Danger答案:B句意:她把大衣给他,很愿意为他服务。anxious是说明主语she的状况,为形容词作状语。A项是修饰动词的;C项是名词不可作状语;D项是名词,在语法上更是讲不通。11(2011浙江舟山中学期中)Students were _ to hear that they would have a threeday holiday.Aa little more than gladBmore than a little gladCglad more than a littleDmore than glad a lit

13、tle答案:B句意:学生们听说要放假三天,非常高兴。此处more than表示“非常”,用来修饰形容词或者副词。12(2011福建福州三中高三月考) If you let challenges stimulate _ annoy you, much more can be accomplished than you thought possible.Amore than Bother thanCless than Drather than答案:D句意:如果你让挑战激励你,而不是烦扰你,你取得的成就就会比你想象的更大。rather than表示“而不是”。前三项分别表示“超过”;“除了之外”;“

14、少于”。13(2011江苏苏州中学高三期中)More than one student, along with some parents, _ quizzed for information on the reference book so far.Awas BwereChave been Dhas been答案:D句意:到目前为止,很多学生和一些家长已经接受了关于参考书信息的小测验。 along with some parents是介词短语充当后置定语,所以谓语动词要和前面的more than one student保持一致。“more than one单数名词”虽然表示的是复数意义,但是谓语动词要用单数形式。14(2011湖南长郡中学高三月考)Learning a language is certainly _ just memorizing words, phrases and structures.Arather than Bother thanCmore than Dno more than答案:C句意:学习一门语言

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