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1、做错了事就要承认错误余坤灿早教成长日记做错了事就要承认错误-余坤灿早教成长日记2015年3月27日星期五多云17?10? 早上外婆将电视调到最早版本的米奇,余坤灿看了一会说:“我不看这个米奇,我要看米奇妙妙屋。”,因为已经看了一会,外婆说:“刚才已经看了一会,再看米奇妙妙屋,听到铃声就要关电视。”,余坤灿没有吭气。 钟响了,要余坤灿关电视,余坤灿不关,外婆说:“你男子汉说话要算数。”,犹豫了一下,余坤灿走到电视机跟前去关电视,余坤灿当做是客厅的电视,开关在中间,余坤灿用手摸了一下没有摸着,就站在跟前接着看了起来。外婆说:“余坤灿,你站在跟前看,你的眼睛还要不要了。”,余坤灿生气了,将电视关了,

2、就站在电视机跟前一动不动,外婆过去拉,余坤灿犟着身子不愿意离开。 下楼余坤灿就一直不高兴,想要外婆背,出来小区大门外婆背起余坤灿过马路。余坤灿刚刚下来走,看见宋彦豪坐在妈妈的自行车后边过来了,余坤灿马上就喊:“阿姨。”,自行车骑过去了,余坤灿说:“我不跟宋彦豪玩了。”,没有一会余坤灿的眼睛里已经沁出泪水,一边走余坤灿一边用袖子擦着眼泪。 宋彦豪妈妈的自行车在前边路口停了下来,宋彦豪妈妈看着余坤灿说:“庆庆你怎么哭了,阿姨怎么不停下来呢,前边马路上有很多汽车没有办法停呀。”,余坤灿用袖子擦了最后一点眼泪,坐到自行车上,余坤灿不哭了。幼儿园到了,宋彦豪妈妈将余坤灿从自行车上抱下来,站在地上余坤灿说

3、:“阿姨,谢谢你。”。 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system,

4、 expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public faciliti

5、es maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers mar

6、ket in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civiliz

7、ation becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, c

8、ommunity volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 今天金豆豆三班的场地上铺满了呼啦圈,余坤灿就在一个一个呼啦圈中蹦,余坤灿也学着将呼啦圈套在腰上转圈,连续转了几次也转不起来,把呼啦圈套在腰上还没有开始转圈,呼啦圈已经掉在地上。宋彦豪站在中间一动不动在找什么,徐老师过去问,宋彦豪也没有做声,当余坤灿从他跟前过去的时候,宋彦豪连忙跟着余坤灿开始跑起来。 两个人在围着大树转圈的时候,

9、余坤灿脚被绊了一下,两条腿跪在地上,跪在大树根下的泥土上。我没有过去,余坤灿站起来,张老师过去扶起余坤灿,我这才发现余坤灿两个膝盖全是泥巴。余坤灿向着我走过来,我拿出手绢给余坤灿擦泥巴,徐老师拿着卫生纸过来了,我只能将裤子上浮着的泥土擦去,裤子脏了。余坤灿不断的用手在裤子来回拍打说:“我的裤子脏了。”,我说:“不要紧,一会裤子干了,泥巴会自己掉的。”,余坤灿这才离开又去玩了。 今天体育老师又来喊早操了,为了不影响老师孩子看体育老师做操,我没有留下来拍照。 爸爸今天下午四点从武汉回来,爸爸下个月到天津接着学习。 余坤灿从教室里出来,一眼看见爸爸马上跑过来拉着爸爸的手喊:“爸爸。”。从幼儿园出来,

10、没有一会功夫就没有看见余坤灿去哪里了,我在附近转了一会才看见余坤灿在一个商店门口玩弹珠游戏机。玩完游戏机,看见宋彦豪,两个人开始跑,不知道III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pil

11、ot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus,

12、 start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, streng

13、thening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community

14、 is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To

15、 built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 什么事请,余坤灿生气了,余坤灿抱着双手说:“我不跟阿姨玩了。”,宋彦豪妈妈莫名其妙问:“余坤灿怎么了。”。 在屈姑食品门口,余坤灿宋彦豪帅梓涵三个人看小朋友玩弹珠游戏机,帅梓涵妈妈去买卤菜,帅梓涵趁打游戏机的男孩转身

16、的机会,上前去玩游戏机,男孩妈妈说:“我们还没有打完。”,帅梓涵就是不松手,宋彦豪妈妈也过来了,帅梓涵立刻大哭起来,帅梓涵妈妈刚好买了卤菜过来,将帅梓涵拉了过去。 余坤灿又要玩这种弹珠游戏机,爸爸拿出纸币换了硬币递给余坤灿。游戏结束从游戏机的孔里落下一个园牌子,余坤灿刚刚拿到手里,宋彦豪跑过来就抢了过去,宋彦豪妈妈从宋彦豪手里将牌子拿过来还给余坤灿。 宋彦豪不愿意了,离开了,宋彦豪一边走一边说:“我不跟妈妈玩了。”,因为帅梓涵妈妈又进菜场买菜,宋彦豪妈妈要帮着照看帅梓涵,我就跟着宋彦豪,宋彦豪越走越远,宋彦豪妈妈只好过来抱起宋彦豪。宋彦豪妈妈说:“余坤灿的牌子是打弹珠的奖励,余坤灿就是为了这个

17、牌子,你怎么拿他的战利品呢。”。 宋彦豪也开始玩弹珠,余坤灿趁宋彦豪松手的功夫也上去去拉把柄,宋彦豪不愿意了,我将余坤灿拉开,余坤灿也不愿意了,这时候站在一旁的一个大男孩也趁机上来拉了几下游戏机游戏把柄。 在晨光文具门口,余坤灿看中我来当医生玩具,余坤灿将我来当医生玩具从架子上拿下来说:“爸爸,我要买III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requ

18、irement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban man

19、agement, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public

20、service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstruction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working e

21、nvironment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardiz

22、ation construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 这个。”,爸爸买了,余坤灿拿着新买的玩具兴致勃勃的跑

23、了起来。 回家余坤灿就将我来当医生的包装拆开了,余坤灿要将我来当医生玩具的包装扔到厨房,爸爸说:“把垃圾扔到楼下垃圾桶里,爸爸就不下去了。”,当余坤灿真的下楼扔垃圾的时候,爸爸这才跟余坤灿说:“姨爹也下楼,要一直跟着姨爹,自己一个人不要乱跑。”。这么小的孩子平时根本不能让他开门出去,现在却让他下楼到外边扔垃圾,这样的玩笑爸爸越开越离奇了。以后真的余坤灿在家里人不知道的情况下,自己到外边去扔垃圾那能怎么好。 姨妈姨爹一起带余坤灿出去买蛋糕,六点半听见楼下余坤灿在哭,姨妈回来说:“余坤灿把别人的遥控汽车开到水里啦。”。 出了小区在小广场看见有几个孩子在玩遥控汽车,余坤灿也挤过去要玩遥控汽车,汽车是

24、一个三岁三个月的男孩的。遥控汽车开进水里,还是一个爷爷从水里捞起来的,汽车从水里捞上来汽车电灯还会亮。妈妈说:“怎么当时没有赔别人钱呢。”,姨妈说:“汽车掉到水里就连忙跟别人道歉,要余坤灿给别人道歉,余坤灿自己倒大哭起来。”,姨爹说:“就是给别人钱,别人也不会要。”,我说:“你怎么知道别人不要呢,别人不要再说不要的事。”。 不给和别人不要,本身就是两回事,你错了,别人的东西受损失了,就要赔别人。别人不要,是别人谦让,别人客气大方。最起码你说了,别人心里会舒服一些,也好想一些。 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one

25、hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opportunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered

26、city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greenin

27、g, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers market in key areas such as the weak link in the maintenance and reconstru

28、ction and for the public to provide a more convenient and comfortable living and working environment. On the other hand to realistically the community foundation. Community is cell of a city, is the main position of urban civilization becoming the first, people involved in the creation of the basic

29、platform. To carry out a comprehensive community venues, management, facilities standardization construction, and enhance the community management and service functions. To built good use of community volunteer service station, community volunteers play leading role, for community residents provide

30、rich content and various forms of voluntary service activities. 妈妈和余坤灿说了有半个小时,“你给别人的汽车弄坏了,你是不是错了,你是不是要给别人道歉。”,“别人要是将你的玩具弄坏了,你是不是也很生气。”,“我知道你将别人的汽车掉进水里很害怕,所以故意大声哭,不愿意道歉。但是事情是你做错了,你是大哥哥了,做错了事就要承认错误。”。 晚上我出去跳舞,下楼我先敲开黄耀祖的家门,因为姨妈说在小广场玩的时候,黄耀祖也曾经玩过遥控汽车,问了黄耀祖妈妈,黄耀祖妈妈说不认识那个人,因为黄耀祖大部分时间是跟着外婆在外边玩的。余坤灿将别人的遥控汽车

31、开进水里,反而弄得我们不知道怎么应对了,就是不赔钱,最起码也有当面给别人赔一个不是才对。 III) to focus on consolidating the basic level. On the one hand, to highlight the city fine management for the key. Fine management is the basic requirement of urban development, is of general concern to the public. To national pilot wisdom city as an opp

32、ortunity, perfect network system, expand the scope of management, completed as soon as possible covered city digital city management information system, to form a unified and efficient urban management, control and supervision of the system. From a microscopic point of focus, start small, earnestly

33、reconstruction of public facilities maintenance, efforts to do a good job of urban purification, greening, lighting, landscaping, perfect to enhance urban functions. To perfect the urban public service facilities, transportation infrastructure And municipal facilities, strengthening of residential area, Beijiexiaoxiang, farmers

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