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1、兰迪教授最后一课演讲中英文CMU兰迪.鲍西教授的“最后一课”一场感动百万美国人的讲座张放( 中英文演讲全文)Randy Pauschs Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood DreamsGiven at Carnegie Mellon UniversityTuesday, September 18, 2007McConomy AuditoriumFor more information, see Copyright Randy Pausch, 20071Note that this transcript is provided as a p

2、ublic service but may contain transcriptionerrors.This translation was done by Lichao Chen (); I dont read Chinese, so I cannotverify it. RandyThis translation is far from perfect and I presented it in the sprit of old Chinese saying throwing a brickto attract jade. Any comments, suggestions and cor

3、rections are highly appreciated. Lichao译文可能有诸多不当,疏漏之处。但抛砖引玉, 望读者不悋指正。兰迪.波许的最后讲座:真正实现你童年的梦想2007 年9 月18 日,礼拜二, 于卡内基.梅隆大学Introduction by Indira Nair, Carnegie Mellons Vice Provost for Education:卡内基.梅隆大学副教务长英迪拉.内尔Hi. Welcome. Its my pleasure to introduce you to the first of our new universityslectures t

4、itled Journeys lectures in which members of our community will share withus reflections and insights on their personal and professional journeys. TodaysJourneys lecture as you all know is by Professor Randy Pausch. The next one is onMonday, September 24th by Professor Roberta Klatzky.嗨。欢迎大家。我很高兴向大家介

5、绍我们大学的题为旅途的新系列讲座的首场演讲- 这些演讲是我们的社团成员与我们一起分享他们对个人和专业旅途的思考和洞察。今天旅途演讲的主讲人,你们都知道,是兰迪.波许教授。下一个是9 月24 日,礼拜一,罗伯塔.克莱兹基教授。1 This is temporary; we will be doing a creative commons license or some such; for now, pleaseconsider this footnote your permission to use this transcript for any personal or non-commerci

6、alpurposes. - RandyTo introduce Professor Randy Pausch, our first Journeys speaker, I would like tointroduce Randys friend and colleague, Steve Seabolt. Steve has been atElectronic Arts for six years and is the Vice President of Global Brand Developmentfor The Sims label at Electronic Arts. As you a

7、ll know, The Sims is one of the most, ifnot the most successful PC games in the world, with sales approaching over 100,000.Prior to that, Steve was the Vice President for Strategic Marketing and Education atEA, bridging academia and Electronic Arts. His goal was to work with academics sothere was an

8、 effective educational pathway for kids with building games as theirdreams. It was in that role that Randy and Steve became colleagues and friends.Before Electronic Arts, Steve was the worldwide Ad Director for Time Magazine andCEO of Sunset Publishing, which is a very favorite magazine in the South

9、west, and asCEO there, one of the things he started was school tours, because like Randy heshares a passion for inspiring kids of all ages to share their excitement for scienceand technology.要介绍兰迪.波许教授, 咱们旅途演讲的第一名主讲人,我希望先介绍兰迪的朋友和同事, 史蒂夫.西伯特。史蒂夫在艺电公司六年,是负责该公司模拟人生游戏全球品牌发展的副总裁。你们都知道, “模拟人生”起码来说,是世界上最成功

10、的个人计算机游戏之一, 销售了接近十万套 。在那之前, 史蒂夫是艺电公司的战略行销和教育副总裁, 与学术界沟通。他的目标是同学术界一起为梦想创造计算机游戏的孩子们找到一条有效的教育途径。因此,兰迪和史蒂夫成为了同事和朋友。在加入艺电公司之前, 史蒂夫是时代杂志世界广告部的主任和日落出版,一本在西南地区非常受喜爱的杂志,的总经理。在任总经理期间, 他开始做的一件事是参观学校, 因为他和兰迪一样都热望让所有上进孩子们能分享他们对科技的热情。So to introduce Randy, his friend Steve Seabolt. Steve?那, 由兰迪朋友史蒂夫.西伯特来作介绍 。史蒂夫?

11、applause掌声Steve Seabolt, Vice President of Worldwide Publishing and Marketing for Electronic Arts(EA):史蒂夫.西伯特,艺电公司世界出版行销副总裁Thank you very much. I dont mean to sound ungracious by correcting you, butgiven that our PR people are probably watching this on webcast, Id catch heck if Iwent home and didnt

12、say that it was 100 million units for The Sims. laughter Notthat big numbers matter to Electronic Arts. laughterI dont see any empty seats anywhere, which is a good thing, which means I justwon a bet from Randy as a matter of fact. Depending upon whos version of theP a u s c hP a g e | 33story you h

13、ear, he either owes me 20 dollars or his new Volkswagen. laughter So, Illtake the car.谢谢。我不想显得很粗鲁地纠正您, 可是咱们公关人员可能正在看网络直播, 若是我没有说模拟人生销售额是一亿套, 那我回去后要吃不了兜着走 笑声 . 当然艺电公司并不在意大数字 笑声 我看不到任何空座位, 这很好, 这就意味着我和兰迪打赌赢了。根据你听谁说了, 他要么欠我20 美元,要么欠我他的新大众汽车笑声 好吧, 我要汽车。Its a pleasure to be here, thank you very much. Im

14、going to start by coveringRandys academic credentials. Its a little bizarre for me to be standing here atCarnegie Mellon, which is a school I couldnt get into no matter how much Icontributed to this institution. laughter But, no really, Im not kidding! You all think,oh gosh hes humble. Really, no, I

15、m not humble at all. Very average SAT scores,you know, right in the middle of my high school class of 900. Anyway, Randy. Randyearned it really pisses me off that Randys so smartactually I called him, wedecided about, what, four weeks, ago and we heard the news went from bad tohorrific. It was on a

16、Wednesday night and I said look we have two choices. Wecan play this really straight and very emotional, or we can go to dark humor. Andfor those of you who know Randy well, he was like oh, dark humor! So I called himthe next day and I was like, dude you cant die. And hes like, what do you mean?And

17、I said, well, when you die, the average of IQ of Sea bolts friends is going to likedrop 50 points. Laughter To which he responded, we need to find you somesmarter friends. Laughter So youre all smart because youre here, so if you want tobe my friend, Ill be over in a corner of the reception room.很快乐

18、能来到那个地址, 超级感激。我将从兰迪的学术履历提及。我站在那个地址实际上是有点怪异,因为无论我为这个学校资助了多少钱,卡内基梅隆是个我上不了的大学 笑声 但, 没有, 我不开玩笑! 你们想, 哎呀,他真谦逊。不是的, 没有, 我根本不是谦逊。非常一般的学测考试(SAT)成绩, 就是说, 在我的高中那一届900 人的正中间。好, 兰迪。兰迪得到了- 兰迪太聪明了,这真让我懊恼-实际上大约,嗯,四周前, 我们了解到消息从坏变可怕,我打电话给他。那是个星期三晚上, 我对他说, 你看-我们有二个选择。我们可以把这个搞的非常直接和非常情绪化, 或者我们能来黑色幽默。对你们那些了解兰迪的人, 他就,呵,

19、 黑色幽默! 我第二天打电话给他,说, 活计, 你不能死。他说,什么意思? 我说, 你死了, 西伯特的朋友的平均智商就要下坠50 点.笑声 他的反应是, 我们需要给你找一些更聪明的朋友 笑声 因为你们能在这里,你们都很聪明; 如果你们想要做我的朋友, (演讲结束后)我会呆在招待厅的角落里。Randy earned his undergraduate degree in Computer Science at Brown in 1982. His. in CS from Carnegie Mellon in 1988 and taught at the University of Virgini

20、awhere he was granted tenure a year early. He joined the Carnegie Mellon faculty in1997 with appointments in the CS, HCI and Design departments. He has authored orco-authored five books and over 60 reviewed journal and conference proceedingarticles, none of which I would understand. With Don Marinel

21、li, he founded the Entertainment Technology Center, which quickly became the gold standardorganization for training artists and engineers to work together. It is my view and theview of our company, Electronic Arts, that the ETC is the interactive program bywhich all others in the world are judged.兰迪

22、于1982 年在布朗大学取得运算机学本科学位。1988 年在卡内基梅隆大学取得博士学位.然后他执教于弗吉尼亚大学并提前一年拿到终身教职。1997 年他到卡内基梅隆大学任职于计算机科学系、人机界面和设计系。他单独或与人合作著有五本专著和超过60 篇经专家评阅的期刊和会刊文章, 我对那些是一窍不通。与唐.麦瑞乃里一起, 他创立了娱乐技术中心, 迅速成为训练艺术家和工程师共同工作的样板机构。本人和所在的艺电公司都认为, 娱技中心是裁判世界上其它交互项目的标准。Its wonderful to be here. What Indira didnt tell you is that this lectu

23、re series used to be called the Last Lecture. If you had one last lecture to give before you died, what would it be? I thought, damn, I finally nailed the venue and they renamed it.能在那个地址真太棒了。只是主持人没告知你们的是,那个系列讲座题目,之前是定为“最后一课”的。确实是,人临终前给大伙儿上的最后一课,这课里你会讲什么内容。我想,这下见鬼了,我终于找对了地址,可他们又更名了。(叫“旅程系列”)。 So, yo

24、u know, in case theres anybody who wandered in and doesnt know the back story, my dad always taught me that when theres an elephant in the room, introduce them. If you look at my CT scans, there are approximately 10 tumors in my liver, and the doctors told me 3-6 months of good health left. That was

25、 a month ago, so you can do the math. I have some of the best doctors in the world. Microphones not working? Then Ill just have to talk louder. Is that good? All right.因此,你看,我就怕万一有人随意走进来,却不明白背景故事就不行了。我父亲老是教诲我说,若是有情形在眼前,没有方法忽略的话,那就把情形合盘托出好了。大伙儿看一下给我做的电脑CT,我的肝脏里有可能十个肿瘤了,医生跟我说,我的躯体还能维持健康状态3到6 个月。说这话时是一

26、个月前的事儿,因此诸位能够算一下我还有多长时刻维持健康状态。给我看病的那些医生,都是世界上最好的医生了。麦克风不响?那我就大点声讲吧。好了吗?行。 So that is what it is. We cant change it, and we just have to decide how were going to respond to that. We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. If I dont seem as depressed or morose as I should be,

27、sorry to disappoint you. And I assure you I am not in denial. Its not like Im not aware of whats going on. My family, my three kids, my wife, we just decamped. We bought a lovely house in Chesapeake, Virginia, near Norfolk, and were doing that because thats a better place for the family to be, down

28、the road. And the other thing is I am in phenomenally good health right now. I mean its the greatest thing of cognitive dissonance you will ever see is the fact that I am in really good shape. In fact, I am in better shape than most of you. So anybody who wants to cry or pity me can down and do a fe

29、w of those, and then you may pity me. 因此,情形确实是如此。无法改变了,我所能做的,确实是要决定如何因应那个现实。人不能改把手里的牌给换掉,而只能把打牌的方式给改变一下喽。因此,若是有人看我不够沮丧或没有愁容满面的话,抱歉,让诸位失望了。只是,我向你们保证,我不是眼不见为净,不是不明白我的躯体里正发生着什么事。我的家人,三个小孩,太太,咱们方才搬了家。咱们在弗吉尼亚州诺福克周围的切萨皮克,买了一幢漂亮的屋子。之因此要这么做,是因为那里更好,更适合咱们家的以后。另外的缘故确实是,我此刻仍然健康如常。我是说,这种状况是诸位看到的最了不起的情形,我此刻躯体超级好

30、。事实上,此刻的我,比你们大部份人都更都健康。因此若是有人想哭,或可怜我,能够先下来做几个那个附卧撑,然后可怜我不迟。 All right, so what were not talking about today, we are not talking about cancer, because I spent a lot of time talking about that and Im really not interested. If you have any herbal supplements or remedies, please stay away from me. And w

31、ere not going to talk about things that are even more important than achieving your childhood dreams. Were not going to talk about my wife, were not talking about my kids. Because Im good, but Im not good enough to talk about that without tearing up. So, were just going to take that off the table. T

32、hats much more important. And were not going to talk about spirituality and religion, although I will tell you that I have achieved a deathbed conversion: I just bought a Macintosh! Now I knew Id get 9% of the audience with that. But, all right, so what is todays talk about then? Its about my childhood dreams and how I have achieved them.好吧,那么,今天咱们不谈点什么呢?咱们不谈点癌症吧。因为我已花了太多时刻谈它,已经没爱好了。若是在座的诸位,有谁说有什么辅助草药或神奇疗法的话,求你了,请别过来。咱们也不谈比实现童年妄图更重要的事,也不谈我妻子,不谈我小孩。因为我还健康,问题是我还没健康到谈起他们会不崩溃的状态。因此,就干脆把谈他们的话题搁置不提罢。做到这一点,超级超级重要。另外呢,咱们也不谈精神与宗教,只是,我要告知诸位的是,我已在我的病榻上,做了皈依:刚买了台苹果电脑

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