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1、英语基础+强化对话试题基础对话1. Bob: Can I help with your luggage? Mary: _. a. No,thanks.I can manage it. b. No,Many thanks.I can do. c. No,not necessary.Thank you anyway. d. No,you neednt.Thank you anywaya. NO,thanks.I can manage it. 说我行时用:I can manage it.2. Speak A: Are you feeling better now? Speak B: _. a. We

2、ll,not too better yet,thank you. b. Well,not too good yet.Better than I was though. c. Well,it doesnt matter,Im much better now. d. Well,never mind,Im much better now.b. Well,not too good yet.Better than I was though. not too better yet不符合表达习惯3. Speak A: Did you have a good crossing? Speak B:_.It wa

3、s really rough and Im not a good sailor. a. No,Im afraid not. b. Yes,very pleasant crossing. c. No,I hadnt. d. Yes,it did.a. No,Im afraid not. c的主动词使用不当。4. Telephone enquiry Clerk: Lost property department.Can I help you? Phone caller: _I left it on the Margate Mermail when we cross from Olsten yest

4、erday morning. a. I want you help me find my lost camera. b. I wonder if you have a camera of mine. c. Do you think if you have a camera of mine. d. I doubt if you could help me find my lost camera.b. I wonder if you have a camera of mine. a问得过于直接。 d显得欠缺礼貌。5. Guest: Have you a single room for tonigh

5、t and tomorrow night with a telephone and shower? Clerk: We havent any rooms with a shower free just now,but theres a bathrom available on each floor. Guest:_ a. Oh,sorry.Forget it. b. How regretful! I give it up. c. All right.It does. d. All right.Thatll do.d. All right.Thatll do. 好的,那也行。6. Convers

6、ation between tow strangers at a party. Chester: Hello,Im Brian Chester.Let me get you some more to drink. Jackson: Not at the moment,thank you._ a. How do you do? b. How are you? c. Im Andrew Jackson. d. Im glad to meet you.c. Im Andrew Jackson. How do you do? 和 Im glad to meet you.适合比较正式的专门见面场所。 H

7、ow are you?用于熟人。7. Elizabeth(Treading on someones foot):_.I hope I havent hurt you. Jordan: Its all right. a. Oh,Im sorry. b. Oh,Im regretfel. c. Oh,excuse me. d. Oh, forgive me.a. Oh,Im sorry. 无意伤害或冒犯了别人时,首先应该道歉。 Oh,Im regretful. 表示“后悔”或“(因不能作某事而)抱歉、遗憾”。 Oh,excuse me. 用于礼貌地引起对方注意。 Oh,forgive me.表示请

8、求原谅。Guest: Oh,I hadnt realized how late it was. Im afraid Ill have to be going. Host: Oh,not yet.Im just going to make some coffee. Guest: _,though Id really love to stay.Ive got to be up by six tomorrow morning,unfortunately. Thank you for a wonderful party. a. Im sorry,but I must b. Excuse me,but

9、I have to go c. Pardon me,but I should go d. Its a pity,but no way outa. Im sorry,but I must 由于不能接受主人的好意,客人应表示道歉。Paul: Do you have to have that TV on quite so loud? Carol:_.Is it bothering you? Paul: Yes,Im trying to sleep. a. Oh,Im sorry b. Oh,excuse me c. No,I dont d. Yes,I have toa. Oh,Im sorry 对

10、于别人的抱怨,礼貌的反应应该是现表示歉意,然后再弄清楚情况。Katherine: Linda!I havent seen you for ages.How are you? Linda: Fine.and you? Katherine: Pretty good.Hows Frank? Linda: Oh,dont you know?We got divorced two years ago. Katherine: _ a. Oh,I am sorry. b. What a pity! c. It is really a problem d. Hope youll be bettera. Oh,

11、I am sorry 谈话时无意中提到令对方不愉快的话题时,应该表示道歉。Client: Hello.May I speak to Mr.Turner? Secretary:_ a. Im sorry.Hes at a meeting right now. b. Speaking,please c. Hello.Whore you,please? d. Hello.Thank you for calling.a. Im sorry.Hes at a meeting right now.8. Susan: Im going to the cinema this evening. Gordon:_

12、? Susan: Its a Westen:Cowboy Comes Home. a. Whats in b. What is acted c. whats on d. what is performc. Whats on “放什么电影”Ted: Hi,Christine._? Christine: Hi,Ted.I just bought a new camping tent.I cant wait to use it. a. Whats on b. Whats up c. Whats wrong d. Whats rightb. Whats up. Whats up? 表示“忙什么?”或“

13、什么事?” Whats on? 表示“放映什么?” Whats wrong? 表示“出了什么问题?” Whats right? 表示“什么是对的?”Martin: Can you cover for me on Sunday? Im supposed to teach the high school class. Lisa: Sure._? Martin: Were going to the beach for the weekend. Lisa: Well,dont worry.Ill take good care of Sunday school. a. Whats in b. Whats

14、 the thing c. Whats up d. Whats downc. Whats up 表示“你怎么了?”或“你有什么事?”9. Customer:_if youd serve ma as quickly as possible as Ive got an appointment at two fifteen. Waiter: Ill do my best,Madam. a. It would be very kind of you b. It would be very helpful c. Id be most delightful d. Id be most gratefuld.

15、 Id be most grateful. It would be very kind of you.和It would be very helpful.是针对别人特意帮忙而言。10. Guest:_. Clerk: Certainly.Do you have a reservation? Guest: Yes.The name is Morales.Mr. and Mrs.J. Morales. Clerk:Here we are.For five nights.Could you fill in the registration card,please? And Ill need you

16、credit card. a. Id like rest here,please b. Id like to rent a room,please c. Id like to check in,please d. Id like to stay in,please.c. Id like to check in,please. 表示客人要求登记入住。11. Jane: Carol,you look very well. Carol:Thank you,Jane.You look Wonderful too.Your weekend tennis must have done you good.

17、Jane: _. a. Thats very kind of you b. Are you kidding? Thank you anyway c. You think so?Thats encouraging d. I dont believe it.You are flattering mec. You think so?Thats encouraging Thats very kind of you. 表示对别人帮忙的致谢。 Thank you anyway. 在求助未果后的致谢。 I dont believe it.You are flattering me. 不符合英语习惯,即便对方

18、的话只是恭维, 回答也不要造实说,而是要礼貌地表示欣喜或感谢。Tom: You are playing guitar well.Can you read music? Charles: No,I dont.I just listen to songs on the radio and then play them until they sound right. Tom: _. Charles: No,really. a. Youre lying b. Youre cheating c. Youre boasting d. Youre kiddingd. Youer kidding Youre

19、kidding 或 Youre joking 表示:“你在开玩笑吧!”或“这不是真的!”Nancy: Have you heard about Dana?She is going to get married with Graham! Scott:_ a. Youre kidding! b. Congratulations! c. Is it a real thing? d. Good luck!a. Youre kidding!12. Li: Hello.Im ringing about the flat advertised in todays Star._? Mrs.Green: Yes

20、,it is.Two or three people have rung up about it,but nobodys been to see it yet. a. Is it still available b. Is it still empty c. Is it still free d. Is it still blanka. Is it still available empty: 空的 free: 免费、自由 blank:(纸张,表格等)空白13. Customer: Excuse me! Clerk: Yes maam? What can I do for you? Custo

21、mer: I have a problem with this coffer maker,and I want my money back. Clerk: _? Customer: The problem is that it doesnt work! Ive only used it three times. a. why b. well,are you sure c. Whats the matter with it on earth d. Well,what seems to be the problemd. Well,what seems to be the problem 其它的问得

22、太直接或欠礼貌14. At a Party. Adam: This is a great apartment. Tammy: I think so,too._? Adam: No,Im Adam. I came with Carl. I dont really know anyone here. Carls told me about most of his friends,but I cant match the names with the faces. a. Excuse me,but do I know you b. Excuse me,could I know you c. Excu

23、se me,do you mind telling me your name d. Excuse me,but do you know mea. Excuse me,but do I know you? 请问我们以前见过面吗?Customer: _. Waiter: Im sorry.Didnt you order fried shrimp? Customer:I ordered fried chicken Waiter: Oh,all I heard was fried shrimp.Let me have kitchen redo this for you. a. Sorry,this i

24、snt my dish b. Excuse me,this isnt what I paid for c. Sorry,this isnt my order d. Excuse me,this isnt what I orderedd. Exceuse me, this isnt what I ordered. 因做错了事抱歉时用sorry 引起对方注意时用excuse mePasser-by: _? Local resident: Sure.Its on Elm Street,between Eleventh and Twelfth Avenue. Passer-by:Thank you.

25、a. Help please.Could you tell me where the post office is b. Sorry,where is the post office,please c. Trouble you.Could you please tell me where the post office is d. Excuse me.Do you know where the post office isd. Excuse me.Do you know where the post office is Excuse me 表示“劳驾,请问.”Passer_by:_? Loca

26、l resident: Yes,theres one near the end of the street.Its behind the church. a. hello,sir.Wheree the bus station b. Excuse me.Is there a parking lot anywhere around here c. Excuse me,sir. How can I find the way to the police station d. Which building is the Department of Immigration,pleaseb. Excuse

27、me.Is there a parking lot anywhere around hereWaiter:_? Customer: Yes,Ill have a cheeseburger,medium rare,with French fries. a. What do you want to eat b. Have you decided what to have yet c. Excuse me,are you ready to order now d. Excuse me,but whod like to orderc. Excuse me,are you ready to order

28、now15. Salegirl: Good morning,miss.Can I help you? Mary: Yes,Id like half a kilo orange,please. Salegirl:_. Anything else? Mary: No,thank you. a. These oranges are for you b. Give you the oranges c. There you are d. Here are youc. There you are. 销售员把东西给顾客时说“给您”对应的英语:There you are.Clerk: Good morning

29、.Can I help you? Miss Chang:Yes,Id like a one-way ticket to Manchester 8:15 tomorrow evening. Clerk: Fifteen pounds,please. Miss Chang:_. a. Here you are b. Here it is c. There is the payment d. Take the payment,pleasea. Here you are 购物、买票付钱时说”给您“,英语中有固定的说法:Here you are.Tony: Will you please pass me

30、 the saltshaker,Bill? Bill: Sure._. Tony: Thank you. a. Give it to you b. Take it c. Here you are d. Hold itc.Here you are 递给别人所要的东西时说“here you are”,表示“给你”16. Wang: Ive got an appointment.Im going to meet a friend in London at 3 p.m. Its already a quarter past 2._. David:Im going into London.I can give you a lift if you like. Wang: Could you really? That would be great. a. Ill never make it b. I

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