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大学英语 听说6 听力原文 U110分解.docx

1、大学英语 听说6 听力原文 U110分解College English Focus Listening and Speaking (Book 6) Unit 1 An Investigation Part A Listening Activities A Conversation A Good Observer Officer: Mrs Dawson, thanks very much for coming down to the station. I . I know youve been through a heck of a situation here today. Um . Id j

2、ust like to go over some of the things that you told Sergeant Palmer at the bank. Mrs Dawson: All right. Officer: Uh, would you like a cup of coffee? Mrs Dawson: No. No, Im fine. (All right.) Thanks. Officer: Well, um . c-c-could you describe the two people who robbed the bank for this report that w

3、ere filling out here? Now, anything at all that you can remember would be extremely helpful to us. Mrs Dawson: Well . uh . just . I can only remember basically what I said before. (Thats all right.) The man was tall . uh . six foot, six foot one, (Mm-hmm?) and he had dark hair, (Dark hair.) and he h

4、ad a moustache. Officer: Very good. All right, did he have any other distinguishing marks, I mean scars, for example, anything like that? Mrs Dawson: Scars . um . (Mm-hmm.) no. No, none that I can remember. Officer: Do you remember how old he was, by any chance? Mrs Dawson: Uh . well, I . I guess ar

5、ound thirty, (Around thirty.) m . maybe younger, give or take a few years. Officer: Mm hmm. All right, do you, uh, remember anything about what he might have been wearing? Mrs Dawson Yes. Yes, he . he had on a dark sweater, a . (Mm-hmm.) a solid color. Officer OK, um . anything else that strikes you

6、 (Urn .) at the moment? Mrs Dawson I . I remember he was wearing a light shirt under the sweater. (Ah, very good.) Yes, yes. Officer Mm-hmm. All right, now, can you tell us anything about the, uh, the woman robber, uh, Mrs Dawson? Mrs Dawson: Well, the biggest thing that I remember about her was tha

7、t she did most of the talking. (Mm-hmm) She had the gun pointed at us and she told us to lie down on the floor (Hmm.) and not to move if we knew what was good for us. (Hmm.) I remember it just felt like she was pointing the gun right at me, and my little son was right next to me and he . he was just

8、 so frightened . Officer: Uh, Mrs Dawson, could you describe her for us? Mrs Dawson: Ugh. She was wearing a wool sweater . (Ah, very good.) I remember it was a dark color, (Mm-hmm.) navy blue or . or black, (Black, mm-hmm.) and I guess she was in her late twenties. Uh, her hair was short, (Mm-hmm.)

9、very short and curly. Officer Do you remember how tall she was? Mrs Dawson Uh . a . about the same as myself, (Mm-hmm.) around five four. Officer: Five four, mm-hmm. All right, do you, uh . remember anything else about this woman? Mrs Dawson Yes. I remember that the woman was wearing a pendant or a

10、. or a locket around her neck. (Uh-huh.) I remember specifically because my little boy started to cry (Oh.) and the woman came up to me and said, Shut your damn kid up, lady. (Mm-hmm.) So I got a good look at the woman and . and she was sort of, uh, pulling on the chain, uh, playing with it. (Oh?) I

11、t was gold, uh, well anyway, it looked like gold. Officer Mm-hmm. Did either of them have any other, uh, noticeable characteristics, Mrs Dawson? Now, just take a moment to (No, I dont .) think about this. Mrs Dawson No. No, a-a and this is really all I can remember. Officer Well, did either of them

12、wear glasses? Mrs Dawson No. No, Im sure of that. Officer Mm-hmm. All right, Mrs Dawson, I really appreciate what youve been through today. Im just going to ask you to look at some photographs before you leave, if you dont mind. It wont take very long. Can you do that for me? Mrs Dawson Oh, a-all ri

13、ght. Officer Would you like to step this way with me, please? Mrs Dawson OK. Sure. Officer Thank you. Exercise 1 1. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? 2. When and where does the conversation take place? 3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the conversation?4. What was

14、 Mrs Dawson going to do at the end of the conversation? 5. What can you infer from the conversation? Part D Further Listening A Story A Real Life Story I was having some photos developed at a photo shop in the town center one sunny Saturday morning and I was waiting outside. A nice lady approached m

15、e and asked me if I wanted to enter a competition. The first prize was a weekend trip to London for two people. She had lots of coupons with her and she took down my details - name, age, address and telephone number. I thanked her and left. Imagine my astonishment and happiness when I found out that

16、 I had won the first prize! I was on cloud nine because I knew I didnt have the money for the holiday. The company sent us our train tickets and the following Saturday morning my husband and I left Edinburgh for a weekend in London. We were really excited about the trip. Id had my hair cut and my hu

17、sband had had his suit dry-cleaned. Five hours later, we arrived in London and went straight to the hotel where our room had been booked by the company. Thats when we got our first shock; the receptionist said there was no booking in our name. We told him about the competition prize, but he said tha

18、t the hotel was unaware of anything like that. We were angry, but not suspicious. We decided to return to Edinburgh. We had our luggage put in a taxi and went back to the train station. Late on Saturday night we arrived home, tired and disappointed. Strangely, when my husband put his key in the lock

19、, he discovered that it was already open. At that moment, it all made sense; I knew the house had been broken into and that we had been tricked. The whole house was upside down. It was a complete mess. They had taken everything, our money, jewellery, the TV, video, stereo and the microwave oven. The

20、y had even helped themselves to the food in the fridge and left a note which said: We hope you had a nice time - we certainly did. By the way, you should have your house redecorated! Well, we called the police and had the house checked for fingerprints, but none were found. Clearly, our house hadnt

21、been burgled by amateurs - they were real professionals. Were going to have an alarm installed now and were having the locks changed too. Luckily, the house is insured so we can replace everything. But its a horrible feeling when you find your home has been invaded like that. 1. What happened to the

22、 speaker one Saturday morning? 2. When did the couple get their first shock? 3. What did they decide to do then? 4. What did they find when they returned home? 5. Which of the following is true of the couple? A Conversation Solving a Crime Thomas Price parked his car and went around the corner to bu

23、y a newspaper at the drugstore. His friend Linda Grant was waiting for him in the car. Suddenly she heard a shot. Then she heard another shot. She ran to the store to see what had happened. She found her friend Thomas there. He was holding a gun. The owner of the store was lying on the floor, dead.

24、The police have just arrived on the scene and a detective is questioning Linda and Thomas. What evidence does the detective need to solve the crime? Detective Tell me what happened, Miss Grant. Linda I was sitting in the car waiting for Thomas. Suddenly I heard shots. I ran to the store. Detective W

25、hat did you see there? Linda I saw Thomas standing by the dead man. Thomas was holding a gun. Detective So you did see him with the gun in his hand; and you heard someone fire shots. Linda Yes. But Thomas didnt kill the man. Detective How do you know that he didnt? Linda Its too difficult for me to

26、explain. Why dont you ask Thomas? Detective OK, Mr Price. Tell me your story. Thomas I was walking toward the store when I heard a shot. I pulled out my gun and ran into the store. Detective What happened next? Thomas I saw the owner of the store lying on the floor and another man jumping out the wi

27、ndow. The cash register was empty. Detective Did you fire any shots? Thomas Absolutely not. Detective Why were you carrying a gun? Thomas Because I work alone in another store and I need protection. Detective How do I know that youre telling the truth? Thomas Its difficult to prove. Linda Thomas alw

28、ays tells the truth. Hes completely honest. Detective Actually figuring out if Thomas was innocent wont be difficult in this case. We only have to find out if the owner of the store was killed by Thomass gun. Part E Home Listening Conversation 1 Dealing with a Crime Police Hello. Midtown South Preci

29、nct. Rose Hello. I want to report a burglary. Police Whats your address, please? Rose 415 West 44th Street, Apartment 3B. Police Yes, thats our district. When did the burglary take place? Rose Sometime today. I left for work at 8 a.m. and when I got home at 6 p.m., I found my apartment had been burg

30、larized. Police Does the superintendent live in the building? Rose Yes, he lives downstairs on the first floor. But he says he didnt see anyone suspicious. It looks like they came in from the fire escape. The window over the fire escape is broken. Police Whats your name, please? Rose Rose Silver. Po

31、lice What did you lose, Mrs Silver? Rose Lets see. I have the list here. Oh, a color TV, a stereo, a laptop, two oil paintings, some jewelry and some clothes. They must have had a truck waiting downstairs. Police Dont touch anything, Mrs Silver. Well have someone out there in about ten minutes. Well

32、 need the serial numbers of the TV, the stereo and the computer if you have them. Rose OK. Conversation 2 Reporting an Incident Man Constable. Constable! Police officer Yes, sir. What seems to be the trouble? Man Id like to report a robbery. Its my car. Its been stolen. Police officer I see. And where was the vehicle parked at the time? Man Just round the comer here in Water Street. I left it t

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