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1、四年级英语下册第四单元单元检测单元检测1试题内容:What are _? They are pineapples. A. this B. these C. it D That试题分析:are是复数,要用these连用,故选B试题答案:B2试题内容:Where are my keys?They are on the -。 A.sofa B. shy C. sea D mountin 试题分析:根据常识不可能是在海里或者天上,所以选A试题答案: A3试题内容:Are my books on the desk?No,they are on the _. A. shelf B. .bathroom C

2、. fridge D kitchen试题分析:根据常识及on的意思理解可知选A 试题答案:A4试题内容:_ climb table again. A. Not B. Dont C. Do D is试题分析:祈使句dont的固定搭配,所以选B试题答案:B 5试题内容:Is this bus _ the station? Yes . A . to B. for C. by D with试题分析:FOR有开往某地的意思,题意为这里车市开往车站的吗?所以选B试题答案:B 6试题内容:._ do you go to school? At 6;30. A. How B.When C. What D whi

3、ch 试题分析: 对时间提问用when或者whattime,所以选B试题答案:B 7试题内容:Shall we go there _ minibus? Great. A. on B . at C. by D to试题分析: by为乘坐的意思,on也有此意,但一般是小轿车,所以选C试题答案:C 8试题内容:The coffee is _ you . Thank you. A. to B. for C. about D with试题分析:for是给某某的意思,在此正符合所以选B试题答案:B 9试题内容:What are these ? _ lemons. A. Its B. Theyre C. T

4、herere D they is试题分析:lemons是复数,所以要用they,故选B试题答案:B10试题内容:_ is the pie? _ six yuan. A. How many , Its B. How much , Theyre C. How much, Its D how many,they is试题分析: pie是不可数,对不可数提问用How much,同时也用it回答,所以选C试题答案:C 11试题内容:Shes my fathers mother. Whos she? A. uncle B. mother C. grandmother Dbrother 试题分析:推理,爸爸

5、的妈妈是谁?应选C试题答案:C12试题内容:Can I help you ?_some bananas, please. A. I want to be B. Id like C. I like DI like eat试题分析: 固定句型Id like我想要,我喜欢,所以选B试题答案:B13试题内容:How many _ ?One _, please. A. kilos/kilo B. kilo/kilo C. kilos/kilos Dkilo/kilos 试题分析:提问指的复数,所以用kilos,后面指的一,所以用kilo,故选A试题答案:A14试题内容:These or those ?

6、The big _,please. A. ones B. it C. one D they试题分析:特指一个,所以the+one。故选C试题答案:C15试题内容:.What are _jobs ?They are_ . A. they/farmers B. his/farmer C. their/farmers Dhe/farmers试题分析:从回答中可以看出是问他们的工作,而且是复数,所以要选C才和题意 试题答案:C16 试题内容:Whos the boy_ white ?Hes Mike. A. with B .in C. in a D without试题分析:一件白衣服,衣服是穿在身上的

7、,而in有穿之意,所以选C试题答案:C17试题内容:Id like some_ . A. a watermelon B. watermelons C. watermelon Dthe watermelon试题分析:watermelon单复数同型,所以选C试题答案:C18试题内容:Whats the boys name ?_name is Tom. A. His B. his C. hes Dher试题分析:第三人称宾格,所以用A试题答案:A19试题内容:What are _over there? A. these B. those C. that D this试题分析:are接复数,同时题意为

8、那个地方的那些,故B和题意试题答案:B20试题内容:How much _the apples? A. am B. are C. is D does试题分析:apple是复数,虽然How much是对单数提问才用,但在此是对价钱提问,所以应该选B试题答案:B21试题内容:Shall we go to _airport ? A. the B. a C. / Dan 试题分析:goto句型,在不是特指的情况下不用直接接地方,所以选C试题答案:C 22试题内容:Let go to the zoo_foot. A .by B .in C .on D with试题分析: on foot 步行,固定搭配,所

9、以选C试题答案:C23试题内容:Heres _bread for you. A. a B. / C.some Dthe试题分析:Bread为单复数同型,但前面可以看出是单数,所以选A 试题答案:A24试题内容:.What _you see in the picture? A. can B. is C. do D does试题分析: 题意为在画中你能看见什么,情态动词,所以选A试题答案:A25试题内容:How many _can you see in the picture? A. pies B. coffee C. bread D air试题分析: 前面两个一个是不可数,一个是不能这样问,而b

10、read单复数同型,所以选C试题答案:C 26试题内容:Are they near the phone?no, _A they are B they is C they arent D they isnt 试题分析: 否定回答,所以选C试题答案:C27试题内容:A:_is that woman? B:She is my mother. A)what B)who C)why D)which试题分析: 主语是人,用主格疑问词提问,所以选B试题答案: B28试题内容:Dont_the window. A)open B)look C)go Don试题分析:开窗户的固定句型,所以选A试题答案:A29试题

11、内容This is my daughter._is a student. A)He B)Her C)She Dhis试题分析:主语加系动词,所以选C试题答案:C30试题内容A:Are you a nurse? B:_ A)Yes,I am. B)Yes,it is. C)No,it is not. Dyes it isnt 试题分析:句型回答,找准肯否定是否一直即可,故选A 试题答案:A31试题内容:Whats the_with you? A)matter B)wrong C)that Dthis试题分析:句型搭配,应选A , B 应该没有修饰词the试题答案:A32试题内容:I go to_

12、school from Monday to Friday. A)the B)a C)/ Dan试题分析:去学校常不用冠词,所以选C试题答案:C33试题内容:The bus is_the park. A)to B)for C)go toD forto试题分析: 单独for有开往的意思,正合题意,故选B试题答案:B34试题内容:I go to school_foot. A)by B)on c)use Dwith试题分析:固定搭配 步行十on foot,所以选B试题答案:B35试题内容:A:Where is my pencil-box? B:_. A)Its over there. B)This i

13、s your pencil-box. C)Yes,it is.Dthat is my box试题分析:回答where提问,只有A回答了,所以选A试题答案:A36试题内容:.This is _mother. A)his B)he C)me Dshe试题分析:第三人称宾格,所以选A试题答案:A37试题内容:I like to play _football. A)a B)the C)/Dan试题分析: 踢足球不用修饰词,所以选C试题答案:C 38试题内容:We often play together_school. A)in B)at C)on Dwith试题分析:在学校里常用in搭配,而at sc

14、hool以为在学校,所以选A 试题答案:A39试题内容:._do you go to school,by bike or by bus? A)What B)Why C)How Dwhich试题分析:一般对交通工具提问,用how,意为怎么,怎样,所以选C 试题答案:C40试题内容:Is that your_? A)pencil B)rubbers C)books Deggs试题分析:单数名词,所以选A试题答案:A41试题内容:.What are_? A)it B)this C)thoseDthat试题分析:are应连复数,在此只有those是复数,所以选C试题答案:C42试题内容:I go to

15、 school by_every day. A)a bike B)bus C)footDfly试题分析:乘车的固定搭配,by bus 所以选B试题答案:B43试题内容:_some juice please. A)Have B)Has C)EatDeat试题分析: 复数用have连接,并且可以这样提问,所以选A试题答案:A44试题内容:_you free now? A)Are B)Do C)IsDdose试题分析:系动词be 连接free 所以选A试题答案:A45试题内容:There are two_ people in the meeting room.A. hundred B. hundre

16、ds C. hundreds of D. hundred of试题分析:准确数词后 hundred thousand 不加s,没有准确数词 表示大多数,很多的hundred thousand 都加s,+of!试题答案:A46试题内容:Look! There are _ in the sky.A. thousand stars B. thousand of stars C. thousands of stars D. thousands of star试题分析A项应加数词在thousand前,thousand不加s。排除B项thousand+s of 排除D项thousands of 表示很多的

17、,成千上万的 star是可数名词所以要加s。试题答案:C 47试题内容: My brother is in_.A. Three Class, One Grade B. Class Three, Grade One C. Grade One, Class Three D. class three, grade one试题分析:班级+数词 表示 哪个班! 年级+数字 表示哪个年级!试题答案:C48试题内容: We are going to learn_ this term.A. book six B. six book C. the book six D. Book Six试题分析:BOOK SI

18、X是一个专有名词!试题答案:D49试题内容: Please turn to_. Lets read the text aloud.A. Page Two B. the page two C. second page D. page second试题分析:这里不用序数词,用基数词表示页码。试题答案:A 50试题内容: The year 1999 should be read The year_. A. nineteen and ninety-nine B. nineteen ninety-nine C. one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine D. n

19、ineteen hundred and ninety-nine试题分析:1999年是两位 两位 的读! 先读19 再读99试题答案:B51试题内容: He will come here _ tomorrow morning.A. at fifth B. at ten C. on two D. till tenth试题分析: 时间用at 并且是基数,所以选B试题答案:B52试题内容:3 We all like the boy.A. of ten years old B. ten-year-old C. at ten old D. of age of ten试题分析:形容词修饰动词试题答案:B53

20、试题内容: There are_ months in a year. December is the_month of the year.A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelveth试题分析:基数词表示有十二个月,12月是一年当中的第十二个月用序数词 试题答案:D54试题内容: During_ century, the world population has already reached 6 billion.A. twenty B. the twentieth C. twentieth

21、 / D. the twenty试题分析:用序数词,还得加冠词修饰试题答案:B55试题内容: Sunday is the_ day of the week.A. seventh B. first C. second D. third试题分析:在英语中星期天就是一周的第一天!试题答案:B56试题内容) Autumn is season in a year.A. the fourth B. the third C. a third D. the threeth试题分析:autumn是秋天,秋天是第三个季度 试题答案:B57试题内容: Tom was _ to get to school and I

22、 was _.A. first; ninth C. the first; the ninth B. a first; a ninth D. the second; the nineth试题分析:第一个不要用冠词修饰,而第二个要用冠词修饰,所以选A试题答案:A58试题内容:Jenny was bornA. on July 10, 1987 B. in July 10, 1987 C. in 1987, July 10 D. on 1987, July 10试题分析:出生日期的顺序是:月 日 年试题答案:B 59试题内容:Tom is_ in the row.A. a second B. the second C. two D. second试题分析:序数词要与the连用试题答案:B60试题内容:2 The girl wanted to sing_ song in English.A. the others B. a second C. other D. the second 试题分析:是一首歌!所以用a试题答案:B

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