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1、届高考英语第二轮知识点复习学案交际用语第七讲交际用语(对应学生用书第18页)1(2017江苏高考卷)Going to watch the Womens Volleyball Match on Wednesday?_! Will you go with me?AYou there BYou betCYou got me DYou know betterB考查情景对话。句意:星期三去看女排比赛吗?当然啦!你和我一起去好吗?根据答语中的“Will you go with me?”可知You bet“当然啦”符合语境。2(2016江苏高考卷)Only those who have a lot in c

2、ommon can get along well._Opposites sometimes do attract.AI hope not BI think soCI appreciate that DI beg to differD考查情景对话。句意:只有那些兴趣相投的人才能相处融洽。恕我不能赞同。有时候,相反的意见也能吸引对方。I hope not我不希望如此;I think so我认为如此;I appreciate that我很赞同;I beg to differ恕我不能赞同。3(2015江苏高考卷)Jim,can you work this Sunday?_? Ive been work

3、ing for two weeks on end.AWhy me BWhy notCWhat if DSo whatA考查情景对话。句意:吉姆,周日可以加班吗?为什么是我呢?我已经连续工作两周了。why me为什么是我;why not为什么不呢;what if如果将怎么办;so what那又怎样。4(2015江苏高考卷)Why didnt you invite John to your birthday party?Well,you know hes_Aan early bird Ba wet blanketCa lucky dog Da tough nutB考查情景对话。句意:你为什么不邀请

4、约翰参加你的生日宴会呢?哦,你知道的,他是一个令人扫兴的人。an early bird早起的鸟儿,早到的人;a wet blanket令人扫兴的人;a lucky dog幸运儿;a tough nut难对付的人。5(2014江苏高考卷)_! Somebody has left the lab door open.Dont look at me.ADear me BHi,thereCThank godness DCome onA考查情景对话。句意:天哪,有人没关实验室的门。别看着我。dear me天哪,表示惊讶;hi,there嘿,你好;thank godness谢天谢地;come on加油。

5、【导学号:25874013】6(2013江苏高考卷)The Tshirt I received is not the same as is shown online._? But I promise you well look into it right away.AWho says BHow comeCWhat for DWhy worryB考查情景对话。句意:我收到的T恤衫和网上展示的不一样。怎么会呢?不过我保证我们会立刻调查的。how come意为“为什么,怎么会(那样)”,符合句意。7(2017江苏高考卷)What does the stuff on your Tshirt mean?

6、Its nothing.Just something_Aas clear as dayBoff the top of my headCunder my noseDbeyond my wildest dreamsB考查习语。句意:你T恤衫上印的那个东西是什么意思?没什么意思。要我马上说的话,也就是个物体而已。题干中的“Its nothing.”说明T恤衫上的东西不是经过精心设计的,因此选择off the top of my head“不假思索地”。as clear as day“一清二楚”;under my nose“在我眼皮底下,当着我的面”;beyond my wildest dreams“

7、做梦也想不到”。8(2016江苏高考卷)Jack still cant help being anxious about his job interview.Lack of selfconfidence is his_,I am afraid.AAchilles heel Bchilds playCgreen fingers Dlast strawA考查习惯用语。句意:杰克仍然忍不住对自己的求职面试感到焦虑。恐怕缺乏自信是他的致命弱点。Achilles heel致命伤,致命弱点;childs play容易做的事情;green fingers园艺能手;last straw(压垮骆驼的)最后一根稻

8、草。一、社会交往方面的交际用语感谢道谢Thank you very much./Many thanks./Thanks a lot.Thank you all/just the same./Thank you anyway.(没得到或不需要对方的帮助时)No,thank you./No,thanks.应答Thats all right./Not at all./Youre welcome./No problem.Dont mention it./Its really nothing at all.Its a pleasure./(Its) My pleasure.歉意致歉Sorry./Pard

9、on./I beg your pardon.I am sorry for./Please forgive me for./Excuse me for./I apologize to you for.应答Thats all right./Its all right./Thats nothing./Thats OK./No problem./Forget it./It doesnt matter.约请邀请Would you like to.?Will/Would/Can/Could you come to.?Why dont we.?I wonder if.?应答Yes,Id love/be gl

10、ad to./Yes,with pleasure./All right./Sure,why not?/Sure.Thats a good idea.Im sorry,but I cant.Id love to,but I wont be free then.Im afraid I cant.请求允许提出请求May I.?Could I.?I wonder if I could.?Would/Do you mind if I.?应答Yes./Sure./Certainly.Yes,(do)please./Go ahead,please.Thats OK/all right./Of course,

11、you may.No,of course not./Certainly not./No,go ahead./Not at all.(回答mind的答语)Im sorry you cant.Im sorry,but youd better not.Forget it./No way.帮助求助Can you help me?Can you lend me a hand?Will you do me a favor?应答With pleasure.提供帮助Can I help you?/What can I do for you?Is there anything I can do for you?

12、应答Yes,please.Thanks.That would be nice/fine./Thats kind of you.No,thanks.I can manage it myself./Thank you all the same.二、表示“态度”的交际用语同意No problem./Thats true/right.Thats a good idea./What a good idea!/Excellent!/Thats fine.All right./OK.I totally agree./I couldnt agree with you more.反对No,I dont thin

13、k so./No way.Im afraid I really cant agree with you.I cant agree with everything youve said.表扬与鼓励 Well done!/You can do it./Youll make it.Just have a try./Do be confident.Come on!/Cheer up!/Keep trying.冷淡So what?I dont care.That doesnt concern me.I will mind my own business.Its none of your business

14、.三、表示“情感”的交际用语惊讶Really?/How come?Oh,dear!/Good heavens!/Goodness!/My God!安慰Never mind.Dont worry./Dont feel so nervous./Take your time.Take it easy.Everything will turn fine.遗憾What a pity/shame!Its unfortunate that.四、几组容易混淆的交际用语1With pleasure.乐意效劳;非常愿意。Its my pleasure.不用谢,与Its a pleasure.意思相同。2Whats

15、 up?出什么事了?Whats going on?怎么了?出什么事了?What for?/For what?为何目的?为何理由?What if?要是会怎么样呢?So what?那又怎么样呢?(表示不在乎)How come?怎么会(那样)?(表示惊讶或疑问)3Never mind.(1)别担心。(安慰)(2)没关系,别放在心上。(回应歉意)Not at all.(1)不用客气。(回应谢意)(2)没什么。(回应客套的表扬)(3)一点也不。Forget it!(1)不必在意,算了吧。(接受道歉)(2)休想,不可能。(拒绝请求)4All right.(1)好,行。(同意意见、建议、邀请)(2)没什么。

16、(回应客套的表扬)(3)没关系,不要紧。(用于安慰)Thats all right.(1)不用客气。(回应谢意)(2)没关系。(回应歉意)(3)行。(答应请求)Thats right./Right.对,正确。(同意对方观点)5Take it easy.放松些,沉住气,慢慢来。(用于安慰对方)Take your time.别着急,慢慢来。(允许对方慢慢做)6Not exactly.根本不;决不;一点也不;不完全。Not really.事实上不是(不会,没有);还好;一般。Not likely.不见得,绝不可能。五、常见的英语习语take to ones heels逃之夭夭do in Rome a

17、s Rome does入乡随俗No one wise at all times.智者千虑,必有一失。Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。Never judge from appearance.不要以貌取人。We reap what we sow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。Easier said than done.说起来容易做起来难。Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。One fals

18、e step will make a great difference.失之毫厘,谬之千里。Slow and steady wins the race.稳扎稳打无往而不胜。A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。Experience is the mother of wisdom.实践出真知。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance.无德之美犹如没有香味的玫瑰,徒有其表

19、。All that glitters is not gold.闪光的未必都是金子。stand ones ground坚持己见;坚守阵地slip of the tongue说溜了嘴silly as a goose像鹅一样蠢set the world on fire做显赫的事情pull ones leg愚弄on the up and up蒸蒸日上;日益兴旺monkey business胡闹make ends meet使收支平衡in a bind窘迫eat like a bird胃口小,吃的少cry over spilled milk为打翻的牛奶流泪,做无益的后悔crocodile tears鳄鱼的

20、眼泪,假慈悲clown around胡闹card up ones sleeve锦囊妙计by and large大体上,总的看来butt in插手,介入beat the draw抢先某人行动be for the birds荒唐可笑的;毫无价值的at full blast全速地;大规模地as soft as down柔软如绒毛as clear as mud不清晰,混乱a big fish in a small pond小地方的大人物1(2017无锡高三一模)Do you know if the new CEO is willing to meet the director this a

21、fternoon?_, does it?AIt takes no timeBIt counts for nothingCIt doesnt hurt to askDIt doesnt make senseC考查情景对话。It takes no time“这不花时间”;It counts for nothing“这毫无用处”;It doesnt hurt to ask“问一下也无妨”;It doesnt make sense“没有意义,讲不通”。根据语境可知答案为C。2(2017苏州高三一模)When a police officer or firefighter puts on their u

22、niform,it gives them a sense of responsibility and authority._Just as the saying goes,clothes make the man.AIm all yours BIm inCIm all ears DIm with youD考查情景对话。当一位警官或消防队员穿上他们的制服时,这给了他们一种责任感和权威感。我同意你说的话,正如谚语所说,人靠衣装。答语中的“Just as the saying goes,clothes make the man.”表明第二个人同意第一个人所说的话,所以用Im with you“我同意

23、你说的话”。Im all yours“我全听你的”;Im all ears“我洗耳恭听”。3(2017常州高三一模)It annoys me when a persons cellphone goes off during a movie!Yeah,me too.It _Areally bites my tongueBreally gets on my nervesCmakes me see the handwriting on the wallDgets me to kill the fatted calfB考查情景对话。句意:看电影时,有人手机响,真让我生气。是的,我也一样。那会让我心烦不

24、已。bite ones tongue忍着不开口,装哑巴;get on ones nerves让某人心烦不已,令某人神经紧张;see the handwriting on the wall可以看到即将发生的一切;kill the fatted calf准备设宴庆祝或欢迎。4(2017扬州高三一模)How I am eager to see your new car! May I have a look now,Peter?_Its great to share.AThats all rightBCouldnt agree moreCYou must be kiddingDBy all means

25、D考查情景对话。句意:我多么渴望看到你的新车啊!彼得,我现在可以看一看吗?当然可以,分享是一件很快乐的事情。By all means“当然可以,没问题”,符合语境。Thats all right“没关系”;Couldnt agree more“非常同意”;You must be kidding“你一定是在开玩笑”。5(2017南京、盐城高三二模)Why didnt you come back last night? I waited long!_You were playing games the whole night.ADont give me thatBDont lose your he

26、adCDont trust to chanceDDont dream away your timeA考查情景对话。句意:你昨晚为什么没有回来?我等了很久!少来这一套。你整夜都在玩游戏。Dont give me that“少来这一套”;Dont lose your head“别惊慌失措”;Dont trust to chance“不要碰运气”;Dont dream away your time“不要虚度光阴”。6(2017苏锡常镇高三二模 )The rising frequency of smoggy days is making me deeply worried that one day w

27、e will have to rely on masks to survive._! The government really should do something.AGood idea BI got itCYou bet DThats all rightC考查情景对话。句意:“越来越频繁的雾霾天气让我很担心有一天我们将不得不依靠面罩来活下去。”“的确!政府真该做点事了。”You bet意为“当然,的确”,符合语境。Good idea意为“好主意”;I got it意为“我明白了”;Thats all right意为“不要紧,没关系,没什么”。 【导学号:25874014】7(2017南京

28、高三三模)I will be a vice president in a year or two.You cant be serious!_AI cant make it BI cant help itCI wont tell a soul DI wouldnt bet on itD考查情景对话。句意:我将在一两年内当上副总统。你一定是在开玩笑吧!我认为不大可能。I cant make it“我做不到”;I cant help it“我没有办法”;I wont tell a soul“我不会告诉任何人”;I wouldnt bet on it“我认为不大可能”。8(2017盐城市高三三模)Ha

29、ve you watched the program Readers? Its sparking fresh enthusiasm for literature in China._My whole family are fond of it.AYou asked for it BYou betCYou have my word DYouve got me thereB考查情景对话。句意:你看过节目朗读者吗?它重新点燃了人们对中国文学的热情。当然,我们全家都喜欢看。You asked for it“你自讨苦吃”;You bet“当然”;You have my word “我保证”;Youve got me there“你难住我了”。9(2017镇江高三一模)How come Joan hasnt typed the report yet?Oh,my dear lady,take it easy.She is_ in computer operation.Aa green hand Ba bl

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