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1、牛津新版秋七年级英语上册Unit5词汇与语法基础训练附答案牛津新版2019年秋七年级英语上册Unit 5词汇与语法基础训练一、必背词汇celebrate vi.& vt. 庆祝,庆贺guess n. 猜,猜测dress vi.& vt. 穿着,穿衣ghost n. 鬼,鬼魂Christmas n. 圣诞节festival n. 节日because conj. 因为present n. 礼物together adv. 在一起,共同full adj. 圆的;满的mask n. 面具,面罩paint vt. 用颜料涂pumpkin n. 南瓜lantern n. 灯笼,提灯when conj. 当的

2、时候inside adv. 在(或向)里面knock vi. 敲,击shout vt.& vi. 大声说,叫,嚷if conj. 如果treat n. 招待trick n. 诡计,把戏special adj. 特殊的,特别的question n. 问题dumpling n. 汤团,饺子grandparent n. 祖父(母)other adj. 另外,其他firework n. 烟火,烟花radio n. 无线电广播(节目);收音机show n. 演出,秀seem v. 好像,似乎,看来different adj. 不同的around prep. 围绕,在周围important adj. 重要

3、的most det.& pron. 大多数,大部分off adv. 离开,脱离packet n. 小包;(一)包二、重点词汇1. celebrate verb /selbret/1). to take part in special enjoyable activities in order to show that a particular occasion is important庆祝,庆贺;祝贺例句:We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.每年的结婚纪念日我们都出去吃饭庆祝。If this pl

4、an works, well celebrate in a special way.要是这个计划奏效,我们就隆重地庆贺一下。2). to express admiration and approval for something or someone赞扬,赞美;歌颂His work celebrates the energy and enthusiasm of the young.他的作品赞颂年轻人的活力和热情。Her music celebrates the power of nature.她的音乐赞颂自然的力量。2. dress noun &verb /dres/1). n. a piec

5、e of clothing for women or girls that covers the top half of the body and hangs down over the legs 连衣裙例句:She was wearing exactly the same dress as I was.她穿了一件和我一样的裙子。She was wearing a black and white spotted dress.她穿了一件黑白斑点的裙子。2). v. to put clothes on yourself or someone else, especially a child穿衣服;

6、给(尤指小孩)穿衣服例句:My husband dresses the boys while I make breakfast.我做早饭时丈夫给孩子们穿衣服。He left very early and had to dress in the dark.因为走得很早他只好摸黑穿衣服。3. present noun & verb1). noun /prez.nt/ something that you are given, without asking for it, on a special occasion, especially to show friendship, or to say

7、thank you(尤指表示友谊或致谢的)礼物,赠品例句:Were having a collection for Toms retirement present.我们正在搜集送给汤姆的退休礼物。I was looking for a birthday present for my mother but I didnt find anything suitable.我那时正在为我妈妈寻找生日礼物,但是我没找到适合的。2). the period of time that is happening now, not the past or the future现在,目前例句:Thats all

8、for the present.暂且就讲这些。The play is set in the present.这出戏以当代为背景。3). verb /przent/ to give, provide, or make something known赠送,授予;提交;展现例句:The winners were presented with medals.获胜者被授予奖牌。The letter presented the family with a problem that would be difficult to solve.这封信给这家人提出了一个难题。4). v. to arrive som

9、ewhere and introduce yourself出现,到场例句;He presented himself at the doctors at 9.30 a.m. as arranged.他早上9点30分如约去了医生那里。4. treat verb /trit/1). to behave towards someone or deal with something in a particular way对待例句:My parents treated us all the same when we were kids.小时候父母对我们一视同仁。He treated his wife ve

10、ry badly.他对妻子很不好。2). to use drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of a disease or heal an injury治疗,医治例句:He is being treated for a rare skin disease.他患了一种罕见的皮肤病,正在接受治疗。Western medicine tends to treat the symptoms and not the cause.西医往往治标不治本。3). n. a special and enjoyable occasion or experience乐事;享受

11、;特别款待Were going to Italy for the weekend - its my birthday treat.我们要去意大利度周末为我庆祝生日。As a special treat, Ill take you to my favorite restaurant.我要带你到我最喜欢的茶室去,这是个特别待遇。5. different adjective /dfrnt/not the same不同的,不一样的,有差别的例句:She seems to wear something different every day.她似乎每天都穿不一样的衣服。Hes different now

12、 that hes been to college.他现在上了大学,与以前不一样了。三、必背短语1. dress up 穿衣,打扮 2. get together 聚在一起3. knock on the door 敲门 4. lion dance 舞狮,狮子舞5. find out 找出,查出 6. take photos 拍照7. at night 在晚上 8. let off 放出四、经典句型1. Lets celebrate. 让我们庆祝吧。2. If they do not give us a treat, we play a trick on them.如果他们不请客,我们就恶作剧。

13、3. Because we always get lots of nice presents at Christmas.因为我们在圣诞期间总会得到很多很好的礼物。4. Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.谢谢你告诉了我关于中秋节的事。5. We knock on their doors and shout trick or treat我们敲门,并且大喊:“不给糖,就捣乱”。6. There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪。三点剖析一、考点1. 掌握本课核心词汇和固定搭配。2. 能够听,说,读

14、,写与庆祝节日有关的文章材料,并能介绍喜欢的节日。3. 特殊疑问词1). who 谁,问人的身份,姓名等-Who is he ? 他是谁?- He is LiLie. 他是李雷。2). whom 谁,问人的身份,姓名等(问宾语)-Whom can you ask the question?你可以问谁这问题?-I can ask him the question.我可以问他这个问题。3). what 什么,问人的职业或事物是什么-What is he? 他是做什么工作的?-He is a worker. 他是一名工人。4). which 哪一个,问一定范围内特指的人或物-Which box is

15、 yours? 哪个盒子是你的?-The big box is mine. 那个大盒子是我的。5). whose 谁的,问所属关系-Whose book is this? 这是谁的书?-This is her book. 这是她的书。6). what color 什么颜色,问颜色(表语)-What color is your skirt? 你的衬衫什么颜色?-My skirt is red. 我的衬衫是红色的。7). What time 几点,问点时间-What time do you play games?你什么时候做游戏?-We play games at five in the afte

16、rnoon.我们下午做游戏。8). when 什么时候,问时间-When do you play games?你们什么时候做游戏?-We play games in the afternoon.我们下午做游戏。9). where 什么地方,问地点(状语)-Where do you play games on Sunday?周日你们在哪做游戏?-We play games at home on Sunday.周日我们在家做游戏。10). why 为什么,问原因-Why isnt he at school today?他今天为什么不在学校啊?-He isnt at school today bec

17、ause he is ill.他今天不在学校是因为他病了。11). how 怎样, 问健康状况、做事的方式等-How is he? 他怎么样?-He is fine/strong. 他很好(强壮)。-How do you go home? 你怎么回家?-I go home by bike. 我骑自行车回家。12). how old 多大几岁,问年龄-How old is he? 他多大?-He is ten. 他十岁。13). how many 多少,跟复数名词,问数量-How many boys are there in your class?你们班有多少个男孩?-There are thi

18、rty boys in my class.我们班有30个男孩。14). how much 多少,跟不可数名词,问数量或价钱-How much milk is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少牛奶?-There is some milk in the bottle.瓶子里还有一些牛奶。15). how far 多远,问路程-How far is it from here?离这有多远?-Its five kilometers away from here?离这五公里。16). how soon 多久,问in+一段时间-How soon can he finish it?他多久能

19、完成?-He can finish it in half an hour.他能在半小时内完成。17). how long 多久,问一段时间或物体的长短- How long has he lived here?他在这住多长时间了?-He has lived here for a year.他在这住一年了。- How long is the desk?他的书桌多长?-The desk is one meters long.那张书桌一米常。18). how often 多久(一次),问频率-How often do you go to see your parents?你多久去看一次你父母?-Onc

20、e a month.一月一次。例题:-Could you tell me _ it takes to walk the Disneyland?-About 20 minutes.A. how far B. how long C. how often D. how soon【答案】B【解析】考查疑问词辨析。根据句意:你能告诉我去迪士尼需要走多久吗?大约20分钟。A多远,B多长时间,C多久一次,D多久以后,根据语境,故选B。二、易错点find,find out和look for1. find意为“找到”,“发现”,强调找的结果,如:Where did you find your pen yeste

21、rday? 你昨天在哪找到的你的钢笔?2. find out意为“查明”,表示通过分析,思考,询问弄清楚一件事,如:Please find out when the train leaves. 请查明火车什么时候离开的?3. look for意为“寻找”,强调找的动作,如:She is looking for his lost child day and night.她正没日没夜地寻找她走失的孩子。例题:The chair is broken. Please _ who broke it.A. look for B. findC. find out D. look at【答案】C【解析】考查动

22、词及短语辨析。根据句意:椅子坏了。请查明是谁弄坏的。A寻找,B找到,C查明,D看。根据语境,故选C。题模精选题模一:Unit 5 词汇应用例1.1.1 We shouldnt play a trick _ the blind people.A inB withC atD on例1.1.2 根据首字母和括号提示填空1). This comic book is very i_. I want to read it again.2). Tomorrow is my grandmothers birthday. We are going to _ (庆祝) it.题模二:特殊疑问句例1.2.1 -He

23、y, Jane. _ are you feeling now?-Much better. Thanks.A WhatB WhereC HowD When例1.2.2 根据中文提示完成句子1). 我想在聚会上装扮成公主。I want _ _ _ _ a princess at the party.2). 你想要哪个?我喜欢红色的那个。-_ _ you _?-I would like _ _ _.随堂练习随练1.1 He often _ my desk.A knock atB knock onC knocks atD knocks in随练1.2 -Jack, could you help me

24、_ when the plane will take off on the Internet?-Im sorry, but my computer doesnt work.A get outB look outC take outD find out随练1.3 Fish cant live _ water.A withB inC withoutD of随练1.4 -Mum, _ is my football?-Its under your bed.A whatB whichC whenD where随练1.5 根据括号提示完成句子1. Please k_ on the door before

25、you come in.2. Can I ask you some q_, Millie?3. My parents still t_ me like a child now.4. C_ is on December 25th.5. He is famous _ (作为) a physicist.6. The mother is _ (给穿衣服) her son.7. The place looks _ (不同的) now.8. There are some _ (饺子) and meat on the table.随练1.6 -_ do you volunteer in the old pe

26、oples home?-Once a week. We hope to help the old more.A How soonB How manyC How oftenD How long自我总结课后作业作业1 My grandfather sometimes _ us about his life in army.A speaksB talksC saysD tells作业2 Can you _ a lantern _ of a pumpkin?A put; inB make; outC give; toD let; think作业3 Its time _ me _ go to schoo

27、l now.A to; forB for; toC to; toD for; for作业4 根据中文提示完成句子1. 瞧!他穿着特殊的服装。Look! He is _ special _.2. 麦克经常捉弄他的同学。Mike often _ _ _ his classmates.3. 孩子们在圣诞节装扮成天使。Children _ _ _ angels at Christmas.4. 你们晚饭吃什么?_ _ _ _ for supper.5. 你为什么如此高兴?因为今天是我生日。-_ _ you so happy?-_ today is my birthday!作业5 -_ are the s

28、tudents in your class?-Most of them are only fourteen.A How longB How oldC How manyD How often作业6 -_ is your father?-Hes an engineer in a big factory.A WhoB WhatC WhichD Where答案解析题模精选题模一:Unit 5 词汇应用例1.1.1【答案】D【解析】 考查固定搭配。play a trick on sb.“捉弄某人”,故选D。例1.1.2【答案】 1). interesting 2). celebrate【解析】 考查本课重点核心词汇和句型,根据提示和语境,填出相应单词的正确形式。题模二:特殊疑问句例1.2.1【答案】C【解析】 考查特殊疑问句。根据句意:嘿,珍。你现在感觉怎么样?好多了,谢谢。询问感受用how,故选C。例1.2.2【答案】 1)

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