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1、学年论文学 号 2011216231分类号G622.4本科生学年论文题目:让泪化作相思雨中的爱情隐喻院 (系) 外 语 系 专 业 班 级 英语2011级2班 学 生 姓 名 周 婷 指导教师(职称) 鲁克伟(助教) 提 交 时 间 二一四年六月 Love Metaphors of Letting Tears Turn Into Lovesick RainZhou Ting Abstract:Key:“Input Hypothesis”, “Affective Filter Hypothesis”, listening and reading, primary school.语言输入学习理论对

2、小学英语听力与阅读教学的启示周婷(安康学院外语系,陕西安康725000)摘要:本论文主要研究语言输入学习理论对小学英语听力与阅读教学的启示。本论文的主要目的是根据克拉申的“输入假说”与“情感过滤假说”来解决小学英语听力与阅读教学的主问题,从而得出结论:小学英语听力与阅读教学不仅要培养学生英语学习兴趣,而且要有足够的语言输入和考虑学生的情感因素。关键词:“输入假说”;“情感过滤假说”;听力与阅读;小学ContentsAbstract in English iAbstract in Chinese iiContents iii1 Introduction 12 Literature Review

3、23 Theoretical basis 33.1 Input Hypothesis 33.2 Affective Filter Hypothesis 44 Problems of Primary English Listening and Reading 44.1 problems of English listening teaching at primary school 44.1.1 Excessive games instead of knowledge learning, performances instead of drills 54.1.2 The severe phenom

4、ena of mother tongue teaching 54.1.3 Ignoring students affective elements and psychological features of English learning 64.2 Problems of English reading teaching at primary school 65 Input Learning Theory and Its Inspiration for English Listening and Reading Teaching at Primary School 65.1 Input Hy

5、pothesis and its inspiration for English listening teaching at primary school 65.2 Affective Filter Hypothesis and its inspiration for English listening teaching at primary school 75.3 Input Hypothesis and its inspiration for English reading teaching at primary school 75.4 Affective Filter Hypothesi

6、s and its inspiration for English reading teaching at primary school 86 Conclusion 9Acknowledgments 10References 111IntroductionIt is commonly acknowledged that English is a significant means of international communication. Therefore, it is necessary to learn English well so as to boost economic dev

7、elopment and cooperation and political communications. Nowadays, English teaching prevails at primary schools in china, and Chinese people take it seriously. But there are many problems about English teaching at primary schools, especially in English listening and reading teaching; emphasizing on cu

8、ltivating childrens interest of English instead of the importance of two main sources of language input for primary students; ignoring language input: listening and reading and language input is the first thing. Also teachers lack of exact analysis on pupils psychological features which then give ri

9、se to pessimistic emotions and heavily mental burden. In terms of these problems, it is integral for teachers to study the second language acquisition (SLA) .American linguist Krashen (1980, 1981, 1982 and elsewhere) put forward what he calls the “Input Hypothesis”. Input shows different characteris

10、tics depending on different theories of SLA from S.D.Krashens model (1985). Input is perhaps the most important concept in SLA. The “Affective Filter Hypothesis” embodies Krashens view that various affective factors, playing a facilitative, but non-causal, role in SLA (1981). He is one of the best k

11、nown and most influential linguists of SLA in the 1970s and early 1980s. input learning theory, including input hypothesis and affective filter, was put forward in order to make English listening and reading teaching efficient and effective at primary school. The paper includes five parts are as fol

12、lows:Firstly, introducing “Input Hypothesis”; secondly, introducing “Affective Filter Hypothesis”; thirdly, introducing problems of English listening teaching at primary school; fourthly, introducing problems of English reading teaching at primary school; finally, introducing input learning theory a

13、nd its inspiration for English listening and reading teaching at primary school.2 Literature ReviewEnglish listening and reading are the main source of language input which is the first thing, but in recent years, there are many problems occurring in English listening and reading teaching at primary

14、 school. Input learning theory including “Input Hypothesis”and“Affective Filter Hypothesis” can have a significant influence on English listening and reading teaching at primary school.Krashens InputHypothesis (1984:21) is an important part of input learning theory .input is perhaps the most importa

15、nt concept in SLA. He points out that “the input hypothesis claims that human acquire language in only one way-by understanding messages or by receiving comprehensible input” which is focused on the meaning and not the form of language (Krashen, 1985:2);it attempts to explain how we do acquire langu

16、age; it also attempts to explain how a learner progresses in acquisition, Krashen provides us with a model like this:” i+1”. Learners can understand language containing unequaled grammar with the help of context. Meanwhile Krashens affective filter hypothesis, he thinks that affective filter is a ki

17、nd of psychological obstacle which prevents a learner from taking in the comprehensive input. And the variables include: anxiety, self-confident and motivation.Ellis (1994:118) divides the source of input into interactive input which includes interlanguage talk, teacher talk, foreigner talk, and non

18、-interactive input which includes listening and reading.Here is what one scholar has to say: “the concept of input is perhaps the single most important concept of second language acquisition. It is trivial to point out that no individual can learn a second language without input of some sort” (Gass,

19、 1997:1)Input or primary linguistic data is language that contains instances or exemplars of various grammatical forms and other linguistic information in the language environment of the language acquirer (Schwartz, 1993).Long(1983) makes considerations of how input is rendered comprehensible and po

20、ints out the interaction input hypothesis, which makes teachers interact with students.Behaviorism put stress on external factors of the learners learning. The linguistic environment, e.g. the exposure to suitable stimuli, is recognized as an important determining factor in SLA. Input here includes

21、stimuli and feedback from the native speakers (Lin Li, 2007:171-172) it focuses on enhancement.Nativism emphasizes the internal mechanism of language learners, thats the internal processing contends that exposure to language cannot naturally amount to acquisition and input is only regar

22、ded as a “trigger” that sparks internal language processing. Penfield and Roberts (1959) points out critical period hypothesis of SLA.The distinction between input and intake was first made by Corder (1967:165)when he noted that simply presenting a linguistic form to a learner does not qualify it fo

23、r the status of input because “what goes in is not what is available for going in”. Much of the input contains “noise”.Alpert and Habers(1960) distinction between facilitating anxiety and debilitating anxiety3 Theoretical basisThis chapter refers to Krashens two main Hypotheses-Input Hypothesis and

24、Affective Filter Hypothesis.3.1 Input HypothesisKrashens Input Hypothesis refers to a lot of comprehensible input and calls it the central claim of monitor theory. It answers a critical question of learning languages about how to acquirelanguages, especially foreign languages. Previous constructiona

25、l linguists advocate studying sentence structures then communicate with others using these structures. On the contrary, Krashen emphasizes on acquiring meanings, then acquiring language structures. According to this hypothesis, language input is neither too difficult nor too simple. It maintains tha

26、t a second language is acquired through processing comprehensible input. Krashens Input Hypothesis (1981, 1985, 1989) makes the following claims:a. Learners progress along the natural order by understanding input that contains structures a little bit beyond their current level of competence. When a

27、learner at some stage, i, of inputting language development receives comprehensible input that contains structures, one step beyond the current stage, or structures at “i+1” or i+1 input principle.b. Although comprehensible input is necessary for acquisition to take place, it is not sufficient, as l

28、earners also need to be affectively disposed to “let in” the input they comprehend.c. Input becomes comprehensible as a result of simplification and with the help of contextual and extra linguistic clues; “fine-tuning” (i.e. ensuring that learners receive input rich in the specific linguistic proper

29、ty they are due to acquire next) is not necessary.d. Speaking is the result of acquisition, not its cause; learner production does not contribute directly to acquisition.Four criteria of effective input are as follows: a. input must be comprehensible, b. input is interesting and relevant, and c. inp

30、ut doesnt obey grammatical sequence; d. input must be adequate.3.2 Affective Filter HypothesisKrashens affective filter hypothesis denotes the relationship between affective elements and second language acquisition. Affective filter was advanced by Dulay and Burt in 1977.Krashens view that various a

31、ffective factors, playing a facilitative, but non-causal, role in SLA (1981). Lack of motivation, low self-esteem, debilitating anxiety, Krashen claims, can combine to “raise the filter”, to form a “mental block”, which prevents comprehensible input from reaching the language acquisition device (Kra

32、shen 1982:31), and thereby from being used for acquisition. A negative affective disposition (a filter that is “up”), that is, constitutes a constraints on the successful workings of comprehensible input, put another way, positive effect is necessary, but not sufficient, for SLA.4Problems ofPrimaryEnglishListening and Reading4.1 problems of English listening teaching at primary schoolAt the advent of newly English curriculum standard, teachers change their traditional teaching concepts and

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