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本文(外研版八年级英语上册模块同步测试题及答案解析Module12.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、外研版八年级英语上册模块同步测试题及答案解析Module12外研版八年级英语上册模块同步测试题及答案解析Module12M12 Unit 1一、单项选择1Whats wrong _ Tom? I havent seen him for a long time.Aas Bwith Cfor Dabout2The girl was hurt badly in the accident. She must _ pain.Ain Bbe in Cout of Dbe out of3There are lots of _ bottles on the road.Abreak Bbroke Cbroken

2、 Dbreaking4I have _ in learning English and Im so worried. Could you help me with it?Sure, no problem.Ajoy Binterest Ctrouble Dfun5I cant imagine _ you at the school gate.Ameet Bto meet Cmeeting Dmet6The old man needs further _.We should give him more help.Aage Baid Cglass Dmeeting7Can you _ the big

3、 stone?No, I cant. Its too heavy.Aput up Bset up Clift up Dgive up8Playing computer games too often _ our eyes.Ais helpful to Bis harmful toCis good for9The elephant has _ a strong body _ it can do heavy work for people.Aso; that Bsuch; that Csuch; so Dso; and10High technology is used in EURO 2016 t

4、o _ the matches are fair enough in France.Amake up Bmake sureCcome out Dcome over二、选用方框内的单词或短语完成句子stairs, first aid, at the bottom of,find out, first of all11They live in a hotel _ the mountain.12How could the girl get her bike up all those_?13_, we should study our lessons hard.14The police hurried

5、 to _ how the accident happened.15To help the people who are ill in time, we should read some books about _.三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子16He came into the room and _ (drop) into a chair. 17Tony got some _ (train) in cooking in Beijing last year.18Soft drinks can be _ (harm) to childrens teeth.19His sister

6、studies at a _ (medicine) college now.20Look! An old man _ (lie) on the ground. What happened to him?四、情景交际A:John, why were you late for school this morning?B:I saw an accident on the way to school.A:_21 Please tell me more about it.B:I saw an old man lying on the ground when I turned into Jianshe S

7、treet.A:_22B:I ran to him fast to find out what was wrong with him._23A:Didnt you move him?B:No, I didnt.That could be harmful to him! _24A:Youre right.B:_25 So I was late for school.A:Nice work! You did a good thing!B:Thank you.AWhat did you do?BI waited there until the doctors came.CIm sorry to he

8、ar that.DI called 120 first, and then called 110.EHe told me that a car hit him just now, but it drove away.答 案一、1.B2B点拨:in pain是介词短语,与情态动词连用前面应有be动词。3.C4C点拨:根据后句“你可以帮我吗”可知前句表示在学习英语方面有困难。have trouble in doing sth.“做某事有困难”。5.C6.B7.C8B点拨:此题用语境判断法解答。be helpful to“对有帮助”;be harmful to“对有害”;be good for “对

9、有益”。根据句意“玩电脑游戏太频繁对我们的眼睛_。”可知选B。9B点拨:句意:大象有如此强壮的身体以至于它可以为人们做很多重活。固定结构sucha/anadj.单数可数名词that。10.B二、 the bottom of12.stairs13.First of all14find out15.first aid三、 lying四、2125:CAEDBM12 Unit 1.单项选择。1 The broken_ may cut into your hand if you touch it. You

10、 should be careful.Aglass Bglasses Ccandle Dcandles2 We will spend the coming week together, so_,lets know each others names.Ain the end Ball the timeCfirst of all Das a result3Is the man over there Mr.Miller?It_ be him. He has gone to Shanghai on business.Amight Bmust Ccant Dmustnt4 Please_ your ex

11、am papers once again before handing them in.Agoing over Bwent overCgo over Dto go over5Lisa is_ shy girl_ she cant talk in front of the class.Asuch a;that Bso;thatCsuch;that Dvery;so.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. _(wash)your hands before meals.7. They imagine_(go)to Qingdao this Sunday.8Make sure_(finish)the w

12、ork in half an hour.9Some students have some trouble_(learn)English.10Dont eat junk food.Its_(harm).根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。11How can you mend a b_ heart?12Be careful!Dont d_ anything.13C_ the bowl to keep the soup hot.14If you have any t_,you can call the police for help.15The bag is too heavy. Please help

13、me l_ it up.补全对话。A:Hello, is that Tom speaking?B:Yes.A:This is Bill. You didnt come to school yesterday. (16)_?B:I had an accident on my way to school.A:(17)_How did the accident happen?B:A car driver didnt obey the traffic rules and the car hit me and a girl.A:(18)_?B:Yes, my knee hurt badly.A:(19)_?B:She hurt her leg, but she is OK now.A:(20)_?B:The car driver took me to the hospital.A:I hope you will be better soon.B:Thanks.完形填空。Being safe (安全的) at school and in your everyday

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