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2、满活力、心存感激,而这些,在来日方长时却常被我们所忽视。当然,也有一些人会奉行享乐主义 吃喝玩乐,但是绝大多数人在得知死期将至时都会更加珍惜生命。我们大多数人都不珍惜生命。我们知道有一天自己定会死去,但是总觉得这一天很遥远。我们身体健康时,死亡是完全无法想象的,我们很少会加以考虑。日复一日,没有尽头。所以我们忙于琐事,几乎不曾意识到自己对生活的态度有多么冷漠。在运用所有的感官时我们的态度恐怕同样冷漠。只有聋人才珍惜听力,只有盲者才知道能见光明的幸运。对于那些成年后才失明失聪的人来说尤其如此。但是那些听力或视力从未遭受损失的人却很少充分利用这些幸运的能力。他们眼睛看见的、耳朵听到的,都是模糊的,


4、光滑的树皮,或是松树粗糙的树干。春天里,我怀着希望触摸着树枝寻找新芽,那是大自然从冬眠中苏醒后的第一个征象。我感受花朵的悦人纹理,发现它的可爱褶皱,大自然的神奇一角展现在我的面前。偶尔,如果幸运的话,当我把手轻轻地放在一棵小树上,会感到放声歌唱的小鸟欢快的颤动。张开手指,让清凉的溪水从指间冲过,我会很开心。对我来说,厚厚的松针或松软的草坪比奢华的波斯地毯更惹人喜爱。对我来说,多彩的季节如同一场动人心魄的不会完结的戏剧,剧中情节从我的指尖流过。 我的心不时地在呐喊,渴望能亲眼看到这一切。仅仅通过触摸,我就能获得如此多的喜悦,那光明又将展示多少美啊。然而,有眼睛的人看到的却分明不多。整个世界色彩缤

5、纷、生机勃勃,人们却都漫不经心。也许,已经拥有的不加珍惜,还没得到的却想拥有,这是人之常情,但是在光明的世界里只把视物的天赋作为使生活方便的工具,而不是丰富生活的工具,这实在是太令人遗憾了。啊,假如拥有三天光明,我将能看见多少事物啊!Specify spesifai vt. state exactly; describe fully so as to choose or name 指定,指明,详述1. The president specified him by name.2. She didnt specify precisely how many people were involved

6、in the accident.3. The instructions specify clearly how the medicine is to be taken.Condemn kndem vt. (to) state the punishment for (a guilty person), esp. a punishment of death or long imprisonment 常与to连用 给判刑(尤指判死刑或长期徒刑);给定罪1. He was condemned to death for killing an innocent child.2. That man was

7、condemned to spend the rest of his life in prison.3. He was found guilty and condemned to death.Confine knfain vt. (to) keep within limits; restrict 常与to连用把局限于,把限制于1. The boy has been confined in a dark narrow room from early childhood by his parents.2. Owen did not confine himself to writing only o

8、ne type of poem.3. Confine yourself to the facts in the discussion.set sb. doing sth. make sb. start doing sth. 使某人开始做某事1. Her last remark has set me thinking.2. The wind set the trees rustling (沙沙响).3. Anything could set me laughing in those days when I felt so happy with my life and work.under / i

9、n . circumstances in . situation 在情况下1. Prisoners can only leave their cells under certain circumstances.2. Under the circumstances, it seemed better not to tell him about the accident.3. Dont open the door in any circumstances.4. Under no circumstances should you lend Paul any money.Emphasize emfsa

10、iz vt. give special force or attention to sth. to show that it is particularly important; place emphasis on 强调,着重1. He emphasized the importance of extensive reading in the learning of a foreign language.2. She strongly emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work.3. Logan made a s

11、peech emphasizing the need for more volunteers.Stretch stret vi. spread out in space or time (时间和空间)延伸,延续,绵延1. Bergs career as a government official stretched over twenty years.2. Endless hot summer days stretched out before us.3. Row after row of orange trees stretched to the horizon.Adopt dpt vt.

12、start to deal with or think about sth. in a particular way 采取1. All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem.2. We should try to adopt a greener and more healthy lifestyle.3. The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline (纪律).take . for grantedtreat (sb. or sth.)

13、with too little attention or concern; not recognize the true value of; expect that sb. or sth. will always be there when you need them and never think how important or useful they are (对某人或某事)不注意,不关心;认为是当然的,(因视作当然而)不重视1. Her husband did all the housework, and she just took it for granted.2. We take

14、it for granted to have an endless supply of clean water all the year round.3. Bridget was careful not to take the little boy for granted.picture sb. / sth. As imagine sb. or sth. as 将想像成1. We found it hard to picture him as the father of two teenage sons.2. Rob has pictured her as serious, but she i

15、snt like that.3. Shes been pictured as a difficult, demanding woman.Picture pikt(r) vt. imagine 想像,设想1. I can still picture the house I grew up in.2. I tried to picture what it would be like to live alone.3. She pictured herself at school in a foreign country.all but almost; nearly 几乎,差不多1. The part

16、y was all but over when we arrived.2. Can we go home now? Just one moment Ive all but finished my work.3. It was all but impossible to read his writing.Characterize kriktraiz vt. be typical of a person, place or thing 是的特征,以为特征1. He has the confidence that characterizes all successful businessmen.2.

17、 Bright colours characterize his paintings.3. Your work is characterized by lack of attention to detail.take in notice or see (sth.) fully 看到,注意到1. He took in every detail of her appearance.2. His eyes quickly took in the elegance (典雅,雅致) of her dress.3. He took in the scene at a glance.the (same) o

18、ld story (used to say that the present bad situation has often happened before) what usually happens 老一套1. Its the same old story too much work and not enough time.2. Its the same old story of a badly managed project with inadequate funding (资金不足).3. Its the same old story for Brazil heading into ne

19、xt years World Cup finals: everyone is aiming for the five-time champions.grateful to sb. for sth.feeling or showing thanks to sb. for sth. 因某事而对某人怀有感激之情1. I am extremely grateful to you for the assistance you have provided.2. I am very grateful to all those who took the trouble to write to me.3. I

20、am grateful to you for helping me at a time when I most needed it.Conscious kns a. (of) knowing, understanding or recognizing sth.; aware 常与of连用意识到的,察觉到的1. Suddenly I became conscious of someone watching me from a distance.2. He was conscious that Marie was listening to every word he said.3. I was v

21、ery conscious of the fact that I had to make a good impression on my new boss.appreciative of feeling or showing that one is grateful for sth. 因某事而心存感激1. She was appreciative of Gregs concern for her health.2. We are extremely appreciative of your friendly advice.3. The company was very appreciative

22、 of my particular especially 尤其1. Automobile (汽车) prices in particular have fallen in recent months.2. Was there anything in particular that you wanted to talk about?3. What did you want? Oh, nothing in particular.Response rispns n. C (to) a reply 常与to连用回答1. They make a quick response to

23、my inquiry.2. Weve tried to offer further assistance to them but so far weve got no response yet.3. I am writing in response to your letter of June 12.4. Write your responses to the questions on the back of the sheet.Convince knvins vt. (of) make (sb.) completely certain about sth.; persuade 常与of连用使

24、确信,使信服1. He convinced me of his honesty.2. We convinced her to stay at home.3. Facts convinced everyone that the first report was true.4. Hell try to convince you of Mitchells innocence (无辜).worthy of deserving 值得1. A couple of other books are worthy of mention, too. 2. He is a teacher who is worthy

25、 of our respect.3. These points are worthy of your attention.Rough rf a. having an uneven surface; not smooth (表面)粗糙的,不平的1. Her hands were rough from hard work.2. I was driving on a rough road.3. He fell, cutting his forehead on the rough edge of a search of trying to find 搜索1. Mark went in

26、search of water.2. Many people have been driven to neighboring cities in search of better jobs.3. The music teacher went to the forest in search of new sounds and inspiration.Sign sain n. (of) 常与of连用迹象,痕迹,征兆1. The play shows every sign of being a big success.2. There are signs that the situation is

27、improving fast.3. Call the police at the first sign of trouble.Awaken weikn v. (cause to) wake up; (to) become aware or make sb. aware of sth. and its possible effects or results 醒来;叫醒,唤醒;常与to连用(使)意识到;(使)认识到1. She was awakened by a noise at two in the morning.2. It was a nightmare from which he woul

28、d awaken at any moment.3. The exhibit is designed to awaken a deeper understanding of Mexican culture.4. We should awaken him to a sense of duty.Remarkable rim:kbl a. (for) esp. apprec worth mentioning, esp. because unusual or noticeable 常与for连用尤褒值得注意的;十分不平常的;出众的1. The restaurant is remarkable not f

29、or its size or decorations but for the quality of its food.2. It is remarkable that the interviews carried so much weight.3. It is remarkable to see such clean streets in the business center of the city.Reveal rivi:l vt. show or allow (sth. previously hidden) to be seen 展现,显露(出)1. She revealed the s

30、ecret to us.2. He revealed to us that his mother had been ill for years.3. The document revealed her to be a conscientious (尽责的) employee.4. His letters reveal a different side of his personality.Action kn n. (剧本等的)情节;故事;行动,活动;动作1. Most of the action takes place in San Francisco.2. The action starts

31、 in a New York subway station, and then slowly takes you all over the city.3. The rock has been worn away by the action of the falling water.Stream stri:m vi. flow fast and strongly; pour out 奔流,倾注;涌流1. People were streaming towards the town square.2. Sunlight was streaming in through the window.3. Tears streamed from her eyes.Long l v. want sth. very much 渴望1. Im longing to see you again.2. She longed to see Pat every day.生命的亏欠塞尔玛拉格洛夫几天前,我坐在火车上,前往斯德哥尔摩。天刚入夜,车厢内光线幽暗,车外已是一片漆黑。同车的旅客在各自的角落里打瞌睡,我静静地坐着,听着火车喀嚓喀嚓地行进。这时,我开始回想过去前往斯

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