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1、译林版高一英语模块1到模块4重要地短语句型高一(上)短语 Module One Unit 11. at ease 轻松,自在 2. know of 知道,了解3. be happy with 对感到满意 4. than usual 比平时5. attend assembly 参加集会 6. next to 在旁边7. earn respect from sb. 赢得某人的尊重 8. used to 过去常常9. a bit 一点儿 10. for free 免费11. at the end of 在的结尾 12. hold a party 举办晚会13. drop sth. 放弃 14. on

2、 the school field 在学校操场上15. on average 平均地 16. according to 按照,根据17. give up 放弃 18. first of all 首先19. surf the Internet 网上冲浪 20. think of 想起;考虑21. go staight on 一直往前 22. be late for 迟到23. more than 超过;不仅仅;非常 24. all year round 一年到头25. take care of 照顾,照料 26. on campus 在校园里27. gradute from 从毕业 28. be

3、 able to 能够29. upon/on doing sth. 一就 30. develop an interest in 培养兴趣31. bring back 带回 32. donate to 捐献给33. thank sb. for 感谢某人某事 34. make a speech about 发表一个演讲35. refer to 提及,提到 36. take place 发生37. make a decision 做出决定 38. the more the more 越越39. compare A with/to B 比较A和B 40. take turns 轮流41. regret

4、 to inform 遗憾地告知 42. inform sb. of sth. 告知某人某事43. read out 读出声来 44. require sb. to do 要求某人做某事45. circle around 围绕 46. return to sp.回到地方47. miss the chance to do 错过做某事的机会 48. at the open day 在开放日49. serve meals 端菜 50. spend time doing 花费时间做某事Module One Unit 21. turn up 出现;调大 .a waste of 一种的浪费3. force

5、 sb. to do强迫某人做某事 angry with对感到生气5. cant wait to do等不及 6. run after追赶7. be supposed to do应该 8. do with处理;对待9. be a mess一团混乱 10. leave sb. in charge留给某人负责11. go unpunished免受惩罚 12. shout at朝喊叫13. go out(灯)熄灭 14. deserve to do应该去做15. wait for等待 16. instead of代替;而不是17. be hard on对苛刻 18. now that既然1

6、9. be rude to对粗鲁 20. feel like doing想要做21. even if即使 22. run out of用完23. explain to sb. sth.向某人解释某事 24. score a goal进球得分25. argue with sb. about sth.和某人争论某事 26. pull ones leg开某人玩笑27. leave out遗漏 28. be proud of骄傲,自豪29. stay up熬夜 30. be nervous about感到紧张31. after all毕竟 32. mix up混淆33. in fact事实上 34.t

7、ake ones advice接受某人建议35. mean to打算做 36. keep in mind记住37. tidy up/ clean up清理 38. make a difference有影响39. be upset with感到不安 40. early on早些时候41. at the moment/ at present目前 42. refuse to do拒绝做某事43. as though好像;似乎 44. insist on坚持45. waste time doing浪费时间做某事 46. prevent from doing阻止做某事47. allow sb. to d

8、o允许某人做某事 48. like crazy发疯似的;拼命的49. send sb. to bed让某人去睡觉 50.forbid sb. to do禁止某人做某事Module one Unit31. stay healthy 保持健康 2. be dying for/to do 非常想要3. hear from 收到的来信4. used to do sth. 过去常常5. work out 锻炼6. not any more 不再7. lose weight 减肥8. be ashamed of 对感到羞愧9. prepare to do sth. 准备做某事10. take weight

9、-loss pills 吃减肥药11. keep doing sth. 持续做某事12. at the moment 现在13. recover from 从恢复14. regret doing sth. 后悔做某事15. follow ones advice 听从某人的意见16. be embarrassed about 对感到尴尬17. learn from 从学习18. live busy lives 过忙碌的生活19. in the long term 从长远角度看20. take in 吸收21. by the way 顺便说一下22. give up 放弃23. a good am

10、ount of 大量24. prepare for 为准备25. as a matter of fact 实际上26. cause sb. to do sth. 导致27. put on weight 体重增加28. follow the suggestions 听从建议29. in no time 立刻30. go on diets 节食31. in secret 秘密地32. side effect 副作用33. fall out (头发等)脱落34. along with 连同35. come across 偶然遇见36. build up your strength 加强力量37. c

11、onsider doing sth. 考虑做某事38. take the risk 冒险39. laugh at 嘲笑40. be different from 和不同41. what is more 更重要的是42. as usual 和往常一样43. add to 增加44. be worried about 担忧45. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事46. all the time 一直47. interview sb. about sth. 采访某人某事48. be popular among 在流行49. hope to do sth. 希望做某事50. be wor

12、th doing sth. 值得做某事Mo2 Unit11. be filled with 装满;充满2. run into 偶然遇见3. believe in 相信、信任(能力、品质)4. be/feel puzzled about 对感到困惑5. step up 加紧6. watch/mind ones step当心、小心(走路时)7. step by step 逐步地;渐渐地8. search for a missing boy 寻找失踪的男孩9. go missing/bad/mad/wrong 失踪;变质;发疯;出错10. show/feel/express (an) interes

13、t in 对有兴趣11. due to 由于12. at the sight of 一看到13. be surprised/amazed that 对感到惊奇14. show up/ turn up 出现15. in fact; as a matter of fact; actuall 事实上16. see/hear/notice/catch sb do看见某人做某事(过程)see/hear/notice/catch sb doing 看见某人正做某事(片段)17. get/be ready for 准备好做某事18. according to 根据19. close/open/ pull b

14、ack the curtains开关拉窗帘20. so that sb can/could/will do 为了in order to; so as to 为了21. do research on 做研究22. rule out the possibility that排除可能性23. look into 调查24. make up a story 编写故事25. take charge of 负责26. in any case 无论如何27. give up (doing) sth 放弃28. make progress 取得进步29. (sb) be disappointed about

15、sth 对某事失望30. make a speech on/about 作关于的演讲31. dream of 梦想32. carry out the plan/ policy 执行计划、政策33. (ones wish/dream) come true (梦想、愿望)实现34. separate from 把与分开(有距离)35. (plane) take off 起飞36. protect from/ against 保护以免、以防37. provide sb with sth 提供provide sth for sb. 提供38. be connected with 与有关39. leav

16、e the door open 让门开着40. in return 作为回报41. shake hands with 握手42. draw a conclusion 得出结论43. base on 把基于上44. be similar to sth 与相似45. it is said/reported/believed that sb 据说、报道、认为sb is said/reported/believed to do 46. on average 平均47. convince sb of sth 使某人信服48. make ones way to 朝地方走去49. live on 继续生活;

17、存在with ones own eyes 亲眼所见Module2 Unit 21. go hiking 徒步旅行 2. be busy doing 忙于做某事3. travel on camels 骑骆驼旅行 4. on clear nights 在晴朗的夜空5. in the dark 在黑暗中 6. go white-water rafting 激浪漂流7. get turned upside down 翻转 8. go on a trip 去旅行9. even though 即使 10. scare away 把吓走11. up close 凑近 12. make sure 确保13.

18、take photos of 给拍照 14. fly to 飞去某地15. cant wait to do 迫不及待去做 16. have the chance to do 有机会做某事17. take/win the name of 拥有的称号 18. be covered with 覆盖着19. tower over 高耸在 20. be surrounded by 被包围21. feed on 吃 22. be home to 是的家园23. in harmony with 与和谐一致 24. provide sb with sth 给某人提供某物25. at ones mildest

19、在最温和的时候 26. supplies of food 食物供应27. in the desert 在沙漠里 28. bring back 带回29. be disappointed at 对失望 30. at dawn 在黎明31. take a river cruise 海上巡游 32. at the foot of 在山脚下33. supply sth to sb 给某人提供某物 34. be the envy of 是羡慕/嫉妒的对象35. move on to 继续前往 36. look forward to 期盼,盼望37. interview sb about sth 就采访某

20、人 38. in total 总共,总计39. in silence 默不作声地,静静地 40. give up 放弃41. look out for 当心,小心 42. havein common with与有共同之处43. be tired of 对感到厌倦 44. be tired from 因而感到疲劳45. in case 万一 46. asas possible 尽可能47. get close to 靠近,走近 48. make sb speechless 使无法用语言表达49. reach to the sky 高耸入云 50. be well worth reading 很值

21、得一读Module2 Unit 31. of all time 有史以来 2. during ones lifetime 在某人的有生之年3. be curious about 对好奇 4. set sail for 起航去5. search for 搜寻 6. be known as 作为而闻名7. make a discovery 作出发现 8. empty of sth 把弄空9. right away 立刻,马上 10. lead sb to sth 带领某人去某地11. fall ill with 得病 12. at the same time 同时13. hear of 听说 14

22、. the following day 第二天15. shortly after 在不久以后 16. have sth to do with 与有关17. breathe in 吸入 18. result in 导致19. have fun 玩得高兴,有乐趣 20. science and technology 科技21. talk of 谈及 22. be chosen as 被选作为23. be required to do 被要求做 24. be qualified for 有资格做25. in control of 控制 26. go down in history 永载史册27. b

23、e proud of 对骄傲 28. look up to 尊敬29. live ones dream 实现某人的梦想 30. pay off 成功,带来好结果31. compare with 比得上 32. make a great contribution to 对作出贡献33. later on 后来 34. in ones thirties 在某人30多岁的时候35. be based on 以为基础 36. a great deal of 许多(只能修饰不可数名词)37. set foot on 涉足,踏上 38. at full speed 全速地39. take the firs

24、t step towards迈出通向的第一步40. communicate with 与交流 41. manage to do 成功地做某事42. in orbit 在轨道上 43. at the moment of 在的时候44.switch to 转变成 45. thanks to 多亏了46. as well as 也,以及 47. die of 死于48. make ones way to 去 49. as a result of 由于 50. at first sight 第一眼M3 Unit11. within / in ones sight 在视线之内2. add to把加到上a

25、dd to 增加3. sniff at 嗅,闻; 对嗤之以鼻sniff out 闻出; 发现4. warm up 使暖和起来5. make the most of. make full use of 充分利用make the best of6. be known as 作为 而出名;被称为7. The chance is that- clause ; Chances are that- clause . 很可能。= It is likely that 8. by chance 偶尔,碰巧9. Its likely / possible/ probable that Sb/ sth be lik

26、ely to do Its possible ( for sb) to do 可能会干某事10. come out of the darkness 从黑暗中传来11. to tell the truth 说实话(插入语)12. glance at/ take a glance at 扫视13. nowhere (not anywhere) to be found 到处找不到14. wish for/ hope for 希望得到;盼望15. reach out 伸手 reach ( come to/ arrive at) an agreement达成协议16. for fear of/that

27、惟恐17. stare at 盯着看 18. watch out for/ look out for/ be careful of 小心, 注意19. pay back 报答; 报复; 还掉20. be frozen with 因呆住21. be confident of doing 对有信心22. be reduced by/ to被减少了/ 到23. the sense of taste 味觉24. sweat with fear 因害怕而出汗25. be related to/ be linked to 和有关26. relate to 和有关; 涉及relate sth to sb 向

28、某人讲述27. prefer to do rather than do=would do rather than do 宁愿做也不愿做28. cant help doing 忍不住做 cant help ( to ) do 不能帮助做29. make ones way to 艰难前进30. all of a sudden 突然31. ring out 突然响起32. make ( much, rapid) progress 取得进步33. bang into 撞着34. feed on 表示“以.为食, 以.为能源”feedon用喂35. changeinto 把变成changefor 用换3

29、6. in the distance 在远处37. avoid doing sth 避免做某事38. stick to 坚持某种原则39. report doing 报告说做过40. Its reported that据报道 = Sb/ sth is reported to do据报道某人/ 物41. fail to do 未能42. that far / this bad 那么远/ 如此的糟糕43. with fear 由于害怕44. find oneself doing/ done/ in( on) 无意中发现自己45. be grateful to sb 感激某人46. hold her still 使她不动47. the number of .的数量(做主语时谓语动词为单数形式) a number of 一些(修饰可数名词,谓语动词用复数)48. drown in the ocean 在海中溺死49. a deadly wound 一个致命的伤口50. unique senses 独特的感官M

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