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人教版小学英语五年级上册第三课时Unit 5 There is a big bed.docx

1、人教版小学英语五年级上册第三课时Unit 5 There is a big bed第三课时一、课时内容教科书第51页: B. Lets try Lets talk 二、课时分析本课时是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册的第五单元第三课时,围绕核心句型There are展开内容。包括Lets try和Lets talk二个板块。 Lets try是听力训练,是为Lets talk部分做铺垫的,是为让学生初步感知新句型而设计的。教师在开始听力训练之前,可以先带领学生复习A部分所出示的There is这一句型,然后阅读指令语,着重指出其中的三个复数名词pictures、flowers和

2、toys,让学生对即将听到的听力内容有所推测。 Lets talk是围绕B部分核心句型There are而展开的一个对话场景,依然延续了A部分中Mike、Sarah参观张鹏家这一背景,通过他们三人之间的对话,呈现了There arehere,There arein的句型,让学生在参观完张鹏的卧室之后,又看到了张鹏家客厅的摆设许多图片,许多植物,等等。对话之后设计了一个自主练习,目的是让学生仿照对话中的表达方式,同时观察Lets talk中的对话配图,用There are和There is句型继续讨论张鹏家客厅的其它陈设,比如两只小狗,两把椅子,许多书,一台电视机,一个书架等,通过这种对话练习,

3、实现灵活运用新学句型,同时综合练习了A部分已学句型There is,将本单元的两个主要句型在同一对话场景中展示出来,形成A、B两部分教学内容的整合,让学生在一个比较宏观的背景中体会这两个句型的相同点以及不同之处。本课时是本单元B部分的首课时,是对A部分所学话题和知识点的深入,在整个单元中起推进与拓展的作用,重点掌握用There are句型来描述家居陈设。对话中呈现了三个There are句型,加深了学生对该句型的认知度,接下来的自主练习,学生们看图片继续描述张鹏家客厅的陈设,从听对话到主动参与对话,从而达到熟练运用新句型There are、巩固复习已学句型There is的目的,本课时在情景对

4、话中学习重点单词和重点句型,教师在讲授新课时应首先帮助学生们理解情景对话内容,明白什么时候运用什么句型。我准备借助于网络教学资源,把对话内容以动画形式呈献给大家,声形并茂,如身临其境,同时采用分组表演对话内容的方式来调动学生参与教学活动的积极性,满足孩子们的表现欲望,增强学习英语的自信心。为学生们多创设情景游戏,帮助学生通过多种训练方式,达到熟练掌握本课时重点单词和重点句型的目的。三、课时目标1.能够初步掌握单词front 及其短语in front of2.能够听、说、认读单词:grandparent/their/house/lot/lots of/flower3.能够听、说、读、写重点句型:

5、There are4.能够用重点句型There are来描述房间内的陈设。5.能够听懂、会说、会表演对话中的内容,并且在真实情境中灵活运用所需核心句型进行日常对话交流。四、课时重难点1.重点(1)正确理解front及其短语in front of的含义及用法。(2)能够听、说、读、写重点句型:There are(3)能够用重点句型There are来描述房间内的陈设。(4)能够正确区别使用There is和There are句型。2.难点能够听懂、会说、会表演对话中的内容,并且在真实情境灵活运用所需核心句型进行日常对话交流。五、教学准备教师课前精心制作PPT课件以及微课视频,准备好录音设备,自制

6、词卡与图卡。六、教学过程1.课前热身T:Good morning, boys and girls.Ss:Good morning, Miss/Mr.T:(教师用课件出示教科书第49页Lets learn中的插图,遮住图片中的单词)Look at the picture of Zhang Pengs bedroom, what can you see in the picture?S1:I can see a clock,a photo, a plant.S2:I can see a water bottle,a bike.T:Wonderful. What is in the room?S1:

7、There is a clock in the room.S2:There is a photo in the room.S3:There is a plant in the room.S4:There is a water bottle in the room.S5:There is a bike in the room.T:Well, there is a clock, a photo, a plant, a water bottle and a bike in the room.Ss:Yes, there is a clock, a photo, a plant, a water bot

8、tle and a bike in the room.T:This is a nice room, I like it very much.设计意图:温故知新。在学习新句型之前,复习A部分中的已学句型。2.导入 (1)复习巩固已学单词。首先,教师拿出写有clock,photo,plant,water bottle,bike的单词卡片以及与这些单词对应的图片,打乱顺序,请学生将词卡与正确的图片搭配起来。然后,朗读单词指名读,学生领读,全体齐读。设计意图:让学生动手搭配词卡与图片,在调动学生积极性之余考查了他们对单词含义的掌握情况。朗读单词练习了单词的发音。(2)对话导入T:(教师拿着词卡或图片)

9、There is a clock, a photo, a plant, a water bottle and a bike in Zhang Pengs bedroom, what about the living room? Lets go and have a look.(3)教学Lets try。 教师带领学生阅读并分析教科书第51页的指令语,着重指出pictures,flowers和toys这三个复数名词。教师播放听力录音,学生听录音,选择答案。师生核对答案。教师再次播放录音,学生跟读并翻译听力内容。附:Lets try听力材料 Mike:This picture is pretty.

10、 Sarah: Yes. I like it, too.Zhang Peng:Lets go to the living room. There are some nice pictures there.MikeSarah:OK.答案:Some pictures.3. 新课呈现 (1)教学Lets talk教师用课件出示Lets talk 中的插图。师生共同讨论。T:This is Zhang Pengs living room. What is in the living room?S1:There is a book shelf in the living room.(教师板书:There

11、 is a book shelf in the living room. 客厅里有一个书架。)S2:There is a TV in the living room.(教师板书:There is a TV in the living room. 客厅里有一台电视。)S3:There is a dog in the living room.T:How many dogs ?Ss:Two.T:Yes, so we can say there are two dogs in the living room, or there are dogs in the living room.(教师板书:The

12、re are (two)dogs in the living room.)T:Can you see anything else?S1:I can see two chairs.T:Very good,we can say“There are (two) chairs in the living room”,too.(教师板书:There are (two) chairs in the living room. 客厅里有(两把)椅子。 )S2:I can see four plants in the living room.T:There are many plants in the livi

13、ng room.(教师板书:There are many plants in the living room.客厅里有许多盆植物。)Can you see books in the picture?Ss:Yes,there are many books in the living room.(教师板书:There are many books in the living room.客厅里有许多书。)T:Now please look at the blackboard, read these sentences with me. There are (two) dogs in the livi

14、ng room.Ss:There are (two)dogs in the living room.T:There are (two) chairs in the living room.Ss:There are (two) chairs in the living room.T:There are many plants in the living room.Ss:There are many plants in the living room.T:There are many books in the living room.Ss:There are many books in the l

15、iving room.T:There is a TV in the living room.Ss:There is a TV in the living room.T:There is a book shelf in the living room.Ss:There is a book shelf in the living room.朗读完句子后,教师可以这样说:“同学们,请注意一下这些句子中被重点标出的几个词,这些句子都使用了一个共同的句型There be句型。不同之处在于,当描述“有一个”时,用There is a ,后面跟单数名词,即There is a+单数名词;当被描述的对象不只一

16、个时,用There are,并且后面跟的名词必须是复数形式,也就是There are +复数名词。”播放动画课件,观看情景对话。打开多媒体,点击动画课件视频,播放对话情景,请学生们观看Mike,Sarah 和张鹏是如何对话的。播放视频前,请学生注意对话中出现的There are句型。教师讲解重点词句。词汇:grandparent 意为“祖父,祖母,外祖父,外祖母”。Grandparents则为“祖父母,外祖父母”。their 形容词性物主代词,“他们的,它们的,她们的”house 房屋,房子,住宅flower 花朵so many 如此多,那么多。后面跟可数名词复数形式。例如:so many p

17、ictures,so many flowers,so many booksfront 意为“正面”,常用于短语“in front of ”中,意思是“在前面”。例如:There is a dog in front of the cat. 猫前面有一只狗。 There are two dogs in front of the cat. 猫前面有两只狗。It is in front of the house. 它在房子的前面。lots of 许多,大量。重点句型:There are so many pictures here. 这儿有如此多的图片。 There are so many plants

18、 here, too. 这儿还有如此多的植物。 There are lots of flowers in it. 在花园里有许多花。设计意图:对于学生来说,无论是新结识的词汇还是句型,都需要老师给以明确的讲解与告知。本课时需要学生会听、说和认读的单词、短语比较多,在听完对话后就其中的重点词句进行讲解,能及时为学生排忧解难,帮助学生更准确地理解对话内容。教师再次播放对话视频或录音,学生听对话并跟读。指名三位同学朗读对话,并翻译对话内容。教师从旁对学生朗读和翻译中出现的问题及时予以纠正。Zhang Peng:This is the living room. 这是客厅。 Mike:Wow!There

19、 are so many pictures here. 哇!这儿有这么多画。Zhang Peng:Yes. My father can draw very well. 是的。我爸爸画画非常好。 Sarah:There are so many plants here, too. 这儿还有这么多植物。Zhang Peng:Theyre my grandmothers plants. My grandparents have a garden in front of their house. There are lots of flowers in it. 那些植物是我奶奶的。在我爷爷奶奶的房子前面

20、有一个花园。花园里有许多花。 Sarah:Cool!太棒了!设计意图:朗读并翻译对话,考查了学生对对话内容的理解是否到位,朗读熟练了就会无意间记住很多重点句型,为学生们把书本知识内化为自己的知识奠定了很好的基础。(2)分角色配音朗读、表演对话。教师再次播放对话课件,学生三人一组分角色记忆对话内容,进行动画配音、表演比赛,最后评出优胜小组给与奖励。设计意图:这是给学生们展示自己才艺的机会,学生们积极踊跃,争先恐后,把静态的知识演变为动态的情景,主动参与到教堂活动中,成为课堂的小主人。(3)教师再次用课件出示Lets talk 中的对话配图,遮住板书内容,进行说话训练。T:What is in Z

21、hang Pengs living room?S1:There is a book shelf in the living room.S2:There is a TV in the living room.S3:There are dogs in the living room.S4:There are chairs in the living room. S5:There are many plants in the living room.S6:There are many books in the living room.4.操练 (1)教师用课件出示一些日常家居物品,学生看图片,说出对

22、应的英文名称,并写到黑板上。例如:desk chair clock photo plant flower bike bag book water bottle (2)教师假设以上物体都摆放在教室内,请几名学生用所学知识对教室里面有什么进行描述。学生描述:There is a desk in the classroom. There is a chair in the classroom. There is a clock in the classroom.There is a photo in the classroom.There is a plant in the classroom.Th

23、ere is a flower in the classroom.There is a bike in the classroom.There is a bag in the classroom.There is a book in the classroom.There is a water bottle in the classroom.(3)教师将(1)中的几个单词如desk,plant,flower,book变为复数形式,请一名学生重新对教室的陈设进行描述。学生描述:There are desks in the classroom. There is a chair in the cl

24、assroom. There is a clock in the classroom.There is a photo in the classroom. There are plants in the classroom. There are flowers in the classroom.There is a bike in the classroom.There is a bag in the classroom. There are books in the classroom.There is a water bottle in the classroom.设计意图:以上三个操练环

25、节是顺次衔接下来的,目的是为了让学生对已学句型There is和There are进行明确区分,避免错误和混淆。(4)快速看图说话。教师用课件展示一些日常家居用品图片,有的以单个数量出现,有的以多个数量出现。学生看图片,迅速用所学句型There is和There are对所看到的进行描述。此练习强调学生反应速度要快。设计意图:通过上面的反复练习,学生对新句型已经有了一定程度的掌握,快速看图说话练习强调速度要快,描述要准,难度相对增大,考查了学生对新句型的熟练程度。(5)给下列单词分家。desk chair clocks photos plants flowers bikes bag book

26、water bottles windows doors 教师也可把活动中给出的单词换成图片,让学生先看图片说单词,然后再把图片进行分类。设计意图:学习完There are句型之后,很多学生经常忘记将句型中的单词变为复数形式,这种错误屡见不鲜。此练习意在让学生进一步明确There is和There are句型的不同应用。(6)请学生用There is和There are句型,仿照教科书中学习的对话内容描述自己的房间。可以用自我介绍的形式来描述,也可以用小组合作对话的形式进行展示。设计意图:结合新学习的重点句型,选择自己平时最熟悉的生活场所为描述对象,激发学生们的积极踊跃的英语表达兴趣,引发学生们

27、认真回忆、重现自己的房间摆设,锻炼学生们学以致用,即学即用,实现学习英语的真实价值观。5.课堂小结 T:Boys and girls , we learn some new words and sentences this class. Look at the blackboard please. There are some important sentences on the blackboard. Lets read them together. Pay your attention to the red words.T/Ss:There are (two) dogs in the li

28、ving room. There are (two) chairs in the living room. There are many plants in the living room. There are many books in the living room. There is a book shelf in the living room. There is a TV in the living room. T:We learn some new words and phrases, too. They are: grandparent,their,house,flower,so

29、 many,in front of .Make sure you know their meanings.七、课堂作业 .选出不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. clock B. photo C. bikes( ) 2. A. living room B. bedroom C. class( ) 3. A. dog B. cat C. flower( ) 4. A. grandparent B. mother C. teacher( ) 5.A. many B. lots of C. some.选出正确的一项。( ) 1.There_ a bag on the desk. A. is B. ar

30、e C. be( ) 2.There _ some eggs on the plate. A. is B. are C. be( ) 3.There are lots of _ in the garden. A. flowers B. flower C. a flower( ) 4.My grandma and grandpa are my _ . A. parents B. grandparents C. grandparent( ) 5.There are _ plants here. A. so many B. so much C. very much.读问句,选择相对的答语。( ) 1

31、. Do you like your classroom?( ) 2. Is this your schoolbag?( ) 3. How many plants are there in your living room?( ) 4. Where is your water bottle?( ) 5. What is in your bedroom?A. There is a desk, a photo of me, a chair and a puter.B. It is on the desk.C. Four.D. Yes, this is.E. Yes, I do.连词成句。1. is,photo,in,there,a ,my,room _,there,a,pretty,front,in,my,grandparents,of,house,garden _ .3. are,

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