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错误处理 物料估价不一致主数据与物料帐价格不一致.docx

1、错误处理 物料估价不一致 主数据与物料帐价格不一致物料估价不一致一、问题现象在查看物料的会计视图时,系统提示:物料估价 33186066000在估价范围 1100 内不一致。当运行物料分类账CKMLCP、查看物料主数据MM03、物资出入库MIGO时,系统提示:C+048物料XXXX估价在估价范围XXXX不一致时,你需要运行事务码:CKMC 来检查物料主数据与物料账之间的一致性。对于不一致的数据,可以使用事务码:CKMREP来修改数据。对于测试系统,也可以强行修改:CKMLPR/CKMLPP/CKMLCR来解决“帮助”文档显示:期初上线物料主数据导入的期间有个默认期间,需要调整与实际上线期间一致




5、“不一致”。为什么系统会在当月第一笔库存事务时自动发布标记的价格呢?因为后台激活了“动态价格发布”。后台配置:动态价格变化IMG控制产品成本控制实际成本核算/物料分类帐设置动态价格变化设置动态价格变化In this activity, you can specify in each valuation area that a planned price is activated as the valuation price upon the first goods movement in a new posting period as long as the validity date of

6、the planned price has been reached.The planned prices are handled by the system with the following priority:1. marked standard cost estimates2. future valuation pricesStandard settingsIn the standard system, dynamic price release is not active.Activities1. Activate dynamic price release for the rele

7、vant valuation areas and save the changes.Further notesYou can find further information in the document Actual Costing/Material Ledger under Automatic Release of Planned Prices.SAP Note137499 提示:SymptomAfter you execute a goods movement which causes a dynamic release of a future price or a planned p

8、rice, the material is inconsistent (message C+048).Additional symptoms: An incorrect value may also be updated for the statistical inventory value to the moving price (field MBEW-SALKV).Additional key wordsMMINKON, price change, dynamic price change, C+048Cause and prerequisitesThe material contains

9、 settlement control 3, that means the Material Ledger is active.The price change is updated in the material ledger but not in the material master.SolutionThis is corrected as of Release 4.6A. You can also implement the attached advance correction.SAP Note 757732 提示:INFORMATION: Use of dynamic releas

10、e SymptomYou want to use the dynamic and/or static release for the update of standard prices. However, the program does not release the prices which is incorrect.Other termsCK24, CK40N, CKME, dynamic, dynamic release, CKPRCH025, CKPRCH 025, M8155, MM02, CKMPCD, MR21, CKMLCP, CKMPRP, CKMPRPN, CNACTRe

11、ason and PrerequisitesEither the cost estimate was flagged at an incorrect time or at the time of the planned release, the current periods in FI and MM (and where necessary period of the cost estimate to be released) were not synchronous or, if the Material Ledger is active, the period status did no

12、t permit the cost estimate.The following functions can be released for the update of the standard price (in the sequence of there importance and selection within the release): Flagged product costings Future prices from the accounting, maintained on the accounting view of the material master or by m

13、eans of transaction CKMPRP(N) or CKMLCPThere are the following prerequisites for the successful release of standard prices in the R/3 standard system:1. The current MM period has to correspond to the current FI period. *According to the fiscal year variant from the system or user date(MM会计期和FI会计期一致)

14、2. The period for which the cost estimate was created and flagged has to correspond to the current MM period or the valid-from date of future prices from the accounting must have been reached.(成本视图中标记的未来价格期间和MM期间一致,或者会计视图中的未来价格有效日期已经到了)3. In the release period, a release of a running cost estimate d

15、oes not have to be occurred yet.(在发布期间,没有已经发布过的估算价格存在)4. Provided that a future price is supposed to be released from the accounting, but a flagged, released or passed cost estimate is anchored on the cost estimate view of the material master, you either have to undo these anchors (REDO or deletion

16、in Transaction CKR1) or you have to override message CKPRCH025 or M8155. When you override the message the program might issue incorrect values in the variance calculation and in the CO-PA since the standard price might not correspond to the current planned price anymore.(如果会计视图有一个预想要发布的价格,但成本视图中有一个

17、标记的、发布的或者过去的估算成本,不要尝试用CKR1中的REDO或“删除”去撤消这些价格)5. Provided that the Material Ledger (ML) is active, the period status has to permit the release. In this case, you have to consider that a release does not have to basically occur after the end of the prior period (Exception: Late release by means of MR2

18、1).6. 03 Provided that you want to use the dynamic release you have to consider that it is only possible in connection with goods movements, NOT, however, with invoice receipts (Error message M8394) or by means of direct posting to the material or by means of the CLOSING ENTRY of the Material Ledger

19、 (No message!).Solution0S The following procedure is always a recommendation only. The concrete processes of the business processes can require an alternative procedure.BF The dynamic release cannot and does not have to replace the static release but can only enhance it.You should only cover the goo

20、ds movements correspondingly within the first hours by means of the dynamic release. (The latter is first recommendable as of Release 4.6C Support Package 155 when you use the separate valuation. When you use earlier releases or Support Packages you can also use the dynamic release where available p

21、rovided that this cannot be avoided with regard to the business process.) However, a static releaseat least some minutes after the MM period closing (Update and synchronization of the application server buffering) should always occur to prevent that the above-mentioned restrictions of the dynamic re

22、lease have the result that a release is not possible anymore due to another period closing or due to the period status (ML).Since the static release can also fail (for example, due to error messages) and since it is also possible to create new materials and to flage them during the current period, i

23、t is recommendable to carry out a check of the before not released cost estimates and prices, for example, by means of a test run of the CKME, before the start of the closing operations in the ML (with 3/S materials) or (generally) before the start of the period closing program. Provided that the ML

24、 is active and that a new price has to be released in spite of the deviating status, you can do this as follows:a) Before the closing entry (of the prior period) or after the reversal of the same one: Reset the status by means of the report from Note 574930 after the reversal of all postings (Also o

25、f postings to a prior period!). Without complete reversal entered price differences can reference to an incorrectthe oldstandard price with the result that the program might determine an incorrect actual price.b) After the closing entry: Only by means of the late release in Transaction MR21.Remarks:

26、1BYou should by no means change the fiscal year variant in the short term!1BYou should by no means use Transaction CKMM when you use the ML for 3/S materials for the short term conversion to 2/* since this results in an irrepairable deletion of data for the actual price determination!三、另一种问题2006/01/

27、18晚上10:00左右,从PRD client 800拷贝环境到DEV client 580,结果发现共有66个物料出现估价不一致的情况。DEV Client 580200+923-827=296,并不等于212。CKM3中的进销存运算不平衡。所以出现“物料估价 L217800530 在估价范围 1100 内不一致”的错误。而在PRD Client 800中,此处,200+923-911=212,进销存计算是正确的。利用CKMC查看一共有多少不一致的物料:详见:(Issue_TS027)物料估价不一致清单.xls经过对以下几个表的分析:物料估价不一致的记录清单;MKPF(物料凭证头记录);MSEG(物料凭证行记录),可以发现,不一致的物料都在2006/1/18 22:46:56 到2006/1/19 0:36:29发生过交易(见最后一个sheetMSEG中的公式计算结果)。有可能正是在这一段时间内进行了client copy,从而导致物料估价不一致。

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