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1、VTK和QT联合使用qt和vtk共用作者:我是小李,欢迎交流来源:博客园发布时间:2009-02-10 11:00阅读:908 次原文链接 收藏 QT与VTK的结合开发2008/07/16 15:26最近,由于项目的需要,我打算使用VTK来开发程序,VTK全名是VisualizationToolKit,它是一套跨平台的C库,对 OpenGL作了较全面的封装,将各种三维模型的存储,运算,显示,交互等内容全都以类的方式封装起来了,并且提供比OpenGL强大得多的功能。可惜 VTK最大的缺点是,没有免费的教程,它只提供免费的API手册,其中只是对各个类的功能罗列而已,而参考书籍则需要花几十美元去购买

2、,所以学习VTK只 能依靠它的大量Example了。由于我的项目需要兼故未来跨平台的可能(目前只在Windows下),所以必须使用一套跨平台的开发库, 在VTKExamplesGUI的例子里,Windows平台下只有SDK,MFC,C+ Builder这几个例子,另外还有Motif,Python,Tcl,选择是不少,但是Motif听说编程比较麻烦,我也从来没有接触过,Tcl和 Python作为脚本语言,其性能和安全性则有些令人担忧,也就是说,这里面没有一个是我能使用的.。.说起跨平台,由于单位里项目的关系,我接触得比较 多的就是QT了,所以,在未选定VTK之前,其实我是打算使用QTOpenGL

3、的组合方式来开发这个软件的,其实,如果不考虑跨平台,我还是会选择 QT,因为它的事件处理方式对于用惯Delphi的我而言,更为顺手,那么现在使用了VTK,是否还能将VTK和QT组合起来使用呢。作为试验,我仿照VTKExamplesGUIWin32SampleMFC,制作了以下这个小程序,很顺利,结果证明了我的猜想,QT和VTK是可以很方便的结合起来的,下面就跟我来一步步制作这个程序吧:1)从http:/www。下 载VTK的最新版本,我用的是4。2。该包中只有程序文件,你还需要自己编译,为此你还需要CMake,用来生成VC的.dsw,。dsp文件。然后用 VC打开生成的工程文件

4、,并进行编译。最后将编译后生成的目录:VTKbinDebug加入到Windows系统环境的Path中。2)下载QT,我目前使用的是QT334,打开VC的Tools-OptionsDirectories,将QT的bin,include,lib路径分别加入其中。3)在VC中,建立一个新的Win32 Console Application工程,建立一个main。cpp,作为main函数的入口,代码如下:include Renderer = vtkRenderer:New();this-RendererSetBackground(0.3, 0.5, 0.1);thisRenderWindow = vt

5、kWin32OpenGLRenderWindow::New();this-RenderWindowAddRenderer(thisRenderer);thisInteractor = vtkWin32RenderWindowInteractor:New();vtkActor2D actor2d = vtkActor2D:New();vtkTextMapper txt = vtkTextMapper:New();actor2dSetMapper(txt);txtSetInput(Hello World”);txt-GetTextProperty()-SetFontSize(24);this-Re

6、ndererAddProp(actor2d);txtDelete();actor2dDelete();vtkActor *actor = vtkActor:New();vtkDataSetReader reader = vtkDataSetReader:New();readerSetFileName(”weldedSpheres.vtk”);vtkDataSetMapper *mapper = vtkDataSetMapper::New();mapper-SetInput(readerGetOutput();actorSetMapper(mapper);thisRendererAddProp(

7、actor);mapperDelete();readerDelete();actor-Delete();TestWindow::TestWindow()if (this-Interactor) thisInteractorDelete();if (this-Renderer) this-RendererSetRenderWindow(NULL);if (thisRenderWindow) thisRenderWindow-Delete();if (thisRenderer) thisRendererDelete();void TestWindow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent

8、 e)if (! this-InteractorGetInitialized()) thisRenderWindowSetWindowId(thiswinId(); thisRenderWindow-WindowInitialize(); this-InteractorSetRenderWindow(thisRenderWindow); thisInteractor-Initialize();this-RenderWindow-Render();bool TestWindow::winEvent(MSG *msg)switch (msgmessage) case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:

9、 case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_MOUSEMOVE: case WM_CHAR: case WM_TIMER: if (thisInteractor-GetInitialized() vtkHandleMessage2(msg-hwnd, msgmessage, msglParam, msg-wParam, this-Interactor); return false;其中用到了一个模型文件weldedSpher

10、es。vtk,可以在VTK中找到.可能你需要修改它的路径。然后,再次打开Proect Settings对话框,在C/C+页中,选择Category:Preprocessor,在Additional include directories:中加入:D:VTK,D:VTKParallel,D:VTKHybrid,D:VTKPatented,D:VTKRendering,D:VTKIO,D:VTKImaging,D:VTKGraphics,D:VTKFiltering,D:VTKCommon选择Link页,选择Category:Input,在Object/library modules:中加入:vt

11、kRendering.lib vtkGraphics.lib vtkImaging。lib vtkIO。lib vtkFiltering。lib vtkCommon。lib vtkftgl.lib glu32.lib opengl32。lib glu32。lib opengl32.lib vtkfreetype.lib vtkpng.lib vtktiff.lib vtkzlib。lib vtkjpeg。lib vtkexpat。lib 在Addtional library path中加入:D:VTKbindebug以上都假设VTK安装在D盘下,如果你安装在其它目录,请修改以上的路径。好了,重

12、新编译程序,运行,你将看到如下所示的VTK界面.Tuesday, October 17th 2006, 6:13pmTutorial for using Qt with VTKHi,I am a newbie in VTK and Qt. For some time now,I have been trying to use VTK with Qt but faced a lot of problems getting started and configuring them. In the end, it worked(thanks to Anja Ende,Clinton Stimpson

13、 and everyone who helped me get started)。 I am writing down the procedure to get VTK to work with Qt in visual studio 2005 environment。 Hopefully this document will help other newbies save a lot of time。I have tested the following procedure with MS Visual Studio 2005 Professional on Windows XP Pro X

14、64。1). Install and get Qt working as per the instructions here: http:/qtnode。net/wiki/Qt4_with_Visual_StudioThis works fine and you can start using Qt with visual studio(for those who just want to use Qt with Visual Studio, this is how we do it!)2). Install and configure VTK using Cmake with (a) VTK

15、_USE_GUISUPPORT option and (b) VTK_USE_QVTK option, set to ONIf Qt is installed after VTK, you will need to reconfigure VTK to find Qt。3)。Now its time to test the configuration with a code which uses both Qt and VTK。 You can try it with the example in VTK source( 。./Examples/GUI/Qt/Imageviewer)。 Cop

16、y this code(only the cxx file) to a new directory。4) I use qmake to generate build files。 The method to build this example using qmake is:(a) open visual studio command prompt, go to the directory containing the cxx file and type: qmake projectthis makes a 。pro file. Open this file in an editor and

17、modify it as below-# Automatically generated by qmake (2.00a) Wed Oct 11 17:14:01 2006#TEMPLATE = vcapp this was originally app modify it to vcappTARGET +=DEPENDPATH += .INCLUDEPATH += 。 # here include the path to all the directories containing the header filesLIBS += add this line and include all t

18、he libraries(Qt and VTK) needed for the application# InputSOURCES += main.cxx-(b)Save the .pro file and run qmake from the command prompt again。 This will generate a 。vcproj file. Open this file in visual studio and build it there. If you included all the libraries and include paths, this should bui

19、ld and run perfectly.I used qmake for building, because I didnt know how to do it with Cmake. But if the experts here can throw light on that it would help many. Also if someone knows of any other way(probably easier and smarter) to use Qt with VTK, please add to this document。Thanks,Ashish Go to th

20、e top of the page Quote Skip user informationalexiuk BeginnerPosts: 22 Thursday, May 10th 2007, 6:04pmRE: Tutorial for using Qt with VTKHi Ashish,Thanks for posting those details。 I am trying to follow those instructions and am running into problems building QVTK. Error messages follow。 Did you have

21、 any trouble building VTK?Thanks,Mark1- Build started: Project: QVTK, Configuration: Debug Win32 -1Generating moc_vtkEventQtSlotConnect.cxx1Generating moc_QVTKWidget.cxx1Compiling。.1moc_vtkEventQtSlotConnect。cxx1c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: .moc_vtkEventQtSlotConnect.cxx: No su

22、ch file or directory1moc_QVTKWidget.cxx1c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: .moc_QVTKWidget。cxx: No such file or directory1Generating Code。.1Build log was saved at ”file:/c:VTKvcc_buildGUISupportQtQVTK.dirDebugBuildLog。htm1QVTK - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)VTK Build summary:= Build: 1 su

23、cceeded, 3 failed, 47 upto-date, 6 skipped Go to the top of the page Quote Skip user informationAshish BeginnerPosts: 83 Thursday, May 10th 2007, 8:30pmRE: Tutorial for using Qt with VTKHi Mark,I didnt face any problems building QVTK. Also I have stopped using qmake and use cmake these days.Can you give me more details as to what you have done so far and at what step are you getting the errors? Are you able to test run a simple Qt code?Thanks,Ashish Go to the top of the pa

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