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1、民航英语900句大全最新民航英语900句大全Part one Public English 第一部分 公共英语Chapter 1 Basic English 基础英语Chapter 2 Daily English 日常英语Chapter 3 Tourism English 旅游英语Part two Specialized English 第二部分专业英语Chapter 4 Ground Handling Service English 地面服务英语Chapter 5 Air Cargo Service English 航空货运服务英语Chapter 6 Security Screening S

2、ervice English 安全检查服务英语Chapter 7 Control Centre Service English 指挥中心服务英语Chapter 8 Operation Support Service English 运行保障服务英语Chapter 9 Airport Aviation Catering Service English 航空食品服务英语Chapter 10 Aircraft Maintenance Service English 机务维修服务英语 Part one Public English (第一部分公共英语) Chapter 1 Basis English

3、(英语基础)一、海航机场集团董事长 Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board执行总裁 Executive President执行副总裁 Vice Executive President首席运营官 COO财务总监 Chief Finance Officer执行总裁助理 Assistant to Executive President【二、首席官缩写词汇首席执行官 CEO首席运行官 COO首席安全官 CSO首席商业运营官 CCO首席财务官 CFO首席人事训练官 CHO首席培训官 CTO首席市场官 CMO首席公共关系协调官

4、CRO首席人事训练官 CHO三、公司名称宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD宜昌三峡机场航空食品公司Yichang Sanxia Airport Aviation Catering CO.,LTD:四、公司领导董事长 Director of the Board/Board Chairman/Chairman of the Board 总经理 General Manager 副总经理 Vice General Manager财务总监Chief Finance Officer总经理助理 General Manage Assistant调研员 Inve

5、stigator and Researcher&五、部门名称 综合管理部Comprehensive Administration Dept.总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager主管 Supervisor 行政事务室 Civil Service Office人力资源室Human Resources Office计划财务部Planning & Finance Dept.会计核算室Accounting Office预算管理室 Budget Management Office业务发展部 Business Development Dept.广告公司 Adv

6、ertisement Company商业开发管理室 Commerce Development and Management Office客货销售公司 Passenger-cargo Sale Company指挥中心 Control Center安全服务督察室Security and Service Inspection Center.值班经理室 Office of Manager on Duty现场调度室Locale Dispatching Center急救中心First Aid Center安全检查站Security Screening Station安全检查室Security Screen

7、ing Office消防中心Fire Control Center运行保障部Operation Support Dept.综合室Comprehensive Office!设备运行室Equipment Operation Office场务管理室Air Field Maintenance Office汽车服务中心Auto Service Center地面服务部Ground Handling Service Dept.商务室Business Affairs Office服务室Passenger Service Office六、日期和时间;星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thu

8、rsday Friday Saturday Sunday星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日月份: January February March April May June July一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月August September October November December八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月年月日:月日,年:eg,March 1st, 2001日月,年:eg,1st March, 2001时间:hour小时 minute分钟 second秒 四季: spring春季 summer夏季 autumn秋季 winter冬季 七、人称

9、人称代词:单数: I you he she it (主格)me you him her it (宾格)复数: we you they (主格) us you them (宾格)物主代词:形容词性:(单数) my your his her its (复数) our your their名词性: (单数)mine yours his hers its (复数) ours yours theirs反身代词:单数:myself yourself himself herself itself复数:ourselves yourselves themselves、八、数字:基数词:one two three

10、 four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a hundred a thousand a million a billion序数词: first second third .九、方位 east东 west西 south南 north北 southwest northwest southeast northeas

11、t、 西南 西北 东南 东北十、计算机常用单词file 文件 path 路径 text 文本program 程序 disk 硬盘 floppy 软盘disc 光盘 memory 内存、存储器 key 键driver 驱动器 power 电源 screen 屏幕configure 配置 boot 引导 byte 字节】format 格式化 compress 压缩 system 系统network 网络、联网 speed 速度、加速 scan 检测、扫描install 安装 setup 设置 option 选项、选择 reset 复位 restore 恢复 lock 加密command 命令 ex

12、ecute 执行 save 保存type 显示、打字 print 打印 pause 暂停clean 清除 delete 删除 remove 删除、移动copy 复制 paste 粘贴 backup 备份rename 改名 open 打开 quit 退出 exit 退出 esc 退出 window 窗口input 输入 output 输出 十一、机场常用单词airport 机场 fly area 飞行区 terminal 候机楼 apron 停机坪 runway 跑道 taxiway 滑行道passport 护照 trailer 拖车 tow-bar 拖把 dolly 集装箱托板 aircrew

13、 机组 captain 机长 purser 乘务长 stewardess 乘务员 passenger 旅客 infant 婴儿 customs 海关 elevator 电梯 child(children) 儿童 taxiway link 滑行联络道checked baggage 托运行李 travel document 旅行文件(air)ticket 机票 (baggage)cart 手推车 coffee house 咖啡厅 store shop 商场 first class 头等舱 sterile area 隔离区 first aid 急救中心 restaurant 餐厅 VIP loung

14、e 贵宾室 security check 安检 ID card 身份证 delay flight 延误航班 domestic departure hall 国内出发厅 domestic arrival hall 国内到达厅 international departure hall 国际出发厅 international arrival hall 国际到达厅 baggage checks(stub) 行李牌 chartered flight 包机 scheduled flight 定期航班 unaccompanied child 无人陪伴儿童 duty free shop 免税商店 passen

15、ger step cars 客梯车follow-me car 引导车 carry on baggage 手提行李 boarding pass 登机牌 air traffic control tower 塔台 information office 问询处 multi-function room 多功能厅air(boarding、passenger)bridge 廊桥 activity center 职工活动中心enterprise culture display room 企业文化展室 assembly room 会议室 Chapter 2 Daily English (日常英语)Greetin

16、gs (称呼与问候)1How do you do ?你好!(初次见面时用)(回答也是一样)2How are you today (these days) 你今天(近来)好吗(熟人)3. Fine, thank you. And you 很好,谢谢,你呢4. Hows everything at home 家中一切都好吗5. Im just great. 好极了. 6.Long time no see! Hows business, Mr. Dong 好久不见了,生意如何,董先生7.Thats OK, thanks. 还算好,谢谢. 8.No, nothing much. So-so, than

17、ks. 不,不怎么好.马马虎虎,谢谢. /Farewell (告别)9.Good night, see you tomorrow. 晚安,明天见.10.See you later. 回头见.11.Goodbye. Have a nice trip. 再见,旅途愉快.12.I do hope youll come next time. 我真的希望你下次能来.13.Thanks for all your kind hospitality. 谢谢你们热情的招待.14.Welcome to Yichang again. Bye! 欢迎下次再来宜昌,再见.15.Have a pleasant journ

18、ey and good luck. 祝您旅途愉快,一切顺利(祝您好运).&Introduction (介绍)16.Glad to meet you, Im Dong Yang. 很高兴认识你,我是董阳.17.Mr. Dong, Id like to introduce my colleague Miss Zhao. 董先生,我向你介绍我的同事赵小姐.18.Excuse me, are you Mr. Hill 对不起,您是希尔先生吗19.Oh, Mr. Hill, welcome to Yichang,Please allow me to introduce myself. Im Yu Jun

19、hua, secretary, from the Office. 哦,希尔先生,欢迎你来宜昌.请允许我做一下自我介绍,我叫余俊华,办公室秘书.Let me introduce Mr. Dong, Board Chairman、General Manager of Yichang Sanxia Airport CO.,LTD.请允许我介绍宜昌三峡机场有限责任公司董事长、总经理,董先生.Thanks (致谢)20.Thank you for coming. 感谢光临.21.Thanks a lot. 多谢.22.It is very kind of you. 多谢你的好意.23.Thank you

20、 for a wonderful night. 谢谢你让我度过了一个美好的夜晚.24.I dont know what to do without your help. 没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办.26.Not at all. 别客气.27.?28.You are welcome. 不客气.29.Thats all right. 这没什么.30.It is my pleasure. 我很乐意这样做.Compliments (赞美)31.Youve done a wonderful job. Well done! 你的工作做得太好了,相当不错.32.The food is delicious.

21、 这食物真可口.33.Your Chinese is really surprising. 你的中文知识,很令人惊讶.34.Im sure everybody appreciated your speech. 我确信每个人都很欣赏你的演讲.35.36.Your children are cute. 你的孩子真讨人喜爱.37.You are excellent. 你的表现十分出色.38.You are exaggerating. I played only a small part in the whole thing.你过奖了,我在这件事里只起了很小的作用.39.Thats very kind

22、 of you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Mr. Fang.谢谢你,不过我觉得这的确归功于方先生.Congratulations and Good Wish (祝贺与祝愿)40.Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.、请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺.41.Congratulate you on your promotion. 祝贺你荣升.42.I wish you well and happy. 我祝愿你健康愉快.43.All the best to you. 祝你万事

23、如意.44.Have a good time. 祝你过得愉快.45.Happy New Year (Spring Festival)! 新年快乐(春节快乐)!Apologies and Regrets (道歉与遗憾)46.Im sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了.47.%48.Sorry to have troubled you. 对不起,打搅您了.49.Please make my excuses to your friend. 请代我向您的朋友表示歉意. 50.Please excuse me for a moment. It wont be

24、 long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来.51.Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅,我打断你的谈话.52.A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time. 十分对不起,占用了你这么多时间.53.Thats OK. 没关系.54.No problem. 没关系.55.I quite understand. 我完全理解.!Asking a Favour (请求帮助)56.Could you give me some advice on my work 能对我的工作提些意见吗57.Can you h

25、elp me 你能帮我吗58.Can you tell me something about Sanxia Airport 您可以告诉我三峡机场的有关情况吗59.I want you to do me a favour, sir. 先生,我有事求你.60.I think maybe you can help me. 我想也许你能帮我的忙.Making an Appointment (约会)61.Would you honor us with a visit 如蒙光临,将不胜荣幸.62.63.Could we have the honor of your presence at the meet

26、ing 可否请你光临本次会议64.When are you free 您什么时候有空65.I rather hope that he will be able to see me this morning. 我希望他今天上午能见我.66.There is something Id like to talk with you. I wonder if youll be free this afternoon.有些事情我想和您谈谈,不知您今天下午是否有空.67.I shouldnt be busy tomorrow. 我明天不忙.68.Ill be waiting for you at eight

27、 in my office. 8点钟我在办公室等您. office hours are 8:30 till noon. 我的办公时间是8点30分到中午.Agreement and Disagreement (赞成与反对)69.You are quite right. 你完全正确.70.I agree with you. 我同意你的看法.71.I think so. 我想是这样.72.Yes, indeed. 是的,的确如此.73.I dont agree. 我不同意.74.No, you are wrong. 不,你错了.75.Im afraid not. 我想不是. )Offering He

28、lp (提供帮助)76.Can I help you 能为你效劳吗77.What can I do for you, sir 要我帮忙吗先生78.Is there anything I can do for you, Sir 我能为你做点什么,先生79.Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你一下吧.80.Ill pick you up at 7:30 this evening. 我今晚七点来接你.81.Would you like something to drink What about tea 你需要点什么东西喝呢喝茶好吗82.Ive had enough, thank

29、 you. 我已经够了,谢谢.Willingness and Refusal (乐意与拒绝)83.I am glad to help you. 我很高兴帮助你.84.Im quite prepared to give up smoking. 我很乐意戒烟.85.Sorry, I cant. 对不起,我不能.86.I cant help anything. 我帮不了你.87.I have no time. 我没有时间.88.No, but thanks anyway. 不用,不过还得谢谢你.Advice and Suggestion (劝告与建议)89.¥90.Youve got to lear

30、n to put first things first. 你应该学会将最要紧的事情摆在第一位.91.I advise you to check your baggage. 我劝你检查一下行李.92.You could consider going by plane. 你可以考虑乘飞机去.Weather (天气)93.Its really cold today. 今天真冷.94.Last week it was so cold and dry. 上周又冷又干燥.95.I dont like this cold weather. 我不喜欢这样冷的天气.96.I felt shivery with

31、cold inside the house. Lets go outside to have a sun bath./在屋里我冻得直发抖,我们出去晒晒太阳吧.97.Its getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了.98.We become accustomed to the climate here and never suffer very much from the cold. 我们已习惯这里的气候了,并不觉得怎么冷.99.It is very windy today. 今天风很大.100.The wind rages furiously to tear up many trees in the street.风势很猛,

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