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1、陕旅版五年级英语下册教案教学设计导学案Unit12Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now 教学设计第1课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅版五年级下册 Unit1【主 题】Warming-up: Look and circle, Lets learn【课 时】第1课时一、教学目标1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:feel happy, feel sad, feel tired, feel angry, go out to play, make a snowman。2. 学习运用Im feeling. 表达自己的情感。二、教学准备教师准备:1. Lets learn部分的图片或猫的手偶。2

2、. 本课时的相关课件。3. Lets learn部分的教学音频。4. 若干写有Lets learn部分词汇的纸条。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前问答T: Good morning, everyone! Nice to see you again in English class. I am feeling happy now. Are you happy?(教师做出很高兴的表情)Ss: Yes.T: So we are feeling happy to be together again. And I hope well feel happy all the tim

3、e in our class.(2)新课导入 Part A Warming-up: Look and circle引导学生观察本部分各图片中人物的神情,并通过图片中人物的神情推断他们的情绪:T: Now look at the girl in the pictures. How is she feeling? Which is happy? Can you circle it?之后引导学生说出各自的情感:T: What about you? How are you feeling now?通过此任务让学生提前感知本课要学习的内容,导入新课。课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation

4、)(1)新课展示Part A Lets learnT: I have a new friend. Look. Who is he?教师出示Lets learn部分小猫的图片,向学生介绍:T: He is a cat and his name is Tom. He likes to eat fish.此处建议教师可以准备一只猫的手偶,然后模仿猫的声音向学生介绍:Hello, boys and girls! My name is Tom. I like to eat fish.1. 教授词组feel happy教师课件出示盘子里有一条鱼的图片,并提问学生:T: What can you see?S

5、1: I can see a fish.T: Yes. Its a fish. Tom likes fish, so he is feeling happy.教师板书feel happy,让学生随着教师的书写进行拼读。教学小贴示教师在教授feel的发音时,可向学生初步渗透字母组合ee在单词中的发音,并可通过已学单词,引导其归纳字母组合ee的读音i:,如:green, tree, sheep, sleep, see, street等。教师做出很高兴的表情,引导学生进行练习:T: Look at me. Im feeling happy. Are you feeling happy, too?Ss

6、: Yes.T: Show me a happy look, please.(让学生做出很高兴的表情,并一起重复句子)T&Ss: Im feeling happy.2. 教授词组feel sad课件出示一个空盘子,并提问学生:T: What can you see?S2: I can see a plate.T: Yes. Its an empty plate. Tom is hungry now. Where is the fish? It is lost.(教师出示Tom猫伤心的图片)Tom is feeling sad.教师板书并领读feel sad之后,做出很伤心的表情,说:T: Im

7、 not feeling happy. Now Im feeling sad. Look, a sad look. Show me a sad look, please.(让学生做出很伤心的表情,并一起重复句子)T&Ss: Im not feeling happy now. Im feeling sad.3. 教授词组feel angry教师以课件出示一只老鼠和一条鱼,并告诉学生:T: Look! its a mouse. He gets the fish from the plate. Tom is feeling angry now.教师出示猫生气的图片,板书并领读feel angry。教

8、师做出很生气的样子,说:T: Im not feeling happy. Now Im very angry Im feeling angry. Show me an angry look, please.(让学生做出很生气的表情,并一起重复句子)T&Ss: Im not feeling happy now. Im feeling angry. Im angry.4. 教授词组feel tiredT: Tom wants to catch the mouse, so he runs after him for a long time. Now he is feeling tired.教师出示猫

9、累的图片,板书并领读feel tired。然后,做出很累的样子,说:T: Im feeling tired. Im very tired, I want to have a rest. I want to sleep. Are you tired?Ss: Yes. Im feeling tired, too. / No. Im not feeling tired.5. 教授词组go out to play和make a snowman(1)教师出示Tom在室内的图片介绍:T: The weather is t fine. Toms friends are playing in the gard

10、en. But Tom is in the living loom, H wants to go out to play.教师出示户外的图片,板书并领读go out to play。(2)教师出示冬天的雪景以及堆雪人的图片井介绍:T: Oh. Its snowing. Lets go out to play. What can we do?从而自然引出短语make a snowman。T: Yes. We can make a snowman.(边说边板书该短语)此处教师可添加一两个句子,让学生了解一下snowman的复数形式,如:We can make two snowmen. We can

11、 make some snowmen.(2)巩固活动教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读Lets learn部分的词汇,其间注意纠正学生的错误读音。对于学生容易读错的单词(如tried, angry等),教师要注意进行有针对性的示范和训练。操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)(1)游戏:变脸1. 教师先和一名学生做示范。教师说词组,学生面向全班做出相应的表情或动作,同时重复这一词组。2. 同桌之间相互说词组做动作。(2)词汇传递将全班分成若干组,每一排为一组。然后教师分别发给每一组最后一排的学生一张写有某一词组的纸,在教师说开始后,最后一排的学生即用耳语的方式把纸上的词组

12、告诉前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的词汇告诉前面的学生,这样依次进行下去。最后,第一排的学生根据获得的信息将相应的词组写到黑板上,传得最快、最准的组获胜。【板书设计】Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now 第2课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册 Unit1 【主 题】Warming-up: Think and match, Lets talk, Lets play, Listen and tick or cross【课 时】第2课时一、教学目标1. 能听懂Lets talk对话中表示情感的词汇。2. 能用下列句型结构就情感进行表述及回答:(1) You look

13、 sad.(2) How are you feeling now?Im feeling very .(3) Are you happy / .?Yes. I am very happy /.3. 能听、说、熟读对话,语音语调准确自然。4. 通过对对话的学习,培养学生的会话能力,增加学生的学习兴趣。二、教学准备教师准备:1. Lets learn部分的图片以及Lets talk部分的教学图片。2. Lets talk和Listen and tick or cross部分的教学音频。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前问答T: Look out of the window,

14、boys and girls. Its snowing. Do you want to go out to play?Ss: Yes.T: Can you make a snowman now?Ss: .T: Its a very interesting game.(2)新课导人Part A Warming-up: Think and match教师先引导学生观察本部分图片15中的人物表情,然后提问学生:T: How is he / she feeling now? Is he / she scared / happy / sad / angry / tired?Ss: Yes, he / s

15、he is. / No. He / She is .T: Why?引导学生先观察A, B, C, D, E这五幅图片,理解其中包含的信息,然后教师引导学生根据人物表情进行连线,并用所学过的词汇和句型尝试回答,说一说为什么。课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)新课展示Part A: Lets talk1. 借助游戏“猜表情”呈现功能句:教师先把feel happy, feel sad, feel tired, feel angry这四张词汇卡片放在讲桌上,然后让一个学生上台任意抽出一张,根据词意做表情,由其他学生猜:教师在这里可以提前渗入新句型。台上学生做表情,教师提问

16、:T: Is he / she feeling happy?Ss:.若得到否定回答且台上同学所抽取的卡片为sad时,教师对台上的学生说:T: You look sad. How are you feeling now?台上学生回答:S1: Im feeling very sad.教师再对全班学生说:T: He / She looks sad. How is he / she feeling now?教师引导学生说出:T&Ss: He / She is feeling sad.教师再次问台上的学生:T: How are you feeling now?S1: Im feeling sad.T:

17、Why?教师出示词卡go out to play, 继续和该学生会话:T: Do you want to go out to play?S1: Yes.T: Can you go out to play now?S1: No, I cant. I must have class now.T: Oh, I see. You cant go out to play now. So you look sad. You are feeling sad.2. 功能句讲解:You look sad.你看起来不高兴/很难过。教师举例并鼓励学生加以运用,如:You look tired. What did y

18、ou do just now?He looks very angry. Whats the matter?教学小贴士此句中的look是系动词,与形容词连用,表示“看起来”。“look+表示情感的形容词”如:look happy / angry / sad / tired等,表示“看起来高兴/生气/难过/很累”等。3. 听力理解(1) 教师板书并领读功能句,为听力部分做铺垫:You look sad.How are you feeling now?Im feeling.Are you happy?Yes. Im very happy.(2) 教师播放录音,让学生听Lets talk部分的第1段对

19、话,回答问题,问题可参考如下:a. Is Kitty happy? Why?b. What can Kitty and her dad do?(3) 听Lets talk部分的第2段对话,回答如下问题:c. What are they doing?d. How is Kitty feeling now? 教师要注意引导学生使用完整的句子回答问题,并且注意提醒他们新句型中人称代词的替换。4. 看图说话(1)借助Lets talk第一部分的课件或挂图,师生看图说话:丁: What is the weather like today?Ss: It is snowy.T: Do you like sn

20、ow? Look at the picture. Its snowing. Kitty is sad. Do you know why?Ss: Because she cant go out to play.T: What does her dad say?Ss: He says that they can make a snowman.(2) 借助Lets talk第二部分的课件或挂图,师生看图说话:T: Look! What are they doing?Ss: They are making a snowman.T: How are they feeling now? Are they

21、happy?Ss: Yes. They are very happy.教师在教校新句型How are you feeling now? Im feeling .时,要告诉学生因为这里谈到的是对方此刻的感受,所以要用现在进行时态进行提问和回答。(2)巩固活动1. 教师播放录音,让学生听并模仿其语音语调跟读Lets talk部分的对话。2. 学生分角色朗读对话,教师给予积极评价。操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities)(1)看图片表演对话1. 教师将Lets talk部分的插图展示给学生,并和一位学生进行示范练习。2. 学生分组进行对话练习3. Show time: 两人

22、一组上台表演对话。教师要鼓励学生尽量模仿爸爸和Kitty的语音语调,表演要大方自然,学生表演完对话之后,教师可对其进行适当的精神或物质的奖励,以增强他们表演的积极性和学习英语的兴趣。(2)Part B Lets play1. 教师将相应的单词和句型写在黑板上,然后请一位学生上台,教师背对该学生,让该学生做表情,而教师问其他学生:Is S1. ? 并根据其他学生的回答确定是否继续提问:Is he/she.? How is he/She feeling now? 引导学生踊跃作答。2. 教师请两位学生上台,一位做表情,另位打电话,用本课句型提问该生和其他学生(要背对做表情的同学),这样多做几组问答

23、,让学生充分练习本课时所学的新句型。也可三人一组,其中一人做表情,另两人背对背“打电话”(要求一人面向“做表情”的同学,另一人背对做表情的同学),就该同学的表情进行问答。(3)Part C Listen and tick or cross1. 教师先引导学生仔细观察本部分各图片中人物的表情,并进行简单描述,如:She looks happy. She is feeling happy. He looks angry. He is feeling angry .2. 教师播放录音,让学生根据所听到的内容判断图片是对“”还是错“”。3. 再次播放录音,要求学生复述听到的句子,并核对答案。本部分的录

24、音内容如下:1. Kitty can make a snowman. She is very happy.2. Su Nan cant go to the cinema with us. He is feeling sad.3. Mr. Zhao works in his garden. He is tired.4. The boy is late again. His teacher is very angry.参考答案:1. 2. 3. 4. 。【板书设计】Unit1 How Are You Feeling Now 第3课时教学设计【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册 Unit1【主 题】

25、Lets learn more, Talk in groups【课 时】第3课时一、教学目标1. 能听懂Lets learn more对话中表示情感的词汇和句型。2. 能运用Are you tired? Yes, a little. This makes her very angry.这些功能句型进一步就情感进行表述及问答。3. 能听、说、熟读对话,语音语调准确自然。4. 通过对话的学习,对学生进行情感教育,使其明白父母工作的辛苦,并能懂得上学迟到是一个坏习惯。二、教学准备教师准备:1. Lets learn部分的词汇卡片。2. Lets learn more部分的教学挂图。3. Lets l

26、earn more部分的教学音频。三、教学方法建议课程导入(Leading In)(1)课前问答教师拿出所准备的Lets learn部分的词汇卡片,请一位学生上台后,教师背对全班学生,向该学生随机出示卡片,要求该生看卡片做表情或动作,请台下学生猜词汇。T: Is he / she . ?Ss: Yes. / No.T: How is he / she feeling now?Ss: He / She is very . ( Because she can / cant.)(2)新课导入T: What is your mother?S1: She is a / an .T: Is she hap

27、py / sad / angry / tired at home?S1: Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. She is .T: What about your father?S1: .T: Are you helpful at home?S1: .课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation)(1)新课展示Part B Lets learn more1. 教师承接上一环节,出示Su Nan和Colin的图片,并向学生作介绍:T: Look! This is Su Nan. He is a good boy. He is helpful at home. An

28、d this is Colin. He is late for class, so Miss White is very angry. Now, lets talk about the two pictures.(1)教师出示Lets learn more第一部分的挂图:T: What can you see in the picture ?Ss: I can see Su Nan and his mom.T: Yes. Su Nans mom is very tired and thirsty after work. So, what is Su Nan doing?引导学生说出:Su Na

29、n is giving his mother a glass of water.T: He is helpful to his mom. He is really a good boy.(2)教师出示Lets learn more第二部分的挂图:T: Look at the picture. Where are Colin and Miss White?S1: They are in the classroom.T: How is Colin feeling now?S2: He is feeling sad.T: Is Miss White sad, too?S3: No. She is v

30、ery angry.2. 听力理解(1) 教师分段播放录音,让学生听对话,理解对话大意。(2) 分别为两段对话设置问题,让学生带着问题听录音。问题可参考如下:a. Is Su Nans mom tired? (Yes, a little.)b. Is Su Nan a good boy? Why?(Yes, he is. Because he cares for his mom. He gives his mom a glass of water.)c. Why is Miss White angry?(Colin is late again. This makes her very angr

31、y.)d. What is Miss White doing?(She is telling Colin to come to school on time and not to be late again.)(3) 教师再次播放录音,并随机挑选学生回答问题。3. 教师板书并讲解对话中的词汇和句型:(1) a littleAre you tired?Yes, a little.教学提示:a little “少许、有一点”,可修饰不可数名词和形容词。如:a little time, a little water; a little angry/tried, a little hungry/thirsty等。举例并鼓励学生练习运用,如:The

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