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1、帆船帆板专业英语及专业术语模板 帆船帆板专业英语及专业术语一、竞赛用语(一) 赛前有关词语1、 有关术语2、 办理报到手续3、 领器材、丈量器材4、 赛场岸上设施5、 竞赛委员会及器材(二) 竞赛中用语1、 水上航行用语2、 竞赛结束(三) 技术交流用语1、 场地特点2、 风变了解3、 航线选择4、 器材的调整5、 操船与帆的控制(四) 其它竞赛用语二、专业术语(一) 规则用语(二) 器材用语(三) 其它专业用语一、 竞赛用语帆船帆板项目的教练员与运动员参加国际比赛机会较多,在任何国家或地区举办的国际比赛,大会官方语言都为英语。因此作为教练员或运动员,都应当学会使用简练的英语与来自世界各地的选

2、手进行交流。下面简单讲授帆船帆板专业用语及专业术语。(一) 赛前有关词语:1、有关术语报名费: entry fee 级别协会年费:class fee 午餐卷:lunch coupon 纪念品:souvenir停车票:parking ticket 穿梭巴士:shuttle bus帆号:sail number 航行细则:the Sailing Instructions广告贴:the advertisement sticker 广告背心:the advertisement bib组委会:organization 身份卡: Accreditation Cards2、办理报到手续(Registratio

3、n)Excuse me, where is the Racing Office? 对不起,竞赛办公室在哪里?Over there, just behind the jetty. 在那儿,在小码头的后面。Hi, I am Chinese Europe Team. I am here for registration. 你好,我是中国欧洲级帆船队,我是来报到的。Please fill in these forms. 请添写这些表格。When you get the form signed after the measurement, please return the form to me and

4、 I will give you all the things you need for the regatta. 当你丈量完,在表上得到签字后就将这些表格交回这里,我会把你比赛所需要的东西给你。Please show me the third party insurance. 请将第三者保险给我看一下。Here is the insurance certificate from Chinese Yachting Association. 这里是由中国帆船帆板运动协会开具的保险证明。If you dont have the insurance, you must buy it here, ot

5、herwise you cant race today.如果你没有办理保险,就必须在这里购买,否则你今天不可以比赛。3、领器材、丈量器材(Get the Equipment, Measurement)Excuse me, where can I get the supplied equipment? 对不起,去哪里取提供的器材?Have you paid the equipment charter fee? 你付了器材租金了吗?You must pay 200 USD for damage deposit. You will get the refund afteryou have retur

6、ned the equipment and made sure there is no damage. 你必须付200美金器材损坏压金。一旦你交回器材并确保器材无损后就可以退回压金。You must go to the Measurement Tent for measurement. 你必须到丈量棚去丈量器材。Sir, it is my turn. Here is the Measurement Form. 先生,该轮到我了。这里是丈量表。Please put your sail on the table and unfold it. I will check and stamp on it

7、. 请将你的帆放在桌子上展开。我要检查并在上面盖章。Please move your boat to the weighing scale. 请将你的船放到这个称上。You should put 850g weight on the boat, cause your boat is under weight. 你需要将850克重物放到船上,因为你的船低于标准重量。Excuse me, sir. Would you please sign on my form? 对不起先生,你可以在表上签字了吗?Sorry, I cant. You must have your rudder weighed a

8、gain.对不起,你需要先将舵过一下称。4、赛场岸上设施(About facilities on shore)俱乐部主楼:main club house 帆船、游艇港:Marina港口:harbour 下水坡道:slipway停车区:parking area 停车收费机:parking meter医药中心:medical service center 急救中心:first aid帆船器材店:marine shop 厕所,洗手间:toilet仲裁办公室:jury room: 新闻中心:media center投币电话:coin phone: 磁卡电话:card phone岸上信号旗杆:shore

9、 mast pole 港口值班主任:harbour master5、竞赛委员会器材词汇(About the Equipment of the Racing Committee)起航船:starting boat 终点船:finish boat标旁船:mark boat 救生船:security boat仲裁船:jury boat 器材船:equipment boat锚绳:anchor line 浮标:mark buoy音响喇叭:sound horn 信号旗:ICF flag罗径:compass 风速仪:wind-meter望远镜:telescope 航海对讲机:VHF radio专用防寒服:

10、weather gear 卫星定位仪:GPS(二) 竞赛中用语 介绍比赛期间需要用到的英语对话及词汇1、 水上航行用语(Terms while racing)右舷!Starboard! 抗议!Protest!明显在前!Clear ahead! 请给绕标空间!Buoy room!迎风换舷!Tack! 你迎风换舷!You tack!上风!上风!Up! Up! 请避让!Keep clear!正当航线!Proper course! 迎风偏转!Luffing!相联!Overlap! 没有相联!No overlap!2、竞赛结束(The end of the racing day)Excuse me, I

11、 want a Scoring Enquiry Form. 对不起,我要一张分数质询表。Hello sir, can you give me a protest form? 喂!你可以给我一张抗议表吗?How are you, madam! Where is the sign in/sign off sheet. 你好!女士。哪里是上/下水签到表?Can you give me a 720 Declare Form? 你可以给我一张720度解脱声明表吗?I would like to lodge the protest. 我要提交抗议。(三) 技术交流1、 场地特点(About the rac

12、ing site)How do you think of the characteristic of the racing site? 你认为这个场地的特点如何?Its quite tricky. 很复杂。You should be careful of the current. 你应当心水流的影响。The wave is steep and short. 这里的浪又陡又短。But yesterday the water is flat. 但是昨天水面很平。Usually outside is choppy. 通常外面会有碎浪。The swell is long and smooth.涌浪又长

13、又顺滑。2、风变了解(About the wind)What do you think of the wind? Is it shifty or steady. 你认为这里的风怎么样?有风摆还是风较稳定?Its quite shifty and gusty. 风摆很大,阵风也很明显。But, usually the wind changes to the right in the afternoon. 但是,通常风向在下午转向右面。Usually the wind picks up at about 11:00 and calms down in the late afternoon. 通常在

14、11:00开始起风,傍晚风力减弱。3、航线的选择(About the course choosing)You have a perfect course on the first beat, race 2. 你在第二轮第一迎风段的航线太捧了?Yes, I am so lucky that I just tack at the right place and the right time. 是的,我太幸运了,迎风换舷时机非常恰当。Whats wrong with you at the second beat, race 3? 你第三轮第二迎风出了什么问题。.I went too far at t

15、he left. I should have tacked half way of the left. 我在左面走的太远了。我应该在左面走到一半时就迎风换舷。But you are still lucky that you did not go to the end of the left side. 但你还算幸运的,你没有在左边走到底。4、器材的调整(About the tuning)Can you look at my sail and tell me why I am so slow today. 你可以看一下我的帆并告诉我为什么今天我跑得不快吗?I think your sail is

16、 too flat. 我想你的帆太平了。You should tighten the down-haul. 你应该拉紧前帆角下拉索。You should open the leach a little bit. 你应当将帆后边打开。Your should put down the centerboard about 10cm during downwind. 你跑尾风时应该将稳向板放下去10cm。5、操船与帆的控制(About equipment handling)Why cant I rail my board today? 为什么我今天没有办法把帆板倾起来。You should move

17、your feet to the rail of your board. 你应该将两脚移到板舷位置。I always felt it difficult to catch the wave and surf during downwind. 我总是感到尾风难以抓到浪滑行。You should focus on the moving direction of the big wave. 你应当将注意力集中到大浪的运动方向上去。You should know how to analyze different kinds of wave. 你应当懂得如何分析不同的涌浪形态。(四) 其它竞赛用语Tom

18、orrow 18:00 will be the time for Closing Ceremony. After that there will be a disco party for all competitors. Will you come? 明天18:00将举行闭幕式,然后有一个为所有参赛选手举办的迪斯科晚会,你们会来吗?Yes! But where is it? 是的,但是在哪里呢?It will take place at the Royal Sydney Yacht Club. The shuttle bus will leave our club at 17:00. 将在悉尼

19、皇家帆船俱乐部举行。接你们的巴士将于17:00离开我们的俱乐部。Excuse me sir, I would like a copy of the result sheet for Laser Class. 对不起,我想要一份激光级的成绩表。Where is todays result? 哪里有今天的成绩?Its not ready. There are still two protests on the jury room for hearing. 还没有好呢!还有两个抗议在仲裁室未审理完呢。二、 专业术语规则及器材两个方面的专业术语(一) 规则用语帆船帆板竞赛规则非常每繁杂,在比赛中常执行

20、的几项规则有:国际帆船竞赛规则: the Racing Rule of Sailing,英文简写为RRS.航行细则: the Sailing Instructions,英文简写为SIs.竞赛通则: the Notice of Race,英文简写为NoR.级别规则: the Class Rules.规则中所涉及到的术语也很多,下面简要介绍一些常用词汇。前文中已经出现的就不再重复。航行权:right of way 同舷风:same tack上风:windward 下风:leeward左舷:port 右舷:starboard改变航线:change course 两倍船长:two hull lengt

21、h推迟:postpone 放弃:abandon顺风换舷:gybing 障碍物:obstruction翻船:capsized 起航:start全部召回:general recall 个别召回:individual recall黑旗规则:black flag rule 碰标:touch the mark时间限制:time limit 摇帆:pumping补偿:redress 上诉:appeal(二) 器材用语1、 器材术语(Terms about equipment)船体:hull 板体:board稳向板:centerboard (帆板)稳向板:daggerboard 尾鳍:fin 稳向板箱:ce

22、nterboard case舵柄:rudder tiller 副舵柄:tiller extension桅杆:mast 帆杆:boom桅杆上截 :upper mast 桅杆下截:lower mast前帆:jib 球形帆:spinnaker主缭绳:main sheet 前帆缭绳:jib sheet侧支索:shroud 侧支索撑臂:shroud spreader夹绳器:clam cleat 滑轮:block斜拉器:kicking strap 帆前角下拉索:cunningham后帆角(外拉)调整索:outhaul 后帆角(内拉)调整索:inhaul帆板前下角调整索:downhaul 桅杆加长杆:mas

23、t extension船艏:bow 船尾板:transom桅杆加长杆:mast extension 帆杆加长杆:boom extension万向节:universal joint 前甲板:fore deck后帆边:leach 前帆边:luff船底放水器:automatic bailer 风向线:tell tail2、 其它器材及装备术语(Terms for other relevant equipment)干式保暧服:dry suit 湿式保暧服:wetsuit船拖车:trolley 船罩:boat cover防晒油:sun block 太阳镜:sun glass手套:glove 帽子:cap

24、工具箱:tools box 冰简:ice box教练艇:coach boat 橡皮艇:rubber boat(三)其它专业用语1、 有关航海的专业术语(Terms about sailing)罗径方位:compass bearing 潮汐表:tide table海图:chart 浪高:wave height方位线:lay-line 忽略地球曲度的目标间直连线:rhumb line潮汐流:tidal current 潮差:tidal difference退潮:ebb 涨潮:rising tide退潮流:ebb current 流向:current direction2、 有关流体力学、风帆空气动

25、力学的专业术语(Terms about hydrodynamic and sail-aerodynamic)迎角:attack angle 风向角:wind angle帆角:sail angle 升力:lift前进阻力:forward resistance 侧向阻力:side resistance气动力中心:aerodynamic center 船体侧阻中心:hull side drag center诱导阻力:induce drag 兴波阻力:wave drag3、 有关气象学的专业术语(Terms about meteorology)气象学:meteorology 气象预报:weather

26、forecast梯度风:gradient wind 贸易风:trade wind地理风:geography wind 海风:sea wind 季风:seasonal wind 海风:sea breeze高压:high pressure 低压:low pressure风力:wind velocity 风向:wind direction冷锋:cold front 暧锋:warm front气象图:weather chart 卫星云图:satellite image 热带气旋:tropical circulation 热带风暴:tropical storm风级:beaufort 4级风:force

27、44、 有关协会及官员的术语(federation and officials)中国帆船帆板运动协会简称:CYA 国际帆联简称:ISAF亚洲帆船运动协会简称:AYF 国际激光级级别协会简称:ILCA国际芬兰人级级别协会简称:IFA 国际欧洲级级别协会简称:IECU国际米氏帆板级别协会简称:IMCO 国际翻波板级别协会简称:IFCA国际470级别协会:International 470 Class Association主席:Chairman 副主席:Vice Chairman秘书长:Secretary General 司库:Treasurer仲裁主任:Jury Chairman 总裁判长:Race Officer俱乐部主任:Commodore 技术代表:Technical Delegate水上工作人员:Water Staff 丈量长:Chief Measure裁判:Judge 现场裁判:Umpire

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