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1、阅读七选五【特色题型强化练】阅读七选五(2020嘉兴模拟)Earlier this year I removed all Internet services from my home,which was very upsetting at first,but I have lived that way._1_I was not content with the time I was wastingI felt I could do more purposeful things than spend it on the Internet.If there is something I want

2、to research on the Internet,I write it down and use that list when I have Internet access._2_ Ill go to the office,the library,the coffee shop,or some other place with free public Wi-Fi,and work on what I need to do online._3_ I log on (登录) to watch some videos or laugh at funny pictures,but I go on

3、 the Internet with the intention of doing these things.Whenever Im on the Internet now,I use it in a deliberate way,a way that benefits me and my life,and a way that adds value._4_ I could focus on writing without being disturbed.I have more time to read,to write,to think,to exercise and to walk.Bec

4、ause Im out of the house and there are people around,I meet new people.Additionally,I have more time for friends and I feel less stressed and my thoughts are clearer.My mind is more focused on important things._5_ Plus,I no longer long for the Internet like I once did.It will be upsetting at first,b

5、ut you will live,and your life will be better without it.A.I dont have a monthly Internet bill.B.Now the Internet is a tool I use to improve my life.C.Now Im forced to leave the house to get the Internet.D.This doesnt mean I think the Internet is bad or wrong.E.Since I got rid of the Internet at hom

6、e,Ive found so many benefits.F.Here are some of my tips to use the Internet in a more productive way.G.It ended up being the most productive and wisest decision Ive ever made.【语篇解读】本文属于记叙文。作者谈到了自己在家里不再使用网络,刚开始时这会令人很不快,但结果证明这是一个非常明智且让人收获满满的决定。1.G考查承上启下。结合空前一句和下文内容可知,作者谈到自己将家庭网络移除,他起初感到很沮丧,但是很快能享受充实的生


8、家庭网络后的好处,A项表示“我没有每月的网络费用”,这也是好处之一,故选A。I did not go on my first hike until my mid-30s.I could blame it on the fact that I grew up on the Great Plains of South Dakota and North Dakota._1_ Having never gone,I didnt see the value and always shook my head when asked._2_ At the urging of my wife,and with

9、my two young kids,we walked a beautiful forest path on a cool August morning.I carried a small backpack with water and snacks (小吃).When we reached the top,we ate lunch together overlooking a perfectly still pond and a scenic Vermont.A few weeks ago,my 11-year-old son,my 61-year-old dad,and I hiked C

10、amelback Mountain in Phoenix.Last weekend,I hiked down the Grand Canyon with my son along the South Kaibab Trail.And later this week,my wife and daughter will join us to walk the Waterfall Trail in the White Tank Mountains._3_Now,just to be clear,by no means would I classify myself as an expert hike

11、r._4_ And I have no plans to climb Mount Kilimanjaro or walk the Appalachian Trail.But waking early on a Saturday morning to walk 35 miles along a forest path with lunch in the backpack is a journey Id recommend to anyone.It is healthy physical exercise that creates wonderful memories._5_ And given

12、the chance,hiking teaches us important truths about life.A.Most of our hikes only last 2 hours.B.Ive fallen in love with climbing mountains.C.I love the stillness and calm of an empty path.D.But mostly,to be honest,I just wasnt interested.E.If you can climb a mountain,you can do anything.F.It provid

13、es an opportunity to slow down and disconnect.G.I went on my first hike a few years back while living in Vermont.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者直到35岁左右才开始第一次远足而后喜欢上爬山的经历,作者认为这种锻炼方式提供了一个让生活慢下来、脱离尘世的机会。1.D前一句讲到,“我”可以把35岁左右之前从未远足过归咎于“我”生活在大平原上,结合空后一句可知,此处隐含的意思是:真实原因并非如此。故选择D项“但是老实说,我主要是不感兴趣罢了”。2.G第一段讲“我”对远足不感兴趣,本

14、空之后讲的是“我”的一次远足经历,因此空处应涉及一次远足的内容,故答案为G。3.B上一段讲第一次远足的经历,本段讲其后的远足经历和计划,故本空为总结句,应表示经过了第一次远足后,“我”爱上了爬山,故选B。4.A前一句讲到“我”不认为自己是一个专业远足者,后一句讲“我”并没有计划去爬世界高峰或挑战高难度的远足,因此本空应该讲“我”远足的运动强度不高,故选A项。5.F前后两句都在讲远足的好处,故此处也应是同样的,故选F项“它(远足)提供了一个让生活慢下来、脱离尘世的机会”。(2020学军中学模拟)When youre depressed,the tendency is to withdraw an

15、d keep yourself apart from other people so that communicating with even close family members and friends can be tough.Seeking help is not a sign of weakness and it wont mean youre a burden to others.Your loved ones care about you and reach out to you.Here is how to seek depression support.Look for s

16、upport from people who make you feel safe and cared for._1_ They just need to be a good listener,someone who will listen attentively without judging you while you are talking about your problem._2_ Phone calls,social media,and texting are great ways to stay in touch,but they dont replace good old-fa

17、shioned in-person quality time.The simple act of talking to someone face to face about how you feel can play a big role in relieving depression and keeping it away.Find ways to support others.Its nice to receive support._3_ So find waysboth big and smallto help others.For example,you can volunteer i

18、n your local non-profit organizations,or you can be a listening ear for a friend.In a word,just do something nice for somebody else.Care for a pet.While nothing can replace the human connection,pets can bring joy and companionship into your life and help you feel less isolated (孤单的).Caring for a pet

19、 can also get you outside of yourself and give you a sense of being needed._4_Join a support group for depression._5_That is because you can understand each other much better than other people.Besides,you can also encourage each other,give and receive advice on how to handle depression,and share exp

20、eriences of fighting against depression.A.Call or text an old friend.B.Make face time come first.C.Both are powerful solutions to depression.D.The people you talk to dont have to be able to comfort you.E.Therefore,being around other people will make you feel less depressed.F.Being with others with s

21、imilar problems can go a long way in reducing depression.G.But you can get an even bigger amount of pleasure from providing support yourself.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文,提供了缓解抑郁的几条切实可行的建议。1.D考查细节支撑。根据本段主题句和空后的“他们只需要做一个很好的倾听者”可知,本空应选D项“与你交谈的人不必非得能安慰你”。2.B考查段落主旨。分析第二、四、五、六段的结构可知,本空是本段主题句,且应是一个祈使句,只有A、B项可选;本段中“The si

22、mple act of talking to someone face to face”是很好的提示。故选B项。3.G考查承上启下。此空需要瞻前顾后:前面的“Find ways to support others.Its nice to receive support”和后面的“find waysboth big and smallto help others”都与G项中的“providing support yourself”呼应,且G项与空前一句形成转折,故G项是最佳答案。4.C考查细节支撑。C选项中的Both与空前提到的照看宠物的两个好处相呼应:照看宠物既能给你带来快乐和陪伴,又让你走出

23、自我并产生被需要的感觉。故C项符合语境。5.F考查承上启下。F选项中的“Being with others with similar problems”既能够与主题句“Join a support group for depression”呼应,又能与下文提到的互相理解、互相鼓励、提供并接受应对抑郁的建议、分享与抑郁作斗争的经历产生关联,因此F项是最佳答案。With time and experience,most adults know that not getting enough sleep can be harmful to us.Too bad,teens dont see that

24、 connection so clearly.Its up to parents to convey the importance of sleeping enough._1_Play up the positives.Sometimes it helps to point out the benefits that come with changing a behavior.In this case,not only will quality sleep help teens focus better in school and feel happier overall,it can imp

25、rove the appearance of their skin._2_Lay stress on consistency.A lot of teenagers,and even grown-ups,think they can spend less time on shut-eye during the week if they make up for it on the weekend.Not true.An extra hour or two of sleep on Saturday and Sunday can do us more harm than good._3_ As a r

26、esult,it is hard to fall asleep at the appropriate time on Sunday evening.Give the hard facts._4_ Thats why its so important to explain what it feels like to be too tired to get behind the wheel.Promise your teen that he can always call you to pick him up no matter where he is or what time it is,if

27、hes too sleepy to drive._5_ Sleep isnt as fun as texting with friends and it seems less necessary than cramming for an exam.Help your teen view sleep as a priority(优先事项) by making it one in your own life as well.Set up a family charging station for electronic devices outside of the bedrooms,so phone

28、s can be powered up overnight without tempting (引诱) anyone to check messages.Leave your own devices there when you go to bed.Rarely is anything so important that it cant wait until after a good nights sleep.A.Lead by example.B.Set aside quality family time.C.These four tips will show you how.D.It di

29、sturbs a persons internal body clock.E.It is important for us to realize the importance of a good sleep.F.Its reported that one out of five traffic accidents involves a sleepy driver.G.It also keeps them from getting sick and helps them keep a healthy weight.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。作为一名家长,如何让自己的孩子拥有足够的睡眠呢?对此


31、确定,本空所选的句子应与开车有关。而F项讲述的是睡眠不足带来交通事故的危险。因此,本题应选F。5.A考查段落主旨。本空位于段首。根据短文的结构我们可以看出,本空是本段的主题句,应是祈使句。再结合本段的大意我们可以确定,本段讲述的是家长要以身作则。而A项符合相关的要求。If you want to make a great first impression,you can take some basic steps:Smile,make eye contact,listen more than you talk,ask the other person questions.But how can

32、 you convince yourself that people will like you?_1_.Give a sincere compliment.Everyone loves to be praised,_2_.Show interest by asking questions.Ask what its like to do what the person does.Ask whats hard about it.Ask what the person loves about it.Youll soon find things to compliment.Focus on letting people talk about themselves.People love to talk about themselves.Resea

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