1、高三开学第一课英语高三开学第一课英语以下是XX为大家搜集整理的,欢迎借鉴与阅读! 高三开学第一课英语(一) 从上个学期开始,我带上了高三英语,站在新学期的门槛上,我感觉到从未有过的光荣与自豪,因为这是我从教以来第一次带高三,然而,我又感到了肩上从未有过的重重压力,对我来说可以说是一个不小的挑战,因为一方面高三英语知识系统性强,同时又不乏细小繁琐知识的掌握,学生阅读能力和写作技巧的培养更要上一个新的台阶,另一方面,就是学生的特殊性,我所带的学生,大都是初中英语学得不好,知识断层现象相当严重,未经任何形式的对初中阶段内容的复习和巩固,就直接学习高中阶段的知识,加之多年来养成的懒散厌学的学习习惯和态
2、度,故而他们只是时间老人将其推到了高三学习的大门,就知识的输入和存储而言,某种程度上来说,甚至都不如一个初三年级的中上等学生。正是基于以上知识客观性和学生主观性两方面因素,我对于高三英语复习课不知该如何下手,而对于新学期的第一课,我更是不敢有丁点儿怠慢。 在上高三英语课的第一课之前,我进行了反复的思考,同时又对高中阶段的所有英语课本内容进行了细致而全面的分析和整合,可以说,做到了精心的准备。 针对我的学生,我进行了如下学情分析: 一、学生词汇量太小,甚至是对于一些初中学过的单词,当我问到个别学生的时候,他们都不知道意思。例如:单词patient,这是一个初中曾经学过的单词,当问及学生的时候,大
3、部分能说出其中文意思是“病人”,但也有个别学生不认识,当我继续追问该单词作形容词时的中文意思时,大部分学生都无言了,只是一个简单的“耐心的”他们都不曾知道,可见学生对于单词及词义的延伸掌握的太差,这样的基础,英语复习的第一步都会是很艰难。 二、短语和固定句型的掌握也达不到应有的标准。 三、学生对于语法知识一塌糊涂。有些学生到现在连最基本的主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和补语都不知道,更别说更复杂的从句和虚拟语气等概念了。 四、以上三个问题就直接决定了学生的听、说、读、写四种能力的低下。 同时,我又对高中英语课本内容进行了分析:从必修课本一直到选修课本,内容对上至天文、下至地理以及情感、历史
4、、化学等各方面知识百科都有全方位渗透,而且,词汇在量上和难度上逐级加大,复习起来相当的困难。 经过了反复的思量和斟酌,我制定了下面的高三英语第一轮复习策略:考虑到学生的基础和课本内容的难度,我想,把高考的重点词汇、重点短语、重点句型、重点语法、复杂句式和一些名言警句放到课本上每个模块里的某些重要的句子中,学生通过对一些具体而鲜活的句子的记忆和掌握,不仅可以达到扩大词汇量、掌握重点短语句型和理解偏难语法的目的,最重要的是,学生通过背诵经典句子,从长远上来说,更能提高他们的语言表达能力、阅读理解能力和创新写作能力。这种复习的策略,无论是从短期的学习效率还是长远的能力提升上来说,我想,都不失为一种不
5、错的选择。 经过这样一番深刻的思考,我的第一课有了明确的思路,于是,我对照着必修一Module 1的学习目标,经过一遍遍的筛选,总结出了该模块的重点句子。课程具体是这样操作的: 第一步:让学生将每个句子对照着课本找到所在的位置,必要的时候我会对课本上的原句子进行适当的和必要的修改,然后让学生将这些句子摘录到自己的笔记本上,为了便于随堂检查,我把每个句子的中文意思也做到了统一,写到了每一个英文句子下面。 第二步:我把每个句子里的重点知识,比如:单词、词组、句型、语法等着重给学生做一次详细的讲解,同时让他们拿出一支不同颜色的笔,把这些重要的知识做标记于每个句子的旁边,便于在背诵的同时也能对这些知识
6、做一个记忆。 第三步:给学生时间做充分的记忆,这一环节最终是要经过记忆做到:看着中文句子,能够很流利的用英语表达出来。 第四步:经过适当时间的记忆后,进入随堂检测的第一环节,老师在课堂上随机抽查学生对于重点句子的记忆情况,在提问的时候,对于基础好的学生,老师给出中文,让学生用英语表达出来,标准是必须要做到流利;对于基础差的学生,只提问知识点,如:单词的正确拼写,短语和词组的牢固掌握等等,也是必须要熟练。 第五步:经过第一环节的提问后,马上进入第二环节:听写。在这一环节,老师任意地念句子,学生在纸上将句子写出来,每个句子读四遍。第一遍,以正常语速读;第二、三遍,放慢朗读的速度,学生开始写;第四遍
7、,还原正常语速,学生对所写的句子进行最后的检查。 第六步:将所写句子收回评判,公布学生成绩。 以上就是我在高三英语总复习第一课的完整的教学步骤。这样一节课下来,学生普遍反映效果不错,都说不仅记住了单词短语,而且对一些较难的语法知识也能开始初步理解了,其实,我想,如果能这样坚持下去,学生的写作能力也会有很大的提高。在这节课上,大部分学生能够背会,但也有个别同学还是连里面的重点单词都记不住,还有一个问题就是,虽然大部分同学能背会,但都不能达到非常熟练的程度。 学生面临的是一年后的高考,要完成这样一个重大的任务,绝非一朝一夕之功,前方的道路仍然会有许多荆棘,仍然会很长远。但话又说回来,无论前方的道路
8、有多难多艰,人是活的,只要有继续走下去的信心、勇气和毅力,我想即使是荆棘丛生,也会有好花终开,好景永在! 高三开学第一课英语(二) I want to thank you very much for the chance to be here. Its wonderful to see all of you, so, please have a seat. Im here in China because I just got back from Xinjiang and also Gansu. Someone asked me one time: “How did you get start
9、ed, in the government? ” And I would say to them that I didnt really expect to start in the government. So, I started in America, as, you know, a third grader, I came to United States when I was about eight years old. I started third grade. I didnt speak English. And it was very very difficult, with
10、 my parents as well. We didnt know the language in America, we didnt understand the food. We didnt understand the tradition, the culture. So Im still very Chinese that way. People asked me “what prepares you to success? What motivates you?” And for me, Id say,I want to make my parents proud. Because
11、 they sacrifice so much for the children;I always want to work for a bigger purpose than just for myself. So I always want to be able to contribute and to help other people. So, if you were to ask me what were my career goes? I didnt have any, which in retrospect was a good thing. Because our commun
12、ity at that time was so small. So, for me, when I graduated from school, I was serious. I had very simple goals: one, is to get a job; two, it is basically to get an apartment, so I can be independent. And then I went to Harvard, Business school. I graduated from Harvard Business school. And because
13、 my family was in business, I decided to go into banking, to get some experience in banking. I didnt understand so much of what was banking was all about, but I learned. So I worked for Citi Group. And then when I was in the middle of working for Citi Group after 4 years, I had the opportunity to wo
14、rk at the White House. Because Citi Group has a special program. They selected outstanding performers within the bank, and gave them an opportunity to support them for an intern in the government. So I was selected as a White House fellow. And I worked at the White House for one year. It was a diffi
15、cult time, its not easy. But I was so excited. It was so interesting. Because there were no Chinese, no Asians at the White House at that time. So I felt that I was blazing new trails for other Asian Americans. And then I was learning a lot to be a better leader for the future. So I worked at the Wh
16、ite House for a year. And the President at that time, Ronald Reagan was from Califorlia. I grew up in New York. Ive never been to California, so I decided that I wanted to go to California. So I found a job with Bank of America in California and moved to California. I didnt know anybody, I didnt hav
17、e any friends there but I was so excited. I just wanted to see what California was like. So I was in California for about 3 years and then one day I got a phone call, from Secretary Elizabeth Doll. And she was the secretary of transportation. And she needed someone who understood banking, which I ha
18、d gained in experience from Citi Bank. And she also needed someone who understood shipping, which I also had gained from Bank of America. So the two expertise really helped me to get the job that she had in mind. She had a portfolio in the department of transpo rtation that was loosingbillion dollar
19、s a year. And she needed a banker to go and clean it up. So within one weekend, I flew back from California, found an apartment in Washington DC, and started work on Monday. And then from, this was the maritime administration. I worked there for 2 years, learned a great deal about the government. An
20、d around, um, 2 years later, I was appointed the chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission. And the reason why I was appointed was because the previous chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission had passed away suddenly. So they needed the government, they needed someone who understood shipping,
21、who had been in the government in shipping, who can be the chairman. So once again, my particular background in shipping, transportation, banking was very important. And, so I was chairman for about a year. And then a new president came in. And it was President, the first President Bush, and so he a
22、sked me to be the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Transportation. And at that time, I was, um, I mustve been only 35. Still older than you, but very very young. I was one of the youngest deputy secretaries, um, in the whole government. And I was also the only, the first Asian American Deputy S
23、ecretary in United States government. And then in 1992, that was 22 years ago, so many, such a long time ago, um, President Bush lost his re- election. So when he loses a re- election, what happens in America is everybody whos with him goes. So I joined United way of America. And United Way is thech
24、arity in America. I was there for 4 years. I had a little bit of time to get married, at the age of 39. It was very late. My husband as you um know, is the, um, leader in the, um, Congress, Hes very, he is a very good husband. He does his own laundry, he cooks, and he helps me with the house, too. H
25、e is very encouraging on women, um, and I think its really important, to find someone who is going to be your life partner. Because they will help you adapt to your life, and they will help you adapt to your career as well. And so in 1996, I wanted to have a break, so I joined a THINK TANK where I t
26、ook some time to study and learn more about the American political system, how to get ideas across. Because America is a very confrontational society. You know people are arguing all the time. So some people are saying this, some people are saying that. And its OK, so theres a lot of fighting, back
27、and forth. And then in um, XX, President George W. Bush, was getting ready for his presidential bid, and I had known him before, because I had campaigned with his, um, with him for his father and I had known him because he is also form Harvard Business School. Um, President George W. Bush was the cl
28、ass of 1971, and I was class of 1979. So we knew each other from that as well. And youll be interested to know that I actually was supposed to get, I thought, the Department of Transportation, but, no nominee got the Department of Transportation. And so I was very disappointed and I think it tells y
29、ou a lesson in that if you are faced with disappointment: , you must always think of the long term, so even if though it could be a disappointment, dont be discouraged. If you handle the disappointment well, and there will be lots of other opportunities. And so, indeed, I was, um, originally, um, no
30、t offered, but I was indicated that Secretary of Labor was the position that they wanted for me. And I wasnt really very familiar, um, with labor as much as I was familiar with transportation. So I was hoping to be appointed to transportation. But when that did not happen, you know, I was very calm,
31、 and I thanked the President and his team for considering me, I wished them well in their new administration, thinking that I was not going to be a part of it. And then 2 weeks afterwards, the Presidents nominee for the Secretary of Labor position encountered difficulties in her confirmation hearing
32、. In the United States, the President proposes a secretary and then the Congress, the Senet approves. So the original choice for the Secretary of Labor encountered difficulties in her confirmation process and she had to drop out. So they, the White House and the President needed to find a new Secretary of Labor, someone they trusted, someone who they know can clear, and gain the approval of the Senet, who had no blemish on their record so they can go through the confirmation process very easily. And so, they approached me ag
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