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1、功夫熊猫1功夫熊猫传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士Legend tells of a legendary warrior,他的功夫无人能敌whose kung fu skillswere the stuff of legend.浪迹江湖 一路行侠仗义He travelled the landin search of worthy foes.既然你这么爱吃试吃看看我的拳头如何!I see you like to chew.Maybe you should chew on my fist.武士一言未发 因为他嘴里塞满了食物The warrior said anythingfor his mouth wa

2、s full.但他一口把食物吞下 然后说少啰唆! 接招吧!Then he swallowed.And then he spoke.Enough talk. Lets fight.看招他的致命招数无人能挡He was so deadly in fact,that his enemies will go blind,敌人都被他的正义之光闪瞎了眼from over exposure to pureawesomeness.我看不见了!他武功盖世!极具魅力My eyes!Hes too awesome!我们该怎么报答你呢?And attractive.How can we re-pay you?路见不平

3、,拔刀相助 无需回报!There is no charge for awesomeness.Or attractiveness.爆发吧!千军万马全被踏在足下 艺高人胆大It mattered not how many foes he faced.They were no match for his voracity.有史以来最使人敬畏Never before had a pandabeen so feared, and so loved.又最令人销魂的熊猫即使是打败天下无敌手的中原五侠客也对他佩服得五体投地Even the most heroic heroesin all of China,T

4、he Furious Five.Bowed in respect to this great master.什么时候一起出去放松放松没问题We should hang out.Agreed.但现在不是放松的时候面对石门山一万疯狂大军时But hanging out wouldhave to wait.Cause when youre facing the tenthousand demons of demon mountain.当务之急是.There is only one thingthat matters and thats.你该起床不然要迟到了Get up!Youll be late f

5、or work.啥?阿波 快起床Po.Get up!阿波 你在那干嘛呢Hey, Po.What are you doing up there?没干嘛Ahh. nothing.猴子! 螳螂! 仙鹤! 毒蛇! 老虎!Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Viper,Tigress . Roarrrr!Ahh.阿波 快点 你要迟到了Po. Lets go.Youre late for work.我来了Coming!对不起 老爸对不起有什么用 又不能拿它来煮面条Sorry Dad.Sorry, doesnt make the Noodles.你刚在楼上干什么 那么吵?What were you

6、 doing up there?All that noise?没什么 做了个怪梦而已Oh.nothing.Just had a crazy dream.关于什么的梦? 你梦到什么了?About what? Uh?What were you dreaming about?我梦到.What was I.aah. I was dreaming about a.面条了面条? 你真的梦到面条了?Noodles.Noodles?You were really dreaming about noodles?是啊 不然我还能梦什么Uhh. Ya,what else would I be dreaming ab

7、out?当心面汤很烫Oh, careful.That soup is - sharp!太令人高兴了Oh. happy day.My son finally having the noodle dream.我的儿子终于梦到了面条你不知道为了这一刻我已经等待了多久You dont know how longI have been waiting for this moment.这是个好兆头 阿波This is a sign, Po.什么事情的兆头?Uh. a sign of what?你就要准备好继承我的神秘配方汤的神秘配方了You are almost ready to beentrusted

8、with the secret ingredient,. of my secret ingredient soup.然后实现你的命运 接管这间餐馆And then you will fulfill your destinyand take over the restaurant.就像我从我父亲那继承Just as I took over from my fatherwho took over from his father.他又继承自他的父亲最早是他和朋友打麻将赢来的who won it from a friendover a game of mahjong.老爸 别激动 不过是个梦Dad,

9、dad, dad.It was just a dream.2不 这不是一般的梦No, it was the Dream.我们是面条世家Wu Xiang noodles.Po, broth runs through our veins.面汤在我们的血液中流串着但是 老爸 你有没有想过.去干点别的But Dad, didnt you everwanted to do something else?除了做面条之外Something, beside noodles.实际上 想当年我年轻气盛时Actually, when I was youngand crazy.也曾想过要离家出走 去学做豆腐I tho

10、ught of running awayand learning how to make tofu.为什么没去呢?So why didnt you?因为那个梦想愚蠢得很Oh, because it wasa stupid dream.你能想象我做豆腐是什么样子吗?Can you imagine me making tofu?啊哈哈哈 豆腐?Ha, ha, ha. Tofu!笑死人了我绝不会干No, we all have our placein this world.我们都有自己的宿命我的地盘就是这 而你的.My is here and yours is. I know is here.我知道

11、 也是这不对 是2号 9号 7号和12号桌的No, its tables 2, 5 ,7 and 12.别忘了微笑Service with a smile.干得好 徒弟们你们让我失望的本领真好Well done, students. if you were tryingto disappoint me.小虎 不够凶狠Tigress, you need more ferocity.Monkey greater speed.大猴 加快速度老鹤 再高点毒蛇 不够灵巧 螳螂.Crane, height. Viper, subtlety.Mantis. Master Shifu.- 师傅- 干嘛?Mas

12、ter Shifu. What?龟仙人有请It.its Master Oogway,he wants to see you.龟仙人 您召见我有何贵干?Master Oogway, you summoned me?Is something wrong?一定得有要事才能见见自己的老朋友吗Why must something be wrongfor me to want to see my old friend?这么说来.没事?So, nothing is wrong?Well, I didnt say that.我可没那么说你是想说.You were saying?我预见到.太郎将重出江湖I ha

13、ve had a vision.Tai Lung will return.这不可能! 他身处狱中That is impossible.Hes in prison.万事皆有可能Nothing is impossible.平先生 火速飞去啸岗监狱Zeng, fly to Chordom Prison.Tell them to double the guards,叫他们把狱守数量加倍 把武器加倍Double the weapons.Double everything.把一切都加倍- 绝不能让太郎逃出来- 是! 师傅Tai Lung does not leavethat prison.Yes, Mas

14、ter Shifu.命中注定的事 躲也躲不过One often meets his destiny onthe road he takes to avoid it.我们必须有所行动如果太郎真的回到和平谷报仇We have to do something. We cantjust have him march in the valley.And take his revenge.Hell, hell.他会. 他会.你的心好似这潭湖水 老朋友Your mind is like this watermy friend. When it is agitated.如果波澜起伏 就会模糊不清. it becomes difficult to see.但如果平静下来But if you allow it to settle,the answer becomes clear.解决之道必将自现龙之典The Dragons scroll.时候到了.It is time.But who?但是谁呢?谁有资格继承这无穷的力量?Who is worthy to

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