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1、教材例句精析冀教八上 冀教八上-教材例句 Unit 1Me and My Class(冀教八上U1) Lesson 1英汉对照(冀教八上U1) I am back home.我回家了。(冀教八上U1) Today was my first day of school in China.今天是我在中国上学的第一天。(冀教八上U1) I am in Grade Eight this year.今年我上八年级。(冀教八上U1) My school in China is big.我在中国的学校很大。(冀教八上U1) It s bigger than yours.它比你们学校大。(冀教八上U1) Th

2、ere are about 900 students in my school.我的学校大约有900名学生。(冀教八上U1) Every grade has six classes.每个年级有六个班。 (冀教八上U1) My class has fifty pupils.我的班里有50个学生。 (冀教八上U1) We have some new teachers and classmates this year.今年我们有了一些新的老师和同学。(冀教八上U1) We have our classes in one room and the teachers come to us.我们在一个教室

3、上课,并且老师来给我们上课。(冀教八上U1) I was happy to see your e mail.我很高兴看到你的电子邮件。(冀教八上U1) It s fun to get e mail from China!收到来自中国的电子邮件很有趣!(冀教八上U1) This term, school begins at 8:30.这学期,学校8:30开始上课。(冀教八上U1) I have more teachers and more fun!(冀教八上U1) 我有更多的老师和更多的乐趣!(冀教八上U1) Every teacher has a different classroom.每一个

4、老师都有不同的教室。(冀教八上U1) We go from room to room for our class. It s good exercise for us.我们上课是从一个教室到另一个教室。对我们来讲这是很好的锻炼。(冀教八上U1) On Wednesday, my cousin Brian arrives from the U.K.周三,我的堂兄布莱恩从英国来到了这里。 (冀教八上U1) He will live with my family this year.今年他将和我的家人住在一起。(冀教八上U1) Brian is thirteen years old, just li

5、ke me!(冀教八上U1) 布莱恩13岁了,和我一样大!(冀教八上U1) Lesson 2英汉对照(冀教八上U1) Not That Old Photo!不是那张旧照片!(冀教八上U1) I wish to see your new photo!我想看看你的新照片。(冀教八上U1) Li Ming and Wang Mei are looking at their photographs for the class picture.李明和王梅正在看他们的班级照片。(冀教八上U1) That s a good picture of you, Wang Mei,says Li Ming.王梅,你

6、照得很好看,李明说。(冀教八上U1) You are wearing a red coat. I like it.你穿着一件红色上衣。 我喜欢。(冀教八上U1) Thank you, Li Ming, she says.谢谢你,李明,她说。(冀教八上U1) I like to wear my red coat.我喜欢穿我的红色上衣。(冀教八上U1) It s new. 那是件新的。(冀教八上U1) May I see your picture?我可以看看你的照片吗?(冀教八上U1) I don t like my picture.我不喜欢我的照片。(冀教八上U1) I look like a

7、little boy in it!我看起来像一个小男孩!(冀教八上U1) My mom took this picture.I was ten years old then.我妈妈在我10岁的时候给我拍的这张照片。(冀教八上U1) I m thirteen now.我现在13岁了。(冀教八上U1) I d like a new photo, but I don t have one.我想要一张新的照片,但是我没有。(冀教八上U1) PROJECTLET S MAKE A CLASS PICTURE 让我们制作一张班级照(冀教八上U1) Bring a photograph or drawing

8、 of yourself to school. 带一张你自己的照片或者画像来学校。(冀教八上U1) Write three sentences about yourself on a piece of paper.在一张纸上写下关于你自己的三句话。(冀教八上U1) Here are some things you can write about:这是一些你可以写的东西:(冀教八上U1) What is your name?你叫什么名字?(冀教八上U1) How old are you?你多大了?(冀教八上U1) How tall are you?你有多高?(冀教八上U1) What are y

9、ou wearing in the picture?照片中的你穿着什么?(冀教八上U1) You and your classmates will glue your pictures and sentences to a big piece of paper.你和你的同学们将你们的照片和句子粘贴到一张大纸上。(冀教八上U1) You will make a big picture of your class!你就可以做一张关于你们班的大照片了!(冀教八上U1) How do you do?(冀教八上U1) 你好!(冀教八上U1) I m a friend of Li Ming.我是李明的朋友

10、。(冀教八上U1) We are in the same class. 我们在同一个班。(冀教八上U1) Glad to meet you!很高兴认识你!(冀教八上U1) Lesson 3英汉对照(冀教八上U1) Danny, Brian and Jenny have Miss Cox for English class.考克斯小姐给丹尼、布莱恩和詹妮上英语课。(冀教八上U1) Today Miss Cox has a surprise.今天考克斯小姐给大家一个惊喜。(冀教八上U1) I want you to talk to a classmate.我想要你们跟其他同学进行交谈。(冀教八上U

11、1) Then I want you to write about him or her.然后我要你们写一写他们。(冀教八上U1) Danny wants to talk to Sandra,a new student in the class,but he is a little scared.丹尼想和班上的新同学桑德拉交谈,但他有些胆怯。(冀教八上U1) How do you do?你好吗? (冀教八上U1) My name is Danny.我叫丹尼。 (冀教八上U1) I m a student here.我是这儿的学生。(冀教八上U1) Can I talk to you?我可以和你

12、谈谈吗?(冀教八上U1) Glad to meet you, Danny.很高兴认识你,丹尼。(冀教八上U1) I know you re a student here.我知道你是这儿的学生。(冀教八上U1) Sure, you can talk to me!你当然可以和我交谈!(冀教八上U1) Let s see.What s my first question?让我想想我的第一个问题是什么?(冀教八上U1) What is your name, Sandra?你叫什么名字,桑德拉?(冀教八上U1) My name is Sandra!我叫桑德拉!(冀教八上U1) Oh! Let me wr

13、ite that down.噢!让我把它写下来。(冀教八上U1) What things do you love, Sandra?桑德拉,你喜欢什么?(冀教八上U1) I love the colour green.我喜欢绿色。(冀教八上U1) What foods do you love?你喜爱什么食品?(冀教八上U1) I love to eat many different foods.我爱吃许多不同的食品。(冀教八上U1) I like donuts best.我最喜欢油炸圈饼。(冀教八上U1) I also love grapes,apples,ice cream,noodles,b

14、ananas, cake,pizza,hot dogs.我还喜欢葡萄、苹果、冰淇淋、面条、香蕉、蛋糕、比萨、热狗(冀教八上U1) Now I see!现在我明白了!(冀教八上U1) Danny likes food!丹尼喜欢食物!(冀教八上U1) What s your next question?你的下一个问题是什么?(冀教八上U1) Oh! Here s my next question.噢!这是我的下一个问题。(冀教八上U1) What do you dislike?你不喜欢什么?(冀教八上U1) I hate rain.我讨厌雨。(冀教八上U1) I don t like Monday

15、s.我不喜欢周一。(冀教八上U1) And I never wear purple clothes.我从不穿紫色的衣服。(冀教八上U1) I don t like rain, either.我也不喜欢雨。(冀教八上U1) What are your interests?你的兴趣是什么? (冀教八上U1) What do you like to do after school?你放学后喜欢做什么?(冀教八上U1) I play the violin.我拉小提琴。(冀教八上U1) I love music.我喜欢音乐。(冀教八上U1) I also like going for walks.我还喜欢散步。(冀教八上U1) What do you hate to do?你讨厌做什么?(冀教八上U1) I hate to comb my hair! 我讨厌梳头发。(冀教八上U1) And I hate getting out of bed sometimes.我有时讨厌起床。(冀教八上U1) I have one more question.我还有一个问题。(冀教八上U1) Do you like dinosaurs?你喜欢恐龙吗?(冀教八上U1) PROJECTINTERVIEW CHART 采访表(冀教八上U1) Learn something new

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