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1、高二英语翻译练习与答案高二英语翻译练习与答案一1. It was those books he gave me thirty-five years ago that made me become a teacher.2. I happened to see her on my way home at dusk. It happened that I saw her on my way home at dusk.3. He said that he would arrive the next week.4. Ive talked to him on the telephone but Ive n

2、ever actually met him face to face.5. It is no pleasure staying at home doing homework all day.6. I am packing my things up for the long journey.7. She listened carefully and set down every word he said.8. He made good/full use of his time there to learn English.9. At present, women are playing an i

3、mportant part in science.10. The town has changed so much that you wouldnt recognize it.11. Do you have any thoughts on this problem?12. The agency offers practical guidance to people starting their own businesses.13. Believe it or not. Im fond of her although she has shortcomings of all kinds.14. I

4、t is the first time we have celebrated Christmas in China.15. They had been in love for 10 years before getting married.一. 翻译:1. 正是他35年前送给我的那些书使我成了教师。2. 黄昏时,我碰巧在回家的路上遇到她。3. 他说他将于第二周到达。4. 我在电话里已经和他交谈过,但实际上我从来没有见过他。5. 整日呆在家里做作业,一点趣儿都没有。6. 我在为这次长途旅行整理行装。7. 她专心听着,把他说的话一字不漏的记下来。8. 他充分利用他在那儿的时间学习英语。9. 目前妇

5、女在科学领域发挥着重要的作用。10. 这个城镇变化太大了,你会认不出来它的。11. 对于这个问题你有什么看法吗?12. 这个机构对开始经营自己生意的人提供切实可行的指导。13. 信不信由你,尽管她满身缺点,我仍然喜欢她。14. 这是我们第一次在中国过圣诞。15. 结婚前他们相爱了十年。二. 翻译:1. 在老师的帮助下,我被一所大学录取了。2. 你知道宇宙是什么时候形成的吗?3. 最重要的是,别忘了把你们的意见寄来。4. 你能就音乐欣赏给我们提些建议吗?5. 他喜欢表演并享受随之而来的祝贺。6. 他看上去很面熟,但我记不起他的名字了。7. 你准备用现金支付还是用支票支付?8. 必须制定法律来惩罚

6、那些危害野生生物的人。9. 骑骆驼在沙漠中旅行是令人难忘的经历。10. 如果人们在不行动起来,采取有效措施保护野生动物的话,愈来愈多的野生动物将会灭绝。二. 1. With the help of my teacher, I was admitted to university.2. Do you know when the universe first came into being?3. And above all, remember to send us your comments.4. Could you give us some advice on how to enjoy musi

7、c.5. He enjoys performance and the congratulations afterwards.6. He looks very familiar but I cant remember his name.7. Do you plan to pay in cash or by cheque?8. Laws must be passed to punish those who do harm to wildlife.9. Traveling in the desert by camel is really an unforgettable experience.10.

8、 If people dont take action and adopt effective measures to protect wild animals, an increasing number of them will die out.三. 翻译:1. 为了按时完成这项任务,他们夜以继日的工作着。2. 过不了多久他们就会回来的。3. 她生了一个健康漂亮的婴儿。4. 她有学语言的天赋。5. 捉弄残疾人是很不礼貌的。6. 这家旅馆使我想起我们去年住过的那一家。7. 我怎么才能重新得到他们的支持呢?8. 那棵老树从地面到树梢至少有三十米。三1. They are working day

9、and night in order to accomplish the task on time.2. They will be back before long. It wont be long before they come back.3. She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.4. She has a gift for learning languages.5. It is very rude to play a trick on the disabled.6. This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed

10、 in last year.7. How can I win back their support?8. The old tree must measure at least 30 metres from top to bottom.四. Translation:1. 我宁愿说实话而不愿撒谎。2. 他说服不了他姐姐改变主意。3. 我们昨天是在百货大楼举行的会议。4. 她虽然有很多缺点,但我们都很喜欢她。5. 小华坚持自己没有撒谎,不该向我道歉。6. 他唯一在乎的东西就是钱。7. 一旦你明白了这条规则,你就再也没有困难了。8. 我被他说服了,所以我不得不让步。9. 在战争结束时柏林城变成了一片废

11、墟。10. 死亡人数已上升至50人。11. 事故发生后,伤员被立刻送往医院。12. 正当我们处境危险时他们来援救我们了。13. 黄河在这转了个大弯。14. 我们骑骆驼旅行真是一次难忘的经历。15. 她刚刚起床,还没有穿好衣服。16. 既然他决心已定,再与他争论已毫无用处。17. 到时我们惊奇的发现他还活着。18. 今年夏天我们在乡下度过了一段快乐时光。19. 2008年5月12日,人们向往常一样去上班、上学,全然不知一场灾难即将降临。20. 我们迫不及待的等着你的加入。21. 我们误了公共汽车,看来我们只好步行了。22. 发生在汶川的大地震使成千上万的人无家可归。23. 人们不在意的一些事件也

12、可能导致灾难的发生。24. 不知不觉中一年结束了。25. 我谨向那些帮助过我的老师致谢。26. 没有任何语言足以表达我对你们的歉意。27. 地震中幸存下来的人们向部队表示深深的谢意,感谢部队为拯救他们所做出的巨大努力。28. 无论发生什么事情,我们都不能丧失希望与信心。29. 到了车站,我们环顾四周,却没有发现任何人。30. 有消息说,洪水过后,全村到处都是残垣断壁。四. 1. I prefer telling the truth to lying.2. He couldnt persuade his sister to change her mind. 3. It was in the de

13、partment store that we held the meeting yesterday.4. She has many shortcomings, but we are all fond of her.5. Xiao Hua insisted that she didnt tell a lie and not apologize to me.6. The only thing he cares about is money.7. Once you understand this rule, youll have no difficulty.8. I was persuaded by

14、 him, so I had to give in.9. The city of Berlin was in ruins at the end of the war.10. The number of deaths has reachedrisen to 50.11. After the accident, the injured were sent to hospital right away.12. They came to our rescue when we were in danger. 13. The Huanghe river makes a wide bend at this

15、point. 14. Our journey by camel was quite an experience.15. She had just got out of bed and wasnt properly dressed.16. Since he has made up his mind, it is no use arguing with him.17. When we arrived, we were surprised to find him still alive.18. This summer, we had a nice time in the countryside.19

16、. On May 12th, 2008, people went to work or school as usual, not knowing at all that a disaster was just around the corner.20. We cant wait for you to join us.21. We have missed the bus. It looks as if we will have to walk.22. The big earthquake that shook Wenchuan left tens of thousands of people h

17、omeless.23. The events that people think little of may lead to disasters.24. The year is at an endhas come to an end before we know it.25. I would like to express my thanks to the teachers who have helped me.26. No words are strong enough to express my apology to you.27. The people who survived the

18、earthquake expressed their deep thanks to the army for the great efforts they had made to rescue them.28. We cant lose hope and confidence no matter what happens to us.29. When we arrived at the station, we looked around but found nobody.30. Word came that the whole village lay in ruins after the fl

19、ood.五. 汉译英:1-尽管年轻,他已取的了很大的成就。 - 是的,你也一样。(as; so)2这种风俗习惯已经存在了两千多年,这令很多外国人非常吃惊。(around)3他整天上网,但不喜欢玩电脑游戏,我也是这样。4在我国,北方人以小麦为主食,而南方人以大米为主食。5他既能与别人一起愉快的工作,也能独自做很多事情。6我因粗心而考试不及格,所以这怪不得别人,只能怪我自己。(have)7与动物交朋友可有助于我们理解动物保护的重要性。8直到我失去了这位朋友,我才意识到我们之间的友谊对我意味着什么。(倒装句)9尽管我们从没谋面,我们却是最好的朋友。10当我感到沮丧的时候,他总是愿意听我倾诉并尽力帮助

20、我。(down)五. 1-Young as he is, he has made great achievements. -So he has, and so have you.2.The custom has been around for more than two thousand years, which astonishes many foreigners.3. He surfs the Internet all the time but does not enjoy playing computer games, so it is with me./ It is the same

21、with me.4. In our country, people in the north live on wheat while people in the south live on rice.5. He can not only work with others happily but also do many things all alone.6. I failed in the examination because of my carelessness, so I have nobody but only myself to blame.7. Making friends wit

22、h animals can help us understand the importance of protecting them.8. Only after I lost such a friend, did I realize what the friendship between us meant to me.9. Although/ Despite the fact that we have never met each other, we are best friends.10. When I am feeling down, he will always listen to me

23、 and try to help me.六. 汉译英:1这种植物不是到处都有的。(find)2天快黑的时候,他们来到了一个偏僻的小村庄。(find)3他在回家的路上看到了一场交通事故。4你还有什么地方不清楚吗?5由于他们理解汉语还有一定的难度,所以我不得不一遍又一遍的重复我说过的话。6请再说一遍,我没听清。7在一个小孩的带领下,我们轻而易举的就找到了Mr. Smith的住处。8妇女要求同工同酬。9在国际贸易中,具有一定的英语知识是十分必要的。10他们国家盛产石油,而我们国家却一点没有。六1. This plant cant be found everywhere.2. As it was ge

24、tting dark, they found themselves in a lonely small village.3. On his way back home, he saw a traffic accident.4. Is there anything that is not clear to you?5. I had to repeat what I said again and again, because they still had some difficulty in understanding Chinese.6. I beg your pardon? I didnt c

25、atch what you said.7. With a boy leading us, we had no difficulty in finding Mr. Smiths house.8. Women demand equal pay for equal work.9. It is very necessary to have a knowledge of English in international trade.10. Their country has plenty of oil, while ours has none.七. 汉译英:1 下个月他们将去北戴河避暑。2他经常旅游的原

26、因是想品尝不同种类的食品。3她戴着墨镜,以免眼睛被太阳灼伤。4祝你在香港玩的愉快,顺便说一下,代我向李华问好。5徒步旅行时,一定要记住这些基本的规则, 他们都与你的安全相关。(keep)6他受到我们大家的爱戴和敬佩。7根据上周所作的调查,有百分之六十的学生反对这项决定。8上周该地区发生了一次地震,许多楼房和汽车受损。(which)9我们开个聚会庆祝你的生日吧!同时,你看我们都邀请哪些人参加。10过去,孩子们在街上玩是很平常的事。七1Next month, they will go to Beidaihe to get away from hot weather.2The reason why

27、he often go traveling is that he wants to try new kinds of food.3She is wearing her sunglasses to protect her eyes from the sun./ to prevent her eyes from being burned by the sun.4Have a nice time in Hongkong. By the way, say “Hi” to Li Hua for me.5When hiking, you must keep in mind these basic rule

28、s, which have much to do with your safety.6He was loved and admired by all of us.7According to the survey done last week, 60% of the students are against the decision.8Last week, an earthquake happened in this area, in which many buildings and cars were damaged.9Lets have a party to celebrate your b

29、irthday. At the same time, who do you think we will invite.10In the past, it was common for children to play in the street.八汉译英:1Rachel 承认她费了很大的劲儿才理解了这项任务。(time)2有朝一日,我实现了我的目标,我就幸福了。3他仔细聆听,然后执行老师的指示。4他虽没有创出新的纪录,但他做出了很大的努力。(attempt)5他向她求婚,但她拒绝了。6我非常珍惜和你一起度过的那些时光。7马铃薯最初是由南美传入欧洲的。8这个城镇变化太大了,你会认不出她来的。9人

30、们普遍认为她是该国最优秀的作家之一。10人们嘲笑她,因为她经常戴那么奇怪的帽子。八1Rachel admitted that she had a hard time understanding the assignment.2. Some day when I achieve my goals, I will be happy.3He listened carefully and carried out the teachers instructions.4. He failed to set a new record, but it was a good attempt.5. He aske

31、d her to marry him but she refused.6. I treasure the moments I spent with you.7. Potatoes were introduced into Europe from South America.8. The town has changed so much that you wouldnt recognize it.9. She is generally regarded as one of the best writers in the country.10. People make fun of her because she wears such strange hats.九汉语译:1. 这是一封写给Mr. Brown的信,你能教给他吗?好的。我一见到他就给他。2. 遇到麻烦时可请他帮忙。3请写下你的名字和地址,以便我们必要时能与你联系。4桌子上并排放着两个瓶子。5请尽快完

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