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1、刘定勇+英语复习考试大纲英语复习考试大纲一、课程概述适用班级:护理学ZJ051101计应用ZJ051101机电一体化ZJ051101适用教材:英语英语基本信息书名:中职教材:英语(3),出版社:高教出版,日期:2005-12-18,ISBN:9787040097139英语教材, 每册十个单元. 课文A为精读材料, 配有阅读理解,词汇,结构,翻译,等多种练习,重点培养学生的读写译的语言能力.二、考试说明本课程闭卷考试,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。试题题型及答题要求如下:一、单项选择(每小题1.5分,共30分)二、读文章然后选择正确的单词填空。(每小题1分,共10分)三、选词填空(每小题1分,

2、共10分)四、阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共25分) 五、翻译,作文(每小题2.5分,共25分)三、复习内容1. Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 5, Unit 6,2. The phrases and words, and its usage 3. Reading Comprehension4. The translation5. Writing英语复习题适用班级:护理学ZJ051101计应用ZJ051101机电一体化ZJ051101一从下列选项中选出所给单词的正确解释。(每题1分,共10分)A.not easy.B.a list of the dishes serv

3、ed in a restaurant.C.a large printed notice, pictures etc.D.a place where two roads meet and cross each other.E.person who offers to do something without being official document proving that you have passed an exam.G.a group of people get together to have fun.H.a store that sells medicines

4、.I.a person who brings food in a restaurant.J.a person who keeps records, and answer phones, usually for a company.1.secretary ( ) 2.volunteer ( ) ( ) 4.difficult ( )5.certificate ( ) ( ) 7.waitress ( ) 8.drugstore ( )9.crossroad ( ) 10.poster ( )二、单选题。(每题1分,共15分)11.I dont playing foo

5、tball. She it. ( ) A.likes;like;like;likes D.likes;likes12. is that hat? - 15 ( ) A. How much B.ewitch C. cowpats D. Two13.-Would you like a cup of coffee? - . ( ) A. No, I dont want Brno, thank you C.I dont like it Donor problem14.Fruit is good your health. ( ) A. to Bin Cove Deform15

6、.- , Mary? -Im washing my clothes. ( ) A. Whats up B. bowshots the matter C. cowpats are you doing D.Whats wrong16.There are days in February. ( ) A. thirty B.thirty-one C.twenty-eight D.twenty-six17.-Excuse me. the post office? -Go along and take the second turning on the left. ( ) A.Can I go to B.

7、How can I get to C.When can I go to D.Where can I got18.- ? -Well, I can repair computers and speak English.( ) A.What club do you want to join B.What qualifications do you have C.How can I join your club D.What club do you like to join19.It takes me half an hour homework. ( ) B.make C.get

8、 do20.You go home before dark. ( ) A.have better B.has better C.had better D.better21.Thanks for me. ( ) help C.helping D.helps22.He finds it easy basketball. ( ) A. to play C.playing D.plays23.Meiwei Restaurant is than Haoyun Restaurant. ( ) A.near B.neraer C.nearest D.more near2

9、4. are her . ( )A.This;brother B.these;brothers C.These;brother D.These;brothers25.Steven said he to get more students to help you with the job thenext morning. ( ) trying B.had tried C.will try D.would try三、读文章然后选择正确的单词填空。(每空1分,共8分) Eating out is one of the joys of being in the USA. The food is

10、 usually (26) (good,bad) and often excellent; the prices are reasonable, and the service is mostly fine. Some (27) (shops,restaurants) are open for breakfast; (28) (others,the other) are open twenty-four hours a day. A number of restaurants call (29) (himself,themselves) “family restaurants”. Many o

11、f these serve no alcohol(酒) and have (30) (a menu,menus) which include steaks, hamburgers, omelets(煎蛋饼) and sandwiches, and all are(31) (at,in) very reasonable prices. They may also (32) (give,serve) smaller and cheaper childrens portions(份餐). Note that many (33) (Australian,American) restaurants ar

12、e “specialty” restaurants. They may serve only, or mainly, steaks, seafood, etc.四、阅读理解。(每题3分,共45分)A Mike worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss said to him,”Mike, I want you to go to Richmond, to an office there, to see Mr Shute. Heres the address.” Mike went to Richmond. When he walk

13、ed out of the station, he thought,”The office isnt far from the station. Ill find it easily.”But after an hour he was still looking for it, so he stopped and asked an old woman. She said,”Go straight along this street and turn to the left at the end, and its the second building on the right.”Mike we

14、nt and found it. A few days later, he went to the same city, but again he did not find the office, so he asked someone the way. It was the same old woman, and she was quite surprised,”Are you still looking for the place?”34.What did the boss want Mike to do one day? ( )A.To go to Mikes office. B.To

15、buy something. C.To visit Mr Shute. D.To go to Richmond for his holiday.35.How did Mike go to Richmond? ( )班级: 姓名: 考场: 考号: 班级: 姓名: 考场: 考号: A.By car B.By train C.By ship D.By plane36.After walking out of the station, Mike . ( )A.asked an old woman where the office was B.went to the office with an old womanC.found the office easily D.lost his way back home37.Which of the following sentences is right? ( )A.Richmond was the name of a building.B.After a few days Mike met the same old woman in the same city.C.The office wasnt n

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