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1、学生考试系统山 东 工 商 学 院SHANDONG INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY毕业论文(设计)GRADUATIONTHESIS(DESIGN)论文(设计)题目Title Of Thesis(Design) 学生考试系统 分院(系别)Department 计算机科学与技术学院 专业Speciality 计算机科学与技术 班级Class计科084班论文(设计)作者Author of Thesis(Design)杨岳 论文完成日期Date 2012年05月论文(设计)指导教师Advisor于文莉指导教师职称The Title of Advisor 讲师

2、学生考试系统Student Examination System杨岳2012年 5 月 10 日May 10, 2012指导教师对毕业论文(设计)的评语Advisors Comments on Graduation Thesis (Design)评语: 指导教师(签章)Signature of Advisor 日期 Date 评阅人意见评阅人姓名:职称:选项标准: A很同意 B同意 C基本同意 D不同意分项评价评价项目ABCD选题质量1选题符合专业培养目标,体现综合训练基本要求2题目难易适度3题目工作量适当4有理论意义或实际价值能力水平5查阅文献资料能力强6综合运用知识能力强7研究方案的设计能

3、力强8研究方法和手段的运用能力强9外文应用能力强成果质量10文题相符11写作水平高12写作规范13篇幅适度14成果有理论或实际价值总体评价: 优 良 中 及格 不及格 评阅人评语 评阅人签字: 年 月 日答辩(评审)委员会意见 Appraisal of Defence Commission答辩(评审)成绩Mark of Defence鉴定意见Appraisal & Comments 主任(签章) Signature of Dean 日期Date学生考试系统 摘要在学校里考核学生成绩的办法就是考试,以往的考试过程往往是老师手工将试题写下来,再交由教务处进行排版印刷,这就要求老师们在考试之前的几个


5、力与财力,而且还可以大幅度增加考试成绩的客观性和公正性。 本论文主要介绍了系统的分析,设计和开发的全部过程。运用ER图,程序流程图等对系统的设计过程进行详细的说明。全文共分为绪论、开发环境及技术、系统分析、系统设计、系统实现、总结六部分。本系统采用C+语言和ACCESS 2003数据库进行开发。利用C+语言进行设计,实现了学生考试的功能。利用ACCESS 2003做后台数据库,不为数据量大所困,精密的权限控制,确保核心数据的万无一失。关键字:考试系统 C+ ACCESS 2003Student Examination SystemAbstract Approach is the examina

6、tion assessment of student performance in school, the examination process is often the teachers manually write down the questions, and then handed over to the office of academic affairs of typesetting printing, this requires that teachers begins to test preparation in the weeks before the exam. Afte

7、r the end of the exam, examination paper to be correct one by one, then fractional statistics, sorting, grouping and other work,undoubtedly accentuated the teachers burden. In order to reduce the workload of teachers, students take the exam easily whenever and wherever possible, the computer tests i

8、n ways that are slowly rise. The system implements a volume, volume changes, with scores of statistics function of student exam system.The target is on the examination management malpractice, according to the existing test process, the realization of the examination management in the electronic, pap

9、erless, promote the management informatization.Compared with the traditional mode of examination,the use of the computer test has incomparable superiority .it can be the traditional examination in the examination paper tissue, validation, transfer, registration issued printed collection, evaluation

10、archive links narrowed to one to two links, almost shielding all artificial direct intervention examination possibilities, not only can save a large amount of time, manpower, material and financial resources, but also a substantial in the objectivity and impartiality of the examination results.The p

11、aper introduces the systems analysis ,design and development process. With the data flow chart, ER chart and program flow chart, the design process of the system has been illustrated in detail. The paper can be divided into six parts: the introduction, development environment and technology, system

12、analysis, system design, system realization, summary.The system uses C + + and ACCESS 2003 database development. The use of C + + language to design, has realized the student examination functions. The use of ACCESS 2003 database to do the background, not for the large amount of data by precision, a

13、ccess control, to ensure that the core data of no danger of anything going wrong.Key words: examination system C+ ACCESS 2003目 录第一章 绪 论 11.1研究本课题的背景 11.2研究意义 2第二章 开发环境及技术 32.1 Visual C+6.0简介 32.2 ACCESS 简介 3第三章 系统分析 63.1社会需求 63.2功能需求 63.3业务流程分析 7第四章 系统设计 94.1系统设计目标 94.2系统功能结构 94.3系统预览 94.4数据库设计 114.

14、4.1数据库分析 124.4.2数据库概念设计 124.4.3数据库逻辑结构设计 15第五章 系统实现 185.1公共模块设计 185.2主窗体设计 195.3注册模块设计 225.3.1注册模块概述 225.3.2技术分析 235.3.3实现过程 255.4登录模块设计 275.4.1登录模块概述 275.4.2技术分析 275.4.3实现过程 285.5密码找回模块设计 295.5.1密码找回模块概述 295.5.2技术分析 295.5.3实现过程 305.6试题管理模块设计 315.6.1试题管理模块概述 315.6.2技术分析 315.6.3实现过程 325.7数据库维护模块设计 345.7.1数据库维护模块概述 355.7.2技术分析 355.7.3实现过程 36总结 38致谢语 39参考文献: 40 第一章 绪 论1.1研究本课题的背景随着家长对孩子教育方面的不断重视,教育在人们心中

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