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1、企业宣传资料的翻译第四讲 企业宣传资料的翻译Describing the Enterprises一、企业宣传材料的定义与功能(一)企业宣传材料的定义(二)企业宣传材料的功能二、企业宣传材料的文体特点及其翻译(一)英语企业宣传材料的文体特点及翻译1用词特点及其翻译2语法特点及其翻译3语气特点及其翻译(二)中文企业宣传材料的文体特点及翻译1用词特点及其翻译2语法特点及其翻译3修辞特点及其翻译4. 语气特点及其翻译三、产品说明书的翻译原则(一)客观真实地传达原文信息(二)译文简洁通顺紧凑(三)专业术语到位Eg 1: A world leader in mobile communications, N

2、okia has established itself as the leading manufacturer in the whole mobile industry. Backed by its experiences, innovation, user, friendliness and secure solutions, Nokia is the worlds leading supplier of mobile phones, fixed broadband and IP networks.Eg2: The main building of the hotel, as high as

3、 12 storeys, has 659 rooms (suits) meeting the international standard, equipped with central air conditioning, color TV with satellite programs, IDD and DDD phones, mimi-bars and comfortable beds.Eg 3: 我们将根据客户的需求,为您精心设计、量身定制,提供系统的、全方位的服务。公司汇聚了一支以诚信为本、从业经验丰富、具有高度敬业精神和责任感的高素质员工队伍。公司的每一名员工都以为客户提供到位、满意、

4、快捷的服务为基本工作准则。Eg 4: 诞生于上世纪末的虎豹集团,信守孜孜以求、永不言退的发展理念,在市场经济的大潮中,任凭浊浪排空,惊涛拍岸,独有胜似闲庭信步的自信,处变不惊,运筹帷幄。尽握无限商机于掌间,渐显王者之气于天地。We will offer systematic and all-around service tailored for the customers. We have a team of honest, experienced, responsible and excellent staff, who hold it as our work principle to of

5、fer our customers quick and satisfying services.Founded in the late 20th century, the Hubao Group has its philosophy of seizing business opportunities and achieving its brilliance in the ever-changing and competitive market.一、企业宣传材料的定义与功能(一)企业宣传材料的定义所谓企业宣传材料,就是企业为树立自己的形象,使用较为生动的语言对自己的现状、历史、组成、业务范围、业

6、务特色等进行介绍,从而达到宣传自己目的的书面材料。对企业而言,宣传自己极为重要,而其宣传材料在宣传过程中的作用举足轻重。(二) 企业宣传材料的功能企业宣传材料具有呼唤功能和信息功能。首先,根据英国翻译理论家Newmark对文本类型的划分,企业宣传材料属于呼唤型(Vocative)文体。呼唤型文本的功能在于号召读者采取行动、进行思考或去感受,实际上就是号召读者按照文本的意图做出“反应”。( calling upon the readership to act, think or feel,in fact to react in the way intended by the text) (New

7、mark, 2001:41)而企业宣传材料的目的在于树立企业良好形象,吸引国内外投资商、厂家、销售商、消费者等群体,使得这些群体产生对企业投资或合作或购买该企业产品或服务的兴趣。所以,很多企业在宣传自己的时候,会使用一些描述性较强的词句,中文企业宣传材料尤其如此。“有许多企业在宣传自己的企业前会对当地的城市进行一番描写,引经据典,不亦乐乎,篇幅也较长;其宣传在措词上远离了平实和准确的标准,有点王婆卖瓜之嫌。”(许建中,2002:145)当然,企业宣传材料还兼有信息功能,因为这些材料还要为宣传对象提供一些有关企业情况的实质性信息,使这些对象对企业有一个真正的了解。具体说来,企业宣传材料一般会包括


9、在叙述时往往使用较为简单的词汇,这样可以使宣传材料浅显易懂,照顾到了各个层次的读者,也就照顾到了各个层次的消费者。翻译的时候,尽量也选用一些普通词汇,但由于中文企业宣传材料描述性相对较强,也可以选用中文企业宣传材料常用的一些表述方法,例如:例1:Metrostav is one of the thriving leaders among Central European construction companies, characterized by sustainable growth of production performance and market value, with mana

10、gement levels meeting EU standardsMetrostav公司是中欧建筑公司中势头迅猛的龙头企业,其生产业绩和市值持续增长,管理水平符合欧盟标准。例2:Naturally PostBus Tourism is not only concerned with groups but also about the individual traveler who would like to explore Switzerland under their own steam. 当然,瑞士邮政巴士旅游局不仅为团体游客提供服务,还为那些喜欢独自探索瑞士的散客提供帮助。 (2)使用

11、抽象名词抽象名词在英语里使用得相当普遍,尤其常用于社会科学、官方文章、商业材料、法律文件和科技文章当中。英语企业宣传材料往往也会使用抽象名词,让行文看起来比较正式庄重。而且,英语的文法和后缀也方便了抽象名词的使用。但是,与英语相比,“汉语用词倾向于具体,常常以实的形式表达虚构的概念; 以具体的形象表达抽象的内容。汉语没有形态变化,式相同的词,可以是名词,也可以是动词,还可以是形容词或其他词”(连淑能,1993:136)。因此,英文企业宣传材料中的抽象名词,尤其是由动词和或形容词加后缀的抽象名词一般可以分别转化为汉语的动词或形容词。例如:例3:Reliability, security and

12、customer proximity is included in the philosophy of PostBus Switzerland.瑞士邮政巴士旅游局的理念是可靠、安全、亲近顾客。例4:It is a body for the representation and promotion of the sectors interest specially in the economic, commercial and technological field该机构主要在经济、商业和技术领域代表并促进该部门的利益。以上两个例子中,例3的reliability、 security分别由形容词

13、reliable 、secure加后缀变成了抽象名词,翻译时转换成了汉语的形容词“可靠”、 “安全”,proximity根据上下文,译成了汉语的动词“亲近”。例4中的representation和promotion两个由动词加后缀转换来的抽象名词转换成汉语的动词“代表”和“促进”。关于英文有动词转化来的抽象名词翻译成汉语时一般转换成动词,已经在上一章论述,这里仅举上述两例。(3)多使用主动语态Eg:Volve, the Swedish automotive, energy and food group, increased its profits by ten point nine perce

14、nt in the first quarter of the year despite a fall of five percent in group turnover.尽管瑞典汽车、能源和食品公司集团沃尔沃本年度的总营业额下降了5%,但其利润却提高了10.9%。Eg: The company will continue to function in all the fields of building industry in the Czech Republic, with a center in Prague.该公司将继续在捷克建筑行业各领域发挥作用,总部设在布拉格。(二) 中文企业宣传材

15、料的问题特点及翻译1. 常用描述性很强的词汇Eg:饭店集中国传统神韵与西方现代风格于一体,庄重、富丽、 典雅。大堂的八根镀金大柱交相辉映,白色大理石楼梯上方镶嵌有中国古典雕漆画。The hotel integrates the traditional Chinese spirit and the modern Western style, magnificent and elegant. In the lobby stand 8 gilded columns brilliant and over the white marble staircases hang huge classical C

16、hinese paintings.Eg: 萃华楼烹制的菜肴选料精细,操作严谨,刀法娴熟,讲究火候。成品具有“清、鲜、脆、嫩”的特色,而且“色、香、味、形、养”五质具备。Dishes served at Cuihualou Restaurant require fine materials, meticulous cooking, adept skills and strict cooking time. All of them are pleasant to your eye, your tongue and above all, your health.Eg: 我公司经营的品种中有举世闻名的

17、贝雕工艺品;色彩艳丽、种类繁多的人造花卉;令人爱不释手的小工艺品;体态生动活泼的各式玩具;款式新颖、穿着舒适的各种工艺鞋;稀有名贵的钻石珠宝;技艺精湛、巧夺天工的玉石雕刻;格调高雅的抽纱工艺品与50余类其它商品。Our famous products include shell carvings, a variety of colorful artificial flowers, small arts and crafts articles, lively toys, fashionable and comfortable shoes, rare jewelry, meticulous jad

18、e carvings and sophisticated embroideries as well as over 50 other varieties of goods.2. 多用含有并列结构的长句。Eg: 饭店主楼12层,拥有客房659间(套),客房具有国际标准,装有自动调节室温的中央空调、能接收国际卫星节目的彩色电视系统、国际国内直长途电话,小酒吧酒水齐备,床位宽阔舒适。The main building of the hotel, as high as 12 storeys, has 659 rooms (suits) meeting the international standar

19、d, equipped with central air conditioning, color TV with satellite programs, IDD and DDD phones, mimi-bars and comfortable beds.3. 多使用修辞手法,善于使用溢美之词。Eg:一座现代化的钢铁联合企业屹立在东海之滨。A modern integrated iron & steel complex is standing like a giant on the shores of the East China Sea. Eg 4: 诞生于上世纪末的虎豹集团,信守孜孜以求、

20、永不言退的发展理念,在市场经济的大潮中,任凭浊浪排空,惊涛拍岸,独有胜似闲庭信步的自信,处变不惊,运筹帷幄。尽握无限商机于掌间,渐显王者之气于天地。Founded in the late 20th century, the Hubao Group has its philosophy of seizing business opportunities and achieving its brilliance in the ever-changing and competitive market.Eg: 创新是惊天动地的力量,创新是不破不立的传承。中钞国鼎在国际先进经营理念和中国优秀传统文化中穿

21、梭,紧握时代脉搏,深刻剖析社会需求,在继承与创新中精确地找到了企业的定位。Innovation suggests power; innovation symbolizes progress. China Golddeal, adhering to the advanced international business philosophy and brilliant Chinese culture, has found its orientation by inheriting and innovating, by keeping up with the times and recognizi

22、ng the social demand.三企业宣传资料的翻译原则(一)英译汉时,在保存原文信息的同时,可适当增加其美感;(二)汉译英时,在保存原作信息的同时,可适当降低其美感和渲染程度。Eg:The additional excursions are exceptional and can be adapted to the needs and requests of our customers. The trips do not end at the national border. PostBus Tourism will also accompany the holiday group

23、 abroad to the neighboring counties of Switzerland.其他旅游也非比寻常,可以根据客户的需求量身定做。游览并不限于瑞士境内,邮政巴士旅游局还可以陪同度假旅游团前往瑞士邻国游览。Eg:In support of its operations, the company has established a network of affiliated companies, which are located across the Czech Republic, as well as abroad.为进一步巩固其经营业绩,公司建立了分公司网络,这些分公司分

24、布在捷克各地,有些已经走出国门。Eg: 我们将根据客户的需求,为您精心设计、量身定制,提供系统的、全方位的服务。公司汇聚了一支以诚信为本、从业经验丰富、具有高度敬业精神和责任感的高素质员工队伍。公司的每一名员工都以为客户提供到位、满意、快捷的服务为基本工作准则。We will offer systematic and all-around service tailored for the customers. We have a team of honest, experienced, responsible and excellent staff, who hold it as our wo

25、rk principle to offer our customers quick and satisfying services.中钞国鼎拥有一支锐意进取、理想高远的高素质团队,他们是一群乐于奉献的灵魂舞者,在创意与设计的世界中舞蹈、在文化与经济的领域中翱翔。正是这样一支队伍,演绎了中钞国鼎三年间飞速发展的惊世传奇。China Golddeal has a progressive and visionary team of staff who are always ready to devote themselves to creation and design, cultural tradition and economic development. It is the team that has created the legend of three years of rapid development of China Golddeal.:

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