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1、崔荣容英语语法精编版最新资料推荐 Pocket英语语法 第一讲英语五种基本句式 He learns English every day. 他每天学英语 谓) (主+基本句式一:S V The universe remains 宇宙长存 .表语是描述主语性质特点位置的词+表) 系动词表连系作用 基本句式二:S V P (主+系 The food is delicious 这个食物很好吃 )宾语是动作执行的对象谓+宾 基本句式三:S V O (主+ He took his bag and left 他拿着书包离开了 ,一般指物。,一般指人。 O间宾+直宾)注: o+ 基本句式四:S V o O (

2、主+谓 他的爸爸给他买了一本词典。 Her father bought her a dictionary )宾+宾补:S V O C (主+谓+ 基本句式五 我们选他当班长。 We made him our monitor !Nothing is impossible to a willing heart!有志者事竟成 第二讲Be动词的形式和用法 Be动词的形式: 一般现在时: be,is,am,are。 一般过去时:was,were。 Be动词的现在分词:being。 Be动词的过去分词:been。 = Is:和单数主语连用的be动词。The man is back. Are: 和复数主语连

3、用的be动词。They are back Was:和单数主语连用的be动词 he was back. Were:复数主语连用的过去形式。They were back Been:复数主语连用的现在完成时态形式 they have been back Be动词的用法: 后面接名词,形容词,地点副词,或短语作补足语。 a tercher 是补足语,补充说明前面的 the man is a teacher 1 Marys new dresses are colorful 2 3 My mother was in the kitchen 动词的练习:Be :They 现在时 are teachers.

4、他们是老师。 但现在不是了他以前是一名老师。()was过去时:he a teacher before. 年的老师了。现在完成时:He has been a teacher for 3 years 他已经当了3第三讲Be动词的否定/提问/回答 Be动词的否定 在am, is, are, was, were 后面加not 缩略式 am not,isnt,arent,wasnt,werent. 1 最新资料推荐 They werent back They arent back He wasnt back 例子:The man isnt back I am not back 动词提问和回答Be Is

5、he a teacher? 不,他不是 Yes,he is/No,he isnt是的,他是/ 你是一名老师么?Are you a teacher? 不,我不是 Yes,I am/No, I am not是的,我是/ 他们以前是老师么? Were they teacher? 不,他们不是。 Yes,they were /No,they werent 是的,他们是/ Be 动词的练习: / No,he isnt 不他不是 他是医生么?Is he a doctor? Yes, he is 1. classroom) Were they in the classroom yesterday? 2他们昨

6、天在教室么?(yesterday, ,they wasnt 是的,他们在/不,他们不在 , Yesthey was/ No 他们昨天不在教室 They werent in the classroom yesterday 3 第四讲代词的主格和宾格 主格代词:I he she it you we they you are teacherhe is a teacher I am a teacher 宾格代词:me him her it you us them I like him 我喜欢他们 We like her. 我们喜欢她 He likes me. 他喜欢我 。他们认识他They know

7、him练习:我喜欢它I like it /形容词性物主代词第五讲名词性 形容词性物主代词: ) 单数形式:my,your,his/her/its,ones(某人的 their(他们的)(我们的),your(你们的) ,复数形式:our 形容性物主代词后直接跟名词 我爱我们的祖国 we love our motherland 例子:this is my book 这是我的书 那些是你的袜子those are your socks 名词性物主代词: (某人的)his/hers/its,onesyours 单数形式:mine我的,你的, theirs他们的我们的,yours你们的, 复数形式:our

8、s 名词性物主代词:有名词性质,不能接任何名词,本身有了名词的概念 the apple is hers 例子:the book is ours 我的老师是中国人练习:My teacher is Chinese 这个电脑是他们的 This computer is theirs 我们的书在书架上 Our book is on the sheif 物词性形容词性宾格 主格 名 主代词物主代词 MineMy Me I 我His His Him He 他Hers Her SheHer 她Its ItItIts 它 Yours YouYouYour 你/你2 最新资料推荐 们WUOuOur 我们 Thei

9、rsThem TheirThey 他们主格:放在主语的位置上 宾格:放在宾格的位置上 形容词性物主代词:后面可接名词 名词性物主代词:后面不可接名词了,本身包含名词意思。(得综合上下文看)。 第六讲反身代词 反身代词:某人自己 Myself 我自己 yourselves 你们自己 Yourself 你自己 ourselves 我们自己 Herself 她自己 themselves 它们自己 Himself 他自己 Itself 它自己 反身代词语法 please help yourself to some fish随便吃些鱼吧。 we enjoyed ourselves last night.

10、 我们昨天晚上玩的很开心 the thing itself is not important事情本身并不重要 练习:take good care of (yourself). 照顾好自己 She gained contral of (herself) 她控制住了她自己 第七讲: 实意动词的特征 (Come read go watch play fly)具有实在意义 he comes from Shenyang. 他来自沈阳(实意动词在句子中作谓语)(一般现在时) she is reading story books她正在阅读故事书.(现在进行时) They went to America ye

11、sterday他们昨天去美国了(went是go 的过去时) We have watched the game for three times我们已经看这个游戏看了3遍了(现在完成时) My mother will fly back to china next month。我的妈妈将在下个月飞回国(将来时,前面加上will) 练习He come to Shanghai yesterday。他昨天来上海了 We are writing homework我们正在写作业 They have read this book three times他们读这本书已经读3遍了。 第八讲:实意动词的否定/提问/回

12、答. 使用助动词进行否定,在助动词(一般现在式)do (三单)does (过去式)did后面加not. Do not /dont does not/doesnt did not/didnt 1,I dont go to school by bus.我不坐公车去上学. 2,she doesnt watch TV everyday.她每天不看电视 3,they didnt swim last night.他们昨晚没游泳 使用助动词进行提问: 助动词放句首.动词变原形. 3 最新资料推荐 1,he often plays golf.他经常打高尔夫球 Does he often play golf?

13、他经常打高尔夫球吗? Yes, he does/ No, he doesnt. 2,they go to school by bus.他们坐公车去上学. Do they go to school by bus?他们坐公车去上学吗? Yes, they do. /No, they dont 3,sam had breakfast yesterday. sam昨天吃早餐了. Did sam have breakfast yesterday? Yes, he did No,he didnt 练习:1,他每天都学英语吗?Does he learn englidh everyday? Yes, he d

14、oes. No,he doesnt 2,tom 昨天没吃早餐.(have breakfast) tom didnt have breakfast yesterday. 第九讲:使用疑问词进行提问和回答 使用疑问词进行提问:when where who what how He bought three books yesterday.他昨天买了三本书 Who bought three books yesterday.谁昨天买了三本书? What did he buy yesterday.他昨天买了什么? 疑问词不是主语需加助动词在疑问词后面 When did he buy three books

15、?他什么时候买的三本书? 疑问词不是主语需加助动词 They wanted to go to shanghai by air. Who wanted to go to shanghai by air? Where did they want to go by air? How did they want to go to shanghai? 第十讲:使用疑问词进行提问和回答 How long多长时间, how far多远, how often多长时间一次, why为什么 1,they have been in china for three years. How long have they

16、been in china. 2,it is about 4 kilometers from Beijing to Xian? How far is it from Beijing to Xian? 一星期一次. 3,they come to visit me once a weekHow often do they come to visit me? 4,she came late, because she missed the bus.她来晚了,因此错过了公车. Why did she come late? 练习:1,他们学汉语多长时间了? How long have they learn

17、ed English.现在完成式. 2,你多长时间看一次电影? How often do you watch movies? 你的家离学校多远? How far is it form your house to your school? 第十一讲: 名词 1可数名词(countable noun)指数得过来的概念,有单复数之分 4 最新资料推荐 Apple-apples pencil-pecils student-. Tomato-tomatoes 一般加s 以结尾加es. Bus-buses 以辅音字母+y结尾,y变i加es 以o结尾,如果不是外来词或缩写就加es to

18、mato-tomatoes 缩写hippo-hippos 可数名词前加a(an)或量词 Apple- an apple-apples a box of apples. Tomato-a tomato-tomatoes a bag of tomatoes. 2不可数名词(uncountable noun)无法计算的数量或抽象概念,不可加a,an,没有复数,但前面可加量词 Salt coffee water history love Coffee-a cup of coffee, 练习:he bought me a box of chocolate, a bike 第十二讲:指示代词和不定代词 指

19、示代词:标识人或事物的代词,用来代替前面已提到的名词This these that those This is his book. Those apples were his. 不定代词:指代不确定的人或事物.one,the other, some,any something,nothing. No one knows there he is. Some of the boys want to go to shanghai, but the others want to go to xian. Each of the students has got a book.学生中的每一个人都有一本书.

20、 练习:1,these teachers are form china 2,I know nothing about this person. 3,I have something to tell you. 第十三讲:形容词 形容人或事物的状态,性质,大小等,通常用在名词前或be动词后. Beautiful-the beautiful girl the girl is beautiful. The+形容词=复数名词,表示一类,后面的动词使用复数. Old-the old young-the young the old need more care than the young. 练习;1,sh

21、e is a good student. This bike is expansive. The rich sometimes complain their empty life. 第十四讲:副词 副词可以修饰动词,形容词,其它副词以及其它结构. He runs fast. She is very beautiful. They work very hard. 副司的位置:根据情况,入在助动词之后,实意动词之前或之后.形容词之前,其它副词之前或之后.多个助动词时,副词一般放在第一个助动词后. He speaks very fast. They have already left . they

22、have already been repaired. 常用的频度副词always usually,often,sometimes never的位置通常放在一般动词前面,Be动词后面,助动词和实意动词之间. They always come early. Sam often writes homework at 7:00 练习:please write the word slowly. They sometimes come here. The tree is very tall. 第十五讲: 不定量的表达法;不确定数量的表达法 5 最新资料推荐 Some any most every all

23、 Some主要用于肯定句,希望得到肯定回答时,也可用在疑问句中,any主要用在否定或疑问句中. Id been expecting some letters the whole morning, but there werent any for me. Most作形容词时表示大部分的.后面接复数名词. Most people here are from china. Every表示每一个,所有,后面接单数名词. Every one likes the film. All表示所有,后面接可数名词复数,不可数名词单数. All the cars are parked in the parking

24、lot. All the coffee is served on time. 练习:some boys went camping yesterday. All the children like to play football. Most teachers want to work here. 第十六讲:不定量表达法-2 Both表示两者都,可作形容词,代词和副词,either表示二者之一, neither表示二者都不. Both his eyes were severely burned. There are trees on either side of the street. Neit

25、her answer is correct. Many修饰可数名词,表示许多,much修饰不可数名词,表示许多. A lot of (lots of ), plenty of 均可修饰可数和不可数名词. Many books much water. A lot of / lots of books/water 练习:both the hands are washed. Tom drank a lot of coffee last night. 第十七讲: 不定量的表达法-3 A few为肯定含义几个, few 为否定含义没几个,二个词均可和不可数名词连用. A few books are pu

26、t into the box. Few books are put into the box. A little为肯定含义一点儿,little为否定含义没多点.二个词均可和不可数名词连用 There is a little water in the bottle. There is little water in the bottle. None, no one的意思相同,主要作代词,为一个也不,一点也不.用法稍有区别. None 可以接of短语,动词可用单数,也可用复数. No one不可以接of短语,动词只能用单数. No one knows the answer. None of us

27、have arrived. 练习:a few books are put into the box. There is a little water in the bottle. None of us have arrived. 第十八讲: there/here be句型. There/here be,根据上下文,有多种翻译方法,有,是.be动词根据后面的名词有单复数变化. There is a book on the bookshelf there are some books on the bookshelf. Here is the bus stop. Here are your boo

28、ks. 练习:there is a lot of water in the bottle. Here is your car. There are many students in the room. 第十九讲: 一般现在时和现在进行时 6 最新资料推荐 一般现在时表示通常性,规律性,习惯性状态或者动作,评语是三单有变化.非三单时为原形. They often get up at 7:00 he often gets up at 7:00 三单变化,加s. 以字母结尾加es. Guess-guesses 以辅音+y结尾,y变为i再加es. Study-studies. 一般现在

29、时否定和疑问句用do,does He doesnt like the car. Does he like the car? Yes,he does/no,he doesnt They dont like the car. Do they like the car? Yes,they do/no they dont 现在进行时表示正在进行或发生的动作,通常有now等时间副词响应,形式为be+Ving They are watching TV. He is watching TV I am watching TV. 动词现在分词Ving 的变化规则:加ing 以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing, ta

30、ke-taking 重读闭音节,要双写尾字母再加ing, cut-cutting 以ie结尾,变ie为y再加ing. Lie-lying. 现在进行时否定和疑问,be动词否定或提前. They arent watching TV , are they watching TV? He isnt watching TV. Is he watching TV? Am I watching TV? Yes,you are, no,you arent. 练习: he works very late every day do you study English yourself? Yes,I do. They are playing soccer now. 第二十讲: 一般过去和过去进行式 一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的

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