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1、中国科学院大学博士研究生入学考试英语考试大纲读书破万卷 下笔如有神 考试对象 报考中国科学院大学各单位(具体指中国科学院所属各研究院、所、中心、园、台、站及校部各直属院系)相关专业拟攻读博士学位的考生。 考试目的 检验考生是否具有进入攻读博士学位阶段的英语水平和能力。 考试类型、考试内容及考试结构 本考试共有五个部分:词汇(占10%)、完形填空(占15%)、阅读理解(占40%)、英译汉(占15%),写作(占20%)。试卷分为:试卷一(Paper One)客观试题,包括前三个部分,共75题,顺序排号;试卷二(Paper Two)主观试题,包括英译汉和写作两个部分。 一、词汇 主要测试考生是否具备

2、一定的词汇量和根据上下文对词和词组意义判断的能力。词和词组的测试范围基本以本考试大纲词汇表为参照依据。共20题。每题为一个留有空白的英文句子。要求考生从所给的四个选项中选出可用在句中的最恰当词或词组。 二、完形填空 主要测试考生在语篇层次上的理解能力以及对词汇表达方式和结构掌握的程度。考生应具有借助于词汇、句法及上下文线索对语言进行综合分析和应用的能力。要求考生就所给篇章中15处空白所需的词或短语分别从四个选项中选出最佳答案。 三、阅读理解 本部分共分两节。要求考生能: 1)掌握中心思想、主要内容和具体细节; 2)进行相关的判断和推理; 3)准确把握某些词和词组在上下文中的特定含义; 4)领会

3、作者观点和意图、判断作者的态度。 A节:主要测试考生在规定时间内通过阅读获取相关信息的能力。考生须完成1800-2000词的阅读量并就题目从四个选项中选出最佳答案。 B节:主要测试考生对诸如连贯性和一致性等语段特征的理解。考生须完成700900词的阅读量(2篇短文),并根据每篇文章(约400词)的内容,从文后所提供的6段文字中选择能分别放进文章中5个空白处的5段。 四、英译汉 要求考生将一篇近400词的英语短文中有下划线的5个句子翻译成汉语。主要测试考生是否能从语篇的角度正确理解英语原句的意思,并能用准确、达意的汉语 书面表达出来。读书破万卷 下笔如有神 五、写作 要求考生按照命题、所给提纲或

4、背景图、表写出一篇不少于200字的短文。目的是测试考生用英语表达思想或传递信息的能力及对英文写作基础知识的实际运用。 考试时间及计分 考试时间总计为180分钟,其中试卷一为110分钟,试卷二为70分钟。卷面总分100分。详见下表: 试卷一: 时间(分题号 名称 题量 分值 钟) I 词汇选择填空 20 10 15 II 完形填空 15 15 15 III-A 阅读理解(A) 30 30 60 III-B 阅读理解(B) 10 10 20 小计 75 65 110分钟 试卷二: 题题时间(分名称 分值 号 量 钟) 英译汉语篇中句IV 5 15 30 子 V 写作 1 20 40 小 6 35

5、70分钟 计 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 SAMPLE TEST UNIVERSITY OF CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ENGLISH ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR DOCTORAL CANDIDATES PAPER ONE PART I VOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 point each) Choose the word or expression below each sentence that best : Directionscompletes the statement, and mark

6、the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. 1. Ten years ago, a house with a decent bathroom was a _ symbol among university professors. A. post B. status C. position D. place 2. It would be far better if collectors could

7、 be persuaded to spend their time and money in support of _ archaeological research. A. legible B. legitimate C. legislative D. illicit 3. We seek a society that has at its _ a respect for the dignity and worth of the individual. A. end B. hand C. core D. best 4. A variety of problems have greatly _

8、the countrys normal educational development. A. impeded B. imparted C. implored D. implemented 5. A good education is an asset you can _for the rest of your life. A. spell out B. call upon C. fall over D. resort to 6. Oil can change a society more _ than anyone could ever have imagined. B. severely

9、A. grossly 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 C. rapidly D. drastically 7. Beneath its myriad rules, the fundamental purpose of _ is to make the world a pleasanter place to live in, and you a more pleasant person to live with. A. elitism B. eloquence C. eminence D. etiquette 8. The New Testament was not only written in th

10、e Greek language, but ideas derived from Greek philosophy were _ in many parts of it. A. altered B. criticized D. translated C. incorporated 9. Nobody will ever know the agony I go _ waiting for him to come home. A. over B. with C. down D. through 10. While a countrys economy is becoming the most pr

11、omising in the world, its people should be more _ about their quality of life. A. discriminating B. distributing C. disagreeing D. disclosing 11. Cheated by two boys whom he had trust on, Joseph promised to _ them. A. find fault with B. make the most of C. look down upon D. get even with 12. The Min

12、isters _ answer let to an outcry from the Opposition. A. impressive B. evasive C. intensive D. exhaustive 13. In proportion as the _ between classes within the nation disappears the hostility of one nation to another will come to an end. A. intolerance B. pessimism C. injustice D. antagonism 14. Eve

13、ryone does their own thing, to the point where a fifth-grade teacher cant _ on a fourth-grade teacher having taught certain things. A. count B. insist C. fall D. dwell 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 15. When the fire broke out in the building, the people lost their _ and ran into the elevator. A. hearts B. tempers C.

14、heads D. senses 16. Consumers deprived of the information and advice they needed were quite simply _ every cheat in the marketplace. A. at the mercy of B. in lieu of D. for the price of C. by courtesy of 17. In fact the purchasing power of a single persons pension in Hong Kong was only 70 per cent o

15、f the value of the _ Singapore pension. A. equivalent B. similar C. consistent D. identical 18. He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk _. A. honestly B. graciously C. coherently D. flexibly 19. The novel, which is a work of art, exists not by its _ life, but

16、 by its immeasurable difference from life. A. significance in B. imagination at C. resemblance to D. predominance over 20. She was artful and could always _ her parents in the end. A. shout down B. get round C. comply with D. pass over PART II CLOZE TEST (15 minutes, 15 points) For each blank in the

17、 following passage, choose the best answer :Directionsfrom the four choices given in the opposite column. Mark the corresponding letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. We are entering a period in which rapid population growth, the pre

18、sence of deadly weapons, and dwindling resources will bring international tensions to dangerous levels for an extended period. Indeed, 21 seems no reason for these levels of danger to subside unless population equilibrium is 22 of fairness reached in the distribution of wealth rough measureand some

19、读书破万卷 下笔如有神 among nations. 23 of adequate magnitude imply a willingness to redistribute income internationally on a more generous 24 than the advanced nations have evidenced within their own domains. The required increases in 25 in the backward regions would necessitate gigantic applications of ener

20、gy merely to extract the 26 resources. It is uncertain whether the requisite energy-producing technology exists, and more serious, 27 that its application would bring us to the threshold of an irreversible change in climate 28 a consequence of the enormous addition of manmade heat to the atmosphere.

21、 It is this 29 problem that poses the most demanding and difficult of the challenges. The existing 30 of industrial growth, with no allowance for increased industrialization to repair global poverty, hold 31 the risk of entering the danger zone of climatic change in as 32 as three or four generation

22、s. If the trajectory is in fact pursued, industrial growth will 33 have to come to an immediate halt, for another generation or two along that 34 would literally consume human, perhaps all life. The terrifying outcome can be postponed only to the extent that the wastage of heat can be reduced, 35 th

23、at technologies that do not add to the atmospheric heat burdenfor example, the use of solar energycan be utilized. (1996) 21. A. one B. it C. this D. there 22. A. achieved B. succeeded C. produced D. executed 23. A. Transfers B. Transactions C. Transports D. Transcripts 24. A. extent B. scale C. mea

24、sure D. range 25. A. outgrowth B. outcrop C. output D. outcome 26. A. needed B. needy C. needless D. needing 27. A. possible B. possibly C. probable D. probably 28. A. in B. with C. as D. to 29. A. least B. late C. latest D. last 30. A. race B. pace C. face D. lace 31. A. on B. up C. down D. out 32.

25、 A. less B. fewer C. many D. little 33. A. rather B. hardly C. then D. yet 34. A. line B. move C. drive D. track 35. A. if B. or C. while D. as PART III READING COMPREHENSION Section A (60 minutes, 30 points) Below each of the following passages you will find some questions : Directionsor incomplete

26、 statements. Each question or statement is followed carefully, passage each Read D. and C, B, A, marked choices four by 读书破万卷 下笔如有神 and then select the choice that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark the letter of your choice with a single bar across the square brackets on you

27、r Machine-scoring Answer Sheet. Passage 1 The writing of a historical synthesis involves integrating the materials available to the historian into a comprehensible whole. The problem in writing a historical synthesis is how to find a pattern in, or impose a pattern upon, the detailed information tha

28、t has already been used to explain the causes for a historical event. A synthesis seeks common elements in which to interpret the contingent parts of a historical event. The initial step, therefore, in writing a historical synthesis, is to put the event to be synthesized in a proper historical persp

29、ective, so that the common elements or strands making up the event can be determined. This can be accomplished by analyzing the historical event as part of a general trend or continuum in history. The common elements that are familiar to the event will become the ideological framework in which the h

30、istorian seeks to synthesize. This is not to say that any factor will not have a greater relative value in the historians handling of the interrelated when viewed in a broad historical perspective. The historian, in synthesizing, must determine the extent to which the existing hypotheses have similar trends. A general trend line, once established, will enable these similar trends to be correlated and paralleled within the conceptual framework of a common base. A synthes

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